/* * libwebsockets - small server side websockets and web server implementation * * Copyright (C) 2010 - 2020 Andy Green <andy@warmcat.com> * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS * IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include <libwebsockets.h> #include <private-lib-core.h> #include <assert.h> signed char lws_struct_schema_only_lejp_cb(struct lejp_ctx *ctx, char reason) { lws_struct_args_t *a = (lws_struct_args_t *)ctx->user; const lws_struct_map_t *map = a->map_st[ctx->pst_sp]; size_t n = a->map_entries_st[ctx->pst_sp], imp = 0; lejp_callback cb = map->lejp_cb; if (reason == LEJPCB_PAIR_NAME && strcmp(ctx->path, "schema")) { /* * If not "schema", the schema is implicit rather than * explicitly given, ie, he just goes ahead and starts using * member names that imply a particular type. For example, he * may have an implicit type normally, and a different one for * exceptions that just starts using "error-message" or whatever * and we can understand that's the exception type now. * * Let's look into each of the maps in the top level array * and match the first one that mentions the name he gave here, * and bind to the associated type / create a toplevel object * of that type. */ while (n--) { int m, child_members = (int)map->child_map_size; for (m = 0; m < child_members; m++) { const lws_struct_map_t *child = &map->child_map[m]; if (!strcmp(ctx->path, child->colname)) { /* * We matched on him... map is pointing * to the right toplevel type, let's * just pick up from there as if we * matched the explicit schema name... */ ctx->path_match = 1; imp = 1; goto matched; } } map++; } lwsl_notice("%s: can't match implicit schema %s\n", __func__, ctx->path); return -1; } if (reason != LEJPCB_VAL_STR_END || ctx->path_match != 1) return 0; /* If "schema", then look for a matching name in the map array */ while (n--) { if (strcmp(ctx->buf, map->colname)) { map++; continue; } matched: a->dest = lwsac_use_zero(&a->ac, map->aux, a->ac_block_size); if (!a->dest) { lwsl_err("%s: OOT\n", __func__); return 1; } a->dest_len = map->aux; if (!ctx->pst_sp) a->top_schema_index = (int)(map - a->map_st[ctx->pst_sp]); if (!cb) cb = lws_struct_default_lejp_cb; lejp_parser_push(ctx, a->dest, &map->child_map[0].colname, (uint8_t)map->child_map_size, cb); a->map_st[ctx->pst_sp] = map->child_map; a->map_entries_st[ctx->pst_sp] = map->child_map_size; // lwsl_notice("%s: child map ofs_clist %d\n", __func__, // (int)a->map_st[ctx->pst_sp]->ofs_clist); if (imp) return cb(ctx, reason); return 0; } lwsl_notice("%s: unknown schema %s\n", __func__, ctx->buf); return 1; } static int lws_struct_lejp_push(struct lejp_ctx *ctx, lws_struct_args_t *args, const lws_struct_map_t *map, uint8_t *ch) { lejp_callback cb = map->lejp_cb; if (!cb) cb = lws_struct_default_lejp_cb; lejp_parser_push(ctx, ch, (const char * const*)map->child_map, (uint8_t)map->child_map_size, cb); args->map_st[ctx->pst_sp] = map->child_map; args->map_entries_st[ctx->pst_sp] = map->child_map_size; return 0; } signed char lws_struct_default_lejp_cb(struct lejp_ctx *ctx, char reason) { lws_struct_args_t *args = (lws_struct_args_t *)ctx->user; const lws_struct_map_t *map, *pmap = NULL; uint8_t *ch; size_t n; char *u; if (reason == LEJPCB_ARRAY_END) { lejp_parser_pop(ctx); return 0; } if (reason == LEJPCB_ARRAY_START) { if (!ctx->path_match) lwsl_err("%s: ARRAY_START with ctx->path_match 0\n", __func__); map = &args->map_st[ctx->pst_sp][ctx->path_match - 1]; if (map->type == LSMT_LIST) lws_struct_lejp_push(ctx, args, map, NULL); return 0; } if (ctx->pst_sp) pmap = &args->map_st[ctx->pst_sp - 1] [ctx->pst[ctx->pst_sp - 1].path_match - 1]; if (reason == LEJPCB_OBJECT_START) { if (!ctx->path_match) { ctx->pst[ctx->pst_sp].user = NULL; return 0; } map = &args->map_st[ctx->pst_sp][ctx->path_match - 1]; n = args->map_entries_st[ctx->pst_sp]; if (map->type != LSMT_CHILD_PTR && map->type != LSMT_LIST) { ctx->pst[ctx->pst_sp].user = NULL; return 0; } pmap = map; lws_struct_lejp_push(ctx, args, map, NULL); } if (reason == LEJPCB_OBJECT_END && pmap) { if (pmap->type == LSMT_CHILD_PTR) lejp_parser_pop(ctx); if (ctx->pst_sp) pmap = &args->map_st[ctx->pst_sp - 1] [ctx->pst[ctx->pst_sp - 1].path_match - 1]; } if (!ctx->path_match) return 0; map = &args->map_st[ctx->pst_sp][ctx->path_match - 1]; n = args->map_entries_st[ctx->pst_sp]; if (map->type == LSMT_SCHEMA) { while (n--) { if (strncmp(map->colname, ctx->buf, ctx->npos)) { map++; continue; } /* instantiate the correct toplevel object */ ch = lwsac_use_zero(&args->ac, map->aux, args->ac_block_size); if (!ch) { lwsl_err("OOM\n"); return 1; } lws_struct_lejp_push(ctx, args, map, ch); return 0; } lwsl_notice("%s: unknown schema %.*s, tried %d\n", __func__, ctx->npos, ctx->buf, (int)args->map_entries_st[ctx->pst_sp]); goto cleanup; } if (!ctx->pst[ctx->pst_sp].user) { struct lws_dll2_owner *owner; struct lws_dll2 *list; /* create list item object if none already */ if (!ctx->path_match || !pmap) return 0; map = &args->map_st[ctx->pst_sp - 1][ctx->path_match - 1]; n = args->map_entries_st[ctx->pst_sp - 1]; if (!ctx->pst_sp) return 0; if (pmap->type != LSMT_LIST && pmap->type != LSMT_CHILD_PTR) return 1; /* we need to create a child or array item object */ owner = (struct lws_dll2_owner *) (((char *)ctx->pst[ctx->pst_sp - 1].user) + pmap->ofs); assert(pmap->aux); /* instantiate one of the child objects */ ctx->pst[ctx->pst_sp].user = lwsac_use_zero(&args->ac, pmap->aux, args->ac_block_size); if (!ctx->pst[ctx->pst_sp].user) { lwsl_err("OOM\n"); return 1; } lwsl_info("%s: created '%s' object size %d\n", __func__, pmap->colname, (int)pmap->aux); switch (pmap->type) { case LSMT_LIST: list = (struct lws_dll2 *) ((char *)ctx->pst[ctx->pst_sp].user + pmap->ofs_clist); lws_dll2_add_tail(list, owner); break; case LSMT_CHILD_PTR: *((void **)owner) = ctx->pst[ctx->pst_sp].user; break; default: assert(0); break; } } if (!ctx->path_match) return 0; if (reason == LEJPCB_VAL_STR_CHUNK) { lejp_collation_t *coll; /* don't cache stuff we are going to ignore */ if (map->type == LSMT_STRING_CHAR_ARRAY && args->chunks_length >= map->aux) return 0; coll = lwsac_use_zero(&args->ac_chunks, sizeof(*coll), sizeof(*coll)); if (!coll) { lwsl_err("%s: OOT\n", __func__); return 1; } coll->chunks.prev = NULL; coll->chunks.next = NULL; coll->chunks.owner = NULL; coll->len = ctx->npos; lws_dll2_add_tail(&coll->chunks, &args->chunks_owner); memcpy(coll->buf, ctx->buf, ctx->npos); args->chunks_length += ctx->npos; return 0; } if (reason != LEJPCB_VAL_STR_END && reason != LEJPCB_VAL_NUM_INT && reason != LEJPCB_VAL_TRUE && reason != LEJPCB_VAL_FALSE) return 0; /* this is the end of the string */ if (ctx->pst[ctx->pst_sp].user && pmap && pmap->type == LSMT_CHILD_PTR) { void **pp = (void **) (((char *)ctx->pst[ctx->pst_sp - 1].user) + pmap->ofs); *pp = ctx->pst[ctx->pst_sp].user; } u = (char *)ctx->pst[ctx->pst_sp].user; if (!u) u = (char *)ctx->pst[ctx->pst_sp - 1].user; { char **pp, *s; size_t lim, b; long long li; switch (map->type) { case LSMT_SIGNED: if (map->aux == sizeof(signed char)) { signed char *pc; pc = (signed char *)(u + map->ofs); *pc = (signed char)atoi(ctx->buf); break; } if (map->aux == sizeof(int)) { int *pi; pi = (int *)(u + map->ofs); *pi = atoi(ctx->buf); break; } if (map->aux == sizeof(long)) { long *pl; pl = (long *)(u + map->ofs); *pl = atol(ctx->buf); } else { long long *pll; pll = (long long *)(u + map->ofs); *pll = atoll(ctx->buf); } break; case LSMT_UNSIGNED: if (map->aux == sizeof(unsigned char)) { unsigned char *pc; pc = (unsigned char *)(u + map->ofs); *pc = (unsigned char)(unsigned int)atoi(ctx->buf); break; } if (map->aux == sizeof(unsigned int)) { unsigned int *pi; pi = (unsigned int *)(u + map->ofs); *pi = (unsigned int)atoi(ctx->buf); break; } if (map->aux == sizeof(unsigned long)) { unsigned long *pl; pl = (unsigned long *)(u + map->ofs); *pl = (unsigned long)atol(ctx->buf); } else { unsigned long long *pll; pll = (unsigned long long *)(u + map->ofs); *pll = (unsigned long long)atoll(ctx->buf); } break; case LSMT_BOOLEAN: li = reason == LEJPCB_VAL_TRUE; if (map->aux == sizeof(char)) { char *pc; pc = (char *)(u + map->ofs); *pc = (char)li; break; } if (map->aux == sizeof(int)) { int *pi; pi = (int *)(u + map->ofs); *pi = (int)li; } else { uint64_t *p64; p64 = (uint64_t *)(u + map->ofs); *p64 = (uint64_t)li; } break; case LSMT_STRING_CHAR_ARRAY: s = (char *)(u + map->ofs); lim = map->aux - 1; goto chunk_copy; case LSMT_STRING_PTR: pp = (char **)(u + map->ofs); lim = args->chunks_length + ctx->npos; s = lwsac_use(&args->ac, lim + 1, args->ac_block_size); if (!s) goto cleanup; *pp = s; chunk_copy: s[lim] = '\0'; /* copy up to lim from the string chunk ac first */ lws_start_foreach_dll_safe(struct lws_dll2 *, p, p1, args->chunks_owner.head) { lejp_collation_t *coll = (lejp_collation_t *)p; if (lim) { b = (unsigned int)coll->len; if (b > lim) b = lim; memcpy(s, coll->buf, b); s += b; lim -= b; } } lws_end_foreach_dll_safe(p, p1); lwsac_free(&args->ac_chunks); args->chunks_owner.count = 0; args->chunks_owner.head = NULL; args->chunks_owner.tail = NULL; if (lim) { b = ctx->npos; if (b > lim) b = lim; memcpy(s, ctx->buf, b); s[b] = '\0'; } break; default: break; } } if (args->cb) args->cb(args->dest, args->cb_arg); return 0; cleanup: lwsl_notice("%s: cleanup\n", __func__); lwsac_free(&args->ac_chunks); args->chunks_owner.count = 0; args->chunks_owner.head = NULL; args->chunks_owner.tail = NULL; return 1; } static const char * schema[] = { "schema" }; int lws_struct_json_init_parse(struct lejp_ctx *ctx, lejp_callback cb, void *user) { /* * By default we are looking to match on a toplevel member called * "schema", against an LSM_SCHEMA */ if (!cb) cb = lws_struct_schema_only_lejp_cb; lejp_construct(ctx, cb, user, schema, 1); ctx->path_stride = sizeof(lws_struct_map_t); return 0; } lws_struct_serialize_t * lws_struct_json_serialize_create(const lws_struct_map_t *map, size_t map_entries, int flags, const void *ptoplevel) { lws_struct_serialize_t *js = lws_zalloc(sizeof(*js), __func__); lws_struct_serialize_st_t *j; if (!js) return NULL; js->flags = flags; j = &js->st[0]; j->map = map; j->map_entries = map_entries; j->obj = ptoplevel; j->idt = 0; return js; } void lws_struct_json_serialize_destroy(lws_struct_serialize_t **pjs) { if (!*pjs) return; lws_free(*pjs); *pjs = NULL; } static void lws_struct_pretty(lws_struct_serialize_t *js, uint8_t **pbuf, size_t *plen) { if (js->flags & LSSERJ_FLAG_PRETTY) { int n; *(*pbuf)++ = '\n'; (*plen)--; for (n = 0; n < js->st[js->sp].idt; n++) { *(*pbuf)++ = ' '; (*plen)--; } } } lws_struct_json_serialize_result_t lws_struct_json_serialize(lws_struct_serialize_t *js, uint8_t *buf, size_t len, size_t *written) { lws_struct_serialize_st_t *j; const lws_struct_map_t *map; size_t budget = 0, olen = len, m; struct lws_dll2_owner *o; unsigned long long uli; const char *q; const void *p; char dbuf[72]; long long li; int n, used; *written = 0; *buf = '\0'; while (len > sizeof(dbuf) + 20) { j = &js->st[js->sp]; map = &j->map[j->map_entry]; q = j->obj + map->ofs; /* early check if the entry should be elided */ switch (map->type) { case LSMT_STRING_CHAR_ARRAY: if (!q) goto up; break; case LSMT_STRING_PTR: case LSMT_CHILD_PTR: q = (char *)*(char **)q; if (!q) goto up; break; case LSMT_LIST: o = (struct lws_dll2_owner *)q; p = j->dllpos = lws_dll2_get_head(o); if (!p) goto up; break; case LSMT_BLOB_PTR: goto up; default: break; } if (j->subsequent) { *buf++ = ','; len--; lws_struct_pretty(js, &buf, &len); } j->subsequent = 1; if (map->type != LSMT_SCHEMA && !js->offset) { n = lws_snprintf((char *)buf, len, "\"%s\":", map->colname); buf += n; len = len - (unsigned int)n; if (js->flags & LSSERJ_FLAG_PRETTY) { *buf++ = ' '; len--; } } switch (map->type) { case LSMT_BOOLEAN: case LSMT_UNSIGNED: if (map->aux == sizeof(char)) { uli = *(unsigned char *)q; } else { if (map->aux == sizeof(int)) { uli = *(unsigned int *)q; } else { if (map->aux == sizeof(long)) uli = *(unsigned long *)q; else uli = *(unsigned long long *)q; } } q = dbuf; if (map->type == LSMT_BOOLEAN) { budget = (unsigned int)lws_snprintf(dbuf, sizeof(dbuf), "%s", uli ? "true" : "false"); } else budget = (unsigned int)lws_snprintf(dbuf, sizeof(dbuf), "%llu", uli); break; case LSMT_SIGNED: if (map->aux == sizeof(signed char)) { li = (long long)*(signed char *)q; } else { if (map->aux == sizeof(int)) { li = (long long)*(int *)q; } else { if (map->aux == sizeof(long)) li = (long long)*(long *)q; else li = *(long long *)q; } } q = dbuf; budget = (unsigned int)lws_snprintf(dbuf, sizeof(dbuf), "%lld", li); break; case LSMT_STRING_CHAR_ARRAY: case LSMT_STRING_PTR: if (!js->offset) { *buf++ = '\"'; len--; } break; case LSMT_LIST: *buf++ = '['; len--; if (js->sp + 1 == LEJP_MAX_PARSING_STACK_DEPTH) return LSJS_RESULT_ERROR; /* add a stack level to handle parsing array members */ o = (struct lws_dll2_owner *)q; p = j->dllpos = lws_dll2_get_head(o); if (!j->dllpos) { *buf++ = ']'; len--; goto up; } n = j->idt; j = &js->st[++js->sp]; j->idt = (char)(n + 2); j->map = map->child_map; j->map_entries = map->child_map_size; j->size = map->aux; j->subsequent = 0; j->map_entry = 0; lws_struct_pretty(js, &buf, &len); *buf++ = '{'; len--; lws_struct_pretty(js, &buf, &len); if (p) j->obj = ((char *)p) - j->map->ofs_clist; else j->obj = NULL; continue; case LSMT_CHILD_PTR: if (js->sp + 1 == LEJP_MAX_PARSING_STACK_DEPTH) return LSJS_RESULT_ERROR; /* add a stack level to handle parsing child members */ n = j->idt; j = &js->st[++js->sp]; j->idt = (char)(n + 2); j->map = map->child_map; j->map_entries = map->child_map_size; j->size = map->aux; j->subsequent = 0; j->map_entry = 0; *buf++ = '{'; len--; lws_struct_pretty(js, &buf, &len); j->obj = q; continue; case LSMT_SCHEMA: q = dbuf; *buf++ = '{'; len--; j = &js->st[++js->sp]; lws_struct_pretty(js, &buf, &len); if (!(js->flags & LSSERJ_FLAG_OMIT_SCHEMA)) { budget = (unsigned int)lws_snprintf(dbuf, 15, "\"schema\":"); if (js->flags & LSSERJ_FLAG_PRETTY) dbuf[budget++] = ' '; budget += (unsigned int)lws_snprintf(dbuf + budget, sizeof(dbuf) - budget, "\"%s\"", map->colname); } if (js->sp != 1) return LSJS_RESULT_ERROR; j->map = map->child_map; j->map_entries = map->child_map_size; j->size = map->aux; j->subsequent = 0; j->map_entry = 0; j->obj = js->st[js->sp - 1].obj; j->dllpos = NULL; if (!(js->flags & LSSERJ_FLAG_OMIT_SCHEMA)) /* we're actually at the same level */ j->subsequent = 1; j->idt = 1; break; default: break; } switch (map->type) { case LSMT_STRING_CHAR_ARRAY: case LSMT_STRING_PTR: /* * This is a bit tricky... we have to escape the string * which may 6x its length depending on what the * contents are. * * We offset the unescaped string starting point first */ q += js->offset; budget = strlen(q); /* how much unescaped is left */ /* * This is going to escape as much as it can fit, and * let us know the amount of input that was consumed * in "used". */ lws_json_purify((char *)buf, q, (int)len, &used); m = strlen((const char *)buf); buf += m; len -= m; js->remaining = budget - (unsigned int)used; js->offset = (unsigned int)used; if (!js->remaining) js->offset = 0; break; default: q += js->offset; budget -= js->remaining; if (budget > len) { js->remaining = budget - len; js->offset = len; budget = len; } else { js->remaining = 0; js->offset = 0; } memcpy(buf, q, budget); buf += budget; *buf = '\0'; len -= budget; break; } switch (map->type) { case LSMT_STRING_CHAR_ARRAY: case LSMT_STRING_PTR: *buf++ = '\"'; len--; break; case LSMT_SCHEMA: continue; default: break; } if (js->remaining) continue; up: if (++j->map_entry < j->map_entries) continue; if (!js->sp) continue; js->sp--; if (!js->sp) { lws_struct_pretty(js, &buf, &len); *buf++ = '}'; len--; lws_struct_pretty(js, &buf, &len); break; } js->offset = 0; j = &js->st[js->sp]; map = &j->map[j->map_entry]; if (map->type == LSMT_CHILD_PTR) { lws_struct_pretty(js, &buf, &len); *buf++ = '}'; len--; /* we have done the singular child pointer */ js->offset = 0; goto up; } if (map->type != LSMT_LIST) continue; /* * we are coming back up to an array map, it means we should * advance to the next array member if there is one */ lws_struct_pretty(js, &buf, &len); *buf++ = '}'; len--; p = j->dllpos = j->dllpos->next; if (j->dllpos) { /* * there was another item in the array to do... let's * move on to that and do it */ *buf++ = ','; len--; lws_struct_pretty(js, &buf, &len); js->offset = 0; j = &js->st[++js->sp]; j->map_entry = 0; map = &j->map[j->map_entry]; *buf++ = '{'; len--; lws_struct_pretty(js, &buf, &len); j->subsequent = 0; j->obj = ((char *)p) - j->map->ofs_clist; continue; } /* there are no further items in the array */ js->offset = 0; lws_struct_pretty(js, &buf, &len); *buf++ = ']'; len--; goto up; } *written = olen - len; *buf = '\0'; /* convenience, a NUL after the official end */ return LSJS_RESULT_FINISH; }