import lnx.utils if lnx.is_reload(__name__): lnx.utils = lnx.reload_module(lnx.utils) else: lnx.enable_reload(__name__) # Type aliases for type hints to make it easier to see which kind of # shader data type is stored in a string floatstr = str vec2str = str vec3str = str vec4str = str class ShaderData: def __init__(self, material): self.material = material self.contexts = [] self.global_elems = [] # bone, weight, ipos, irot, iscl = {} = {'shader_datas': []} self.matname = lnx.utils.safesrc(lnx.utils.asset_name(material))['name'] = self.matname + '_data'['contexts'] = [] def add_context(self, props) -> 'ShaderContext': con = ShaderContext(self.material,, props) if con not in['contexts']: for elem in self.global_elems: con.add_elem(elem['name'], elem['data'])['contexts'].append(con.get()) return con def get(self): return class ShaderContext: def __init__(self, material, shader_data, props): self.vert = None self.frag = None self.geom = None self.tesc = None self.tese = None self.material = material self.matname = lnx.utils.safesrc(lnx.utils.asset_name(material)) self.shader_data = shader_data = {}['name'] = props['name']['depth_write'] = props['depth_write']['compare_mode'] = props['compare_mode']['cull_mode'] = props['cull_mode'] if 'vertex_elements' in props:['vertex_elements'] = props['vertex_elements'] else:['vertex_elements'] = [{'name': 'pos', 'data': 'short4norm'}, {'name': 'nor', 'data': 'short2norm'}] # (, n.z), (n.xy) if 'blend_source' in props:['blend_source'] = props['blend_source'] if 'blend_destination' in props:['blend_destination'] = props['blend_destination'] if 'blend_operation' in props:['blend_operation'] = props['blend_operation'] if 'alpha_blend_source' in props:['alpha_blend_source'] = props['alpha_blend_source'] if 'alpha_blend_destination' in props:['alpha_blend_destination'] = props['alpha_blend_destination'] if 'alpha_blend_operation' in props:['alpha_blend_operation'] = props['alpha_blend_operation'] if 'color_writes_red' in props:['color_writes_red'] = props['color_writes_red'] if 'color_writes_green' in props:['color_writes_green'] = props['color_writes_green'] if 'color_writes_blue' in props:['color_writes_blue'] = props['color_writes_blue'] if 'color_writes_alpha' in props:['color_writes_alpha'] = props['color_writes_alpha'] if 'color_attachments' in props:['color_attachments'] = props['color_attachments']['texture_units'] = [] self.tunits =['texture_units']['constants'] = [] self.constants =['constants'] def add_elem(self, name, data): elem = { 'name': name, 'data': data } if elem not in['vertex_elements']:['vertex_elements'].append(elem) self.sort_vs() def sort_vs(self): vs = [] ar = ['pos', 'nor', 'tex', 'tex1', 'morph', 'col', 'tang', 'bone', 'weight', 'ipos', 'irot', 'iscl'] for ename in ar: elem = self.get_elem(ename) if elem != None: vs.append(elem)['vertex_elements'] = vs def is_elem(self, name): for elem in['vertex_elements']: if elem['name'] == name: return True return False def get_elem(self, name): for elem in['vertex_elements']: if elem['name'] == name: return elem return None def get(self): return def add_constant(self, ctype, name, link=None, default_value=None, is_lnx_mat_param=None): for c in self.constants: if c['name'] == name: return c = { 'name': name, 'type': ctype} if link is not None: c['link'] = link if default_value is not None: if ctype == 'float': c['floatValue'] = default_value if ctype == 'vec3': c['vec3Value'] = default_value if is_lnx_mat_param is not None: c['is_lnx_parameter'] = True self.constants.append(c) def add_texture_unit(self, name, link=None, is_image=None, addr_u=None, addr_v=None, filter_min=None, filter_mag=None, mipmap_filter=None, default_value=None, is_lnx_mat_param=None): for c in self.tunits: if c['name'] == name: return c = {'name': name} if link is not None: c['link'] = link if is_image is not None: c['is_image'] = is_image if addr_u is not None: c['addressing_u'] = addr_u if addr_v is not None: c['addressing_v'] = addr_v if filter_min is not None: c['filter_min'] = filter_min if filter_mag is not None: c['filter_mag'] = filter_mag if mipmap_filter is not None: c['mipmap_filter'] = mipmap_filter if default_value is not None: c['default_image_file'] = default_value if is_lnx_mat_param is not None: c['is_lnx_parameter'] = True self.tunits.append(c) def make_vert(self, custom_name: str = None): if custom_name is None:['vertex_shader'] = self.matname + '_' +['name'] + '.vert' else:['vertex_shader'] = custom_name + '.vert' self.vert = Shader(self, 'vert') return self.vert def make_frag(self, custom_name: str = None): if custom_name is None:['fragment_shader'] = self.matname + '_' +['name'] + '.frag' else:['fragment_shader'] = custom_name + '.frag' self.frag = Shader(self, 'frag') return self.frag def make_geom(self, custom_name: str = None): if custom_name is None:['geometry_shader'] = self.matname + '_' +['name'] + '.geom' else:['geometry_shader'] = custom_name + '.geom' self.geom = Shader(self, 'geom') return self.geom def make_tesc(self, custom_name: str = None): if custom_name is None:['tesscontrol_shader'] = self.matname + '_' +['name'] + '.tesc' else:['tesscontrol_shader'] = custom_name + '.tesc' self.tesc = Shader(self, 'tesc') return self.tesc def make_tese(self, custom_name: str = None): if custom_name is None:['tesseval_shader'] = self.matname + '_' +['name'] + '.tese' else:['tesseval_shader'] = custom_name + '.tese' self.tese = Shader(self, 'tese') return self.tese class Shader: def __init__(self, context, shader_type): self.context = context self.shader_type = shader_type self.includes = [] self.ins = [] self.outs = [] self.uniforms_top = [] self.uniforms = [] self.constants = [] self.functions = {} self.main = '' self.main_init = '' self.main_normal = '' self.main_textures = '' self.main_attribs = '' self.header = '' self.write_pre = False self.write_normal = 0 self.write_textures = 0 = 1 self.vstruct_as_vsin = True self.lock = False self.geom_passthrough = False self.is_linked = False # Use already generated shader self.noprocessing = False def has_include(self, s): return s in self.includes def add_include(self, s): if not self.has_include(s): self.includes.append(s) def add_include_front(self, s): if not self.has_include(s): pos = 0 # make sure is always on top if len(self.includes) > 0 and self.includes[0] == '': pos = 1 self.includes.insert(pos, s) def add_in(self, s): if s not in self.ins: self.ins.append(s) def add_out(self, s): if s not in self.outs: self.outs.append(s) def add_uniform(self, s, link=None, included=False, top=False, tex_addr_u=None, tex_addr_v=None, tex_filter_min=None, tex_filter_mag=None, tex_mipmap_filter=None, default_value=None, is_lnx_mat_param=None): ar = s.split(' ') # layout(RGBA8) image3D voxels utype = ar[-2] uname = ar[-1] if utype.startswith('sampler') or utype.startswith('image') or utype.startswith('uimage'): is_image = True if (utype.startswith('image') or utype.startswith('uimage')) else None if uname[-1] == ']': # Array of samplers - sampler2D mySamplers[2] # Add individual units - mySamplers[0], mySamplers[1] for i in range(int(uname[-2])): uname_array = uname[:-2] + str(i) + ']' self.context.add_texture_unit( uname_array, link, is_image, tex_addr_u, tex_addr_v, tex_filter_min, tex_filter_mag, tex_mipmap_filter) else: self.context.add_texture_unit( uname, link, is_image, tex_addr_u, tex_addr_v, tex_filter_min, tex_filter_mag, tex_mipmap_filter, default_value=default_value, is_lnx_mat_param=is_lnx_mat_param) else: # Prefer vec4[] for d3d to avoid padding if ar[0] == 'float' and '[' in ar[1]: ar[0] = 'floats' ar[1] = ar[1].split('[', 1)[0] elif ar[0] == 'vec4' and '[' in ar[1]: ar[0] = 'floats' ar[1] = ar[1].split('[', 1)[0] elif ar[0] == 'mat4' and '[' in ar[1]: ar[0] = 'floats' ar[1] = ar[1].split('[', 1)[0] self.context.add_constant(ar[0], ar[1], link=link, default_value=default_value, is_lnx_mat_param=is_lnx_mat_param) if top: if not included and s not in self.uniforms_top: self.uniforms_top.append(s) elif not included and s not in self.uniforms: self.uniforms.append(s) def add_const(self, type_str: str, name: str, value_str: str, array_size: int = 0): """ Add a global constant to the shader. Parameters ---------- type_str: str The name of the type, like 'float' or 'vec3'. If the constant is an array, there is no need to add `[]` to the type name: str The name of the variable value_str: str The value of the constant as a string array_size: int If not 0 (default value), create an array with the given size """ if array_size == 0: self.constants.append(f'{type_str} {name} = {value_str}') elif array_size > 0: self.constants.append(f'{type_str} {name}[{array_size}] = {type_str}[]({value_str})') def add_function(self, s): fname = s.split('(', 1)[0] if fname in self.functions: return self.functions[fname] = s def contains(self, s): return s in self.main or \ s in self.main_init or \ s in self.main_normal or \ s in self.ins or \ s in self.main_textures or \ s in self.main_attribs def replace(self, old, new): self.main = self.main.replace(old, new) self.main_init = self.main_init.replace(old, new) self.main_normal = self.main_normal.replace(old, new) self.main_textures = self.main_textures.replace(old, new) self.main_attribs = self.main_attribs.replace(old, new) self.uniforms = [u.replace(old, new) for u in self.uniforms] def write_init(self, s, unique=True): """Prepend to the main function. If `unique` is true (default), look for other occurences first.""" if unique and self.contains(s): return self.main_init = '\t' + s + '\n' + self.main_init def write(self, s): if self.lock: return if self.write_textures > 0: self.main_textures += '\t' * 1 + s + '\n' elif self.write_normal > 0: self.main_normal += '\t' * 1 + s + '\n' elif self.write_pre: self.main_init += '\t' * 1 + s + '\n' else: self.main += '\t' * + s + '\n' def write_header(self, s): self.header += s + '\n' def write_attrib(self, s): self.main_attribs += '\t' + s + '\n' def is_equal(self, sh): self.vstruct_to_vsin() return self.ins == sh.ins and \ self.main == sh.main and \ self.main_normal == sh.main_normal and \ self.main_init == sh.main_init and \ self.main_textures == sh.main_textures and \ self.main_attribs == sh.main_attribs def data_size(self, data): if data == 'float1': return '1' elif data == 'float2': return '2' elif data == 'float3': return '3' elif data == 'float4': return '4' elif data == 'short2norm': return '2' elif data == 'short4norm': return '4' def vstruct_to_vsin(self): if self.shader_type != 'vert' or self.ins != [] or not self.vstruct_as_vsin: # Vertex structure as vertex shader input return vs =['vertex_elements'] for e in vs: self.add_in('vec' + self.data_size(e['data']) + ' ' + e['name']) def get(self): if self.noprocessing: return self.main s = '#version 450\n' s += self.header in_ext = '' out_ext = '' if self.shader_type == 'vert': self.vstruct_to_vsin() elif self.shader_type == 'tesc': in_ext = '[]' out_ext = '[]' s += 'layout(vertices = 3) out;\n' # Gen outs for sin in self.ins: ar = sin.rsplit(' ', 1) # vec3 wnormal tc_s = 'tc_' + ar[1] self.add_out(ar[0] + ' ' + tc_s) # Pass data self.write('{0}[gl_InvocationID] = {1}[gl_InvocationID];'.format(tc_s, ar[1])) elif self.shader_type == 'tese': in_ext = '[]' s += 'layout(triangles, equal_spacing, ccw) in;\n' elif self.shader_type == 'geom': in_ext = '[]' s += 'layout(triangles) in;\n' if not self.geom_passthrough: s += 'layout(triangle_strip) out;\n' s += 'layout(max_vertices=3) out;\n' for a in self.uniforms_top: s += 'uniform ' + a + ';\n' for a in self.includes: s += '#include "' + a + '"\n' if self.geom_passthrough: s += 'layout(passthrough) in gl_PerVertex { vec4 gl_Position; } gl_in[];\n' for a in self.ins: if self.geom_passthrough: s += 'layout(passthrough) ' s += 'in {0}{1};\n'.format(a, in_ext) for a in self.outs: if not self.geom_passthrough: s += 'out {0}{1};\n'.format(a, out_ext) for a in self.uniforms: s += 'uniform ' + a + ';\n' for c in self.constants: s += 'const ' + c + ';\n' for f in self.functions: s += self.functions[f] + '\n' s += 'void main() {\n' s += self.main_attribs s += self.main_textures s += self.main_normal s += self.main_init s += self.main s += '}\n' return s