# Some parts of this code is reused from project Sverchok.
# https://github.com/nortikin/sverchok/blob/master/core/node_group.py
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL3
# License-Filename: LICENSE
from functools import reduce
from typing import Iterator, List, Set, Dict

import bpy
from bpy.props import *
import bpy.types
from mathutils import Vector

import lnx
import lnx.logicnode.lnx_nodes as lnx_nodes
from lnx.logicnode.lnx_nodes import LnxLogicTreeNode
import lnx.utils
import lnx.props_ui

if lnx.is_reload(__name__):
    lnx_nodes = lnx.reload_module(lnx_nodes)
    from lnx.logicnode.lnx_nodes import LnxLogicTreeNode
    lnx.utils = lnx.reload_module(lnx.utils)
    lnx.props_ui = lnx.reload_module(lnx.props_ui)

array_nodes = lnx.logicnode.lnx_nodes.array_nodes

class LnxGroupTree(bpy.types.NodeTree):
    """Separate tree class for subtrees"""
    bl_idname = 'LnxGroupTree'
    bl_icon = 'NODETREE'
    bl_label = 'Group Tree'

    # should be updated by "Go to edit group tree" operator
    group_node_name: bpy.props.StringProperty(options={'SKIP_SAVE'})

    def poll(cls, context):
        return False  # only for internal usage

    def upstream_trees(self) -> List['LnxGroupTree']:
        Returns all the tree subtrees (in case if there are group nodes)
        and subtrees of subtrees and so on
        The method can help predict if linking new subtree can lead to cyclic linking
        next_group_nodes = [node for node in self.nodes if node.bl_idname == 'LNCallGroupNode']
        trees = [self]
        safe_counter = 0
        while next_group_nodes:
            next_node = next_group_nodes.pop()
            if next_node.group_tree:
                    node for node in next_node.group_tree.nodes if node.bl_idname == 'LNCallGroupNode'])
            safe_counter += 1

            if safe_counter > 1000:
                raise RecursionError(f'Looks like group tree "{self}" has links to itself from other groups')
        return trees

    def can_be_linked(self) -> bool:
        """Try to avoid creating loops of group trees with each other"""
        # upstream trees of tested treed should nad share trees with downstream trees of current tree
        tested_tree_upstream_trees = {t.name for t in self.upstream_trees()}
        current_tree_downstream_trees = {p.node_tree.name for p in bpy.context.space_data.path}
        shared_trees = tested_tree_upstream_trees & current_tree_downstream_trees
        return not shared_trees

    def update(self):

    def get_linkable_group_trees(cls) -> Iterator['LnxGroupTree']:
        return filter(lambda tree: isinstance(tree, LnxGroupTree) and tree.can_be_linked(), bpy.data.node_groups)

    def has_linkable_group_trees(cls) -> bool:
            _ = next(cls.get_linkable_group_trees())
        except StopIteration:
            return False
        return True

class LnxEditGroupTree(bpy.types.Operator):
    """Go into subtree to edit"""
    bl_idname = 'lnx.edit_group_tree'
    bl_label = 'Edit Group Tree'
    node_index: StringProperty(name='Node Index', default='')

    def custom_poll(self, context):
        if not self.node_index == '':
            return True
        if context.space_data.type == 'NODE_EDITOR':
            if context.active_node and hasattr(context.active_node, 'group_tree'):
                if context.active_node.group_tree is not None:
                    return True
        return False

    def execute(self, context):
        if self.custom_poll(context):
            global array_nodes
            if not self.node_index == '':
                group_node = array_nodes[self.node_index]
                group_node = context.active_node
            sub_tree: LnxLogicTree = group_node.group_tree
            context.space_data.path.append(sub_tree, node=group_node)
            sub_tree.group_node_name = group_node.name
            self.node_index = ''
            return {'FINISHED'}
        return {'CANCELLED'}

class LnxCopyGroupTree(bpy.types.Operator):
    """Create a copy of this group tree and use it"""
    bl_idname = 'lnx.copy_group_tree'
    bl_label = 'Copy Group Tree'
    node_index: StringProperty(name='Node Index', default='')

    def execute(self, context):
        global array_nodes
        group_node = array_nodes[self.node_index]
        group_tree = group_node.group_tree
        [setattr(n, 'copy_override', True) for n in group_tree.nodes if n.bl_idname in {'LNGroupInputsNode', 'LNGroupOutputsNode'}]
        new_group_tree = group_node.group_tree.copy()
        [setattr(n, 'copy_override', False) for n in group_tree.nodes if n.bl_idname in {'LNGroupInputsNode', 'LNGroupOutputsNode'}]
        group_node.group_tree = new_group_tree
        return {'FINISHED'}

class LnxUnlinkGroupTree(bpy.types.Operator):
    """Unlink node-group (Shift + Click to set users to zero, data will then not be saved)"""
    bl_idname = 'lnx.unlink_group_tree'
    bl_label = 'Unlink Group Tree'
    node_index: StringProperty(name='Node Index', default='')

    def invoke(self, context, event):
        self.clear = False
        if event.shift:
            self.clear = True
        return {'FINISHED'}

    def execute(self, context):
        global array_nodes
        group_node = array_nodes[self.node_index]
        group_tree = group_node.group_tree
        group_node.group_tree = None
        if self.clear:
        return {'FINISHED'}

class LnxSearchGroupTree(bpy.types.Operator):
    """Browse group trees to be linked"""
    bl_idname = 'lnx.search_group_tree'
    bl_label = 'Search Group Tree'
    bl_property = 'tree_name'
    node_index: StringProperty(name='Node Index', default='')

    def available_trees(self, context):
        linkable_trees = filter(lambda t: hasattr(t, 'can_be_linked') and t.can_be_linked(), bpy.data.node_groups)
        return [(t.name, ('0 ' if t.users == 0 else 'F ' if t.use_fake_user  else '') + t.name, '') for t in linkable_trees]

    tree_name: bpy.props.EnumProperty(items=available_trees)

    def execute(self, context):
        global array_nodes
        tree_to_link = bpy.data.node_groups[self.tree_name]
        group_node = array_nodes[self.node_index]
        group_node.group_tree = tree_to_link
        return {'FINISHED'}

    def invoke(self, context, event):
        return {'FINISHED'}

class LnxAddGroupTree(bpy.types.Operator):
    """Create empty subtree for group node"""
    bl_idname = "lnx.add_group_tree"
    bl_label = "Add Group Tree"
    node_index: StringProperty(name='Node Index', default='')

    def poll(cls, context):
        path = getattr(context.space_data, 'path', [])
        if len(path):
            if path[-1].node_tree.bl_idname in {'LnxLogicTreeType', 'LnxGroupTree'}:
                return True
        return False

    def execute(self, context):
        """Link new subtree to group node, create input and output nodes in subtree and go to edit one"""
        global array_nodes
        sub_tree = bpy.data.node_groups.new('Leenkx group', 'LnxGroupTree')  # creating subtree
        sub_tree.use_fake_user = True
        group_node = array_nodes[self.node_index]
        group_node.group_tree = sub_tree  # link subtree to group node
        sub_tree.nodes.new('LNGroupInputsNode').location = (-250, 0)  # create node for putting data into subtree
        sub_tree.nodes.new('LNGroupOutputsNode').location = (250, 0)  # create node for getting data from subtree
        context.space_data.path.append(sub_tree, node=group_node)
        sub_tree.group_node_name = group_node.name
        return {'FINISHED'}

class LnxAddGroupTreeFromSelected(bpy.types.Operator):
    """Select nodes group node and placing them into subtree"""
    bl_idname = "lnx.add_group_tree_from_selected"
    bl_label = "Create Group Tree from Selected"

    def poll(cls, context):
        path = getattr(context.space_data, 'path', [])
        if len(path):
            if path[-1].node_tree.bl_idname in {'LnxLogicTreeType', 'LnxGroupTree'}:
                return bool(cls.filter_selected_nodes(path[-1].node_tree))
        return False

    def execute(self, context):
        Add group tree from selected:
        01. Deselect group Input and Output nodes
        02. Copy nodes into clipboard
        03. Create group tree and move into one
        04. Past nodes from clipboard
        05. Move nodes into tree center
        06. Add group "input" and "output" outside of bounding box of the nodes
        07. TODO: Connect "input" and "output" sockets with group nodes
        08. Add Group tree node in center of selected node in initial tree
        09. TODO: Link the node with appropriate sockets
        10. Cleaning
        base_tree = context.space_data.path[-1].node_tree
        sub_tree: LnxGroupTree = bpy.data.node_groups.new('Leenkx group', 'LnxGroupTree')

        # deselect group nodes if selected
        [setattr(n, 'select', False) for n in base_tree.nodes if n.select and n.bl_idname in {'LNGroupInputsNode', 'LNGroupOutputsNode'}]

        # Frames can't be just copied because they do not have absolute location, but they can be recreated
        frame_names = {n.name for n in base_tree.nodes if n.select and n.bl_idname == 'NodeFrame'}
        [setattr(n, 'select', False) for n in base_tree.nodes if n.bl_idname == 'NodeFrame']

        # copy and past nodes into group tree
        context.space_data.path.pop()  # will enter later via operator

        # move nodes in tree center
        sub_tree_nodes = self.filter_selected_nodes(sub_tree)
        center = reduce(lambda v1, v2: v1 + v2, [n.location for n in sub_tree_nodes]) / len(sub_tree_nodes)
        [setattr(n, 'location', n.location - center) for n in sub_tree_nodes]

        # recreate frames
        node_name_mapping = {n.name: n.name for n in sub_tree.nodes}  # all nodes have the same name as in base tree
        self.recreate_frames(base_tree, sub_tree, frame_names, node_name_mapping)

        # add group input and output nodes
        min_x = min(n.location[0] for n in sub_tree_nodes)
        max_x = max(n.location[0] for n in sub_tree_nodes)
        input_node = sub_tree.nodes.new('LNGroupInputsNode')
        input_node.location = (min_x - 250, 0)
        output_node = sub_tree.nodes.new('LNGroupOutputsNode')
        output_node.location = (max_x + 250, 0)
        # add group tree node
        initial_nodes = self.filter_selected_nodes(base_tree)
        center = reduce(lambda v1, v2: v1 + v2,
                        [Vector(LnxLogicTreeNode.absolute_location(n)) for n in initial_nodes]) / len(initial_nodes)
        group_node = base_tree.nodes.new('LNCallGroupNode')
        group_node.select = False
        group_node.group_tree = sub_tree
        group_node.location = center
        sub_tree.group_node_name = group_node.name

        # delete selected nodes and copied frames without children
        [base_tree.nodes.remove(n) for n in self.filter_selected_nodes(base_tree)]
        with_children_frames = {n.parent.name for n in base_tree.nodes if n.parent}
        [base_tree.nodes.remove(n) for n in base_tree.nodes if n.name in frame_names and n.name not in with_children_frames]

        # enter the group tree

        return {'FINISHED'}

    def filter_selected_nodes(tree) -> list:
        """Avoiding selecting nodes which should not be copied into subtree"""
        return [n for n in tree.nodes if n.select and n.bl_idname not in {'LNGroupInputsNode', 'LNGroupOutputsNode'}]

    def recreate_frames(from_tree: bpy.types.NodeTree,
                        to_tree: bpy.types.NodeTree,
                        frame_names: Set[str],
                        from_to_node_names: Dict[str, str]):
        Copy frames from one tree to another
        from_to_node_names - mapping of node names between two trees
        new_frame_names = {n: to_tree.nodes.new('NodeFrame').name for n in frame_names}
        frame_attributes = ['label', 'use_custom_color', 'color', 'label_size', 'text']
        for frame_name in frame_names:
            old_frame = from_tree.nodes[frame_name]
            new_frame = to_tree.nodes[new_frame_names[frame_name]]
            for attr in frame_attributes:
                setattr(new_frame, attr, getattr(old_frame, attr))
        for from_node in from_tree.nodes:
            if from_node.name not in from_to_node_names:
            if from_node.parent and from_node.parent.name in new_frame_names:
                if from_node.bl_idname == 'NodeFrame':
                    to_node = to_tree.nodes[new_frame_names[from_node.name]]
                    to_node = to_tree.nodes[from_to_node_names[from_node.name]]
                to_node.parent = to_tree.nodes[new_frame_names[from_node.parent.name]]

class TreeVarNameConflictItem(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
    """Represents two conflicting tree variables with the same name"""
    name: StringProperty(
        description='The name of the conflicting tree variables'
    action: EnumProperty(
        name='Conflict Resolution Action',
        description='How to resolve the tree variable conflict',
            ('rename', 'Rename', 'Automatically rename the group\'s tree variable'),
            ('merge', 'Merge', 'Merge the conflicting tree variables'),
    needs_rename: BoolProperty(
        description='If true, the conflict needs to be resolved by renaming'

class LnxUngroupGroupTree(bpy.types.Operator):
    """Put sub nodes into current layout and delete current group node"""
    bl_idname = 'lnx.ungroup_group_tree'
    bl_label = "Ungroup Group Tree"
    bl_options = {'UNDO'}  # Required to "un-rename" node's lnx_logic_id in case of tree variable conflicts

    conflicts: CollectionProperty(type=TreeVarNameConflictItem)

    def poll(cls, context):
        if context.space_data.type == 'NODE_EDITOR':
            if context.active_node and hasattr(context.active_node, 'group_tree'):
                if context.active_node.group_tree is not None:
                    return True
        return False

    def invoke(self, context, event):
        group_node = context.active_node
        group_tree = group_node.group_tree
        dest_tree = group_node.get_tree()

        # name -> type
        group_tree_variables = {}
        dest_tree_variables = {}

        for var in group_tree.lnx_treevariableslist:
            group_tree_variables[var.name] = var.node_type
        for var in dest_tree.lnx_treevariableslist:
            dest_tree_variables[var.name] = var.node_type

        # Check for conflicting tree variables
        self.conflicts.clear()  # Might still contain values from previous invocation
        conflicting_var_names = group_tree_variables.keys() & dest_tree_variables.keys()
        user_can_choose = False
        for conflicting_var_name in conflicting_var_names:
            conflict_item = self.conflicts.add()
            conflict_item.name = conflicting_var_name

            # Tree variable types differ, cannot merge
            conflict_item.needs_rename = group_tree_variables[conflicting_var_name] != dest_tree_variables[conflicting_var_name]
            user_can_choose |= not conflict_item.needs_rename

        # If there are no conflicts or all conflicts _must_ be resolved
        # via renaming there's no reason to ask the user
        if user_can_choose:
            wm = context.window_manager
            return wm.invoke_props_dialog(self, width=400)

        return self.execute(context)

    def draw(self, context):
        layout = self.layout

            layout, layout_width_px=400,
                'The group\'s logic tree contains tree variables whose names'
                ' are identical to tree variable names in the enclosing tree.'
        layout.label(icon='BLANK1', text='Please choose how to resolve the naming conflicts (press ESC to cancel):')

        conflict_item: TreeVarNameConflictItem
        for conflict_item in self.conflicts:
            split = layout.split(factor=0.6)
            split.alignment = 'RIGHT'

            if conflict_item.needs_rename:
                row = split.row()
                row.label(text="Needs rename")
                row = split.row()
                row.prop(conflict_item, "action", expand=True)

        layout.separator()  # Add space above Blender's "OK" button

    def execute(self, context):
        """Similar to AddGroupTreeFromSelected operator but in backward direction (from subtree to tree)"""

        # go to subtree, select all except input and output groups and mark nodes to be copied
        group_node = context.active_node
        sub_tree = group_node.group_tree

        if len(self.conflicts) > 0:
            self._resolve_conflicts(sub_tree, group_node.get_tree())

        [setattr(n, 'select', False) for n in sub_tree.nodes]
        group_nodes_filter = filter(lambda n: n.bl_idname not in {'LNGroupInputsNode', 'LNGroupOutputsNode'}, sub_tree.nodes)
        for node in group_nodes_filter:
            node.select = True
            node['sub_node_name'] = node.name  # this will be copied within the nodes

        # the attribute should be empty in destination tree
        tree = context.space_data.path[-2].node_tree
        for node in tree.nodes:
            if 'sub_node_name' in node:
                del node['sub_node_name']

        # Frames can't be just copied because they do not have absolute location, but they can be recreated
        frame_names = {n.name for n in sub_tree.nodes if n.select and n.bl_idname == 'NodeFrame'}
        [setattr(n, 'select', False) for n in sub_tree.nodes if n.bl_idname == 'NodeFrame']

        if any(n for n in sub_tree.nodes if n.select):  # if no selection copy operator will raise error
            # copy and past nodes into group tree
            bpy.ops.node.clipboard_paste()  # this will deselect all and select only pasted nodes

            # move nodes in group node center
            tree_select_nodes = [n for n in tree.nodes if n.select]
            center = reduce(lambda v1, v2: v1 + v2,
                            [Vector(LnxLogicTreeNode.absolute_location(n)) for n in tree_select_nodes]) / len(tree_select_nodes)
            [setattr(n, 'location', n.location - (center - group_node.location)) for n in tree_select_nodes]

            # recreate frames
            node_name_mapping = {n['sub_node_name']: n.name for n in tree.nodes if 'sub_node_name' in n}
            LnxAddGroupTreeFromSelected.recreate_frames(sub_tree, tree, frame_names, node_name_mapping)
            context.space_data.path.pop()  # should exit from subtree anywhere

        # delete group node
        for node in tree.nodes:
            if 'sub_node_name' in node:
                del node['sub_node_name']


        return {'FINISHED'}

    def _resolve_conflicts(self, group_tree: bpy.types.NodeTree, dest_tree: bpy.types.NodeTree):
        rename_conflict_names = {}  # old variable name -> new variable name
        for conflict_item in self.conflicts:
            if conflict_item.needs_rename or conflict_item.action == 'rename':
                # Initialize as empty, will be set further below
                rename_conflict_names[conflict_item.name] = ''

        for var_item in group_tree.lnx_treevariableslist:
            if var_item.name in rename_conflict_names:
                # Create a renamed variable in the destination tree and ensure
                # its name doesn't conflict with either tree
                new_name = group_tree.name + '.' + var_item.name

                dest_var = dest_tree.lnx_treevariableslist.add()
                dest_varname = lnx.utils.unique_name_in_lists(
                    item_lists=[group_tree.lnx_treevariableslist, dest_tree.lnx_treevariableslist],
                    name_attr='name', wanted_name=new_name, ignore_item=dest_var
                dest_var['_name'] = dest_varname
                rename_conflict_names[var_item.name] = dest_varname
                dest_var.node_type = var_item.node_type
                dest_var.color = var_item.color

        # Update the logic ids so that copying the nodes to the new tree
        # pastes them with references to the newly created dest_var
        for node in group_tree.nodes:
            node.lnx_logic_id = rename_conflict_names.get(node.lnx_logic_id, node.lnx_logic_id)

class LnxAddCallGroupNode(bpy.types.Operator):
    """Create A Call Group Node"""
    bl_idname = 'lnx.add_call_group_node'
    bl_label = "Add 'Call Node Group' Node"

    node_ref = None

    def poll(cls, context):
        if context.space_data.type == 'NODE_EDITOR':
            return context.space_data.edit_tree and context.space_data.tree_type == 'LnxLogicTreeType'
        return False

    def invoke(self, context, event):
        return {'RUNNING_MODAL'}

    def modal(self, context, event):
        if event.type == 'MOUSEMOVE':
            self.node_ref.location = context.space_data.cursor_location
        elif event.type == 'LEFTMOUSE':  # Confirm
            return {'FINISHED'}
        return {'RUNNING_MODAL'}

    def execute(self, context):
        tree = context.space_data.path[-1].node_tree
        self.node_ref = tree.nodes.new('LNCallGroupNode')
        self.node_ref.location = context.space_data.cursor_location
        return {'FINISHED'}

class LNX_PT_LogicGroupPanel(bpy.types.Panel):
    bl_label = 'Leenkx Logic Group'
    bl_idname = 'LNX_PT_LogicGroupPanel'
    bl_space_type = 'NODE_EDITOR'
    bl_region_type = 'UI'
    bl_category = 'Leenkx'

    def poll(cls, context):
        return context.space_data.tree_type == 'LnxLogicTreeType' and context.space_data.edit_tree

    def has_active_node(self, context):
        if context.active_node and hasattr(context.active_node, 'group_tree'):
            if context.active_node.group_tree is not None:
                return True
        return False

    def draw(self, context):
        layout = self.layout
        layout.operator('lnx.add_call_group_node', icon='ADD')
        layout.operator('lnx.add_group_tree_from_selected', icon='NODETREE')
        layout.operator('lnx.ungroup_group_tree', icon='NODETREE')
        row = layout.row()
        row.enabled = self.has_active_node(context)
        row.operator('lnx.edit_group_tree', icon='FULLSCREEN_ENTER', text='Edit Tree')

register, unregister = bpy.utils.register_classes_factory(__REG_CLASSES)