/* * Copyright (C)2005-2019 Haxe Foundation * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ import haxe.SysTools; class SysError { public var msg:String; public function new(msg) { this.msg = msg; } @:keep public function toString() { return "SysError(" + msg + ")"; } } @:coreApi @:keepInit @:access(String) class Sys { static var utf8Path:Bool; static function __init__():Void { utf8Path = sys_utf8_path(); } static function getPath(s:String):hl.Bytes { return utf8Path ? s.bytes.utf16ToUtf8(0, null) : s.bytes; } static function makePath(b:hl.Bytes):String { if (b == null) return null; return utf8Path ? String.fromUTF8(b) : String.fromUCS2(b); } public static function print(v:Dynamic):Void { sys_print(Std.string(v).bytes); } public static function println(v:Dynamic):Void { sys_print(Std.string(v).bytes); sys_print("\n".bytes); } public static function args():Array<String> { return [for (a in sys_args()) makePath(a)]; } public static function stdin():haxe.io.Input { return @:privateAccess new sys.io.FileInput(file_stdin()); } public static function stdout():haxe.io.Output { return @:privateAccess new sys.io.FileOutput(file_stdout()); } public static function stderr():haxe.io.Output { return @:privateAccess new sys.io.FileOutput(file_stderr()); } public static function getEnv(s:String):String { var v = get_env(getPath(s)); if (v == null) return null; return makePath(v); } public static function putEnv(s:String, v:String):Void { if (!put_env(getPath(s), if (v == null) null else getPath(v))) throw "putEnv() failure"; } public static function environment():Map<String, String> { var env = sys_env(); var h = new haxe.ds.StringMap(); for (i in 0...env.length >> 1) { var p = i << 1; h.set(makePath(env[p]), makePath(env[p + 1])); } return h; } @:hlNative("std", "sys_sleep") public static function sleep(seconds:Float):Void {} public static function setTimeLocale(loc:String):Bool { return set_time_locale(loc.bytes.utf16ToUtf8(0, null)); } public static function getCwd():String { return makePath(get_cwd()); } public static function setCwd(s:String):Void { if (!set_cwd(getPath(s))) throw new SysError("Failed to set path to " + s); } public static function systemName():String { return String.fromUCS2(sys_string()); } public static function command(cmd:String, ?args:Array<String>):Int { var code = 0; if (args == null) { code = sys_command(getPath(cmd)); } else { switch (systemName()) { case "Windows": cmd = [ for (a in [StringTools.replace(cmd, "/", "\\")].concat(args)) SysTools.quoteWinArg(a, true) ].join(" "); code = sys_command(getPath(cmd)); case _: cmd = [cmd].concat(args).map(SysTools.quoteUnixArg).join(" "); code = sys_command(getPath(cmd)); } } return code; } @:deprecated("Use programPath instead") public static function executablePath():String { return makePath(sys_exe_path()); } public static function programPath():String { return sys_program_path; } private static var sys_program_path = { var hlFile = sys_hl_file(); if (hlFile == null) makePath(sys_exe_path()); else sys.FileSystem.fullPath(makePath(hlFile)); } @:hlNative("std", "sys_utf8_path") static function sys_utf8_path():Bool { return false; } @:hlNative("std", "sys_time") public static function time():Float { return 0.; }; @:hlNative("std", "sys_exit") public static function exit(code:Int):Void {}; @:hlNative("std", "sys_cpu_time") public static function cpuTime():Float { return 0.; }; @:hlNative("std", "sys_get_char") public static function getChar(echo:Bool):Int { return 0; } @:hlNative("std", "sys_print") static function sys_print(v:hl.Bytes):Void {}; @:hlNative("std", "file_stdin") static function file_stdin():sys.io.File.FileHandle { return null; } @:hlNative("std", "file_stdout") static function file_stdout():sys.io.File.FileHandle { return null; } @:hlNative("std", "file_stderr") static function file_stderr():sys.io.File.FileHandle { return null; } @:hlNative("std", "sys_args") static function sys_args():hl.NativeArray<hl.Bytes> { return null; } @:hlNative("std", "sys_get_env") static function get_env(key:hl.Bytes):hl.Bytes { return null; } @:hlNative("std", "sys_put_env") static function put_env(key:hl.Bytes, val:hl.Bytes):Bool { return false; } @:hlNative("std", "sys_env") static function sys_env():hl.NativeArray<hl.Bytes> { return null; } @:hlNative("std", "sys_set_time_locale") static function set_time_locale(loc:hl.Bytes):Bool { return true; } @:hlNative("std", "sys_get_cwd") static function get_cwd():hl.Bytes { return null; } @:hlNative("std", "sys_set_cwd") static function set_cwd(path:hl.Bytes):Bool { return true; } @:hlNative("std", "sys_command") static function sys_command(cmd:hl.Bytes):Int { return 0; } @:hlNative("std", "sys_exe_path") static function sys_exe_path():hl.Bytes { return null; } @:hlNative("std", "sys_hl_file") static function sys_hl_file():hl.Bytes { return null; } @:hlNative("std", "sys_string") static function sys_string():hl.Bytes { return null; } }