/* * Copyright (C)2005-2019 Haxe Foundation * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ package php; import haxe.Rest; import haxe.extern.AsVar; import haxe.extern.EitherType; /** Special extern class to support PHP language specifics. Don't use these functions unless you are really sure what you are doing. **/ @:noClosure extern class Syntax { /** Embeds plain php code. `php` should be a string literal with php code. It can contain placeholders like `{0}`, `{1}` which will be replaced with corresponding arguments from `args`. E.g.: ```haxe Syntax.code("var_dump({0}, {1})", a, b); ``` will generate ```haxe var_dump($a, $b); ``` **/ static function code(code:String, args:Rest<Dynamic>):Dynamic; /** The same as `code()`, but adds dereferencing when required to workaround "cannot use temporary expression in write context" php error. **/ static function codeDeref(code:String, args:Rest<Dynamic>):Dynamic; /** Generates `$left <=> $right` **/ static inline function spaceship(left:Dynamic, right:Dynamic):Int { return code('({0} <=> {1})', left, right); } /** Generates `$left ?? $right` **/ static function coalesce<T>(left:T, right:T):T; /** Generates `$left . $right` **/ static inline function concat(left:String, right:String):String { return code('({0} . {1})', left, right); } /** Generates `$left == $right` **/ static inline function equal(left:Dynamic, right:Dynamic):Bool { return code('({0} == {1})', left, right); } /** Generates `$left === $right` **/ static inline function strictEqual(left:Dynamic, right:Dynamic):Bool { return code('({0} === {1})', left, right); } /** Generates `$left != $right` **/ static inline function notEqual(left:Dynamic, right:Dynamic):Bool { return code('({0} != {1})', left, right); } /** Generates `$left !== $right` **/ static inline function strictNotEqual(left:Dynamic, right:Dynamic):Bool { return code('({0} !== {1})', left, right); } /** Generates `$left + $right` for numbers. **/ static inline function add<T:Float>(left:T, right:T):T { return code('({0} + {1})', left, right); } /** Generates `$left + $right` for php arrays. **/ static inline function union(left:NativeArray, right:NativeArray):NativeArray { return codeDeref('({0} + {1})', left, right); } /** Generates `$left ** $right` **/ static inline function exp<T:Float>(left:T, right:T):T { return code('({0} ** {1})', left, right); } /** Generates `$left % $right` **/ static inline function mod(left:Float, right:Float):Int { return code('({0} % {1})', left, right); } /** Generates `$left ?: $right` **/ static inline function shortTernary<T>(left:T, right:T):T { return codeDeref('({0} ?: {1})', left, right); } /** Generates `$left xor $right` **/ static inline function xor(left:Bool, right:Bool):Bool { return code('({0} xor {1})', left, right); } /** Generates `(int)$value` **/ static inline function int(value:Dynamic):Int { return code('(int)({0})', value); } /** Generates `(float)$value` **/ static inline function float(value:Dynamic):Float { return code('(float)({0})', value); } /** Generates `(string)$value` **/ static inline function string(value:Dynamic):String { return code('(string)({0})', value); } /** Generates `(bool)$value` **/ static inline function bool(value:Dynamic):Bool { return code('(bool)({0})', value); } /** Generates `(object)$value` **/ static inline function object(value:Dynamic):StdClass { return codeDeref('((object)({0}))', value); } /** Generates `(array)$value` **/ static inline function array(value:Dynamic):NativeArray { return codeDeref('((array)({0}))', value); } /** Generates `$value instanceof $phpClassName`. Haxe generates `Std.isOfType(value, Type)` calls as `$value instanceof Type` automatically where possible. So you may need this only if you have a `Class` stored in a variable. **/ @:overload(function(value:AsVar<Dynamic>, phpClassName:AsVar<String>):Bool {}) static function instanceof<V, C>(value:AsVar<V>, type:AsVar<Class<C>>):Bool; /** Generates PHP class name for a provided Haxe class. ```haxe trace(Syntax.nativeClassName(php.Web)); // outputs: php\Web ``` **/ static function nativeClassName<T>(cls:EitherType<Class<T>, Enum<T>>):String; /** ```haxe Syntax.foreach(collection, function(key, value) trace(key, value)); ``` generates: ```haxe foreach($collection as $key => $value) { trace($key, $value); } ``` **/ static inline function foreach<TCollection, TKey, TValue>(collection:TCollection, body:TKey->TValue->Void):Void { while (Syntax.foreachCondition) { Syntax.foreachCollection(collection); var key:TKey = Syntax.foreachKey(); var value:TValue = Syntax.foreachValue(); Syntax.keepVar(key, value, key, value); body(key, value); } } static private var foreachCondition:Bool; static private function foreachCollection<T>(collection:T):Void; static private function foreachKey<T>():T; static private function foreachValue<T>():T; /** Generates `new $className($arg1, ...$argN)` **/ @:overload(function(className:AsVar<String>, args:Rest<Dynamic>):Dynamic {}) static function construct<T>(cls:AsVar<Class<T>>, args:Rest<Dynamic>):T; /** Generates instance field access for reading on `object` **/ static function field<T>(object:AsVar<T>, fieldName:String):Dynamic; /** Generates instance field access for reading on `object` **/ @:deprecated("php.Syntax.getField() is deprecated. Use php.Syntax.field() instead.") static function getField<T>(object:AsVar<T>, fieldName:String):Dynamic; /** Generates instance field access for writing on `object` **/ static function setField<T>(object:AsVar<T>, fieldName:String, value:Dynamic):Void; /** Generates static field access for reading on `className` **/ static function getStaticField(className:AsVar<EitherType<Class<Dynamic>, String>>, fieldName:String):Dynamic; /** Generates static field access for writing on `object` **/ static function setStaticField(object:AsVar<EitherType<Class<Dynamic>, String>>, fieldName:String, value:Dynamic):Void; /** Generates a call to instance method: `$object->{$methodName}(<args>)` **/ static function call<T>(object:AsVar<T>, methodName:String, args:Rest<Dynamic>):Dynamic; /** Generates a call to static method: `$className::{$methodName}(<args>)` **/ static function staticCall(className:AsVar<EitherType<Class<Dynamic>, String>>, methodName:String, args:Rest<Dynamic>):Dynamic; /** ```haxe Syntax.arrayDecl(arg1, arg2, arg3); ``` Generates native array declaration: ```haxe [$arg1, $arg2, $arg3] ``` **/ @:pure static function arrayDecl<T>(args:Rest<T>):NativeIndexedArray<T>; /** ```haxe Syntax.customArrayDecl([v1 => v2, v3 => v4]); ``` Generates native array declaration: ```haxe [$v1 => $v2, $v3 => $v4] ``` **/ macro static function customArrayDecl<T>(decl:haxe.macro.Expr):haxe.macro.Expr.ExprOf<php.NativeArray>; /** ```haxe Syntax.assocDecl({field1:'first', field2:2}}); ``` Generates native associative array declaration: ```haxe ["field1" => "first", "field2" => 2]; ``` This method is not recursive. Accepts object declarations only. That means you can't pass an object stored in a variable to this method like `Syntax.assocDecl(someVar)`. Use `php.Lib.associativeArrayOfObject(someVar)` instead. **/ @:pure static function assocDecl<T:{}>(?arg:T):NativeAssocArray<Dynamic>; /** Don't let compiler to optimize away local var passed to this method. **/ static function keepVar(localVar:Rest<Dynamic>):Void; /** Adds `...` operator before `args` **/ static inline function splat(args:EitherType<NativeArray, Traversable>):Rest<Dynamic> { return code('...{0}', args); } /** Add errors suppression operator `@` before `expression` **/ static function suppress<T>(expression:T):T; /** Generates `clone $value`. @see http://php.net/manual/en/language.oop5.cloning.php **/ static inline function clone<T>(value:T):T { return Syntax.code('(clone {0})', value); } /** Generates `yield $value`. @see http://php.net/manual/en/language.generators.syntax.php **/ static inline function yield(value:Dynamic):Dynamic { return Syntax.code('yield {0}', value); } /** Generates `yield $key => $value`. @see http://php.net/manual/en/language.generators.syntax.php **/ static inline function yieldPair(key:Dynamic, value:Dynamic):Dynamic { return Syntax.code('yield {0} => {1}', key, value); } /** Generates `yield for $value`. @see http://php.net/manual/en/language.generators.syntax.php **/ static inline function yieldFrom(value:Dynamic):Dynamic { return Syntax.code('yield from {0}', value); } }