/* * Copyright (C)2014-2020 Haxe Foundation * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ package js.node; import haxe.DynamicAccess; import js.node.repl.REPLServer; import js.node.stream.Readable.IReadable; import js.node.stream.Writable.IWritable; #if haxe4 import js.lib.Error; import js.lib.Symbol; #else import js.Error; #end /** The `repl` module provides a Read-Eval-Print-Loop (REPL) implementation that is available both as a standalone program or includible in other applications. @see https://nodejs.org/api/repl.html#repl_repl **/ @:jsRequire("repl") extern class Repl { /** The `repl.start()` method creates and starts a `repl.REPLServer` instance. @see https://nodejs.org/api/repl.html#repl_repl_start_options **/ @:overload(function(prompt:String):REPLServer {}) static function start(options:ReplOptions):REPLServer; /** Evaluates expressions in sloppy mode. @see https://nodejs.org/api/repl.html#repl_repl_start_options **/ #if haxe4 static final REPL_MODE_SLOPPY:Symbol; #else static var REPL_MODE_SLOPPY(default, never):Dynamic; #end /** Evaluates expressions in strict mode. This is equivalent to prefacing every repl statement with `'use strict'`. @see https://nodejs.org/api/repl.html#repl_repl_start_options **/ #if haxe4 static final REPL_MODE_STRICT:Symbol; #else static var REPL_MODE_STRICT(default, never):Dynamic; #end } /** Options object used by `Repl.start`. @see https://nodejs.org/api/repl.html#repl_repl_start_options **/ typedef ReplOptions = { /** The input prompt to display. Default: `'> '` (with a trailing space). **/ @:optional var prompt:String; /** The `Readable` stream from which REPL input will be read. Default: `process.stdin`. **/ @:optional var input:IReadable; /** The `Writable` stream to which REPL output will be written. Default: `process.stdout`. **/ @:optional var output:IWritable; /** If `true`, specifies that the `output` should be treated as a TTY terminal. Default: checking the value of the `isTTY` property on the `output` stream upon instantiation. **/ @:optional var terminal:Bool; /** The function to be used when evaluating each given line of input. Default: an async wrapper for the JavaScript `eval()` function. **/ #if haxe4 @:optional var eval:(code:String, context:DynamicAccess<Dynamic>, file:String, cb:(error:Null<Error>, ?result:Dynamic) -> Void) -> Void; #else @:optional var eval:String->DynamicAccess<Dynamic>->String->(Null<Error>->?Dynamic->Void)->Void; #end /** If `true`, specifies that the default `writer` function should include ANSI color styling to REPL output. If a custom `writer` function is provided then this has no effect. Default: checking color support on the `output` stream if the REPL instance's `terminal` value is `true`. **/ @:optional var useColors:Bool; /** If `true`, specifies that the default evaluation function will use the JavaScript `global` as the context as opposed to creating a new separate context for the REPL instance. The node CLI REPL sets this value to `true`. Default: `false`. **/ @:optional var useGlobal:Bool; /** If `true`, specifies that the default writer will not output the return value of a command if it evaluates to `undefined`. Default: `false`. **/ @:optional var ignoreUndefined:Bool; /** The function to invoke to format the output of each command before writing to `output`. Default: `util.inspect()`. **/ @:optional var writer:Dynamic->Void; /** An optional function used for custom Tab auto completion. **/ @:optional var completer:Readline.ReadlineCompleterCallback; /** A flag that specifies whether the default evaluator executes all JavaScript commands in strict mode or default (sloppy) mode. Acceptable values are `repl.REPL_MODE_SLOPPY` or `repl.REPL_MODE_STRICT`. **/ #if haxe4 @:optional var replMode:Symbol; #else @:optional var replMode:Dynamic; #end /** Stop evaluating the current piece of code when `SIGINT` is received, i.e. `Ctrl+C` is pressed. This cannot be used together with a custom `eval` function. Default: `false`. **/ @:optional var breakEvalOnSigint:Bool; }