/* * Copyright (C)2005-2019 Haxe Foundation * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ package java.internal; import java.internal.IEquatable; import haxe.ds.Vector; private typedef StdType = Type; @:native('haxe.lang.HxObject') @:keep private class HxObject implements IHxObject {} @:native('haxe.lang.IHxObject') @:keep interface IHxObject {} @:native('haxe.lang.DynamicObject') @:keep class DynamicObject extends HxObject { @:skipReflection var __hx_fields:java.NativeArray<String>; @:skipReflection var __hx_dynamics:java.NativeArray<Dynamic>; @:skipReflection var __hx_fields_f:java.NativeArray<String>; @:skipReflection var __hx_dynamics_f:java.NativeArray<Float>; @:skipReflection var __hx_length:Int; @:skipReflection var __hx_length_f:Int; @:skipReflection static var __hx_toString_depth = 0; @:overload public function new() { this.__hx_fields = new java.NativeArray(0); this.__hx_dynamics = new java.NativeArray(0); this.__hx_fields_f = new java.NativeArray(0); this.__hx_dynamics_f = new java.NativeArray(0); } @:overload public function new(fields:NativeArray<String>, dynamics:NativeArray<Dynamic>, fields_f:NativeArray<String>, dynamics_f:NativeArray<Float>) { this.__hx_fields = fields; this.__hx_dynamics = dynamics; this.__hx_fields_f = fields_f; this.__hx_dynamics_f = dynamics_f; this.__hx_length = fields.length; this.__hx_length_f = fields_f.length; } public function __hx_deleteField(field:String):Bool { var res = FieldLookup.findHash(field, this.__hx_fields, this.__hx_length); if (res >= 0) { FieldLookup.removeString(this.__hx_fields, this.__hx_length, res); FieldLookup.removeDynamic(this.__hx_dynamics, this.__hx_length, res); this.__hx_length--; return true; } var res = FieldLookup.findHash(field, this.__hx_fields_f, this.__hx_length_f); if (res >= 0) { FieldLookup.removeString(this.__hx_fields_f, this.__hx_length_f, res); FieldLookup.removeFloat(this.__hx_dynamics_f, this.__hx_length_f, res); this.__hx_length_f--; return true; } return false; } public function __hx_getField(field:String, throwErrors:Bool, isCheck:Bool, handleProperties:Bool):Dynamic { var res = FieldLookup.findHash(field, this.__hx_fields, this.__hx_length); if (res >= 0) { return this.__hx_dynamics[res]; } res = FieldLookup.findHash(field, this.__hx_fields_f, this.__hx_length_f); if (res >= 0) { return this.__hx_dynamics_f[res]; } return isCheck ? Runtime.undefined : null; } public function __hx_setField(field:String, value:Dynamic, handleProperties:Bool):Dynamic { var res = FieldLookup.findHash(field, this.__hx_fields, this.__hx_length); if (res >= 0) { return this.__hx_dynamics[res] = value; } else { var res = FieldLookup.findHash(field, this.__hx_fields_f, this.__hx_length_f); if (res >= 0) { if (Std.isOfType(value, Float)) { return this.__hx_dynamics_f[res] = value; } FieldLookup.removeString(this.__hx_fields_f, this.__hx_length_f, res); FieldLookup.removeFloat(this.__hx_dynamics_f, this.__hx_length_f, res); this.__hx_length_f--; } } this.__hx_fields = FieldLookup.insertString(this.__hx_fields, this.__hx_length, ~(res), field); this.__hx_dynamics = FieldLookup.insertDynamic(this.__hx_dynamics, this.__hx_length, ~(res), value); this.__hx_length++; return value; } public function __hx_getField_f(field:String, throwErrors:Bool, handleProperties:Bool):Float { var res = FieldLookup.findHash(field, this.__hx_fields_f, this.__hx_length_f); if (res >= 0) { return this.__hx_dynamics_f[res]; } res = FieldLookup.findHash(field, this.__hx_fields, this.__hx_length); if (res >= 0) { return this.__hx_dynamics[res]; } return 0.0; } public function __hx_setField_f(field:String, value:Float, handleProperties:Bool):Float { var res = FieldLookup.findHash(field, this.__hx_fields_f, this.__hx_length_f); if (res >= 0) { return this.__hx_dynamics_f[res] = value; } else { var res = FieldLookup.findHash(field, this.__hx_fields, this.__hx_length); if (res >= 0) { // return this.__hx_dynamics[res] = value; FieldLookup.removeString(this.__hx_fields, this.__hx_length, res); FieldLookup.removeDynamic(this.__hx_dynamics, this.__hx_length, res); this.__hx_length--; } } this.__hx_fields_f = FieldLookup.insertString(this.__hx_fields_f, this.__hx_length_f, ~(res), field); this.__hx_dynamics_f = FieldLookup.insertFloat(this.__hx_dynamics_f, this.__hx_length_f, ~(res), value); this.__hx_length_f++; return value; } public function __hx_getFields(baseArr:Array<String>):Void { for (i in 0...this.__hx_length) { baseArr.push(this.__hx_fields[i]); } for (i in 0...this.__hx_length_f) { baseArr.push(this.__hx_fields_f[i]); } } public function __hx_invokeField(field:String, dynargs:NativeArray<Dynamic>):Dynamic { if (field == "toString") { return this.toString(); } var fn:Function = this.__hx_getField(field, false, false, false); if (fn == null) { throw 'Cannot invoke field $field: It does not exist'; } return untyped fn.__hx_invokeDynamic(dynargs); } public function toString():String { if (__hx_toString_depth >= 5) { return "..."; } ++__hx_toString_depth; try { var s = __hx_toString(); --__hx_toString_depth; return s; } catch (e:Dynamic) { --__hx_toString_depth; throw(e); } } function __hx_toString() { var ts = this.__hx_getField("toString", false, false, false); if (ts != null) return ts(); var ret = new StringBuf(); ret.add("{"); var first = true; for (f in Reflect.fields(this)) { if (first) first = false; else ret.add(","); ret.add(" "); ret.add(f); ret.add(" : "); ret.add(Reflect.field(this, f)); } if (!first) ret.add(" "); ret.add("}"); return ret.toString(); } } @:keep @:native('haxe.lang.Enum') @:nativeGen class HxEnum { @:readOnly private var index(default, never):Int; public function new(index:Int) { untyped this.index = index; } public function getTag():String { return throw new haxe.exceptions.NotImplementedException(); } public function getParams():Array<{}> { return []; } public function toString():String { return getTag(); } } @:keep @:native('haxe.lang.ParamEnum') @:nativeGen private class ParamEnum extends HxEnum { @:readOnly private var params(default, never):Vector<Dynamic>; public function new(index:Int, params:Vector<Dynamic>) { super(index); untyped this.params = params; } override public function getParams():Array<{}> { return params == null ? [] : cast params.toArray(); } override public function toString():String { if (params == null || params.length == 0) return getTag(); var ret = new StringBuf(); ret.add(getTag()); ret.add("("); var first = true; for (p in params) { if (first) first = false; else ret.add(","); ret.add(p); } ret.add(")"); return ret.toString(); } public function equals(obj:Dynamic) { if (obj == this) // we cannot use == as .Equals ! return true; var obj:ParamEnum = Std.isOfType(obj, ParamEnum) ? cast obj : null; var ret = obj != null && Std.isOfType(obj, StdType.getEnum(cast this)) && obj.index == this.index; if (!ret) return false; if (obj.params == this.params) return true; var len = 0; if (obj.params == null || this.params == null || (len = this.params.length) != obj.params.length) return false; for (i in 0...len) { if (!StdType.enumEq(obj.params[i], this.params[i])) return false; } return true; } public function hashCode():Int { var h = 19; if (params != null) for (p in params) { h = h * 31; if (p != null) untyped h += p.hashCode(); } h += index; return h; } }