package eval.luv; import haxe.ds.Option; import eval.luv.SockAddr; /** TCP sockets. @see **/ @:using(eval.luv.Handle) @:using(eval.luv.Stream) @:coreType abstract Tcp to Handle to Stream to Stream.TStream<Tcp> to Handle.SocketHandle { /** Allocates and initializes a TCP stream. The stream is not yet connected or listening. The handle should be cleaned up with `eval.luv.Handle.close` when no longer needed. **/ static public function init(loop:Loop, ?domain:AddressFamily):Result<Tcp>; /** Sets TCP_NODELAY. **/ public function noDelay(enable:Bool):Result<Result.NoData>; /** Sets the TCP keepalive. **/ public function keepAlive(value:Option<Int>):Result<Result.NoData>; /** Sets simultaneous accept. **/ public function simultaneousAccepts(value:Bool):Result<Result.NoData>; /** Assigns an address to the TCP socket. **/ public function bind(addr:SockAddr, ipv6Only:Bool = false):Result<Result.NoData>; /** Retrieves the address assigned to the TCP socket. **/ public function getSockName():Result<SockAddr>; /** Retrieves the address of the TCP socket's peer. **/ public function getPeerName():Result<SockAddr>; /** Connects to a host. **/ public function connect(addr:SockAddr, callback:(result:Result<Result.NoData>)->Void):Void; /** Resets the connection. **/ public function closeReset(callback:(result:Result<Result.NoData>)->Void):Void; }