#ifndef HX_LESS_THAN_EQ_INCLUDED #define HX_LESS_THAN_EQ_INCLUDED namespace hx { enum { CompareAsInt, CompareAsInt64, CompareAsDouble, CompareAsString, CompareAsDynamic, }; template <typename T> struct CompareTraits { enum { type = (int)CompareAsDynamic }; inline static int toInt(Dynamic inValue) { return inValue; } inline static double toDouble(Dynamic inValue) { return inValue; } inline static cpp::Int64 toInt64(Dynamic inValue) { return inValue; } inline static String toString(Dynamic inValue) { return inValue; } inline static hx::Object *toObject(Dynamic inValue) { return inValue.mPtr; } inline static int getDynamicCompareType(const Dynamic &inValue) { if (!inValue.mPtr) return CompareAsDynamic; switch(inValue->__GetType()) { case vtInt: case vtBool: return CompareAsInt; case vtInt64: return CompareAsInt64; case vtFloat: return CompareAsDouble; case vtString: return CompareAsString; default: return CompareAsDynamic; } } inline static bool isNull(const Dynamic &inValue) { return !inValue.mPtr; } }; template <> struct CompareTraits<null> { enum { type = (int)CompareAsDynamic }; inline static int toInt(const null &inValue) { return 0; } inline static double toDouble(const null & inValue) { return 0; } inline static cpp::Int64 toInt64(const null & inValue) { return 0; } inline static String toString(const null & inValue) { return String(); } inline static hx::Object *toObject(const null & inValue) { return 0; } inline static int getDynamicCompareType(const null &) { return type; } inline static bool isNull(const null &) { return true; } }; template <> struct CompareTraits<signed int> { enum { type = (int)CompareAsInt }; inline static int toInt(int inValue) { return inValue; } inline static double toDouble(int inValue) { return inValue; } inline static cpp::Int64 toInt64(int inValue) { return inValue; } inline static String toString(int inValue) { return String(); } inline static hx::Object *toObject(int inValue) { return 0; } inline static int getDynamicCompareType(int) { return type; } inline static bool isNull(int) { return false; } }; template <> struct CompareTraits<unsigned int> { enum { type = (int)CompareAsInt }; // Return value is unsigned ... inline static unsigned int toInt(unsigned int inValue) { return inValue; } inline static double toDouble(unsigned int inValue) { return inValue; } inline static cpp::Int64 toInt64(unsigned int inValue) { return inValue; } inline static String toString(unsigned int inValue) { return String(); } inline static hx::Object *toObject(unsigned int inValue) { return 0; } inline static int getDynamicCompareType(int) { return type; } inline static bool isNull(int) { return false; } }; template <> struct CompareTraits<signed short> : public CompareTraits<int> { }; template <> struct CompareTraits<unsigned short> : public CompareTraits<int> { }; template <> struct CompareTraits<signed char> : public CompareTraits<int> { }; template <> struct CompareTraits<unsigned char> : public CompareTraits<int> { }; template <> struct CompareTraits<char> : public CompareTraits<int> { }; template <> struct CompareTraits<wchar_t> : public CompareTraits<int> { }; #if __cplusplus >= 201103L || defined(KORE_MICROSOFT) template <> struct CompareTraits<char16_t> : public CompareTraits<int> { }; #endif template <> struct CompareTraits<double> { enum { type = (int)CompareAsDouble }; inline static int toInt(double inValue) { return inValue; } inline static double toDouble(double inValue) { return inValue; } inline static cpp::Int64 toInt64(double inValue) { return inValue; } inline static String toString(double inValue) { return String(); } inline static hx::Object *toObject(double inValue) { return 0; } inline static int getDynamicCompareType(const double &) { return type; } inline static bool isNull(const double &) { return false; } }; template <> struct CompareTraits<float> : public CompareTraits<double> { }; template <> struct CompareTraits<cpp::Int64> { enum { type = (int)CompareAsInt64 }; inline static int toInt(cpp::Int64 inValue) { return (int)inValue; } inline static double toDouble(cpp::Int64 inValue) { return inValue; } inline static cpp::Int64 toInt64(cpp::Int64 inValue) { return inValue; } inline static String toString(cpp::Int64 inValue) { return String(); } inline static hx::Object *toObject(cpp::Int64 inValue) { return 0; } inline static int getDynamicCompareType(cpp::Int64) { return type; } inline static bool isNull(cpp::Int64) { return false; } }; template <> struct CompareTraits<cpp::UInt64> { enum { type = (int)CompareAsInt64 }; inline static int toInt(cpp::UInt64 inValue) { return (int)inValue; } inline static double toDouble(cpp::UInt64 inValue) { return inValue; } // Return value is unsigned ... inline static cpp::UInt64 toInt64(cpp::UInt64 inValue) { return inValue; } inline static String toString(cpp::UInt64 inValue) { return String(); } inline static hx::Object *toObject(cpp::UInt64 inValue) { return 0; } inline static int getDynamicCompareType(cpp::UInt64) { return type; } inline static bool isNull(cpp::UInt64) { return false; } }; template <> struct CompareTraits< String > { enum { type = (int)CompareAsString }; inline static int toInt(const String &) { return 0; } inline static double toDouble(const String &) { return 0; } inline static cpp::Int64 toInt64(const String &) { return 0; } inline static String toString(const String &inValue ) { return inValue; } inline static hx::Object *toObject(const String &inValue) { return Dynamic(inValue).mPtr; } inline static int getDynamicCompareType(const String &) { return type; } inline static bool isNull(const String &inValue) { return !inValue.raw_ptr(); } }; template <> struct CompareTraits< cpp::Variant > { enum { type = (int)CompareAsDynamic }; // Might ne a inline static int toInt(const cpp::Variant &inValue) { return inValue; } inline static double toDouble(const cpp::Variant &inValue) { return inValue; } inline static cpp::Int64 toInt64(const cpp::Variant &inValue) { return inValue; } inline static String toString(const cpp::Variant &inValue ) { return inValue; } inline static hx::Object *toObject(const cpp::Variant &inValue) { if (inValue.type==cpp::Variant::typeObject) return inValue.valObject; return 0; } inline static int getDynamicCompareType(const cpp::Variant &inValue) { switch(inValue.type) { case cpp::Variant::typeInt: case cpp::Variant::typeBool: return CompareAsInt; case cpp::Variant::typeInt64: return CompareAsInt64; case cpp::Variant::typeDouble: return CompareAsDouble; case cpp::Variant::typeString: return CompareAsString; case cpp::Variant::typeObject: { if (!inValue.valObject) return CompareAsDynamic; switch(inValue.valObject->__GetType()) { case vtInt: case vtBool: return CompareAsInt; case vtInt64: return CompareAsInt64; case vtFloat: return CompareAsDouble; case vtString: return CompareAsString; default: return CompareAsDynamic; } } default: return CompareAsDynamic; } } inline static bool isNull(const cpp::Variant &inValue) { return inValue.isNull(); } }; template <typename T> struct CompareTraits< cpp::Pointer<T> > { enum { type = (int)CompareAsDynamic }; inline static int toInt(Dynamic inValue) { return inValue; } inline static double toDouble(Dynamic inValue) { return inValue; } inline static cpp::Int64 toInt64(Dynamic inValue) { return inValue; } inline static String toString(Dynamic inValue) { return inValue; } inline static hx::Object *toObject(Dynamic inValue) { return inValue.mPtr; } inline static int getDynamicCompareType(const Dynamic &inValue) { return CompareAsDynamic; } inline static bool isNull(const cpp::Pointer<T> &inValue) { return !inValue.ptr; } }; template <typename T> struct CompareTraits< T * > { enum { type = (int)CompareAsInt64 }; inline static int toInt(T * inValue) { return 0; } inline static double toDouble(T * inValue) { return 0; } inline static cpp::Int64 toInt64(T * inValue) { return (cpp::Int64)inValue; } inline static String toString(T * inValue) { return String(); } inline static hx::Object *toObject(T * inValue) { return 0; } inline static int getDynamicCompareType(T * inValue) { return CompareAsInt64; } inline static bool isNull(T *inValue) { return !inValue; } }; template<typename T1> hx::Object *GetExistingObject(const T1 &v1) { typedef CompareTraits<T1> traits1; return traits1::toObject(v1); } template<typename T1> bool IsNull(const T1 &v1) { typedef CompareTraits<T1> traits1; return traits1::isNull(v1); } template<typename T1> bool IsNotNull(const T1 &v1) { typedef CompareTraits<T1> traits1; return !traits1::isNull(v1); } template<bool LESS, bool EQ, typename T1, typename T2> inline bool TestLessEq(const T1 &v1, const T2 &v2) { typedef CompareTraits<T1> traits1; typedef CompareTraits<T2> traits2; if (traits1::type==(int)CompareAsInt && traits2::type==(int)CompareAsInt) { return LESS ? ( EQ ? traits1::toInt(v1) <= traits2::toInt(v2) : traits1::toInt(v1) < traits2::toInt(v2) ) : ( EQ ? traits1::toInt(v1) == traits2::toInt(v2) : traits1::toInt(v1) != traits2::toInt(v2) ); } else if (traits1::type<=(int)CompareAsInt64 && traits2::type<=(int)CompareAsInt64) { return LESS ? ( EQ ? traits1::toInt64(v1) <= traits2::toInt64(v2) : traits1::toInt64(v1) < traits2::toInt64(v2) ) : ( EQ ? traits1::toInt64(v1) == traits2::toInt64(v2) : traits1::toInt64(v1) != traits2::toInt64(v2) ); } else if (traits1::type<=(int)CompareAsDouble && traits2::type<=(int)CompareAsDouble) { return LESS ? ( EQ ? traits1::toDouble(v1) <= traits2::toDouble(v2) : traits1::toDouble(v1) < traits2::toDouble(v2) ) : ( EQ ? traits1::toDouble(v1) == traits2::toDouble(v2) : traits1::toDouble(v1) != traits2::toDouble(v2) ); } else if (traits1::type==(int)CompareAsString && traits2::type==(int)CompareAsString) { return LESS ? ( EQ ? traits1::toString(v1) <= traits2::toString(v2) : traits1::toString(v1) < traits2::toString(v2) ) : ( EQ ? traits1::toString(v1) == traits2::toString(v2) : traits1::toString(v1) != traits2::toString(v2) ); } else if (traits1::type<=(int)CompareAsString && traits2::type<=(int)CompareAsString) { // String with a number... return false; } else if (traits1::type==(int)CompareAsString || traits2::type==(int)CompareAsString) { // String with a object... return LESS ? ( EQ ? traits1::toString(v1) <= traits2::toString(v2) : traits1::toString(v1) < traits2::toString(v2) ) : ( EQ ? traits1::toString(v1) == traits2::toString(v2) : traits1::toString(v1) != traits2::toString(v2) ); } else if (traits1::type<=(int)CompareAsDouble || traits2::type<=(int)CompareAsDouble) { // numeric with a object... // null can only be equal to null... bool n1 = traits1::isNull(v1); bool n2 = traits2::isNull(v2); if (n1 || n2) return EQ ? n1==n2 : !LESS && n1!=n2/* false,false = not equal*/; return LESS ? ( EQ ? traits1::toDouble(v1) <= traits2::toDouble(v2) : traits1::toDouble(v1) < traits2::toDouble(v2) ) : ( EQ ? traits1::toDouble(v1) == traits2::toDouble(v2) : traits1::toDouble(v1) != traits2::toDouble(v2) ); } else { // Dynamic compare. // This time, one or both types are calculated at run time // Check null/not null compare bool n1 = traits1::isNull(v1); bool n2 = traits2::isNull(v2); if (n1 || n2) return EQ ? n1==n2 : !LESS && n1!=n2 /* false,false = not equal*/; int t1 = traits1::getDynamicCompareType(v1); int t2 = traits2::getDynamicCompareType(v2); if (t1==(int)CompareAsInt && t2==(int)CompareAsInt) { return LESS ? ( EQ ? traits1::toInt(v1) <= traits2::toInt(v2) : traits1::toInt(v1) < traits2::toInt(v2) ) : ( EQ ? traits1::toInt(v1) == traits2::toInt(v2) : traits1::toInt(v1) != traits2::toInt(v2) ); } else if (t1<=(int)CompareAsInt64 && t2<=(int)CompareAsInt64) { return LESS ? ( EQ ? traits1::toInt64(v1) <= traits2::toInt64(v2) : traits1::toInt64(v1) < traits2::toInt64(v2) ) : ( EQ ? traits1::toInt64(v1) == traits2::toInt64(v2) : traits1::toInt64(v1) != traits2::toInt64(v2) ); } else if (t1<=(int)CompareAsDouble && t2<=(int)CompareAsDouble) { return LESS ? ( EQ ? traits1::toDouble(v1) <= traits2::toDouble(v2) : traits1::toDouble(v1) < traits2::toDouble(v2) ) : ( EQ ? traits1::toDouble(v1) == traits2::toDouble(v2) : traits1::toDouble(v1) != traits2::toDouble(v2) ); } else if (t1==(int)CompareAsString && t2==(int)CompareAsString) { return LESS ? ( EQ ? traits1::toString(v1) <= traits2::toString(v2) : traits1::toString(v1) < traits2::toString(v2) ) : ( EQ ? traits1::toString(v1) == traits2::toString(v2) : traits1::toString(v1) != traits2::toString(v2) ); } else if (t1<=(int)CompareAsString && t2<=(int)CompareAsString) { // String with a number... return false; } else if (t1==(int)CompareAsString || t2==(int)CompareAsString) { // String with a object... return LESS ? ( EQ ? traits1::toString(v1) <= traits2::toString(v2) : traits1::toString(v1) < traits2::toString(v2) ) : ( EQ ? traits1::toString(v1) == traits2::toString(v2) : traits1::toString(v1) != traits2::toString(v2) ); } else if (t1<=(int)CompareAsDouble || t2<=(int)CompareAsDouble) { // numeric with a object only works for not-equal return !LESS && !EQ; } else { // Object with Object hx::Object *o1 = traits1::toObject(v1); hx::Object *o2 = traits2::toObject(v2); int diff = o1->__Compare(o2); return LESS ? ( EQ ? diff <= 0 : diff < 0 ) : ( EQ ? diff == 0 : diff != 0 ); } } } template<typename T1, typename T2> bool IsEq(const T1 &v1, const T2 &v2) { return TestLessEq<false,true,T1,T2>(v1,v2); } template<typename T1, typename T2> bool IsNotEq(const T1 &v1, const T2 &v2) { return TestLessEq<false,false,T1,T2>(v1,v2); } template<typename T1, typename T2> bool IsLess(const T1 &v1, const T2 &v2) { return TestLessEq<true,false,T1,T2>(v1,v2); } template<typename T1, typename T2> bool IsLessEq(const T1 &v1, const T2 &v2) { return TestLessEq<true,true,T1,T2>(v1,v2); } template<typename T1, typename T2> bool IsGreater(const T1 &v1, const T2 &v2) { return TestLessEq<true,false,T2,T1>(v2,v1); } template<typename T1, typename T2> bool IsGreaterEq(const T1 &v1, const T2 &v2) { return TestLessEq<true,true,T2,T1>(v2,v1); } template<typename T1, typename T2> bool IsPointerEq(const T1 &v1, const T2 &v2) { return GetExistingObject(v1) == GetExistingObject(v2); } template<typename T1, typename T2> bool IsPointerNotEq(const T1 &v1, const T2 &v2) { return GetExistingObject(v1) != GetExistingObject(v2); } template<typename T1, typename T2> bool IsInstanceEq(const T1 &v1, const T2 &v2) { hx::Object *p1 = GetExistingObject(v1); hx::Object *p2 = GetExistingObject(v2); if (p1==p2) return true; if (!p1 || !p2) return false; return !p1->__Compare(p2); } template<typename T1, typename T2> bool IsInstanceNotEq(const T1 &v1, const T2 &v2) { hx::Object *p1 = GetExistingObject(v1); hx::Object *p2 = GetExistingObject(v2); if (p1==p2) return false; if (!p1 || !p2) return true; return p1->__Compare(p2); } } #endif