The Haxe Target --------------- When compiling from haxe, via hxcpp, a "Build.xml" file is generated in the output directory. The file lists the generated files and dependencies and ultimately includes the "toolchain/haxe-target.xml" file, which describes how to combine these files. ### Include Order There are a few complications when setting the order in which things are configured, since a particular build might want to: - set the compiler - override some compiler settings - make decisions based on the compiler or settings - set or use standard file prefixes/suffixes ### Example Sequence You can see which files are included by setting the HXCPP_VERBOSE define when compiling. One example is for a hypothetical user 'Hugh' on a windows platform: ``` Using makefile: Build.xml No specified toolchain - Parsing include: C:/Users/Hugh/dev/hxcpp/toolchain/setup.xml - Parsing include: C:\Users\Hugh\.hxcpp_config.xml (section "vars") Using Windows compiler: MSVC - Parsing include: C:/Users/Hugh/dev/hxcpp/toolchain/finish-setup.xml - Parsing makefile: C:\Users\Hugh\test\proj\cpp\Build.xml - Parsing include: C:/Users/Hugh/dev/hxcpp/build-tool/BuildCommon.xml - Parsing include: C:/Users/Hugh/dev/hxcpp/toolchain/haxe-target.xml - Parsing include: C:/Users/Hugh/dev/hxcpp/toolchain/msvc-toolchain.xml - Parsing compiler: C:/Users/Hugh/dev/hxcpp/toolchain/common-defines.xml - Parsing include: C:\Users\Hugh\.hxcpp_config.xml (section "exes") ``` - setup.xml is read because no custom toolchain is specified, and this just include hxcpp_config - the 'vars' section of hxcpp_config is read - mainly to setup SDK locations - the hxcpp build tool then uses internal logic based on host and defines to work out which compiler/toolchain to use - finish-setup then sets a bunch of standard defines for file-extensions and linking flags based on the type of toolchain being used. - The provided buildfile (Build.xml) is then processed. It can use the standard defines from finish-setup. - Build.xml imports the standard haxe-target buildfile, which adds standard runtime files - The toolchain file is then parsed - making use of any settings from the main Build.xml and finish-setup. - This file includes the "common-defines.xml" from the compiler to inject standard haxe compiler flags - hxcpp_config "exe" is parsed. Historically to add libraries or build-paths to targets. ### Standard Environment finish-setup.xml is where the conventions are set. These variables include: - haxelink = dll|static_link|exe - LIBPREFIX = lib|"" - LIBEXTRA = + .iphonesim-64 + .iphonesim + .iphoneos + .iphoneos-v7 + .iphoneos-v7s + .iphoneos-64 + .appletvsim-64 + .appletvsim + .watchos + .watchsimulator + -x86 + -v7 + -64 - HX_LINK_SUFFIX = LIBEXTRA | -19 (msvc 19) - LIBEXT = .a|.lib - DBG = ""|"-debug" - OBJEXT = "-list-of-config-ids" depending on available options These variables are used by haxe-target - you can use them too. Haxe then builds the "haxe" target, which uses some code like: ```xml <set name="HAXE_OUTPUT_FILE" value="${LIBPREFIX}${HAXE_OUTPUT_PART}${DBG}" /> <target id="haxe" tool="linker" toolid="${haxelink}" output="${HAXE_OUTPUT_FILE}"> <ext value="${LIBEXTRA}.a" if="static_link" /> <!-- ... --> <files id="__main__" unless="static_link" /> <files id="__lib__" if="static_link"/> <files id="__resources__" /> <files id="__externs__" /> <files id="runtime" unless="dll_import" /> <files id="cppia" if="scriptable" /> <lib name="-lpthread" if="linux" unless="static_link" /> <lib name="-ldl" if="linux" unless="static_link" /> </target> ``` Here you can see the various file groups, which are enabled or not depending on the compiler mode, and some standard libraries that are needed for Linux. ### Experimenting With Hxcpp Generated Code/Build.xml If you are using external cpp code, or using meta-data to inject xml into the build process, and you are getting a compile or link error, then it can be useful to run the hxcpp build tool without re-running haxe. This lets you hand-edit the build file or generated c++ code until you get things to work. Once you have solved the issues using this technique, then you can move the changes back into the injected/external code. First, compile haxe with '-v' flag. This gives quite a bit of debug, but will include a line like this: ``` haxelib run hxcpp Build.xml haxe -Dhaxe3="1" -Dhaxe_ver="4.000" -Dhxcpp_api_level="332" -Dsource-header="Generated by Haxe 4.0.0" -I"" -I"C:/Users/Hugh/dev/haxe/std/cpp/_std/" -I"C:/Users/Hugh/dev/haxe/std/" ``` To use this, first change directories to your output directory. This will be the one you specified with the "-cpp" haxe compiler option. Then, cut and paste this command into a shell, cmd or batch file.