/* * Copyright (C)2005-2019 Haxe Foundation * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ package neko; enum abstract XmlType(String) {} typedef NativeXml = Xml; class Xml { public static var Element(default, never):XmlType; public static var PCData(default, never):XmlType; public static var CData(default, never):XmlType; public static var Comment(default, never):XmlType; public static var DocType(default, never):XmlType; public static var ProcessingInstruction(default, never):XmlType; public static var Document(default, never):XmlType; public var nodeName(get, set):String; public var nodeValue(get, set):String; public var parent(get, null):Xml; public var nodeType(default, null):XmlType; private var _nodeName:String; private var _nodeValue:String; private var _attributes:Dynamic<String>; private var _children:Array<Xml>; private var _parent:Xml; private function new():Void {} private static var _parse = neko.Lib.load("std", "parse_xml", 2); public static function parse(str:String):Xml { var x = new Xml(); x._children = new Array(); var parser = { cur: x, add: function(x:Dynamic) { untyped __this__.cur._children.push(x); }, xml: function(name, att) { var x:Dynamic = new Xml(); x._parent = untyped __this__.cur; x.nodeType = Xml.Element; x._nodeName = new String(name); x._attributes = att; x._children = new Array(); untyped { var f = __dollar__objfields(att); var i = 0; var l = __dollar__asize(f); while (i < l) { __dollar__objset(att, f[i], new String(__dollar__objget(att, f[i]))); i++; } __this__.add(x); __this__.cur = x; } }, cdata: function(text) { var x:Dynamic = new Xml(); x._parent = untyped __this__.cur; x.nodeType = Xml.CData; x._nodeValue = new String(text); untyped __this__.add(x); }, pcdata: function(text) { var x:Dynamic = new Xml(); x._parent = untyped __this__.cur; x.nodeType = Xml.PCData; x._nodeValue = new String(text); untyped __this__.add(x); }, comment: function(text) { var x:Dynamic = new Xml(); x._parent = untyped __this__.cur; if (untyped __dollar__sget(text, 0) == 63) { x.nodeType = Xml.ProcessingInstruction; text = new String(text); text = text.substr(1, text.length - 2); } else { x.nodeType = Xml.Comment; text = new String(text); } x._nodeValue = text; untyped __this__.add(x); }, doctype: function(text) { var x:Dynamic = new Xml(); x._parent = untyped __this__.cur; x.nodeType = Xml.DocType; x._nodeValue = new String(text).substr(1); var p:Xml = untyped __this__.cur; p.addChild(x); }, done: function() { untyped __this__.cur = __this__.cur._parent; } }; untyped _parse(str.__s, parser); x.nodeType = Xml.Document; return x; } public static function createElement(name:String):Xml { var r = new Xml(); r.nodeType = Xml.Element; r._nodeName = name; r._attributes = untyped __dollar__new(null); r._children = new Array(); return r; } public static function createPCData(data:String):Xml { var r = new Xml(); r.nodeType = Xml.PCData; r._nodeValue = data; return r; } public static function createCData(data:String):Xml { var r = new Xml(); r.nodeType = Xml.CData; r._nodeValue = data; return r; } public static function createComment(data:String):Xml { var r = new Xml(); r.nodeType = Xml.Comment; r._nodeValue = data; return r; } public static function createDocType(data:String):Xml { var r = new Xml(); r.nodeType = Xml.DocType; r._nodeValue = data; return r; } public static function createProcessingInstruction(data:String):Xml { var r = new Xml(); r.nodeType = Xml.ProcessingInstruction; r._nodeValue = data; return r; } public static function createDocument():Xml { var r = new Xml(); r.nodeType = Xml.Document; r._children = new Array(); return r; } private function get_nodeName():String { if (nodeType != Xml.Element) throw "bad nodeType"; return _nodeName; } private function set_nodeName(n:String):String { if (nodeType != Xml.Element) throw "bad nodeType"; return _nodeName = n; } private function get_nodeValue():String { if (nodeType == Xml.Element || nodeType == Xml.Document) throw "bad nodeType"; return _nodeValue; } private function set_nodeValue(v:String):String { if (nodeType == Xml.Element || nodeType == Xml.Document) throw "bad nodeType"; return _nodeValue = v; } private function get_parent():Xml { return _parent; } public function get(att:String):String { if (nodeType != Xml.Element) throw "bad nodeType"; return Reflect.field(_attributes, att); } public function set(att:String, value:String):Void { if (nodeType != Xml.Element) throw "bad nodeType"; Reflect.setField(_attributes, att, value); } public function remove(att:String):Void { if (nodeType != Xml.Element) throw "bad nodeType"; Reflect.deleteField(_attributes, att); } public function exists(att:String):Bool { if (nodeType != Xml.Element) throw "bad nodeType"; return Reflect.hasField(_attributes, att); } public function attributes():Iterator<String> { if (nodeType != Xml.Element) throw "bad nodeType"; return Reflect.fields(_attributes).iterator(); } public function iterator():Iterator<Xml> { if (_children == null) throw "bad nodetype"; return untyped { cur: 0, x: this._children, hasNext: function() { return __this__.cur < __this__.x.length; }, next: function() { return __this__.x[__this__.cur++]; } } } public function elements():Iterator<Xml> { if (_children == null) throw "bad nodetype"; return untyped { cur: 0, x: this._children, hasNext: function() { var k = __this__.cur; var l = __this__.x.length; while (k < l) { if (__this__.x[k].nodeType == Xml.Element) break; k += 1; } __this__.cur = k; return k < l; }, next: function() { var k = __this__.cur; var l = __this__.x.length; while (k < l) { var n = __this__.x[k]; k += 1; if (n.nodeType == Xml.Element) { __this__.cur = k; return n; } } return null; } } } public function elementsNamed(name:String):Iterator<Xml> { if (_children == null) throw "bad nodetype"; return untyped { cur: 0, x: this._children, hasNext: function() { var k = __this__.cur; var l = __this__.x.length; while (k < l) { var n = __this__.x[k]; if (n.nodeType == Xml.Element && n._nodeName == name) break; k++; } __this__.cur = k; return k < l; }, next: function() { var k = __this__.cur; var l = __this__.x.length; while (k < l) { var n = __this__.x[k]; k++; if (n.nodeType == Xml.Element && n._nodeName == name) { __this__.cur = k; return n; } } return null; } } } public function firstChild():Xml { if (_children == null) throw "bad nodetype"; return _children[0]; } public function firstElement():Xml { if (_children == null) throw "bad nodetype"; for (cur in 0..._children.length) { var n = _children[cur]; if (n.nodeType == Xml.Element) return n; } return null; } public function addChild(x:Xml):Void { if (_children == null) throw "bad nodetype"; if (x._parent != null) x._parent._children.remove(x); x._parent = this; _children.push(x); } public function removeChild(x:Xml):Bool { if (_children == null) throw "bad nodetype"; var b = _children.remove(x); if (b) x._parent = null; return b; } public function insertChild(x:Xml, pos:Int):Void { if (_children == null) throw "bad nodetype"; if (x._parent != null) x._parent._children.remove(x); x._parent = this; _children.insert(pos, x); } public function toString():String { var s = new StringBuf(); toStringRec(s); return s.toString(); } function toStringRec(s:StringBuf):Void { switch (nodeType) { case Xml.Document: for (x in _children) x.toStringRec(s); case Xml.Element: s.addChar("<".code); s.add(_nodeName); for (k in Reflect.fields(_attributes)) { s.addChar(" ".code); s.add(k); s.addChar("=".code); s.addChar("\"".code); s.add(Reflect.field(_attributes, k)); s.addChar("\"".code); } if (_children.length == 0) { s.addChar("/".code); s.addChar(">".code); return; } s.addChar(">".code); for (x in _children) x.toStringRec(s); s.addChar("<".code); s.addChar("/".code); s.add(_nodeName); s.addChar(">".code); case Xml.PCData: s.add(StringTools.htmlEscape(_nodeValue)); case Xml.CData: s.add("<![CDATA["); s.add(_nodeValue); s.add("]]>"); case Xml.Comment: s.add("<!--"); s.add(_nodeValue); s.add("-->"); case Xml.DocType: s.add("<!DOCTYPE "); s.add(_nodeValue); s.add(">"); case Xml.ProcessingInstruction: s.add("<?"); s.add(_nodeValue); s.add("?>"); } } static function __init__():Void untyped { Xml.Element = "element"; Xml.PCData = "pcdata"; Xml.CData = "cdata"; Xml.Comment = "comment"; Xml.DocType = "doctype"; Xml.ProcessingInstruction = "processingInstruction"; Xml.Document = "document"; } }