package eval.luv;

import eval.luv.SockAddr;

	Connected UDP sockets.

abstract ConnectedUdp(Udp) to Udp to Handle {
		Removes the peer address assigned to the given socket.
	extern public function disconnect():Result<Result.NoData>;

		Retrieves the peer address assigned to the given socket.
	extern public function getPeerName():Result<SockAddr>;

		Like `eval.luv.UDP.send`, but the remote address used is the peer address
		assigned to the socket.
	extern public function send(data:Array<Buffer>, callback:(result:Result<Result.NoData>)->Void):Void;

		Like `eval.luv.UDP.trySend`, but the remote address used is the peer address
		assigned to the socket.
	extern public function trySend(data:Array<Buffer>):Result<Result.NoData>;