package iron.object; import iron.math.Mat4; import iron.math.Vec4; import iron.math.Quat; class Transform { /** The world matrix (read-only). **/ public var world: Mat4; /** Prevent applying parent matrix. **/ public var localOnly = false; /** The local matrix. If you modify this, call `decompose()` to update the `loc`, `rot` and `scale` fields, or `buildMatrix()` to update everything. **/ public var local: Mat4; /** The local translation. Changes to this field should be applied by calling `buildMatrix()`. **/ public var loc: Vec4; /** The local rotation. Changes to this field should be applied by calling `buildMatrix()`. **/ public var rot: Quat; /** The local scale. Changes to this field should be applied by calling `buildMatrix()`. **/ public var scale: Vec4; /** Uniform scale factor for `world` matrix. **/ public var scaleWorld: kha.FastFloat = 1.0; /** The world matrix with `scaleWorld` applied (read-only). **/ public var worldUnpack: Mat4; /** Flag to rebuild the `world` matrix on next update. **/ public var dirty: Bool; /** The object that is effected by this transform. **/ public var object: Object; /** The dimensions of the object in local space (without parent, prepended or appended matrices applied). **/ public var dim: Vec4; /** The radius of the smallest sphere that encompasses the object in local space. **/ public var radius: kha.FastFloat; static var temp = Mat4.identity(); static var q = new Quat(); var boneParent: Mat4 = null; var lastWorld: Mat4 = null; // Wrong order returned from getEuler(), store last state for animation var _eulerX: kha.FastFloat; var _eulerY: kha.FastFloat; var _eulerZ: kha.FastFloat; // Animated delta transform var dloc: Vec4 = null; var drot: Quat = null; var dscale: Vec4 = null; var _deulerX: kha.FastFloat; var _deulerY: kha.FastFloat; var _deulerZ: kha.FastFloat; public function new(object: Object) { this.object = object; reset(); } /** Reset to a null transform: zero location and rotation, and a uniform scale of one. Other fields such as prepended matrices and bone parents will not be changed. **/ public function reset() { world = Mat4.identity(); worldUnpack = Mat4.identity(); local = Mat4.identity(); loc = new Vec4(); rot = new Quat(); scale = new Vec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); dim = new Vec4(2.0, 2.0, 2.0); radius = 1.0; dirty = true; } /** Rebuild the matrices, if needed. **/ public function update() { if (dirty) buildMatrix(); } /** Clear delta transforms. `dloc`, `drot` and `dscale` are set to `null` **/ public function clearDelta() { dloc = null; drot = null; dscale = null; } /** Reset delta transforms. `dloc`, `drot` and `dscale` are set to `Vec4(0, 0, 0)`, `Quat(0, 0, 0, 0)` and `Vec4(1, 1, 1)` respectively **/ public function resetDelta() { dloc = new Vec4(); drot = new Quat(); _deulerX = _deulerY = _deulerZ = 0.0; dscale = new Vec4().set(1, 1, 1); } function composeDelta() { // Delta transform var dl = new Vec4().addvecs(loc, dloc); var ds = new Vec4().setFrom(scale); ds.x *= dscale.x; ds.y *= dscale.y; ds.z *= dscale.z; var dr = new Quat().fromEuler(_deulerX, _deulerY, _deulerZ); dr.multquats(dr, rot); dr.multquats(drot, dr); local.compose(dl, dr, ds); } /** Update the transform matrix based on `loc`, `rot`, and `scale`. If any change is made to `loc`, `rot`, or `scale` `buildMatrix()` must be called to update the objects transform. **/ public function buildMatrix() { dloc == null ? local.compose(loc, rot, scale) : composeDelta(); if (boneParent != null) local.multmats(boneParent, local); if (object.parent != null && !localOnly) { world.multmats3x4(local,; } else { world.setFrom(local); } worldUnpack.setFrom(world); if (scaleWorld != 1.0) { worldUnpack._00 *= scaleWorld; worldUnpack._01 *= scaleWorld; worldUnpack._02 *= scaleWorld; worldUnpack._03 *= scaleWorld; worldUnpack._10 *= scaleWorld; worldUnpack._11 *= scaleWorld; worldUnpack._12 *= scaleWorld; worldUnpack._13 *= scaleWorld; worldUnpack._20 *= scaleWorld; worldUnpack._21 *= scaleWorld; worldUnpack._22 *= scaleWorld; worldUnpack._23 *= scaleWorld; } // Constraints if (object.constraints != null) for (c in object.constraints) c.apply(this); computeDim(); // Update children for (n in object.children) { n.transform.buildMatrix(); } dirty = false; } /** Move the game Object by the defined amount relative to its current location. @param x Amount to move on the local x axis. @param y Amount to move on the local y axis. @param z Amount to move on the local z axis. **/ public function translate(x: kha.FastFloat, y: kha.FastFloat, z: kha.FastFloat) { loc.x += x; loc.y += y; loc.z += z; buildMatrix(); } /** Set the local matrix and update `loc`, `rot`, `scale` and `world`. @param mat The new local matrix. **/ public function setMatrix(mat: Mat4) { local.setFrom(mat); decompose(); buildMatrix(); } /** Apply another transform to this one, i.e. multiply this transform's local matrix by another. @param mat The other transform to apply. **/ public function multMatrix(mat: Mat4) { local.multmat(mat); decompose(); buildMatrix(); } /** Update the `loc`, `rot` and `scale` fields according to the local matrix. You may need to call this after directly mutating the local matrix. **/ public function decompose() { local.decompose(loc, rot, scale); } /** Rotate around an axis. @param axis The axis to rotate around. @param f The magnitude of the rotation in radians. **/ public function rotate(axis: Vec4, f: kha.FastFloat) { q.fromAxisAngle(axis, f); rot.multquats(q, rot); buildMatrix(); } /** Apply a scaled translation in local space. @param axis The direction to move. @param f A multiplier for the movement. If `axis` is a unit vector, then this is the distance to move. **/ public function move(axis: Vec4, f = 1.0) { loc.addf(axis.x * f, axis.y * f, axis.z * f); buildMatrix(); } /** Set the rotation of the object in radians. @param x Set the x axis rotation in radians. @param y Set the y axis rotation in radians. @param z Set the z axis rotation in radians. **/ public function setRotation(x: kha.FastFloat, y: kha.FastFloat, z: kha.FastFloat) { rot.fromEuler(x, y, z); _eulerX = x; _eulerY = y; _eulerZ = z; dirty = true; } function computeRadius() { radius = Math.sqrt(dim.x * dim.x + dim.y * dim.y + dim.z * dim.z); } function computeDim() { if (object.raw == null) { computeRadius(); return; } var d = object.raw.dimensions; if (d == null) dim.set(2 * scale.x, 2 * scale.y, 2 * scale.z); else dim.set(d[0] * scale.x, d[1] * scale.y, d[2] * scale.z); computeRadius(); } public function applyParentInverse() { var pt = object.parent.transform; pt.buildMatrix(); temp.getInverse(; this.local.multmat(temp); this.decompose(); this.buildMatrix(); } public function applyParent() { var pt = object.parent.transform; pt.buildMatrix(); this.local.multmat(; this.decompose(); this.buildMatrix(); } /** Check whether the transform has changed at all since the last time this function was called. @return `true` if the transform has changed. **/ public function diff(): Bool { if (lastWorld == null) { lastWorld = Mat4.identity().setFrom(world); return false; } var a = world; var b = lastWorld; var r = a._00 != b._00 || a._01 != b._01 || a._02 != b._02 || a._03 != b._03 || a._10 != b._10 || a._11 != b._11 || a._12 != b._12 || a._13 != b._13 || a._20 != b._20 || a._21 != b._21 || a._22 != b._22 || a._23 != b._23 || a._30 != b._30 || a._31 != b._31 || a._32 != b._32 || a._33 != b._33; if (r) lastWorld.setFrom(world); return r; } /** @return The look vector (positive local y axis) in world space. **/ public inline function look(): Vec4 { return world.look(); } /** @return The right vector (positive local x axis) in world space. **/ public inline function right(): Vec4 { return world.right(); } /** @return The up vector (positive local z axis) in world space. **/ public inline function up(): Vec4 { return world.up(); } /** @return The world x location. **/ public inline function worldx(): kha.FastFloat { return world._30; } /** @return The world y location. **/ public inline function worldy(): kha.FastFloat { return world._31; } /** @return The world z location. **/ public inline function worldz(): kha.FastFloat { return world._32; } }