namespace cpp { // This file is included twice - either side of the Array definition #ifndef HX_VARRAY_DEFINED #define HX_VARRAY_DEFINED class VirtualArray : public hx::ObjectPtr<VirtualArray_obj> { typedef hx::ObjectPtr<VirtualArray_obj> super; public: typedef Dynamic Elem; inline VirtualArray() : super(0) { } inline VirtualArray(VirtualArray_obj *inObj) : super(inObj) { } inline VirtualArray(const null &inNull) : super(0) { } inline VirtualArray(const VirtualArray &inOther) : super( inOther.mPtr ) { } // Build from foreign array template<typename SOURCE_> inline VirtualArray( const Array<SOURCE_> &inRHS ); inline VirtualArray( const Dynamic &inRHS ) : super(0) { setDynamic(inRHS); } inline VirtualArray( const cpp::ArrayBase &inRHS ) : super(0) { setDynamic(inRHS); } inline VirtualArray(const ::cpp::Variant &inVariant) { setDynamic(inVariant.asObject()); } inline VirtualArray &operator=(const null &inNull) { mPtr = 0; return *this; } inline VirtualArray &operator=(Ptr inRHS) { mPtr = inRHS; return *this; } inline VirtualArray &operator=(const VirtualArray &inRHS) { mPtr = inRHS.mPtr; return *this; } inline void setDynamic( const Dynamic &inRHS ); template<typename T> inline VirtualArray Add(const T &inVal); inline bool operator==(const Dynamic &value) const { return value==*this; } template<typename SOURCE_> inline bool operator==( const Array<SOURCE_> &inRHS ); inline bool operator!=(Dynamic value) const { return value!=*this; } template<typename SOURCE_> inline bool operator!=( const Array<SOURCE_> &inRHS ) { return inRHS!=*this; } }; class HXCPP_EXTERN_CLASS_ATTRIBUTES VirtualArray_obj : public hx::ArrayCommon { typedef hx::ArrayStore ArrayStore; typedef hx::ArrayBase ArrayBase; public: HX_IS_INSTANCE_OF enum { _hx_ClassId = hx::clsIdVirtualArray }; typedef hx::Object super; ArrayStore store; ArrayBase *base; VirtualArray_obj(ArrayBase *inBase=0, bool inFixed=false) : base(inBase) { mArrayConvertId = hx::aciVirtualArray; store = inFixed && inBase ? hx::arrayFixed : base ? base->getStoreType() : hx::arrayEmpty; #ifdef HXCPP_GC_GENERATIONAL if (base) HX_OBJ_WB_GET(this,base); #endif } VirtualArray_obj(ArrayStore inStore) { mArrayConvertId = hx::aciVirtualArray; store = inStore; } hx::Object *__GetRealObject() { return base?(hx::Object *)base:(hx::Object *)this; } inline static VirtualArray __new(int inSize=0,int inReserve=0) { VirtualArray result = new VirtualArray_obj(hx::arrayEmpty); if (inSize>0) result->__SetSizeExact(inSize); if (inReserve>0) result->reserve(inReserve); return result; } #if (HXCPP_API_LEVEL>330) int __Compare(const hx::Object *inRHS) const; #endif inline int get_length() const { return base ? base->length : 0; } inline void checkBase() const { #ifdef HXCPP_CHECK_POINTER if (store==hx::arrayNull) { hx::NullReference("Array", true); // The handler might have fixed up the null value if (store==hx::arrayNull) hx::NullReference("Array", false); } #endif } void EnsureStorage(const Dynamic &inValue) { if (!inValue.mPtr) { EnsureNullStorage(); } else switch(inValue->__GetType()) { case vtBool: EnsureBoolStorage(); break; case vtInt: EnsureIntStorage(); break; case vtFloat: EnsureFloatStorage(); break; case vtString: EnsureStringStorage(); break; case vtInt64: EnsureInt64Storage(); break; default: EnsureObjectStorage(); } } void EnsureStorage(const cpp::Variant &inValue) { switch(inValue.type) { case Variant::typeObject: if (!inValue.valObject) EnsureNullStorage(); else EnsureObjectStorage(); break; case Variant::typeString: EnsureStringStorage(); break; case Variant::typeDouble: EnsureFloatStorage(); break; case Variant::typeInt: EnsureIntStorage(); break; case Variant::typeBool: EnsureBoolStorage(); break; case Variant::typeInt64: EnsureInt64Storage(); break; } } void MakeIntArray(); void MakeInt64Array(); void MakeObjectArray(); void MakeFloatArray(); void MakeBoolArray(); void MakeStringArray(); void EnsureStorage(const VirtualArray &inValue) { EnsureObjectStorage(); } void EnsureStorage(const unsigned char &inValue) { EnsureIntStorage(); } void EnsureStorage(const bool &inValue) { EnsureBoolStorage(); } void EnsureStorage(const String &inValue) { EnsureStringStorage(); } void EnsureStorage(const double &inValue) { EnsureFloatStorage(); } void EnsureStorage(const float &inValue) { EnsureFloatStorage(); } void EnsureStorage(const int &inValue) { EnsureIntStorage(); } void EnsureStorage(const cpp::Int64 &inValue) { EnsureInt64Storage(); } void EnsureStorage(const cpp::UInt64 &inValue) { EnsureInt64Storage(); } void EnsureStorage(const null &inValue) { EnsureNullStorage(); } template<typename T> void EnsureStorage(const T &inValue) { EnsureObjectStorage(); } inline void EnsureBoolStorage() { switch(store) { case hx::arrayNull: case hx::arrayObject: case hx::arrayFixed: case hx::arrayBool: return; case hx::arrayEmpty: MakeBoolArray(); break; case hx::arrayInt: case hx::arrayInt64: case hx::arrayFloat: case hx::arrayString: MakeObjectArray(); break; } } inline void EnsureStringStorage() { switch(store) { case hx::arrayNull: case hx::arrayObject: case hx::arrayFixed: case hx::arrayString: return; case hx::arrayEmpty: MakeStringArray(); break; case hx::arrayInt: case hx::arrayInt64: case hx::arrayFloat: case hx::arrayBool: MakeObjectArray(); break; } } inline void EnsureFloatStorage() { switch(store) { case hx::arrayNull: case hx::arrayFloat: case hx::arrayObject: case hx::arrayFixed: return; case hx::arrayInt: case hx::arrayInt64: case hx::arrayEmpty: MakeFloatArray(); break; case hx::arrayBool: case hx::arrayString: MakeObjectArray(); break; } } inline void EnsureIntStorage() { switch(store) { case hx::arrayNull: case hx::arrayInt: case hx::arrayInt64: case hx::arrayFloat: case hx::arrayObject: case hx::arrayFixed: return; case hx::arrayEmpty: MakeIntArray(); break; case hx::arrayBool: case hx::arrayString: MakeObjectArray(); break; } } inline void EnsureInt64Storage() { switch(store) { case hx::arrayNull: case hx::arrayInt64: case hx::arrayFloat: case hx::arrayObject: case hx::arrayFixed: return; case hx::arrayInt: case hx::arrayEmpty: MakeInt64Array(); break; case hx::arrayBool: case hx::arrayString: MakeObjectArray(); break; } } inline void EnsureObjectStorage() { switch(store) { case hx::arrayNull: case hx::arrayObject: case hx::arrayFixed: return; case hx::arrayEmpty: case hx::arrayInt: case hx::arrayInt64: case hx::arrayFloat: case hx::arrayBool: case hx::arrayString: MakeObjectArray(); break; } } inline void EnsureNullStorage() { switch(store) { case hx::arrayNull: case hx::arrayObject: case hx::arrayFixed: case hx::arrayString: return; case hx::arrayEmpty: case hx::arrayInt: case hx::arrayInt64: case hx::arrayFloat: case hx::arrayBool: MakeObjectArray(); break; } } template<typename F> void fixType(); template<typename F> F castArray(); void EnsureBase(); void CreateEmptyArray(int inLen); void EnsureArrayStorage(ArrayStore inValue); void EnsureArrayStorage(VirtualArray inValue); void __Mark(hx::MarkContext *__inCtx) { HX_MARK_OBJECT(base); } #ifdef HXCPP_VISIT_ALLOCS void __Visit(hx::VisitContext *__inCtx) { if (base) __inCtx->visitObject( (hx::Object **)&base); } #endif // Used by cpp.ArrayBase inline int getElementSize() const { return base ? base->GetElementSize() : 0; } inline int getByteCount() const { return base ? base->getByteCount() : 0; } inline char * getBase() const { return base ? base->GetBase() : 0; } hx::Val __SetField(const String &inString,const hx::Val &inValue ,hx::PropertyAccess inCallProp) { return null(); } static hx::Class &__SGetClass() { return hx::ArrayBase::__mClass; } hx::Class __GetClass() const; String toString(); String __ToString() const { return const_cast<VirtualArray_obj *>(this)->toString(); } void setData(void *inData, int inElements) { EnsureBase(); base->setData(inData, inElements); } void setUnmanagedData(void *inData, int inElements) { EnsureBase(); base->setUnmanagedData(inData, inElements); } int __GetType() const { return vtArray; } inline size_t size() const { checkBase(); return store==hx::arrayEmpty ? 0 : base->length; } inline int __length() const { checkBase(); return store==hx::arrayEmpty ? 0 : (int)base->length; } String ItemString(int inI) { checkBase(); return store==hx::arrayEmpty ? null() : base->ItemString(inI); } const char * __CStr() const { return store==hx::arrayEmpty ? "[]" : store==hx::arrayNull ? "null" : base->__CStr(); } inline const char *GetBase() const { return base ? base->GetBase() : 0; } inline char *GetBase() { return base ? base->GetBase() : 0; } int GetElementSize() const { checkBase(); return store==hx::arrayEmpty ? 0 : base->GetElementSize(); } inline void reserve(int inSize) const { if (base) base->reserve(inSize); } inline int capacity() { if (base) return base->capacity(); return 0; } void resize(int inLen) { if (!base) CreateEmptyArray(inLen); else base->resize(inLen); } void __SetSize(int inLen) { resize(inLen); } VirtualArray __SetSizeExact(int inLen=0) { if (!base && inLen) CreateEmptyArray(inLen); else if (base) base->__SetSizeExact(inLen); return this; } void safeSort(Dynamic sorter, bool isString) { checkBase(); if (store!=hx::arrayEmpty) base->safeSort(sorter,isString); } inline void __unsafeStringReference(String inString) { if (base) base->__unsafeStringReference(inString); } Dynamic __GetItem(int inIndex) const; Dynamic __SetItem(int inIndex,Dynamic inValue); hx::Val __Field(const String &inString, hx::PropertyAccess inCallProp); template<typename T> inline const T &set(int inIdx, const T &inVal) { if (store!=hx::arrayFixed) { if (inIdx>(store==hx::arrayEmpty ? 0 : (int)base->length) ) EnsureObjectStorage(); else EnsureStorage(inVal); } base->set(inIdx, inVal); return inVal; } template<typename T> inline int push(const T &inVal) { if (store!=hx::arrayFixed) EnsureStorage(inVal); return base->__push(Dynamic(inVal)); } template<typename T> inline VirtualArray_obj *Add(const T &inVal) { if (store!=hx::arrayFixed) EnsureStorage(inVal); base->__push(Dynamic(inVal)); return this; } inline Dynamic pop() { checkBase(); return store==hx::arrayEmpty ? null() : base->__pop(); } inline bool contains(Dynamic inValue) { checkBase(); if (store==hx::arrayEmpty) return false; EnsureStorage(inValue); return base->__contains(inValue); } inline bool remove(Dynamic inValue) { checkBase(); if (store==hx::arrayEmpty) return false; EnsureStorage(inValue); return base->__remove(inValue); } inline bool removeAt(int inIndex) { checkBase(); return (store!=hx::arrayEmpty) && base->__removeAt(inIndex); } int indexOf(Dynamic inValue, Dynamic fromIndex = null()) { checkBase(); if (store==hx::arrayEmpty) return -1; EnsureStorage(inValue); return (int)base->__indexOf(inValue,fromIndex); } int lastIndexOf(Dynamic inValue, Dynamic fromIndex = null()) { checkBase(); if (store==hx::arrayEmpty) return -1; EnsureStorage(inValue); return (int)base->__lastIndexOf(inValue,fromIndex); } Dynamic shift() { checkBase(); return store==hx::arrayEmpty ? null() : base->__shift(); } VirtualArray concat( VirtualArray inTail ) { inTail->checkBase(); EnsureArrayStorage(inTail); if (inTail->__length()<1) return copy(); return new VirtualArray_obj( base->__concat(inTail), store==hx::arrayFixed ); } VirtualArray copy( ) { checkBase(); if (store==hx::arrayEmpty) return new VirtualArray_obj(hx::arrayEmpty); return new VirtualArray_obj(base->__copy(), store==hx::arrayFixed); } VirtualArray slice(int inPos, Dynamic end = null()) { checkBase(); if (store==hx::arrayEmpty) return new VirtualArray_obj(hx::arrayEmpty); return new VirtualArray_obj(base->__slice(inPos,end), store==hx::arrayFixed); } VirtualArray splice(int inPos, int len); VirtualArray map(Dynamic inFunc); VirtualArray filter(Dynamic inFunc); template<typename T> inline VirtualArray init(int inIndex, const T &inVal) { if (store!=hx::arrayFixed) EnsureStorage(inVal); __SetItem(inIndex,inVal); return this; } inline Dynamic __unsafe_set(int inIndex, const Dynamic &val) { return __SetItem(inIndex,val); } inline Dynamic __unsafe_get(int inIndex) { return __GetItem(inIndex); } template<typename T> inline void insert(int inPos, const T &inValue) { if (store!=hx::arrayFixed) { if (inPos>(store==hx::arrayEmpty ? 0 : (int)base->length) ) EnsureObjectStorage(); else EnsureStorage(inValue); } base->__insert(inPos,inValue); } template<typename T> inline void unshift(const T& inValue) { if (store!=hx::arrayFixed) EnsureStorage(inValue); base->__unshift(inValue); } inline void reverse() { checkBase(); if (store!=hx::arrayEmpty) base->__reverse(); } inline void qsort(Dynamic inSorter) { checkBase(); if (base) base->__qsort(inSorter); } inline void sort(Dynamic inSorter) { checkBase(); if (base) base->__sort(inSorter); } Dynamic iterator() { checkBase(); return !base ? getEmptyIterator() : base->__iterator(); } static Dynamic getEmptyIterator(); Dynamic keyValueIterator() { checkBase(); return !base ? getEmptyIterator() : base->__keyValueIterator(); } bool IsByteArray() const { checkBase(); return store!=hx::arrayEmpty && base->IsByteArray(); } void zero(Dynamic inFirst, Dynamic inCount) { checkBase(); if (store!=hx::arrayEmpty) base->zero(inFirst,inCount); } inline int memcmp(VirtualArray inOther) { checkBase(); if (store==hx::arrayEmpty) return inOther->__length() == 0; return base->__memcmp(inOther); } inline void blit(int inDestElement, cpp::VirtualArray inSourceArray, int inSourceElement, int inElementCount) { inSourceArray->checkBase(); EnsureArrayStorage(inSourceArray); if (base) base->__blit(inDestElement, inSourceArray, inSourceElement, inElementCount); } String join(String inSeparator) { checkBase(); if (!base) return HX_CSTRING(""); return base->__join(inSeparator); } Dynamic __get(int inIndex) const { checkBase(); if (store==hx::arrayEmpty) return null(); return base->__GetItem(inIndex); } Dynamic concat_dyn(); Dynamic copy_dyn(); Dynamic insert_dyn(); Dynamic iterator_dyn(); Dynamic keyValueIterator_dyn(); Dynamic join_dyn(); Dynamic pop_dyn(); Dynamic push_dyn(); Dynamic contains_dyn(); Dynamic remove_dyn(); Dynamic removeAt_dyn(); Dynamic indexOf_dyn(); Dynamic lastIndexOf_dyn(); Dynamic reverse_dyn(); Dynamic shift_dyn(); Dynamic slice_dyn(); Dynamic splice_dyn(); Dynamic sort_dyn(); Dynamic toString_dyn(); Dynamic unshift_dyn(); Dynamic map_dyn(); Dynamic filter_dyn(); Dynamic __SetSize_dyn(); Dynamic __SetSizeExact_dyn(); Dynamic __unsafe_get_dyn(); Dynamic __unsafe_set_dyn(); Dynamic blit_dyn(); Dynamic zero_dyn(); Dynamic memcmp_dyn(); Dynamic resize_dyn(); }; //typedef hx::ObjectPtr< VirtualArray_obj > VirtualArray; #else // !HX_VARRAY_DEFINED // Build dynamic array from foreign array template<typename SOURCE_> VirtualArray::VirtualArray( const Array<SOURCE_> &inRHS ) : super( !inRHS.mPtr ? 0 : new VirtualArray_obj( inRHS.mPtr, true) ) { } template<typename T> inline VirtualArray VirtualArray::Add(const T &inVal) { mPtr->push(inVal); return *this; } inline void VirtualArray::setDynamic( const Dynamic &inRHS ) { hx::Object *ptr = inRHS.GetPtr(); if (ptr) { if (ptr->__GetClass().mPtr == super::__SGetClass().mPtr ) { cpp::VirtualArray_obj *varray = dynamic_cast<cpp::VirtualArray_obj *>(ptr); if (varray) mPtr = varray; else mPtr = new VirtualArray_obj(dynamic_cast<cpp::ArrayBase_obj *>(ptr), true); } } } template<typename F> void VirtualArray_obj::fixType() { if (store==hx::arrayFixed) return; store = hx::arrayFixed; if (base && base->length>0) { Array<F> fixedArray = Dynamic(base); base = fixedArray.mPtr; } else { base = new Array_obj<F>(0,0); } #ifdef HXCPP_GC_GENERATIONAL if (base) HX_OBJ_WB_GET(this,base); #endif } template<typename ARRAY > ARRAY VirtualArray_obj::castArray() { if (store==hx::arrayFixed) return Dynamic(base); store = hx::arrayFixed; if (base && base->length>0) { ARRAY fixedArray = Dynamic(base); base = fixedArray.mPtr; #ifdef HXCPP_GC_GENERATIONAL if (base) HX_OBJ_WB_GET(this,base); #endif return fixedArray; } else { ARRAY fixedArray(0,0); base = fixedArray.mPtr; #ifdef HXCPP_GC_GENERATIONAL if (base) HX_OBJ_WB_GET(this,base); #endif return fixedArray; } } template<typename SOURCE_> inline bool VirtualArray::operator==( const Array<SOURCE_> &inRHS ) { if (!mPtr) return inRHS.mPtr; return mPtr->castArray< Array<SOURCE_> >() == inRHS; } } // end namespace cpp HXCPP_EXTERN_CLASS_ATTRIBUTES Dynamic _hx_reslove_virtual_array(cpp::VirtualArray inArray); namespace hx { // For type inference when marking template<> inline void MarkMember(cpp::VirtualArray &outT,hx::MarkContext *__inCtx) { HX_MARK_OBJECT(outT.mPtr); } #ifdef HXCPP_VISIT_ALLOCS template<> inline void VisitMember(cpp::VirtualArray &outT,hx::VisitContext *__inCtx) { HX_VISIT_OBJECT(outT.mPtr); } #endif } // end namespace hx namespace cpp { #endif // HX_VARRAY_DEFINED }