""" Port of the Iron LZ4 compression module based on https://github.com/gorhill/lz4-wasm. Original license: BSD 2-Clause License Copyright (c) 2018, Raymond Hill All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. """ import numpy as np from numpy import uint8, int32, uint32 class LZ4RangeException(Exception): pass class LZ4: hash_table = None @staticmethod def encode_bound(size: int) -> int: return 0 if size > 0x7E000000 else size + (size // 255 | 0) + 16 @staticmethod def encode(b: bytes) -> bytes: i_buf: np.ndarray = np.frombuffer(b, dtype=uint8) i_len = i_buf.size if i_len >= 0x7E000000: raise LZ4RangeException("Input buffer is too large") # "The last match must start at least 12 bytes before end of block" last_match_pos = i_len - 12 # "The last 5 bytes are always literals" last_literal_pos = i_len - 5 if LZ4.hash_table is None: LZ4.hash_table = np.full(shape=65536, fill_value=-65536, dtype=int32) LZ4.hash_table.fill(-65536) o_len = LZ4.encode_bound(i_len) o_buf = np.full(shape=o_len, fill_value=0, dtype=uint8) i_pos = 0 o_pos = 0 anchor_pos = 0 # Sequence-finding loop while True: ref_pos = int32(0) m_offset = 0 sequence = uint32( i_buf[i_pos] << 8 | i_buf[i_pos + 1] << 16 | i_buf[i_pos + 2] << 24 ) # Match-finding loop while i_pos <= last_match_pos: # Conversion to uint32 is mandatory to ensure correct # unsigned right shift (compare with .hx implementation) sequence = uint32( uint32(sequence) >> uint32(8) | i_buf[i_pos + 3] << 24 ) hash_val = (sequence * 0x9E37 & 0xFFFF) + ( uint32(sequence * 0x79B1) >> uint32(16) ) & 0xFFFF ref_pos = LZ4.hash_table[hash_val] LZ4.hash_table[hash_val] = i_pos m_offset = i_pos - ref_pos if ( m_offset < 65536 and i_buf[ref_pos + 0] == (sequence & 0xFF) and i_buf[ref_pos + 1] == ((sequence >> uint32(8)) & 0xFF) and i_buf[ref_pos + 2] == ((sequence >> uint32(16)) & 0xFF) and i_buf[ref_pos + 3] == ((sequence >> uint32(24)) & 0xFF) ): break i_pos += 1 # No match found if i_pos > last_match_pos: break # Match found l_len = i_pos - anchor_pos m_len = i_pos i_pos += 4 ref_pos += 4 while i_pos < last_literal_pos and i_buf[i_pos] == i_buf[ref_pos]: i_pos += 1 ref_pos += 1 m_len = i_pos - m_len token = m_len - 4 if m_len < 19 else 15 # Write token, length of literals if needed if l_len >= 15: o_buf[o_pos] = 0xF0 | token o_pos += 1 l = l_len - 15 while l >= 255: o_buf[o_pos] = 255 o_pos += 1 l -= 255 o_buf[o_pos] = l o_pos += 1 else: o_buf[o_pos] = (l_len << 4) | token o_pos += 1 # Write literals while l_len > 0: l_len -= 1 o_buf[o_pos] = i_buf[anchor_pos] o_pos += 1 anchor_pos += 1 if m_len == 0: break # Write offset of match o_buf[o_pos + 0] = m_offset o_buf[o_pos + 1] = m_offset >> 8 o_pos += 2 # Write length of match if needed if m_len >= 19: l = m_len - 19 while l >= 255: o_buf[o_pos] = 255 o_pos += 1 l -= 255 o_buf[o_pos] = l o_pos += 1 anchor_pos = i_pos # Last sequence is literals only l_len = i_len - anchor_pos if l_len >= 15: o_buf[o_pos] = 0xF0 o_pos += 1 l = l_len - 15 while l >= 255: o_buf[o_pos] = 255 o_pos += 1 l -= 255 o_buf[o_pos] = l o_pos += 1 else: o_buf[o_pos] = l_len << 4 o_pos += 1 while l_len > 0: l_len -= 1 o_buf[o_pos] = i_buf[anchor_pos] o_pos += 1 anchor_pos += 1 return np.resize(o_buf, o_pos).tobytes()