class RunTests { static var baseDir:String; static var errors = new Array<String>(); static var cppAst:Array<String> = []; static var sysArgs = new Array<String>(); static var binDir = ""; static var ext = ""; static var m64 = true; static var m64Def = "HXCPP_M64"; static var windows = false; static var sep = "/"; public static function cffi() { setDir("cffi/project"); command("haxelib", ["run", "hxcpp", "build.xml", "-debug", '-D$m64Def']); setDir("cffi"); command("haxe", ["compile.hxml", "-debug"] ); command("haxe", ["compile-utf8.hxml", "-debug"] ); command("haxe", ["compile-neko.hxml", "-debug"] ); copy('project/ndll/$binDir/prime$ext', 'bin/neko/prime.ndll'); setDir("cffi"); command("bin" + sep + "cpp" + sep + "TestMain-debug",[]); command("bin" + sep + "cpp-utf8" + sep + "TestMain-debug",[]); if (m64Def=="HXCPP_M64") { setDir("cffi/bin/neko"); command("neko", ["TestMain.n"]); } } public static function runHaxe() { setDir("haxe"); command("haxe", ["compile.hxml", "-debug", "-D", m64Def].concat(cppAst) ); command("bin" + sep + "TestMain-debug",[]); } public static function runTelemetry() { setDir("telemetry"); // Telemetry should work in debug and non-debug modes // TODO: do we need m64Def? command("haxe", ["compile.hxml", "-debug"].concat(cppAst) ); command("bin" + sep + "TestMain-debug",[]); command("haxe", ["compile.hxml"].concat(cppAst) ); command("bin" + sep + "TestMain",[]); } public static function debugger() { setDir("debugger"); command("haxe", ["compile.hxml"] ); command("bin" + sep + "App-debug",[]); } public static function opMatrix() { setDir("opMatrix"); command("haxe", ["--run","MkOps.hx"] ); } public static function cppia() { setDir("cppia"); command("haxe", ["compile-host.hxml"] ); command("haxe", ["compile-client.hxml"] ); command("bin" + sep + "CppiaHost",[ "bin" + sep + "client.cppia" ]); command("bin" + sep + "CppiaHost",[ "bin" + sep + "client.cppia", "-jit" ]); } public static function native() { setDir("native"); command("haxe", ["compile.hxml"] ); command("bin" + sep + "Native",[]); } public static function std32() { setDir("std"); command("haxe", ["compile32.hxml"] ); command("cpp32"+sep+"Test",[]); } public static function std64() { setDir("std"); command("haxe", ["compile64.hxml"] ); command("cpp64"+sep+"Test",[]); } public static function setDir(name:String) { Sys.println("Enter " + baseDir + "/" + name); Sys.setCwd(baseDir + "/" + name); } public static function command(prog:String, args:Array<String>) { Sys.println( prog + " " + args.join(" ") ); var code = Sys.command(prog,args); if (code!=0) throw( "failed:" + prog + " " + args.join(" ") ); } public static function run(name:String, func:Void->Void) { var args = sysArgs; if (args.length>0 && args.indexOf(name)<0) { Sys.println("Skip test " + name); return; } try { func(); } catch(e:Dynamic) { trace('Error running $name : $e'); errors.push('Error running $name : $e'); } } public static function copy(from:String, to:String) { if (windows) { from = from.split("/").join("\\"); to = to.split("/").join("\\"); } command( windows ? "copy" : "cp", [ from, to ] ); } public static function main() { var systemName = Sys.systemName().toLowerCase(); switch(systemName.substr(0,3) ) { case "mac": m64 = true; binDir = "Mac64"; ext = ".dylib"; case "lin": m64 = true; binDir = "Linux64"; ext = ".dso"; case "win": m64 = true; binDir = "Windows64"; ext = ".dll"; windows = true; sep = "\\"; default: throw 'Unknown system "$systemName"'; } sysArgs = Sys.args(); if (sysArgs.remove("-cppast")) cppAst = ["-D", "cppast"]; m64Def = m64 ? "HXCPP_M64" : "HXCPP_M32"; baseDir = Sys.getCwd(); run("cppia", cppia); run("cffi", cffi); //run("opMatrix", opMatrix); run("haxe", runHaxe); run("telemetry", runTelemetry); run("std32", std32); run("std64", std64); run("native", native); run("debugger", debugger); Sys.println(""); if (errors.length==0) { Sys.println("All good!"); Sys.exit(0); } Sys.println("There were errors:"); for(error in errors) Sys.println(error); Sys.exit(-1); } }