package eval.luv; import eval.integers.Int64; /** File descriptor redirections for use with `eval.luv.Process.spawn` **/ @:coreType abstract Redirection {} /** Options for spawning the process. **/ typedef ProcessOptions = { var ?onExit:(p:Process, exitStatus:Int64, termSignal:Int)->Void; var ?environment:Map<String,NativeString>; var ?workingDirectory:NativeString; var ?redirect:Array<Redirection>; var ?uid:Int; var ?gid:Int; var ?windowsVerbatimArguments:Bool; var ?detached:Bool; var ?windowsHide:Bool; var ?windowsHideConsole:Bool; var ?windowsHideGui:Bool; } /** Subprocesses. @see **/ @:using(eval.luv.Handle) @:coreType abstract Process to Handle { extern static public final stdin:Int; extern static public final stdout:Int; extern static public final stderr:Int; /** Causes `fd` in the child to be connected to `toParentPipe` in the parent. Binds `UV_CREATE_PIPE`. `readableInChild` sets `UV_READABLE_PIPE`, and `writableInChild` sets `UV_WRITABLE_PIPE`. `overlapped` sets `UV_OVERLAPPED_PIPE`. **/ static public function toParentPipe(fd:Int, parentPipe:Pipe, readableInChild:Bool, writableInChild:Bool, overlapped:Bool):Redirection; /** Causes `fd` in the child to be connected to the same device or peer as `fromParentFd` in the parent. Binds `UV_INHERIT_FD` **/ static public function inheritFd(fd:Int, fromParentFd:Int):Redirection; /** Same as `eval.luv.Process.inheritFd`, but takes an `eval.luv.Stream` for the parent file descriptor. Binds `UV_INHERIT_STREAM`. **/ static public function inheritStream(fd:Int, fromParentStream:Stream):Redirection; /** Starts a process. The handle should be cleaned up with `eval.luv.Handle.close` when no longer needed. **/ static public function spawn(loop:Loop, cmd:NativeString, args:Array<NativeString>, ?options:ProcessOptions):Result<Process>; /** Disables (tries) file descriptor inheritance for inherited descriptors. **/ static public function disableStdioInheritance():Void; /** Sends the given signal to the process with the given pid. **/ static public function killPid(pid:Int, sigNum:Signal.SigNum):Result<Result.NoData>; /** Sends the given signal to the process. **/ public function kill(sigNum:Signal.SigNum):Result<Result.NoData>; /** Evaluates to the pid of the process. **/ public function pid():Int; }