package kha.vr;

import kha.math.FastMatrix4;

class VrInterface {
	public static var instance: VrInterface;

	// Returns the current sensor state
	public function GetSensorState(): SensorState {
		return null;

	// Returns the predicted sensor state at the specified time
	public function GetPredictedSensorState(time: Float): SensorState {
		return null;

	// Sends a black image to the warp swap thread
	public function WarpSwapBlack(): Void {}

	// Sends the Oculus loading symbol to the warp swap thread
	public function WarpSwapLoadingIcon(): Void {}

	// Sends the set of images to the warp swap thread
	public function WarpSwap(parms: TimeWarpParms): Void {}

	// Return true if VR displays are presenting
	public function IsPresenting(): Bool {
		return false;

	// Return true if any VR devices connected to the computer are available
	public function IsVrEnabled(): Bool {
		return false;

	// This returns the time that the TimeWarp thread uses
	// Since it is created from the library's vsync counting code, we should use this
	public function GetTimeInSeconds(): Float {
		return 0.0;

	// Returns projection to be used for the left or right eye’s rendering
	public function GetProjectionMatrix(eye: Int): FastMatrix4 {
		return null;

	// Returns view transformation to be used for the left or right eye’s rendering
	public function GetViewMatrix(eye: Int): FastMatrix4 {
		return null;

	// Browsers will only allow to enter WebVR if requestPresent is called in response to user interaction.
	public function onVRRequestPresent(): Void {}

	// Exit WebVR
	public function onVRExitPresent(): Void {}

	// Reset position and orientation
	public function onResetPose(): Void {}

	function new() {}