import haxe.ds.WeakMap; class WeakObjectData { public var id:Int; public function new(inId:Int) id = inId; public function toString() return "Data " + id; } class TestWeakHash extends haxe.unit.TestCase { var retained:Array; function createMap(inCount:Int) { retained = []; var map = new WeakMap(); for(i in 0...inCount) { var obj = new WeakObjectData(i); if ( (i&1)==0 ) retained.push(obj); map.set(obj,i); } return map; } function createMapDeep(inDepth:Int, inCount:Int) { if (inDepth<1) return createMap(inCount); return createMapDeep(inDepth-1, inCount); } function checkMap(map:WeakMap, expect:Int) { var valid = 0; var oddFound = 0; for(k in map.keys()) { if( (!= 0) { oddFound ++; //throw "Odd retained " +; } else valid++; } // There may be one or two values lurking on the stack, which is conservatively marked if (oddFound>2) trace("Too many odd values retained " + oddFound); if (!(valid>=expect && valid=expect && valid, expect:Int) { if (inDepth<1) checkMap(map,expect); else deepCheckMap(inDepth-1, map, expect); } function deepClearRetained(inRecurse:Int) { if (inRecurse>0) deepClearRetained(inRecurse-1); else retained = []; } public function test() { var err = ""; try { var map = createMapDeep(20,1000);; deepCheckMap(10,map,500); deepClearRetained(10);; checkMap(map,0); } catch(e:String) { trace(e); err = e; } assertTrue(err==""); } }