![hxnodejs](hxnodejs.png) # Haxe Node.JS [![Build Status](https://badgen.net/travis/HaxeFoundation/hxnodejs?label=build)](https://travis-ci.org/HaxeFoundation/hxnodejs) [![Haxelib Version](https://badgen.net/haxelib/v/hxnodejs)](https://lib.haxe.org/p/hxnodejs) [![Haxelib Downloads](https://badgen.net/haxelib/d/hxnodejs?color=blue)](https://lib.haxe.org/p/hxnodejs) [![Haxelib License](https://badgen.net/haxelib/license/hxnodejs)](LICENSE.md) Extern type definitions for Node.JS. Haxe **3.4** or newer is required. Haxe-generated API documentation is available at http://haxefoundation.github.io/hxnodejs/js/Node.html. Original node.js documentation can be found at http://nodejs.org/api/index.html. ## Features - Full node.js API with documentation. - Strict typing for everything, fully leveraging Haxe type system. - Optionally typed event listeners. - Automatic insert of "require" statements for used modules. - Clean output. ## Quick example 1. Install hxnodejs with `haxelib install hxnodejs` (released version) or `haxelib git hxnodejs https://github.com/HaxeFoundation/hxnodejs` (latest from GitHub). 2. Write some code and save to `Main.hx`: ```haxe class Main { static function main() { var server = js.node.Net.createServer(function(socket) { socket.write("Echo server\n\n"); socket.pipe(socket); }); server.listen(1337, ""); } } ``` 3. Compile it with with `haxe -lib hxnodejs -main Main -js main.js` (optionally add `-D js-es=6` for cleaner JavaScript output, since node.js is ES6-compliant) 4. Look at generated `main.js`: ```js // Generated by Haxe 4.0.0-rc.2+63144f6db (function ($global) { "use strict"; class Main { static main() { var server = js_node_Net.createServer(function(socket) { socket.write("Echo server\n\n"); socket.pipe(socket); }); server.listen(1337,""); } } var js_node_Net = require("net"); Main.main(); })({}); ``` 5. You're awesome! (See more [examples](examples)) ## Status This library is considered complete, but testing and contributions are welcome. See [current issues](https://github.com/HaxeFoundation/hxnodejs/issues) and [extern guidelines](https://github.com/HaxeFoundation/hxnodejs/blob/master/HOWTO.md).