"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.FlashExporter = void 0; const fs = require("fs-extra"); const path = require("path"); const KhaExporter_1 = require("./KhaExporter"); const Converter_1 = require("../Converter"); const ImageTool_1 = require("../ImageTool"); function adjustFilename(filename) { filename = filename.replace(/\./g, '_'); filename = filename.replace(/-/g, '_'); filename = filename.replace(/\//g, '_'); return filename; } class FlashExporter extends KhaExporter_1.KhaExporter { constructor(options) { super(options); this.images = []; this.sounds = []; this.blobs = []; } backend() { return 'Flash'; } haxeOptions(name, targetOptions, defines) { defines.push('swf-script-timeout=60'); defines.push('sys_' + this.options.target); defines.push('sys_g1'); defines.push('sys_g2'); defines.push('sys_g3'); defines.push('sys_g4'); defines.push('sys_a1'); defines.push('sys_a2'); defines.push('kha_' + this.options.target); defines.push('kha_stage3d'); defines.push('kha_g1'); defines.push('kha_g2'); defines.push('kha_g3'); defines.push('kha_g4'); defines.push('kha_a1'); defines.push('kha_a2'); if (this.options.embedflashassets) defines.push('KHA_EMBEDDED_ASSETS'); let defaultFlashOptions = { framerate: 60, stageBackground: 'ffffff', swfVersion: '16.0' }; let flashOptions = targetOptions ? (targetOptions.flash ? targetOptions.flash : defaultFlashOptions) : defaultFlashOptions; return { from: this.options.from, to: path.join(this.sysdir(), 'kha.swf'), sources: this.sources, libraries: this.libraries, defines: defines, parameters: this.parameters, haxeDirectory: this.options.haxe, system: this.sysdir(), language: 'as', width: this.width, height: this.height, name: name, main: this.options.main, framerate: 'framerate' in flashOptions ? flashOptions.framerate : defaultFlashOptions.framerate, stageBackground: 'stageBackground' in flashOptions ? flashOptions.stageBackground : defaultFlashOptions.stageBackground, swfVersion: 'swfVersion' in flashOptions ? flashOptions.swfVersion : defaultFlashOptions.swfVersion, }; } async export(name, targetOptions, haxeOptions) { if (this.options.embedflashassets) { this.writeFile(path.join(this.options.to, '..', 'Sources', 'Assets.hx')); this.p('package;'); this.p(); this.p('import flash.display.BitmapData;'); this.p('import flash.media.Sound;'); this.p('import flash.utils.ByteArray;'); this.p(); for (let image of this.images) { this.p('@:bitmap("flash/' + image + '") class Assets_' + adjustFilename(image) + ' extends BitmapData { }'); } this.p(); for (let sound of this.sounds) { this.p('@:file("flash/' + sound + '") class Assets_' + adjustFilename(sound) + ' extends ByteArray { }'); } this.p(); for (let blob of this.blobs) { this.p('@:file("flash/' + blob + '") class Assets_' + adjustFilename(blob) + ' extends ByteArray { }'); } this.p(); this.p('class Assets {'); this.p('public static function visit(): Void {', 1); this.p('', 2); this.p('}', 1); this.p('}'); this.closeFile(); } } async copySound(platform, from, to) { fs.ensureDirSync(path.join(this.options.to, this.sysdir(), path.dirname(to))); await (0, Converter_1.convert)(from, path.join(this.options.to, this.sysdir(), to + '.mp3'), this.options.mp3); return { files: [to + '.mp3'], sizes: [1] }; } async copyImage(platform, from, to, asset, cache) { let format = await (0, ImageTool_1.exportImage)(this.options.kha, this.options.kraffiti, from, path.join(this.options.to, this.sysdir(), to), asset, undefined, false, false, cache); if (this.options.embedflashassets) this.images.push(to + '.' + format); return { files: [to + '.' + format], sizes: [1] }; } async copyBlob(platform, from, to) { fs.copySync(from.toString(), path.join(this.options.to, this.sysdir(), to), { overwrite: true }); if (this.options.embedflashassets) this.blobs.push(to); return { files: [to], sizes: [1] }; } async copyVideo(platform, from, to) { fs.ensureDirSync(path.join(this.options.to, this.sysdir(), path.dirname(to))); await (0, Converter_1.convert)(from, path.join(this.options.to, this.sysdir(), to + '.mp4'), this.options.h264); return { files: [to + '.mp4'], sizes: [1] }; } addShader(shader) { if (this.options.embedflashassets) this.blobs.push(shader); } } exports.FlashExporter = FlashExporter; //# sourceMappingURL=FlashExporter.js.map