"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.run = void 0; const fs = require("fs"); const path = require("path"); function run(name, from, projectfile) { if (!fs.existsSync(path.join(from, projectfile))) { fs.writeFileSync(path.join(from, projectfile), 'let project = new Project(\'New Project\');\n' + 'project.addAssets(\'Assets/**\');\n' + 'project.addShaders(\'Shaders/**\');\n' + 'project.addSources(\'Sources\');\n' + 'resolve(project);\n', { encoding: 'utf8' }); } if (!fs.existsSync(path.join(from, 'Assets'))) fs.mkdirSync(path.join(from, 'Assets')); if (!fs.existsSync(path.join(from, 'Shaders'))) fs.mkdirSync(path.join(from, 'Shaders')); if (!fs.existsSync(path.join(from, 'Sources'))) fs.mkdirSync(path.join(from, 'Sources')); let friendlyName = name; friendlyName = friendlyName.replace(/ /g, '_'); friendlyName = friendlyName.replace(/-/g, '_'); if (!fs.existsSync(path.join(from, 'Sources', 'Main.hx'))) { let mainsource = 'package;\n\n' + 'import kha.Assets;\n' + 'import kha.Color;\n' + 'import kha.Framebuffer;\n' + 'import kha.Scheduler;\n' + 'import kha.System;\n\n' + 'class Main {\n' + '\tstatic var logo = ["1 1 1 1 111", "11 111 111", "1 1 1 1 1 1"];\n\n' + '\tstatic function update(): Void {\n' + '\t}\n\n' + '\tstatic function render(frames: Array<Framebuffer>): Void {\n' + '\t\t// As we are using only 1 window, grab the first framebuffer\n' + '\t\tfinal fb = frames[0];\n' + '\t\t// Now get the `g2` graphics object so we can draw\n' + '\t\tfinal g2 = fb.g2;\n' + '\t\t// Start drawing, and clear the framebuffer to `petrol`\n' + '\t\tg2.begin(true, Color.fromBytes(0, 95, 106));\n' + '\t\t// Offset all following drawing operations from the top-left a bit\n' + '\t\tg2.pushTranslation(64, 64);\n' + '\t\t// Fill the following rects with red\n' + '\t\tg2.color = Color.Red;\n\n' + '\t\t// Loop over the logo (Array<String>) and draw a rect for each "1"\n' + '\t\tfor (rowIndex in 0...logo.length) {\n' + '\t\t final row = logo[rowIndex];\n\n' + '\t\t for (colIndex in 0...row.length) {\n' + '\t\t switch row.charAt(colIndex) {\n' + '\t\t case "1": g2.fillRect(colIndex * 16, rowIndex * 16, 16, 16);\n' + '\t\t case _:\n' + '\t\t }\n' + '\t\t }\n' + '\t\t}\n\n' + '\t\t// Pop the pushed translation so it will not accumulate over multiple frames\n' + '\t\tg2.popTransformation();\n' + '\t\t// Finish the drawing operations\n' + '\t\tg2.end();\n' + '\t}\n\n' + '\tpublic static function main() {\n' + '\t\tSystem.start({title: "' + name + '", width: 1024, height: 768}, function (_) {\n' + '\t\t\t// Just loading everything is ok for small projects\n' + '\t\t\tAssets.loadEverything(function () {\n' + '\t\t\t\t// Avoid passing update/render directly,\n' + '\t\t\t\t// so replacing them via code injection works\n' + '\t\t\t\tScheduler.addTimeTask(function () { update(); }, 0, 1 / 60);\n' + '\t\t\t\tSystem.notifyOnFrames(function (frames) { render(frames); });\n' + '\t\t\t});\n' + '\t\t});\n' + '\t}\n' + '}\n'; fs.writeFileSync(path.join(from, 'Sources', 'Main.hx'), mainsource, { encoding: 'utf8' }); } } exports.run = run; //# sourceMappingURL=init.js.map