/* * Copyright (C)2005-2019 Haxe Foundation * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ package haxe.macro; import haxe.macro.Type; import haxe.macro.Expr; using Lambda; class ExampleJSGenerator { var api:JSGenApi; var buf:StringBuf; var inits:List<TypedExpr>; var statics:List<{c:ClassType, f:ClassField}>; var packages:haxe.ds.StringMap<Bool>; var forbidden:haxe.ds.StringMap<Bool>; public function new(api) { this.api = api; buf = new StringBuf(); inits = new List(); statics = new List(); packages = new haxe.ds.StringMap(); forbidden = new haxe.ds.StringMap(); for (x in ["prototype", "__proto__", "constructor"]) forbidden.set(x, true); api.setTypeAccessor(getType); } function getType(t:Type) { return switch (t) { case TInst(c, _): getPath(c.get()); case TEnum(e, _): getPath(e.get()); case TAbstract(a, _): getPath(a.get()); default: throw "assert"; }; } inline function print(str:String) { buf.add(str); } inline function newline() { buf.add(";\n"); } inline function genExpr(e) { print(api.generateValue(e)); } function field(p) { return api.isKeyword(p) ? '["' + p + '"]' : "." + p; } function genPackage(p:Array<String>) { var full = null; for (x in p) { var prev = full; if (full == null) full = x else full += "." + x; if (packages.exists(full)) continue; packages.set(full, true); if (prev == null) print('if(typeof $x==\'undefined\') $x = {}'); else { var p = prev + field(x); print('if(!$p) $p = {}'); } newline(); } } function getPath(t:BaseType) { return (t.pack.length == 0) ? t.name : t.pack.join(".") + "." + t.name; } function checkFieldName(c:ClassType, f:ClassField) { if (forbidden.exists(f.name)) Context.error("The field " + f.name + " is not allowed in JS", c.pos); } function genClassField(c:ClassType, p:String, f:ClassField) { checkFieldName(c, f); var field = field(f.name); print('$p.prototype$field = '); var e = f.expr(); if (e == null) print("null"); else { genExpr(e); } newline(); } function genStaticField(c:ClassType, p:String, f:ClassField) { checkFieldName(c, f); var field = field(f.name); var e = f.expr(); if (e == null) { print('$p$field = null'); newline(); } else switch (f.kind) { case FMethod(_): print('$p$field = '); genExpr(e); newline(); default: statics.add({c: c, f: f}); } } function genClass(c:ClassType) { genPackage(c.pack); api.setCurrentClass(c); var p = getPath(c); print('$p = $$hxClasses[\'$p\'] = '); if (c.constructor != null) genExpr(c.constructor.get().expr()); else print("function() { }"); newline(); print('$p.__name__ = "$p"'); newline(); if (c.superClass != null) { var psup = getPath(c.superClass.t.get()); print('$p.__super__ = $psup'); newline(); print('for(var k in $psup.prototype ) $p.prototype[k] = $psup.prototype[k]'); newline(); } for (f in c.statics.get()) genStaticField(c, p, f); for (f in c.fields.get()) { switch (f.kind) { case FVar(r, _): if (r == AccResolve) continue; default: } genClassField(c, p, f); } print('$p.prototype.__class__ = $p'); newline(); if (c.interfaces.length > 0) { var me = this; var inter = c.interfaces.map(function(i) return me.getPath(i.t.get())).join(","); print('$p.__interfaces__ = [$inter]'); newline(); } } function genEnum(e:EnumType) { genPackage(e.pack); var p = getPath(e); var constructs = e.names.map(api.quoteString).join(","); print('$p = $$hxClasses[\'$p\'] = { __ename__ : \'$p\', __constructs__ : [$constructs] }'); newline(); for (c in e.constructs.keys()) { var c = e.constructs.get(c); var f = field(c.name); print('$p$f = '); switch (c.type) { case TFun(args, _): var sargs = args.map(function(a) return a.name).join(","); print('function($sargs) { var $$x = ["${c.name}",${c.index},$sargs]; $$x.__enum__ = $p; $$x.toString = $$estr; return $$x; }'); default: print("[" + api.quoteString(c.name) + "," + c.index + "]"); newline(); print('$p$f.toString = $$estr'); newline(); print('$p$f.__enum__ = $p'); } newline(); } var meta = api.buildMetaData(e); if (meta != null) { print('$p.__meta__ = '); genExpr(meta); newline(); } } function genStaticValue(c:ClassType, cf:ClassField) { var p = getPath(c); var f = field(cf.name); print('$p$f = '); genExpr(cf.expr()); newline(); } function genType(t:Type) { switch (t) { case TInst(c, _): var c = c.get(); if (c.init != null) inits.add(c.init); if (!c.isExtern) genClass(c); case TEnum(r, _): var e = r.get(); if (!e.isExtern) genEnum(e); default: } } public function generate() { print("var $_, $hxClasses = $hxClasses || {}, $estr = function() { return js.Boot.__string_rec(this,''); }"); newline(); print("function $bind(o,m) { var f = function(){ return f.method.apply(f.scope, arguments); }; f.scope = o; f.method = m; return f; };"); newline(); for (t in api.types) genType(t); for (e in inits) { print(api.generateStatement(e)); newline(); } for (s in statics) { genStaticValue(s.c, s.f); newline(); } if (api.main != null) { genExpr(api.main); newline(); } sys.io.File.saveContent(api.outputFile, buf.toString()); } #if (macro || display) public static function use() { Compiler.setCustomJSGenerator(function(api) new ExampleJSGenerator(api).generate()); } #end }