#pragma once #include <kinc/global.h> /*! \file socket.h \brief Provides low-level network-communication via UDP or TCP-sockets. */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif typedef enum kinc_socket_protocol { KINC_SOCKET_PROTOCOL_UDP, KINC_SOCKET_PROTOCOL_TCP } kinc_socket_protocol_t; typedef enum kinc_socket_family { KINC_SOCKET_FAMILY_IP4, KINC_SOCKET_FAMILY_IP6 } kinc_socket_family_t; #ifdef KINC_MICROSOFT #if defined(_WIN64) typedef unsigned __int64 UINT_PTR, *PUINT_PTR; #else #if !defined _W64 #define _W64 #endif typedef _W64 unsigned int UINT_PTR, *PUINT_PTR; #endif typedef UINT_PTR SOCKET; #endif typedef struct kinc_socket { #ifdef KINC_MICROSOFT SOCKET handle; #else int handle; #endif uint32_t host; uint32_t port; kinc_socket_protocol_t protocol; kinc_socket_family_t family; bool connected; } kinc_socket_t; typedef struct kinc_socket_options { bool non_blocking; bool broadcast; bool tcp_no_delay; } kinc_socket_options_t; /// <summary> /// Initializes a socket-options-object to the default options /// </summary> /// <param name="options">The new default options</param> KINC_FUNC void kinc_socket_options_set_defaults(kinc_socket_options_t *options); /// <summary> /// Initializes a socket-object. To set the host and port use kinc_socket_set. /// Host will be localhost /// Port will be 8080 /// Family will be IPv4 /// Protocol will be TCP /// </summary> /// <param name="socket">The socket to initialize</param> KINC_FUNC void kinc_socket_init(kinc_socket_t *socket); /// <summary> /// Sets the sockets properties. /// </summary> /// <param name="socket">The socket-object to use</param> /// <param name="host">The host to use as IP or URL</param> /// <param name="port">The port to use</param> /// <param name="family">The IP-family to use</param> /// <param name="protocol">The protocol to use</param> /// <returns>Whether the socket was set correctly</returns> KINC_FUNC bool kinc_socket_set(kinc_socket_t *socket, const char *host, int port, kinc_socket_family_t family, kinc_socket_protocol_t protocol); /// <summary> /// Destroys a socket-object. /// </summary> /// <param name="socket">The socket to destroy</param> KINC_FUNC void kinc_socket_destroy(kinc_socket_t *socket); /// <summary> /// Opens a socket-connection. /// </summary> /// <param name="socket">The socket-object to use</param> /// <param name="protocol">The protocol to use</param> /// <param name="port">The port to use</param> /// <param name="options">The options to use</param> /// <returns>Whether the socket-connection could be opened</returns> KINC_FUNC bool kinc_socket_open(kinc_socket_t *socket, kinc_socket_options_t *options); /// <summary> /// For use with non-blocking sockets to try to see if we are connected. /// </summary> /// <param name="socket">The socket-object to use</param> /// <param name="waittime">The amount of time in seconds the select function will timeout.</param> /// <param name="read">Check if the socket is ready to be read from.</param> /// <param name="write">Check if the socket is ready to be written to.</param> /// <returns>Whether the socket-connection can read or write or checks both.</returns> KINC_FUNC bool kinc_socket_select(kinc_socket_t *socket, uint32_t waittime, bool read, bool write); /*Typically these are server actions.*/ KINC_FUNC bool kinc_socket_bind(kinc_socket_t *socket); KINC_FUNC bool kinc_socket_listen(kinc_socket_t *socket, int backlog); KINC_FUNC bool kinc_socket_accept(kinc_socket_t *socket, kinc_socket_t *new_socket, unsigned *remote_address, unsigned *remote_port); /*Typically this is a client action.*/ KINC_FUNC bool kinc_socket_connect(kinc_socket_t *socket); KINC_FUNC int kinc_socket_send(kinc_socket_t *socket, const uint8_t *data, int size); KINC_FUNC int kinc_socket_send_address(kinc_socket_t *socket, unsigned address, int port, const uint8_t *data, int size); KINC_FUNC int kinc_socket_send_url(kinc_socket_t *socket, const char *url, int port, const uint8_t *data, int size); KINC_FUNC int kinc_socket_receive(kinc_socket_t *socket, uint8_t *data, int maxSize, unsigned *from_address, unsigned *from_port); /// <summary> /// Resolves a DNS-entry to an IP and returns its integer representation. /// </summary> /// <param name="url"></param> /// <param name="port"></param> /// <returns></returns> KINC_FUNC unsigned kinc_url_to_int(const char *url, int port); #ifdef KINC_IMPLEMENTATION_NETWORK #define KINC_IMPLEMENTATION #endif #ifdef KINC_IMPLEMENTATION #undef KINC_IMPLEMENTATION #include <kinc/libs/stb_sprintf.h> #include <kinc/log.h> #define KINC_IMPLEMENTATION #include <errno.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #if defined(KINC_WINDOWS) || defined(KINC_WINDOWSAPP) // Windows 7 #define WINVER 0x0601 #define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0601 #define NOATOM #define NOCLIPBOARD #define NOCOLOR #define NOCOMM #define NOCTLMGR #define NODEFERWINDOWPOS #define NODRAWTEXT #define NOGDI #define NOGDICAPMASKS #define NOHELP #define NOICONS #define NOKANJI #define NOKEYSTATES #define NOMB #define NOMCX #define NOMEMMGR #define NOMENUS #define NOMETAFILE #define NOMINMAX #define NOMSG #define NONLS #define NOOPENFILE #define NOPROFILER #define NORASTEROPS #define NOSCROLL #define NOSERVICE #define NOSHOWWINDOW #define NOSOUND #define NOSYSCOMMANDS #define NOSYSMETRICS #define NOTEXTMETRIC #define NOUSER #define NOVIRTUALKEYCODES #define NOWH #define NOWINMESSAGES #define NOWINOFFSETS #define NOWINSTYLES #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include <Ws2tcpip.h> #include <winsock2.h> #elif defined(KINC_POSIX) || defined(KINC_EMSCRIPTEN) #include <arpa/inet.h> // for inet_addr() #include <ctype.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <netdb.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <netinet/tcp.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <unistd.h> #endif #if defined(KINC_EMSCRIPTEN) #include <emscripten.h> #include <emscripten/posix_socket.h> #include <emscripten/threading.h> #include <emscripten/websocket.h> static EMSCRIPTEN_WEBSOCKET_T bridgeSocket = 0; #elif defined(KINC_POSIX) #include <sys/select.h> #endif static int counter = 0; #if defined(KINC_WINDOWS) || defined(KINC_WINDOWSAPP) || defined(KINC_POSIX) // Important: Must be cleaned with freeaddrinfo(address) later if the result is 0 in order to prevent memory leaks static int resolveAddress(const char *url, int port, struct addrinfo **result) { struct addrinfo hints = {0}; hints.ai_family = AF_INET; hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_DGRAM; hints.ai_protocol = IPPROTO_UDP; char serv[6]; sprintf(serv, "%u", port); return getaddrinfo(url, serv, &hints, result); } #endif KINC_FUNC bool kinc_socket_bind(kinc_socket_t *sock) { #if defined(KINC_WINDOWS) || defined(KINC_WINDOWSAPP) || defined(KINC_POSIX) struct sockaddr_in address; address.sin_family = sock->family == KINC_SOCKET_FAMILY_IP4 ? AF_INET : AF_INET6; address.sin_addr.s_addr = sock->host; address.sin_port = sock->port; if (bind(sock->handle, (const struct sockaddr *)&address, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)) < 0) { kinc_log(KINC_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Could not bind socket: %s", strerror(errno)); return false; } return true; #else return false; #endif } KINC_FUNC void kinc_socket_options_set_defaults(kinc_socket_options_t *options) { options->non_blocking = true; options->broadcast = false; options->tcp_no_delay = false; } void kinc_socket_init(kinc_socket_t *sock) { sock->handle = 0; #if defined(KINC_WINDOWS) || defined(KINC_WINDOWSAPP) || defined(KINC_POSIX) sock->host = INADDR_ANY; sock->port = htons((unsigned short)8080); sock->protocol = KINC_SOCKET_PROTOCOL_TCP; sock->family = KINC_SOCKET_FAMILY_IP4; #endif sock->connected = false; #if defined(KINC_WINDOWS) || defined(KINC_WINDOWSAPP) if (counter == 0) { WSADATA WsaData; WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &WsaData); } #if defined(KINC_EMSCRIPTEN) if (!bridgeSocket) { bridgeSocket = emscripten_init_websocket_to_posix_socket_bridge("ws://localhost:8080"); // Synchronously wait until connection has been established. uint16_t readyState = 0; do { emscripten_websocket_get_ready_state(bridgeSocket, &readyState); emscripten_thread_sleep(100); } while (readyState == 0); } #endif #endif ++counter; } bool kinc_socket_open(kinc_socket_t *sock, struct kinc_socket_options *options) { #if defined(KINC_WINDOWS) || defined(KINC_WINDOWSAPP) || defined(KINC_POSIX) switch (sock->protocol) { case KINC_SOCKET_PROTOCOL_UDP: sock->handle = socket(sock->family == KINC_SOCKET_FAMILY_IP4 ? AF_INET : AF_INET6, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP); break; case KINC_SOCKET_PROTOCOL_TCP: sock->handle = socket(sock->family == KINC_SOCKET_FAMILY_IP4 ? AF_INET : AF_INET6, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP); break; default: kinc_log(KINC_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Unsupported socket protocol."); return false; } if (sock->handle <= 0) { kinc_log(KINC_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Could not create socket."); #if defined(KINC_WINDOWS) || defined(KINC_WINDOWSAPP) int errorCode = WSAGetLastError(); switch (errorCode) { case (WSANOTINITIALISED): kinc_log(KINC_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "A successful WSAStartup call must occur before using this function."); break; case (WSAENETDOWN): kinc_log(KINC_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "The network subsystem or the associated service provider has failed."); break; case (WSAEAFNOSUPPORT): kinc_log(KINC_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "The specified address family is not supported.For example, an application tried to create a socket for the AF_IRDA address " "family but an infrared adapter and device driver is not installed on the local computer."); break; case (WSAEINPROGRESS): kinc_log(KINC_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "A blocking Windows Sockets 1.1 call is in progress, or the service provider is still processing a callback function."); break; case (WSAEMFILE): kinc_log(KINC_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "No more socket descriptors are available."); break; case (WSAEINVAL): kinc_log(KINC_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "An invalid argument was supplied.This error is returned if the af parameter is set to AF_UNSPEC and the type and protocol " "parameter are unspecified."); break; case (WSAENOBUFS): kinc_log(KINC_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "No buffer space is available.The socket cannot be created."); break; case (WSAEPROTONOSUPPORT): kinc_log(KINC_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "The specified protocol is not supported."); break; case (WSAEPROTOTYPE): kinc_log(KINC_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "The specified protocol is the wrong type for this socket."); break; case (WSAEPROVIDERFAILEDINIT): kinc_log(KINC_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "The service provider failed to initialize.This error is returned if a layered service provider(LSP) or namespace provider was " "improperly installed or the provider fails to operate correctly."); break; case (WSAESOCKTNOSUPPORT): kinc_log(KINC_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "The specified socket type is not supported in this address family."); break; case (WSAEINVALIDPROVIDER): kinc_log(KINC_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "The service provider returned a version other than 2.2."); break; case (WSAEINVALIDPROCTABLE): kinc_log(KINC_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "The service provider returned an invalid or incomplete procedure table to the WSPStartup."); break; default: kinc_log(KINC_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Unknown error."); } #elif defined(KINC_POSIX) && !defined(KINC_EMSCRIPTEN) kinc_log(KINC_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "%s", strerror(errno)); #endif return false; } #endif if (options) { if (options->non_blocking) { #if defined(KINC_WINDOWS) || defined(KINC_WINDOWSAPP) DWORD value = 1; if (ioctlsocket(sock->handle, FIONBIO, &value) != 0) { kinc_log(KINC_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Could not set non-blocking mode."); return false; } #elif defined(KINC_POSIX) int value = 1; if (fcntl(sock->handle, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK, value) == -1) { kinc_log(KINC_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Could not set non-blocking mode."); return false; } #endif } if (options->broadcast) { #if defined(KINC_WINDOWS) || defined(KINC_WINDOWSAPP) || defined(KINC_POSIX) int value = 1; if (setsockopt(sock->handle, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, (const char *)&value, sizeof(value)) < 0) { kinc_log(KINC_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Could not set broadcast mode."); return false; } #endif } if (options->tcp_no_delay) { #if defined(KINC_WINDOWS) || defined(KINC_WINDOWSAPP) || defined(KINC_POSIX) int value = 1; if (setsockopt(sock->handle, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, (const char *)&value, sizeof(value)) != 0) { kinc_log(KINC_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Could not set no-delay mode."); return false; } #endif } } return true; } void kinc_socket_destroy(kinc_socket_t *sock) { #if defined(KINC_WINDOWS) || defined(KINC_WINDOWSAPP) closesocket(sock->handle); #elif defined(KINC_POSIX) close(sock->handle); #endif memset(sock, 0, sizeof(kinc_socket_t)); --counter; #if defined(KINC_WINDOWS) || defined(KINC_WINDOWSAPP) if (counter == 0) { WSACleanup(); } #endif } bool kinc_socket_select(kinc_socket_t *sock, uint32_t waittime, bool read, bool write) { #if !defined(KINC_EMSCRIPTEN) && (defined(KINC_WINDOWS) || defined(KINC_WINDOWSAPP) || defined(KINC_POSIX)) fd_set r_fds, w_fds; struct timeval timeout; FD_ZERO(&r_fds); FD_ZERO(&w_fds); FD_SET(sock->handle, &r_fds); FD_SET(sock->handle, &w_fds); timeout.tv_sec = waittime; timeout.tv_usec = 0; if (select(0, &r_fds, &w_fds, NULL, &timeout) < 0) { kinc_log(KINC_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "kinc_socket_select didn't work: %s", strerror(errno)); return false; } if (read && write) { return FD_ISSET(sock->handle, &w_fds) && FD_ISSET(sock->handle, &r_fds); } else if (read) { return FD_ISSET(sock->handle, &r_fds); } else if (write) { return FD_ISSET(sock->handle, &w_fds); } else { kinc_log(KINC_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Calling kinc_socket_select with both read and write set to false is useless."); return false; } #else return false; #endif } bool kinc_socket_set(kinc_socket_t *sock, const char *host, int port, kinc_socket_family_t family, kinc_socket_protocol_t protocol) { #if defined(KINC_WINDOWS) || defined(KINC_WINDOWSAPP) || defined(KINC_POSIX) sock->family = family; sock->protocol = protocol; sock->port = htons((unsigned short)port); if (host == NULL) return true; if (isdigit(host[0]) || (family == KINC_SOCKET_FAMILY_IP6 && host[4] == ':')) { // Is IPv4 or IPv6 string struct in_addr addr; if (inet_pton(sock->family == KINC_SOCKET_FAMILY_IP4 ? AF_INET : AF_INET6, host, &addr) == 0) { kinc_log(KINC_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Invalid %s address: %s\n", sock->family == KINC_SOCKET_FAMILY_IP4 ? "IPv4" : "IPv6", host); return false; } sock->host = addr.s_addr; return true; } else { struct addrinfo *address = NULL; int res = resolveAddress(host, port, &address); if (res != 0) { kinc_log(KINC_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Could not resolve address."); return false; } #if defined(KINC_POSIX) sock->host = ((struct sockaddr_in *)address->ai_addr)->sin_addr.s_addr; #else sock->host = ((struct sockaddr_in *)address->ai_addr)->sin_addr.S_un.S_addr; #endif freeaddrinfo(address); return true; } #else return false; #endif } bool kinc_socket_listen(kinc_socket_t *socket, int backlog) { #if defined(KINC_WINDOWS) || defined(KINC_WINDOWSAPP) || defined(KINC_POSIX) int res = listen(socket->handle, backlog); return (res == 0); #else return false; #endif } bool kinc_socket_accept(kinc_socket_t *sock, kinc_socket_t *newSocket, unsigned *remoteAddress, unsigned *remotePort) { #if defined(KINC_WINDOWS) || defined(KINC_WINDOWSAPP) typedef int socklen_t; #endif #if defined(KINC_WINDOWS) || defined(KINC_WINDOWSAPP) || defined(KINC_POSIX) struct sockaddr_in addr; socklen_t addrLength = sizeof(addr); newSocket->handle = accept(sock->handle, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, &addrLength); if (newSocket->handle <= 0) { return false; } newSocket->connected = sock->connected = true; newSocket->host = addr.sin_addr.s_addr; newSocket->port = addr.sin_port; newSocket->family = sock->family; newSocket->protocol = sock->protocol; *remoteAddress = ntohl(addr.sin_addr.s_addr); *remotePort = ntohs(addr.sin_port); return true; #else return false; #endif } bool kinc_socket_connect(kinc_socket_t *sock) { #if defined(KINC_WINDOWS) || defined(KINC_WINDOWSAPP) || defined(KINC_POSIX) struct sockaddr_in addr; addr.sin_family = sock->family == KINC_SOCKET_FAMILY_IP4 ? AF_INET : AF_INET6; addr.sin_addr.s_addr = sock->host; addr.sin_port = sock->port; int res = connect(sock->handle, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); return sock->connected = (res == 0); #else return false; #endif } int kinc_socket_send(kinc_socket_t *sock, const uint8_t *data, int size) { #if defined(KINC_WINDOWS) || defined(KINC_WINDOWSAPP) typedef int socklen_t; #endif #if defined(KINC_WINDOWS) || defined(KINC_WINDOWSAPP) || defined(KINC_POSIX) if (sock->protocol == KINC_SOCKET_PROTOCOL_UDP) { struct sockaddr_in addr; addr.sin_family = sock->family == KINC_SOCKET_FAMILY_IP4 ? AF_INET : AF_INET6; addr.sin_addr.s_addr = sock->host; addr.sin_port = sock->port; size_t sent = sendto(sock->handle, (const char *)data, size, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); if (sent != size) { kinc_log(KINC_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Could not send packet."); return -1; } return (int)sent; } else { if (!sock->connected) { kinc_log(KINC_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Call kinc_sockect_connect/bind before send/recv can be called for TCP sockets."); return -1; } size_t sent = send(sock->handle, (const char *)data, size, 0); if (sent != size) { kinc_log(KINC_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Could not send packet."); } return (int)sent; } #else return 0; #endif } int kinc_socket_send_address(kinc_socket_t *sock, unsigned address, int port, const uint8_t *data, int size) { #if defined(KINC_WINDOWS) || defined(KINC_WINDOWSAPP) || defined(KINC_POSIX) struct sockaddr_in addr; addr.sin_family = AF_INET; addr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(address); addr.sin_port = htons(port); size_t sent = sendto(sock->handle, (const char *)data, size, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); if (sent != size) { kinc_log(KINC_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Could not send packet."); } return (int)sent; #else return 0; #endif } int kinc_socket_send_url(kinc_socket_t *sock, const char *url, int port, const uint8_t *data, int size) { #if defined(KINC_WINDOWS) || defined(KINC_WINDOWSAPP) || defined(KINC_POSIX) struct addrinfo *address = NULL; int res = resolveAddress(url, port, &address); if (res != 0) { kinc_log(KINC_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Could not resolve address."); return 0; } size_t sent = sendto(sock->handle, (const char *)data, size, 0, address->ai_addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); if (sent != size) { kinc_log(KINC_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Could not send packet."); } freeaddrinfo(address); return (int)sent; #else return 0; #endif } int kinc_socket_receive(kinc_socket_t *sock, uint8_t *data, int maxSize, unsigned *fromAddress, unsigned *fromPort) { #if defined(KINC_WINDOWS) || defined(KINC_WINDOWSAPP) typedef int socklen_t; typedef int ssize_t; #endif #if defined(KINC_WINDOWS) || defined(KINC_WINDOWSAPP) || defined(KINC_POSIX) if (sock->protocol == KINC_SOCKET_PROTOCOL_UDP) { struct sockaddr_in from; socklen_t fromLength = sizeof(from); ssize_t bytes = recvfrom(sock->handle, (char *)data, maxSize, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&from, &fromLength); if (bytes <= 0) { return (int)bytes; } *fromAddress = ntohl(from.sin_addr.s_addr); *fromPort = ntohs(from.sin_port); return (int)bytes; } else { if (!sock->connected) { kinc_log(KINC_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Call kinc_sockect_connect/bind before send/recv can be called for TCP sockets."); return -1; } ssize_t bytes = recv(sock->handle, (char *)data, maxSize, 0); *fromAddress = ntohl(sock->host); *fromPort = ntohs(sock->port); return (int)bytes; } #else return 0; #endif } unsigned kinc_url_to_int(const char *url, int port) { #if defined(KINC_WINDOWS) || defined(KINC_WINDOWSAPP) struct addrinfo *address = NULL; int res = resolveAddress(url, port, &address); if (res != 0) { kinc_log(KINC_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Could not resolve address."); return -1; } unsigned fromAddress = ntohl(((struct sockaddr_in *)address->ai_addr)->sin_addr.S_un.S_addr); freeaddrinfo(address); return fromAddress; #else return 0; #endif } #endif #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif