package; import haxe.PosInfos; import utest.Assert; import kha.arrays.Float32Array; import aura.Aura; import aura.channels.UncompBufferChannel; inline function createDummyHandle(): BaseChannelHandle { final data = new kha.arrays.Float32Array(8); final channel = new UncompBufferChannel(data, false); return new BaseChannelHandle(channel); } inline function int32ToBytesString(i: Int): String { var str = ""; for (j in 0...32) { final mask = 1 << (31 - j); str += (i & mask) == 0 ? "0" : "1"; } return str; } inline function assertRaisesAssertion(func: Void->Void) { #if (AURA_ASSERT_LEVEL!="NoAssertions") Assert.raises(func, aura.utils.Assert.AuraAssertionException); #else Assert.pass(); #end } function assertEqualsFloat32Array(expected: Float32Array, have: Float32Array, ?pos: PosInfos) { if (expected.length != have.length) {'Expected Float32Array of length ${expected.length}, but got length ${have.length}', pos); return; } for (i in 0...expected.length) { if (!@:privateAccess Assert._floatEquals(expected[i], have[i])) {'Expected value at index $i to be ${expected[i]}, but got ${have[i]} (only first difference reported)', pos); return; } } Assert.pass(null, pos); }