package kha.netsync; import; #if sys_server import js.node.Http; import js.Node; #end #if js import js.Browser; import js.html.BinaryType; import js.html.WebSocket; #end import kha.System; class State { public var time: Float; public var data: Bytes; public function new(time: Float, data: Bytes) { this.time = time; = data; } } class Session { public static inline var START = 0; public static inline var ENTITY_UPDATES = 1; public static inline var CONTROLLER_UPDATES = 2; public static inline var REMOTE_CALL = 3; public static inline var PING = 4; public static inline var SESSION_ERROR = 5; public static inline var PLAYER_UPDATES = 6; public static inline var RPC_SERVER = 0; public static inline var RPC_ALL = 1; static var instance: Session = null; var entities: Map = new Map(); var controllers: Map = new Map(); public var maxPlayers: Int; public var currentPlayers: Int = 0; public var ping: Float = 1; var address: String; var port: Int; var startCallback: Void->Void; var refusedCallback: Void->Void; var resetCallback: Void->Void; #if sys_server var server: Server; var clients: Array = new Array(); var current: Client; var isJoinable: Bool = false; var lastStates: Array = new Array(); static inline var stateCount = 60 * 10; // 10 seconds with 60 fps #else var localClient: Client; public var network: Network; var updateTaskId: Int; var pingTaskId: Int; #end public var me(get, null): Client; function get_me(): Client { #if sys_server return current; #else return localClient; #end } public function new(maxPlayers: Int, address: String, port: Int) { instance = this; this.maxPlayers = maxPlayers; this.address = address; this.port = port; } public static function the(): Session { return instance; } public function addEntity(entity: Entity): Void { entities.set(entity._id(), entity); } public function addController(controller: Controller): Void { trace("Adding controller id " + controller._id()); controller._inputBufferIndex = 0; controllers.set(controller._id(), controller); } #if sys_server private function send(): Bytes { var size = 0; for (entity in entities) { size += entity._size(); } var offset = 0; var bytes = Bytes.alloc(size + 9); bytes.set(offset, ENTITY_UPDATES); offset += 1; bytes.setDouble(offset, Scheduler.time()); offset += 8; for (entity in entities) { entity._send(offset, bytes); offset += entity._size(); } lastStates.push(new State(Scheduler.time(), bytes)); if (lastStates.length > stateCount) { lastStates.splice(0, 1); } return bytes; } #end public function sendControllerUpdate(id: Int, bytes: { #if !sys_server if (controllers.exists(id)) { if (controllers[id]._inputBuffer.length < controllers[id]._inputBufferIndex + 4 + bytes.length) { var newBuffer = Bytes.alloc(controllers[id]._inputBufferIndex + 4 + bytes.length); newBuffer.blit(0, controllers[id]._inputBuffer, 0, controllers[id]._inputBufferIndex); controllers[id]._inputBuffer = newBuffer; } controllers[id]._inputBuffer.setInt32(controllers[id]._inputBufferIndex, bytes.length); controllers[id]._inputBuffer.blit(controllers[id]._inputBufferIndex + 4, bytes, 0, bytes.length); controllers[id]._inputBufferIndex += (4 + bytes.length); } #end } function sendPing() { #if !sys_server var bytes =; bytes.set(0, kha.netsync.Session.PING); bytes.setFloat(1, Scheduler.realTime()); sendToServer(bytes); #end } function sendPlayerUpdate() { #if sys_server currentPlayers = clients.length; var bytes =; bytes.set(0, PLAYER_UPDATES); bytes.setInt32(1, currentPlayers); sendToEverybody(bytes); #end } public function receive(bytes: Bytes, client: Client = null): Void { #if sys_server switch (bytes.get(0)) { case CONTROLLER_UPDATES: var id = bytes.getInt32(1); var time = bytes.getDouble(5); var width = bytes.getInt32(13); var height = bytes.getInt32(17); var rotation = bytes.get(21); SystemImpl._updateSize(width, height); SystemImpl._updateScreenRotation(rotation); if (controllers.exists(id)) { processEventRetroactively(function() { current = client; var offset = 22; while (offset < bytes.length) { var length = bytes.getInt32(offset); controllers[id]._receive(bytes.sub(offset + 4, length)); offset += (4 + length); } current = null; }, time); } case REMOTE_CALL: processRPC(bytes); case PING: // PONG, i.e. just return the packet to the client if (client != null) client.send(bytes, false); } #else switch (bytes.get(0)) { case START: var index = bytes.get(1); localClient = new LocalClient(index); Scheduler.resetTime(); startCallback(); case ENTITY_UPDATES: var time = bytes.getDouble(1); var offset = 9; for (entity in entities) { entity._receive(offset, bytes); offset += entity._size(); } Scheduler.warp(time); case REMOTE_CALL: switch (bytes.get(1)) { case RPC_SERVER: // Mainly a safeguard, packets with RPC_SERVER should not be received here case RPC_ALL: executeRPC(bytes); } case PING: var sendTime = bytes.getFloat(1); ping = Scheduler.realTime() - sendTime; case SESSION_ERROR: refusedCallback(); case PLAYER_UPDATES: currentPlayers = bytes.getInt32(1); } #end } #if sys_server private function processEventRetroactively(event: Void->Void, time: Float) { if (time <= Scheduler.time()) { // var temp = time; // Process after earliest saved state if it is too far back if (time <= lastStates[0].time) { time = lastStates[0].time + 0.00001; } var i = lastStates.length - 1; while (i >= 0) { if (lastStates[i].time < time) { var offset = 9; for (entity in entities) { entity._receive(offset, lastStates[i].data); offset += entity._size(); } // Invalidate states in which the new event is missing if (i < lastStates.length - 1) { lastStates.splice(i + 1, lastStates.length - i - 1); } Scheduler.warp(lastStates[i].time); break; } --i; } } Scheduler.addTimeTask(event, time - Scheduler.time()); } #end #if sys_server public function processRPC(bytes: Bytes) { switch (bytes.get(1)) { case RPC_SERVER: executeRPC(bytes); case RPC_ALL: sendToEverybody(bytes); executeRPC(bytes); } } #end function executeRPC(bytes: Bytes) { var args = new Array(); var syncId = bytes.getInt32(2); var index: Int = 6; var classnamelength = bytes.getUInt16(index); index += 2; var classname = ""; for (i in 0...classnamelength) { classname += String.fromCharCode(bytes.get(index)); ++index; } var methodnamelength = bytes.getUInt16(index); index += 2; var methodname = ""; for (i in 0...methodnamelength) { methodname += String.fromCharCode(bytes.get(index)); ++index; } while (index < bytes.length) { var type = bytes.get(index); ++index; switch (type) { case 0x42: // B var value: Bool = bytes.get(index) == 1; ++index; trace("Bool: " + value); args.push(value); case 0x46: // F var value: Float = bytes.getDouble(index); index += 8; trace("Float: " + value); args.push(value); case 0x49: // I var value: Int = bytes.getInt32(index); index += 4; trace("Int: " + value); args.push(value); case 0x53: // S var length = bytes.getUInt16(index); index += 2; var str = ""; for (i in 0...length) { str += String.fromCharCode(bytes.get(index)); ++index; } trace("String: " + str); args.push(str); default: trace("Unknown argument type."); } } if (syncId == -1) { Reflect.callMethod(null, Reflect.field(Type.resolveClass(classname), methodname + "_remotely"), args); } else { Reflect.callMethod(SyncBuilder.objects[syncId], Reflect.field(SyncBuilder.objects[syncId], methodname + "_remotely"), args); } } public function waitForStart(callback: Void->Void, refuseCallback: Void->Void, errorCallback: Void->Void, closeCallback: Void->Void, resCallback: Void->Void): Void { startCallback = callback; refusedCallback = refuseCallback; resetCallback = resCallback; #if sys_server isJoinable = true; #if direct_connection trace("Starting server at " + port + "."); #end server = new Server(port); server.onConnection(function(client: Client) { if (!isJoinable) { var bytes = Bytes.alloc(1); bytes.set(0, SESSION_ERROR); client.send(bytes, true); return; } clients.push(client); current = client; Node.console.log(clients.length + " client" + (clients.length > 1 ? "s " : " ") + "connected."); sendPlayerUpdate(); client.receive(function(bytes: Bytes) { receive(bytes, client); }); client.onClose(function() { Node.console.log("Removing client " + + "."); clients.remove(client); sendPlayerUpdate(); // isJoinable is intentionally not reset here immediately, as late joining is currently unsupported if (clients.length == 0) { reset(); } }); if (clients.length >= maxPlayers) { isJoinable = false; Node.console.log("Starting game."); var index = 0; for (c in clients) { trace("Starting client " +; var bytes = Bytes.alloc(2); bytes.set(0, START); bytes.set(1, index); c.send(bytes, true); ++index; } Scheduler.resetTime(); startCallback(); } }); #else network = new Network(address, port, errorCallback, function() { closeCallback(); reset(); }); network.listen(function(bytes: Bytes) { receive(bytes); }); updateTaskId = Scheduler.addFrameTask(update, 0); ping = 1; pingTaskId = Scheduler.addTimeTask(sendPing, 0, 1); #end } function reset() { #if sys_server isJoinable = true; server.reset(); #else Scheduler.removeFrameTask(updateTaskId); Scheduler.removeTimeTask(pingTaskId); #end currentPlayers = 0; ping = 1; controllers = new Map(); entities = new Map(); resetCallback(); } public function update(): Void { #if sys_server var bytes = send(); sendToEverybody(bytes); #else for (controller in controllers) { if (controller._inputBufferIndex > 0) { var bytes = + controller._inputBufferIndex); bytes.set(0, kha.netsync.Session.CONTROLLER_UPDATES); bytes.setInt32(1, controller._id()); bytes.setDouble(5, Scheduler.time()); bytes.setInt32(13, System.windowWidth(0)); bytes.setInt32(17, System.windowHeight(0)); bytes.set(21, 0); // System.screenRotation.getIndex()); bytes.blit(22, controller._inputBuffer, 0, controller._inputBufferIndex); sendToServer(bytes); controller._inputBufferIndex = 0; } } #end } #if sys_server public function sendToEverybody(bytes: Bytes): Void { for (client in clients) { client.send(bytes, false); } } #end #if !sys_server public function sendToServer(bytes: Bytes): Void { network.send(bytes, false); } #end }