/* * Copyright (C)2005-2019 Haxe Foundation * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ package cs.internal; @:native('haxe.lang.FieldHashConflict') @:nativeGen @:keep final class FieldHashConflict { @:readOnly public var hash(default, never):Int; @:readOnly public var name(default, never):String; public var value:Dynamic; public var next:FieldHashConflict; public function new(hash, name, value:Dynamic, next) { untyped this.hash = hash; untyped this.name = name; this.value = value; this.next = next; } } @:native('haxe.lang.FieldLookup') @:classCode("#pragma warning disable 628\n") @:nativeGen @:keep @:static final class FieldLookup { @:protected private static var fieldIds:cs.NativeArray<Int>; @:protected private static var fields:cs.NativeArray<String>; @:protected private static var length:Int; static function __init__() { length = fieldIds.Length; } private static function addFields(nids:cs.NativeArray<Int>, nfields:cs.NativeArray<String>):Void { // first see if we need to add anything var cids = fieldIds, cfields = fields; var nlen = nids.Length; var clen = length; if (nfields.Length != nlen) throw 'Different fields length: $nlen and ${nfields.Length}'; // TODO optimize var needsChange = false; for (i in nids) { if (findHash(i, cids, clen) < 0) { needsChange = true; break; } } // if we do, lock and merge if (needsChange) { cs.Lib.lock(FieldLookup, { // trace(cs.Lib.array(nids), cs.Lib.array(cids)); var ansIds = new cs.NativeArray(clen + nlen), ansFields = new cs.NativeArray(clen + nlen); var ci = 0, ni = 0, ansi = 0; while (ci < clen && ni < nlen) { if (cids[ci] < nids[ni]) { ansIds[ansi] = cids[ci]; ansFields[ansi] = cfields[ci]; ++ci; } else { ansIds[ansi] = nids[ni]; ansFields[ansi] = nfields[ni]; ++ni; } ++ansi; } if (ci < clen) { cs.system.Array.Copy(cids, ci, ansIds, ansi, clen - ci); cs.system.Array.Copy(cfields, ci, ansFields, ansi, clen - ci); ansi += clen - ci; } if (ni < nlen) { cs.system.Array.Copy(nids, ni, ansIds, ansi, nlen - ni); cs.system.Array.Copy(nfields, ni, ansFields, ansi, nlen - ni); ansi += nlen - ni; } // trace(cs.Lib.array(ansIds)); fieldIds = ansIds; fields = ansFields; length = ansi; }); } } // s cannot be null here private static inline function doHash(s:String):Int { var acc = 0; // alloc_int for (i in 0...s.length) { acc = ((223 * (acc >> 1) + cast(s[i], Int)) << 1); } return acc >>> 1; // always positive } public static function lookupHash(key:Int):String { var ids = fieldIds; var min = 0; var max = length; while (min < max) { var mid = min + Std.int((max - min) / 2); var imid = ids[mid]; if (key < imid) { max = mid; } else if (key > imid) { min = mid + 1; } else { return fields[mid]; } } // if not found, it's definitely an error throw "Field not found for hash " + key; } public static function hash(s:String):Int { if (s == null) return 0; var key = doHash(s); var ids = fieldIds, fld = fields; var min = 0; var max = length; var len = length; while (min < max) { var mid = Std.int(min + (max - min) / 2); // overflow safe var imid = ids[mid]; if (key < imid) { max = mid; } else if (key > imid) { min = mid + 1; } else { var field = fld[mid]; if (field != s) return ~key; // special case return key; } } // if not found, min holds the value where we should insert the key // ensure thread safety: cs.Lib.lock(FieldLookup, { if (len != length) // race condition which will very rarely happen - other thread modified sooner. return hash(s); // since we already own the lock, this second try will always succeed fieldIds = insertInt(fieldIds, length, min, key); fields = insertString(fields, length, min, s); ++length; }); return key; } public static function findHash(hash:Int, hashs:cs.NativeArray<Int>, length:Int):Int { var min = 0; var max = length; while (min < max) { var mid = Std.int((max + min) / 2); var imid = hashs[mid]; if (hash < imid) { max = mid; } else if (hash > imid) { min = mid + 1; } else { return mid; } } // if not found, return a negative value of where it should be inserted return ~min; } public static function removeInt(a:cs.NativeArray<Int>, length:Int, pos:Int) { cs.system.Array.Copy(a, pos + 1, a, pos, length - pos - 1); a[length - 1] = 0; } public static function removeFloat(a:cs.NativeArray<Float>, length:Int, pos:Int) { cs.system.Array.Copy(a, pos + 1, a, pos, length - pos - 1); a[length - 1] = 0; } public static function removeDynamic(a:cs.NativeArray<Dynamic>, length:Int, pos:Int) { cs.system.Array.Copy(a, pos + 1, a, pos, length - pos - 1); a[length - 1] = null; } extern static inline function __insert<T>(a:cs.NativeArray<T>, length:Int, pos:Int, x:T):cs.NativeArray<T> { var capacity = a.Length; if (pos == length) { if (capacity == length) { var newarr = new NativeArray((length << 1) + 1); a.CopyTo(newarr, 0); a = newarr; } } else if (pos == 0) { if (capacity == length) { var newarr = new NativeArray((length << 1) + 1); cs.system.Array.Copy(a, 0, newarr, 1, length); a = newarr; } else { cs.system.Array.Copy(a, 0, a, 1, length); } } else { if (capacity == length) { var newarr = new NativeArray((length << 1) + 1); cs.system.Array.Copy(a, 0, newarr, 0, pos); cs.system.Array.Copy(a, pos, newarr, pos + 1, length - pos); a = newarr; } else { cs.system.Array.Copy(a, pos, a, pos + 1, length - pos); cs.system.Array.Copy(a, 0, a, 0, pos); } } a[pos] = x; return a; } public static function insertInt(a:cs.NativeArray<Int>, length:Int, pos:Int, x:Int):cs.NativeArray<Int> return __insert(a, length, pos, x); public static function insertFloat(a:cs.NativeArray<Float>, length:Int, pos:Int, x:Float):cs.NativeArray<Float> return __insert(a, length, pos, x); public static function insertDynamic(a:cs.NativeArray<Dynamic>, length:Int, pos:Int, x:Dynamic):cs.NativeArray<Dynamic> return __insert(a, length, pos, x); public static function insertString(a:cs.NativeArray<String>, length:Int, pos:Int, x:String):cs.NativeArray<String> return __insert(a, length, pos, x); public static function getHashConflict(head:FieldHashConflict, hash:Int, name:String):FieldHashConflict { while (head != null) { if (head.hash == hash && head.name == name) { return head; } head = head.next; } return null; } public static function setHashConflict(head:cs.Ref<FieldHashConflict>, hash:Int, name:String, value:Dynamic):Void { var node = head; while (node != null) { if (node.hash == hash && node.name == name) { node.value = value; return; } node = node.next; } head = new FieldHashConflict(hash, name, value, head); } public static function deleteHashConflict(head:cs.Ref<FieldHashConflict>, hash:Int, name:String):Bool { // no conflicting fields at all if (head == null) { return false; } // list head is conflicting - just point it to the next one if (head.hash == hash && head.name == name) { head = head.next; return true; } // loop through the list, removing node if there's one var prev = head, node = head.next; while (node != null) { if (node.hash == hash && node.name == name) { prev.next = node.next; return true; } node = node.next; } // not found return false; } public static function addHashConflictNames(head:FieldHashConflict, arr:Array<String>):Void { while (head != null) { arr.push(head.name); head = head.next; } } }