package lnx2d.ui; // Kha import kha.input.KeyCode; // Zui import zui.Id; import zui.Zui; import leenkx.ui.Popup; import leenkx.ui.Canvas; using zui.Ext; using leenkx.ui.Ext; // Editor import; import; @:access(zui.Zui) class UIProperties { public static var hwin = Id.handle(); public static function renderProperties(ui:Zui, width:Int, canvas:TCanvas) { if (ui.window(hwin, kha.System.windowWidth() - width, 0, width, kha.System.windowHeight())) { var htab = Id.handle(); if (, "Project")) { var hpath = Id.handle({text:""}); ui.textInput(hpath,"Current file"); if(hpath.changed){ Main.prefs.path = hpath.text; } if (ui.button("Save")) {; } if(ui.button("Load")){ Assets.load(function(c:TCanvas){ Main.inst.canvas = c; hwin.redraws = 2; }); } if (ui.panel(Id.handle({selected: false}), "Canvas")) { ui.indent(); if (ui.button("New")) { canvas.elements = []; Editor.selectedElem = null; } if (ui.isHovered) ui.tooltip("Create new canvas"); var handleName = Id.handle({text:}); handleName.text =; ui.textInput(handleName, "Name", Right); if (handleName.changed) { // Themes file is called _themes.json, so canvases should not be named like that if (handleName.text == "_themes") { Popup.showMessage(new Zui(ui.ops), "Sorry!", "\"_themes\" is not a valid canvas name as it is reserved!"); handleName.text =; } else { = handleName.text; } } ui.row([1/2, 1/2]); var handlecw = Id.handle({text: canvas.width + ""}); var handlech = Id.handle({text: canvas.height + ""}); handlecw.text = canvas.width + ""; handlech.text = canvas.height + ""; var strw = ui.textInput(handlecw, "Width", Right); var strh = ui.textInput(handlech, "Height", Right); canvas.width = Std.parseInt(strw); canvas.height = Std.parseInt(strh); ui.unindent(); } if (ui.panel(Id.handle({selected: true}), "Outliner")) { ui.indent(); function drawList(h:zui.Zui.Handle, elem:TElement) { var b = false; // Highlight if (Editor.selectedElem == elem) { ui.g.color = 0xff205d9c; ui.g.fillRect(ui._x, ui._y, ui._w, ui.t.ELEMENT_H * ui.SCALE()); ui.g.color = 0xffffffff; } var started = ui.getStarted(); // Select if (started && !ui.inputDownR) Editor.selectedElem = elem; // Parenting if (started && ui.inputDownR) { if (elem == Editor.selectedElem) CanvasTools.unparent(canvas, elem); else CanvasTools.setParent(canvas, Editor.selectedElem, elem); } // Draw if (elem.children != null && elem.children.length > 0) { ui.row([1/13, 12/13]); b = ui.panel(h.nest(, {selected: true}), "", true, false, false); ui.text(; } else { ui._x += 18; // Sign offset ui.text(; ui._x -= 18; } // Draw children if (b) { var i = elem.children.length; while(i > 0) { i--; //Iterate backwards to avoid reparenting issues. var id = elem.children[elem.children.length - 1 - i]; ui.indent(); drawList(h, CanvasTools.elemById(canvas, id)); ui.unindent(); } } } if (canvas.elements.length > 0) { for (i in 0...canvas.elements.length) { var elem = canvas.elements[canvas.elements.length - 1 - i]; if (elem.parent == null) drawList(Id.handle(), elem); } ui.row([1/4, 1/4, 1/4, 1/4]); if (ui.button("Up") && Editor.selectedElem != null) { CanvasTools.moveElem(canvas, Editor.selectedElem, 1); } if (ui.isHovered) ui.tooltip("Move element up"); if (ui.button("Down") && Editor.selectedElem != null) { CanvasTools.moveElem(canvas, Editor.selectedElem,-1); } if (ui.isHovered) ui.tooltip("Move element down"); if (ui.button("Remove") && Editor.selectedElem != null) { CanvasTools.removeElem(canvas, Editor.selectedElem); Editor.selectedElem = null; } if (ui.isHovered) ui.tooltip("Delete element"); if (ui.button("Duplicate") && Editor.selectedElem != null) { Editor.selectedElem = CanvasTools.duplicateElem(canvas, Editor.selectedElem); } if (ui.isHovered) ui.tooltip("Create duplicate of element"); } ui.unindent(); } if (Editor.selectedElem != null) { var elem = Editor.selectedElem; var id =; if (ui.panel(Id.handle({selected: true}), "Properties")) { ui.indent(); elem.visible = ui.check(Id.handle().nest(id, {selected: elem.visible == null ? true : elem.visible}), "Visible"); = ui.textInput(Id.handle().nest(id, {text:}), "Name", Right); elem.text = ui.textInput(Id.handle().nest(id, {text: elem.text}), "Text", Right); ui.row([1/4, 1/4, 1/4, 1/4]); var handlex = Id.handle().nest(id, {text: elem.x + ""}); var handley = Id.handle().nest(id, {text: elem.y + ""}); // if (drag) { handlex.text = elem.x + ""; handley.text = elem.y + ""; // } var strx = ui.textInput(handlex, "X", Right); var stry = ui.textInput(handley, "Y", Right); elem.x = Std.parseFloat(strx); elem.y = Std.parseFloat(stry); // ui.row([1/2, 1/2]); var handlew = Id.handle().nest(id, {text: elem.width + ""}); var handleh = Id.handle().nest(id, {text: elem.height + ""}); // if (drag) { handlew.text = elem.width + ""; handleh.text = elem.height + ""; // } var strw = ui.textInput(handlew, "W", Right); var strh = ui.textInput(handleh, "H", Right); elem.width =; elem.height =; if (elem.type == ElementType.Rectangle || elem.type == ElementType.Circle || elem.type == ElementType.Triangle || elem.type == ElementType.ProgressBar || elem.type == ElementType.CProgressBar){ var handles = Id.handle().nest(id, {text: elem.strength+""}); var strs = ui.textInput(handles, "Line Strength", Right); elem.strength =; } if (elem.type == ElementType.ProgressBar || elem.type == ElementType.CProgressBar){ var handlep = Id.handle().nest(id, {value: elem.progress_at}); var slp = ui.slider(handlep, "Progress", 0.0, elem.progress_total, true, 1); var handlespt = Id.handle().nest(id, {text: elem.progress_total+""}); var strpt = ui.textInput(handlespt, "Total Progress", Right); elem.progress_total =; elem.progress_at =; } var handlerot = Id.handle().nest(id, {value: Math.roundPrecision(Math.toDegrees(elem.rotation == null ? 0 : elem.rotation), 2)}); handlerot.value = Math.roundPrecision(Math.toDegrees(elem.rotation), 2); // Small fix for radian/degree precision errors if (handlerot.value >= 360) handlerot.value = 0; elem.rotation = Math.toRadians(ui.slider(handlerot, "Rotation", 0.0, 360.0, true)); var assetPos = ui.combo(Id.handle().nest(id, {position: Assets.getAssetIndex(canvas, elem.asset)}), Assets.getEnumTexts(), "Asset", true, Right); elem.asset = Assets.getEnumTexts()[assetPos]; ui.unindent(); } if (ui.panel(Id.handle({selected: false}), "Color")){ ui.indent(); function drawColorSelection(idMult: Int, color:Null, defaultColor:Int) { ui.row([1/2, 1/2]); var handleCol = Id.handle().nest(id).nest(idMult, {color: Canvas.getColor(color, defaultColor)}); ui.colorField(handleCol, true); if (handleCol.changed) { color = handleCol.color; } // Follow theme color if (ui.button("Reset") || color == null) { color = null; handleCol.color = defaultColor; handleCol.changed = false; } return color; } var canvasTheme = Canvas.getTheme(canvas.theme); switch(elem.type) { case Text: ui.text("Text:"); elem.color_text = drawColorSelection(1, elem.color_text, canvasTheme.TEXT_COL); case Button: ui.text("Text:"); elem.color_text = drawColorSelection(1, elem.color_text, canvasTheme.BUTTON_TEXT_COL); ui.text("Background:"); elem.color = drawColorSelection(2, elem.color, canvasTheme.BUTTON_COL); ui.text("On Hover:"); elem.color_hover = drawColorSelection(3, elem.color_hover, canvasTheme.BUTTON_HOVER_COL); ui.text("On Pressed:"); elem.color_press = drawColorSelection(4, elem.color_press, canvasTheme.BUTTON_PRESSED_COL); case Rectangle, FRectangle, Circle, FCircle, Triangle, FTriangle: ui.text("Color:"); elem.color = drawColorSelection(1, elem.color, canvasTheme.BUTTON_COL); case ProgressBar, CProgressBar: ui.text("Progress:"); elem.color_progress = drawColorSelection(1, elem.color_progress, canvasTheme.TEXT_COL); ui.text("Background:"); elem.color = drawColorSelection(2, elem.color, canvasTheme.BUTTON_COL); case Check, TextInput, KeyInput, Combo, Slider: ui.text("Text:"); elem.color_text = drawColorSelection(1, elem.color_text, canvasTheme.TEXT_COL); ui.text("Background:"); elem.color = drawColorSelection(2, elem.color, canvasTheme.BUTTON_COL); ui.text("On Hover:"); elem.color_hover = drawColorSelection(3, elem.color_hover, canvasTheme.BUTTON_HOVER_COL); default: ui.text("This element type has no color settings!"); } ui.unindent(); } if (ui.panel(Id.handle({selected: false}), "Align")) { ui.indent(); var alignmentHandle = Id.handle().nest(id, {position: elem.alignment}); ui.row([1/3, 1/3, 1/3]);, 0, "Left");, 1, "Center");, 2, "Right"); Editor.selectedElem.alignment = alignmentHandle.position; ui.unindent(); } if (ui.panel(Id.handle({selected: false}), "Anchor")) { ui.indent(); var hanch = Id.handle().nest(id, {position: elem.anchor}); ui.row([4/11,3/11,4/11]);, 0, "Top-Left");, 1, "Top");, 2, "Top-Right"); ui.row([4/11,3/11,4/11]);, 3, "Left");, 4, "Center");, 5, "Right"); ui.row([4/11,3/11,4/11]);, 6, "Bot-Left");, 7, "Bottom");, 8, "Bot-Right"); elem.anchor = hanch.position; ui.unindent(); } if (ui.panel(Id.handle({selected: false}), "Script")) { ui.indent(); elem.event = ui.textInput(Id.handle().nest(id, {text: elem.event}), "Event", Right); ui.unindent(); } if (ui.panel(Id.handle({selected: false}), "Timeline")) { // ui.indent(); // ui.row([1/2,1/2]); // ui.button("Insert"); // ui.button("Remove"); // ui.unindent(); } } } if (, "Themes")) { // Must be accesible all over this place because when deleting themes, // the color handle's child handle at that theme index must be reset. var handleThemeColor = Id.handle(); var handleThemeName = Id.handle(); var iconSize = 16; function drawList(h:zui.Zui.Handle, theme:zui.Themes.TTheme) { // Highlight if (Editor.selectedTheme == theme) { ui.g.color = 0xff205d9c; ui.g.fillRect(0, ui._y, ui._windowW, ui.t.ELEMENT_H * ui.SCALE()); ui.g.color = 0xffffffff; } // Highlight default theme if (theme == Canvas.getTheme(canvas.theme)) { var iconMargin = (ui.t.BUTTON_H - iconSize) / 2; ui.g.drawSubImage(kha.Assets.images.icons, ui._x + iconMargin, ui._y + iconMargin, 0, 0, 16, 16); } var started = ui.getStarted(); // Select if (started && !ui.inputDownR) Editor.selectedTheme = theme; // Draw ui._x += iconSize; // Icon offset ui.text(theme.NAME); ui._x -= iconSize; } for (theme in Canvas.themes) drawList(Id.handle(), theme); ui.row([1/4, 1/4, 1/4, 1/4]); if (ui.button("Add")) { var newTheme = Reflect.copy(leenkx.ui.Themes.light); newTheme.NAME = CanvasTools.unique("New Theme", Canvas.themes, "NAME"); Canvas.themes.push(newTheme); Editor.selectedTheme = newTheme; } if (Editor.selectedTheme == null) ui.enabled = false; if (ui.button("Copy")) { var newTheme = Reflect.copy(Editor.selectedTheme); newTheme.NAME = CanvasTools.unique(newTheme.NAME, Canvas.themes, "NAME"); Canvas.themes.push(newTheme); Editor.selectedTheme = newTheme; } ui.enabled = true; if (Editor.selectedTheme == null) ui.enabled = false; var hName = handleThemeName.nest(Canvas.themes.indexOf(Editor.selectedTheme)); if (ui.button("Rename")) { hName.text = Editor.selectedTheme.NAME; Popup.showCustom( new Zui(ui.ops), function(ui:Zui) { ui.textInput(hName); if (ui.button("OK")) { = false; hwin.redraws = 2; } },,, 200, 60); } if (Editor.selectedTheme != null) { var name = Editor.selectedTheme.NAME; if (hName.changed && Editor.selectedTheme.NAME != hName.text) { name = CanvasTools.unique(hName.text, Canvas.themes, "NAME"); if (canvas.theme == Editor.selectedTheme.NAME) { canvas.theme = name; } Editor.selectedTheme.NAME = name; } } ui.enabled = true; if (Canvas.themes.length == 1 || Editor.selectedTheme == null) ui.enabled = false; if (ui.button("Delete")) { handleThemeColor.unnest(Canvas.themes.indexOf(Editor.selectedTheme)); handleThemeName.unnest(Canvas.themes.indexOf(Editor.selectedTheme)); Canvas.themes.remove(Editor.selectedTheme); // Canvas default theme was deleted if (Canvas.getTheme(canvas.theme) == null) { canvas.theme = Canvas.themes[0].NAME; } Editor.selectedTheme = null; } ui.enabled = true; if (Editor.selectedTheme == null) ui.enabled = false; if (ui.button("Apply to Canvas")) canvas.theme = Editor.selectedTheme.NAME; ui.enabled = true; if (Editor.selectedTheme == null) { ui.text("Please select a Theme!"); } else { // A Map would be way better, but its order is not guaranteed. var themeColorOptions:Array> = [ ["Text", "TEXT_COL"], ["Elements", "BUTTON_COL", "BUTTON_TEXT_COL", "BUTTON_HOVER_COL", "BUTTON_PRESSED_COL", "ACCENT_COL", "ACCENT_HOVER_COL", "ACCENT_SELECT_COL"], ["Other", "PANEL_BG_COL"], ]; for (idxCategory in 0...themeColorOptions.length) { if (ui.panel(Id.handle().nest(idxCategory, {selected: true}), themeColorOptions[idxCategory][0])) { ui.indent(); var attributes = themeColorOptions[idxCategory].slice(1); for (idxElemAttribs in 0...attributes.length) { var themeColorOption = attributes[idxElemAttribs]; // is getField() better? ui.row([2/3, 1/3]); ui.text(themeColorOption); var themeColor = Reflect.getProperty(Editor.selectedTheme, themeColorOption); var handleCol = handleThemeColor.nest(Canvas.themes.indexOf(Editor.selectedTheme)).nest(idxCategory).nest(idxElemAttribs, {color: themeColor}); var col = ui.colorField(handleCol, true); Reflect.setProperty(Editor.selectedTheme, themeColorOption, col); } ui.unindent(); } } } } if (, "Assets")) { if (ui.button("Import Asset")) { Editor.showFiles = true; Editor.foldersOnly = false; Editor.filesDone = function(path:String) { path = StringTools.rtrim(path); path = Path.toRelative(path, Main.cwd); Assets.importAsset(canvas, path); } } if (canvas.assets.length > 0) { ui.text("(Drag and drop assets to canvas)", zui.Zui.Align.Center); if (ui.panel(Id.handle({selected: true}), "Imported Assets")) { ui.indent(); var i = canvas.assets.length - 1; while (i >= 0) { var asset = canvas.assets[i]; if (!Assets.isPathFont( && ui.image(Assets.getImage(asset)) == State.Started) { Editor.dragAsset = asset; } else if (Assets.isPathFont( { var oldFont = ui.ops.font; var oldFontSize = ui.fontSize; ui.ops.font = Assets.getFont(asset); ui.fontSize = * ui.SCALE()); ui.text(; ui.ops.font = oldFont; ui.fontSize = oldFontSize; } ui.row([7/8, 1/8]); = ui.textInput(Id.handle().nest(, {text:}), "", Right); Editor.assetNames[i + 1] =; // assetNames[0] == "" if (ui.button("X")) { Assets.getImage(asset).unload(); canvas.assets.splice(i, 1); Editor.assetNames.splice(i + 1, 1); } i--; } ui.unindent(); } } else ui.text("(Drag and drop images and fonts here)", zui.Zui.Align.Center); } if (, "Preferences")) { if (ui.panel(Id.handle({selected: true}), "Application")) { ui.indent(); var hscale = Id.handle({value: 1.0}); ui.slider(hscale, "UI Scale", 0.5, 4.0, true); if (hscale.changed && !ui.inputDown) { ui.setScale(hscale.value); Editor.windowW = * hscale.value); } Main.prefs.window_vsync = ui.check(Id.handle({selected: true}), "VSync"); ui.unindent(); } if (ui.panel(Id.handle({selected: true}), "Grid")) { ui.indent(); var gsize = Id.handle({value: 20}); ui.slider(gsize, "Grid Size", 1, 128, true, 1); if (gsize.changed) { Editor.gridSize =; Editor.redrawGrid = true; } Editor.gridSnapPos = ui.check(Id.handle({selected: true}), "Grid Snap Position"); if (ui.isHovered) ui.tooltip("Snap the element's position to the grid"); Editor.gridSnapBounds = ui.check(Id.handle({selected: false}), "Grid Snap Bounds"); if (ui.isHovered) ui.tooltip("Snap the element's bounds to the grid"); Editor.gridUseRelative = ui.check(Id.handle({selected: true}), "Use Relative Grid"); if (ui.isHovered) ui.tooltip("Use a grid that's relative to the selected element"); Editor.useRotationSteps = ui.check(Id.handle({selected: false}), "Use Fixed Rotation Steps"); if (ui.isHovered) ui.tooltip("Rotate elements by a fixed step size"); var rotStepHandle = Id.handle({value: 15}); if (Editor.useRotationSteps) { ui.slider(rotStepHandle, "Rotation Step Size", 1, 180, true, 1); if (rotStepHandle.changed) { Editor.rotationSteps = Math.toRadians(rotStepHandle.value); } } ui.unindent(); } // if (ui.button("Save")) { // #if kha_krom // Krom.fileSaveBytes("config.lnx",; // #end // } // ui.text("leenkx2d"); if (ui.panel(Id.handle({selected: true}), "Shortcuts")){ ui.indent(); ui.row([1/2, 1/2]); ui.text("Select"); var selectMouseHandle = Id.handle({position: 0}); ui.combo(selectMouseHandle, ["Left Click", "Right Click"], ""); if (ui.isHovered) ui.tooltip("Mouse button used for element selection."); if (selectMouseHandle.changed) { Main.prefs.keyMap.selectMouseButton = ["Left", "Right"][selectMouseHandle.position]; } ui.separator(8, false); ui.row([1/2, 1/2]); ui.text("Grab"); Main.prefs.keyMap.grabKey = ui.keyInput(Id.handle({value: KeyCode.G}), "Key"); if (ui.isHovered) ui.tooltip("Key used for grabbing elements"); ui.row([1/2, 1/2]); ui.text("Rotate"); Main.prefs.keyMap.rotateKey = ui.keyInput(Id.handle({value: KeyCode.R}), "Key"); if (ui.isHovered) ui.tooltip("Key used for rotating elements"); ui.row([1/2, 1/2]); ui.text("Size"); Main.prefs.keyMap.sizeKey = ui.keyInput(Id.handle({value: KeyCode.S}), "Key"); if (ui.isHovered) ui.tooltip("Key used for resizing elements"); ui.separator(8, false); ui.row([1/2, 1/2]); ui.text("Precision Transform"); Main.prefs.keyMap.slowMovement = ui.keyInput(Id.handle({value: KeyCode.Shift}), "Key"); if (ui.isHovered) ui.tooltip("More precise transformations"); ui.row([1/2, 1/2]); ui.text("Invert Grid"); Main.prefs.keyMap.gridInvert = ui.keyInput(Id.handle({value: KeyCode.Control}), "Key"); if (ui.isHovered) ui.tooltip("Invert the grid setting"); ui.row([1/2, 1/2]); ui.text("Invert Rel. Grid"); Main.prefs.keyMap.gridInvertRelative = ui.keyInput(Id.handle({value: KeyCode.Alt}), "Key"); if (ui.isHovered) ui.tooltip("Invert the relative grid setting"); ui.unindent(); } if (ui.panel(Id.handle({selected: false}), "Console")) { ui.indent(); //ui.text(lastTrace); ui.text("Mouse X: "+ ui.inputX); ui.text("Mouse Y: "+ ui.inputY); ui.unindent(); } } } } }