/* * Copyright (C)2005-2021 Haxe Foundation * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ package php; import haxe.extern.EitherType; /** @see https://www.php.net/manual/en/class.numberformatter.php **/ @:native("NumberFormatter") extern class NumberFormatter { @:phpClassConst static final CURRENCY: Int; @:phpClassConst static final CURRENCY_ACCOUNTING: Int; @:phpClassConst static final CURRENCY_CODE: Int; @:phpClassConst static final CURRENCY_SYMBOL: Int; @:phpClassConst static final DECIMAL: Int; @:phpClassConst static final DECIMAL_ALWAYS_SHOWN: Int; @:phpClassConst static final DECIMAL_SEPARATOR_SYMBOL: Int; @:phpClassConst static final DEFAULT_RULESET: Int; @:phpClassConst static final DEFAULT_STYLE: Int; @:phpClassConst static final DIGIT_SYMBOL: Int; @:phpClassConst static final DURATION: Int; @:phpClassConst static final EXPONENTIAL_SYMBOL: Int; @:phpClassConst static final FORMAT_WIDTH: Int; @:phpClassConst static final FRACTION_DIGITS: Int; @:phpClassConst static final GROUPING_SEPARATOR_SYMBOL: Int; @:phpClassConst static final GROUPING_SIZE: Int; @:phpClassConst static final GROUPING_USED: Int; @:phpClassConst static final IGNORE: Int; @:phpClassConst static final INFINITY_SYMBOL: Int; @:phpClassConst static final INTEGER_DIGITS: Int; @:phpClassConst static final INTL_CURRENCY_SYMBOL: Int; @:phpClassConst static final LENIENT_PARSE: Int; @:phpClassConst static final MAX_FRACTION_DIGITS: Int; @:phpClassConst static final MAX_INTEGER_DIGITS: Int; @:phpClassConst static final MAX_SIGNIFICANT_DIGITS: Int; @:phpClassConst static final MIN_FRACTION_DIGITS: Int; @:phpClassConst static final MIN_INTEGER_DIGITS: Int; @:phpClassConst static final MIN_SIGNIFICANT_DIGITS: Int; @:phpClassConst static final MINUS_SIGN_SYMBOL: Int; @:phpClassConst static final MONETARY_GROUPING_SEPARATOR_SYMBOL: Int; @:phpClassConst static final MONETARY_SEPARATOR_SYMBOL: Int; @:phpClassConst static final MULTIPLIER: Int; @:phpClassConst static final NAN_SYMBOL: Int; @:phpClassConst static final NEGATIVE_PREFIX: Int; @:phpClassConst static final NEGATIVE_SUFFIX: Int; @:phpClassConst static final ORDINAL: Int; @:phpClassConst static final PAD_AFTER_PREFIX: Int; @:phpClassConst static final PAD_AFTER_SUFFIX: Int; @:phpClassConst static final PAD_BEFORE_PREFIX: Int; @:phpClassConst static final PAD_BEFORE_SUFFIX: Int; @:phpClassConst static final PAD_ESCAPE_SYMBOL: Int; @:phpClassConst static final PADDING_CHARACTER: Int; @:phpClassConst static final PADDING_POSITION: Int; @:phpClassConst static final PARSE_INT_ONLY: Int; @:phpClassConst static final PATTERN_DECIMAL: Int; @:phpClassConst static final PATTERN_RULEBASED: Int; @:phpClassConst static final PATTERN_SEPARATOR_SYMBOL: Int; @:phpClassConst static final PERCENT: Int; @:phpClassConst static final PERCENT_SYMBOL: Int; @:phpClassConst static final PERMILL_SYMBOL: Int; @:phpClassConst static final PLUS_SIGN_SYMBOL: Int; @:phpClassConst static final POSITIVE_PREFIX: Int; @:phpClassConst static final POSITIVE_SUFFIX: Int; @:phpClassConst static final PUBLIC_RULESETS: Int; @:phpClassConst static final ROUND_CEILING: Int; @:phpClassConst static final ROUND_DOWN: Int; @:phpClassConst static final ROUND_FLOOR: Int; @:phpClassConst static final ROUND_HALFDOWN: Int; @:phpClassConst static final ROUND_HALFEVEN: Int; @:phpClassConst static final ROUND_HALFUP: Int; @:phpClassConst static final ROUND_UP: Int; @:phpClassConst static final ROUNDING_INCREMENT: Int; @:phpClassConst static final ROUNDING_MODE: Int; @:phpClassConst static final SCIENTIFIC: Int; @:phpClassConst static final SECONDARY_GROUPING_SIZE: Int; @:phpClassConst static final SIGNIFICANT_DIGIT_SYMBOL: Int; @:phpClassConst static final SIGNIFICANT_DIGITS_USED: Int; @:phpClassConst static final SPELLOUT: Int; @:phpClassConst static final TYPE_CURRENCY: Int; @:phpClassConst static final TYPE_DEFAULT: Int; @:phpClassConst static final TYPE_DOUBLE: Int; @:phpClassConst static final TYPE_INT32: Int; @:phpClassConst static final TYPE_INT64: Int; @:phpClassConst static final ZERO_DIGIT_SYMBOL: Int; function new(locale: String, style: Int, ?pattern: String); static function create(locale: String, style: Int, ?pattern: String): EitherType<NumberFormatter, Bool>; function formatCurrency(value: Float, currency: String): EitherType<String, Bool>; function format(value: EitherType<Int, Float>, ?type: Int): EitherType<String, Bool>; function getAttribute(attr: Int): EitherType<Int, Bool>; function getErrorCode(): Int; function getErrorMessage(): String; function getLocale(?type: Int): String; function getPattern(): EitherType<String, Bool>; function getSymbol(attr: Int): EitherType<String, Bool>; function getTextAttribute(attr: Int): EitherType<String, Bool>; function parseCurrency(value: String, currency: Ref<String>, ?position: Ref<Int>): EitherType<Float, Bool>; function parse(value: String, ?type: Int, ?position: Ref<Int>): EitherType<Int, EitherType<Float, EitherType<String, Bool>>>; function setAttribute(attr: Int, value: Int): Bool; function setPattern(pattern: String): Bool; function setSymbol(attr: Int, value: String): Bool; function setTextAttribute(attr: Int, value: String): Bool; }