import bpy from bpy.props import * def update_size_prop(self, context): if context.object == None: return mdata = i = mdata.lnx_lodlist_index ar = mdata.lnx_lodlist # Clamp screen size to not exceed previous entry if i > 0 and ar[i - 1].screen_size_prop < self.screen_size_prop: self.screen_size_prop = ar[i - 1].screen_size_prop class LnxLodListItem(bpy.types.PropertyGroup): # Group of properties representing an item in the list name: StringProperty( name="Name", description="A name for this item", default="") enabled_prop: BoolProperty( name="", description="A name for this item", default=True) screen_size_prop: FloatProperty( name="Screen Size", description="A name for this item", min=0.0, max=1.0, default=0.0, update=update_size_prop) class LNX_UL_LodList(bpy.types.UIList): def draw_item(self, context, layout, data, item, icon, active_data, active_propname, index): layout.use_property_split = False if self.layout_type in {'DEFAULT', 'COMPACT'}: row = layout.row() row.separator(factor=0.1) row.prop(item, "enabled_prop") name = if name == '': name = 'None' row.label(text=name, icon='OBJECT_DATAMODE') col = row.column() col.alignment = 'RIGHT' col.label(text="{:.2f}".format(item.screen_size_prop)) elif self.layout_type in {'GRID'}: layout.alignment = 'CENTER' layout.label(text="", icon='OBJECT_DATAMODE') class LnxLodListNewItem(bpy.types.Operator): # Add a new item to the list bl_idname = "lnx_lodlist.new_item" bl_label = "Add a new item" bl_options = {'UNDO'} def execute(self, context): mdata = mdata.lnx_lodlist.add() mdata.lnx_lodlist_index = len(mdata.lnx_lodlist) - 1 return{'FINISHED'} class LnxLodListDeleteItem(bpy.types.Operator): # Delete the selected item from the list bl_idname = "lnx_lodlist.delete_item" bl_label = "Deletes an item" bl_options = {'INTERNAL', 'UNDO'} @classmethod def poll(cls, context): """ Enable if there's something in the list """ if bpy.context.object is None: return False mdata = return len(mdata.lnx_lodlist) > 0 def execute(self, context): mdata = lodlist = mdata.lnx_lodlist index = mdata.lnx_lodlist_index n = lodlist[index].name if n in context.scene.collection.objects: obj =[n] context.scene.collection.objects.unlink(obj) lodlist.remove(index) if index > 0: index = index - 1 mdata.lnx_lodlist_index = index return{'FINISHED'} class LnxLodListMoveItem(bpy.types.Operator): # Move an item in the list bl_idname = "lnx_lodlist.move_item" bl_label = "Move an item in the list" bl_options = {'INTERNAL', 'UNDO'} direction: EnumProperty( items=( ('UP', 'Up', ""), ('DOWN', 'Down', ""),)) def move_index(self): # Move index of an item render queue while clamping it mdata = index = mdata.lnx_lodlist_index list_length = len(mdata.lnx_lodlist) - 1 new_index = 0 if self.direction == 'UP': new_index = index - 1 elif self.direction == 'DOWN': new_index = index + 1 new_index = max(0, min(new_index, list_length)) mdata.lnx_lodlist.move(index, new_index) mdata.lnx_lodlist_index = new_index def execute(self, context): mdata = list = mdata.lnx_lodlist index = mdata.lnx_lodlist_index if self.direction == 'DOWN': neighbor = index + 1 self.move_index() elif self.direction == 'UP': neighbor = index - 1 self.move_index() else: return{'CANCELLED'} return{'FINISHED'} __REG_CLASSES = ( LnxLodListItem, LNX_UL_LodList, LnxLodListNewItem, LnxLodListDeleteItem, LnxLodListMoveItem, ) __reg_classes, unregister = bpy.utils.register_classes_factory(__REG_CLASSES) def register(): __reg_classes() bpy.types.Mesh.lnx_lodlist = CollectionProperty(type=LnxLodListItem) bpy.types.Mesh.lnx_lodlist_index = IntProperty(name="Index for my_list", default=0) bpy.types.Mesh.lnx_lod_material = BoolProperty(name="Material Lod", description="Use materials of lod objects", default=False)