from lnx.logicnode.lnx_nodes import * class GamepadSticksNode(LnxLogicTreeNode): """Activates the output on the given gamepad event. @seeNode Gamepad Coords @input Gamepad: the ID of the gamepad. @option state: the state of the gamepad stick to listen to. @option stick: the gamepad stick that should activate the output. @option axis: the gamepad stick axis value """ bl_idname = 'LNGamepadSticksNode' bl_label = 'Gamepad Sticks' lnx_version = 1 lnx_section = 'gamepad' property0: HaxeEnumProperty( 'property0', items = [('Started', 'Started', 'Started'), ('Down', 'Down', 'Down'), ('Released', 'Released', 'Released'),], name='', default='Down') property1: HaxeEnumProperty( 'property1', items = [('LeftStick', 'LeftStick', 'LeftStick'), ('RightStick', 'RightStick', 'RightStick'),], name='', default='LeftStick') property2: HaxeEnumProperty( 'property2', items = [('up', 'up', 'up'), ('down', 'down', 'down'), ('left', 'left', 'left'), ('right', 'right', 'right'), ('up-left', 'up-left', 'up-left'), ('up-right', 'up-right', 'up-right'), ('down-left', 'down-left', 'down-left'), ('down-right', 'down-right', 'down-right'),], name='', default='up') def lnx_init(self, context): self.add_output('LnxNodeSocketAction', 'Out') self.add_output('LnxBoolSocket', 'State') self.add_input('LnxIntSocket', 'Gamepad') def draw_buttons(self, context, layout): layout.prop(self, 'property0') layout.prop(self, 'property1') layout.prop(self, 'property2')