package eval.luv; import eval.integers.UInt64; import eval.integers.Int64; typedef RUsage = { var utime:{sec:Int64, usec:Int64}; var stime:{sec:Int64, usec:Int64}; var maxrss:UInt64; var ixrss:UInt64; var idrss:UInt64; var isrss:UInt64; var minflt:UInt64; var majflt:UInt64; var nswap:UInt64; var inblock:UInt64; var oublock:UInt64; var msgsnd:UInt64; var msgrcv:UInt64; var nsignals:UInt64; var nvcsw:UInt64; var nivcsw:UInt64; } /** Resource usage. @see **/ extern class Resource { /** Evaluates to the current uptime. **/ static function uptime():Result<Float>; /** Evaluates to the load average. **/ static function loadAvg():Array<Float>; /** Evaluates to the amount of free memory, in bytes. **/ static function freeMemory():UInt64; /** Evaluates to the total amount of memory, in bytes. **/ static function totalMemory():UInt64; /** Gets the amount of memory available to the process (in bytes) based on limits imposed by the OS. If there is no such constraint returns `null` **/ static function constrainedMemory():Null<UInt64>; /** Evaluates to the priority of the process with the given pid. **/ static function getPriority(pid:Int):Result<Int>; /** Sets the priority of the process with the given pid. **/ static function setPriority(pid:Int, priority:Int):Result<Result.NoData>; /** Evaluates to the resident set size for the current process. **/ static function residentSetMemory(pid:Int):Result<UInt64>; /** Gets the resource usage measures for the current process. **/ static function getRUsage():Result<RUsage>; }