/* * Copyright (C)2005-2019 Haxe Foundation * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ package sys; import haxe.io.BytesOutput; import haxe.io.Bytes; import haxe.io.Input; import sys.net.Host; import sys.net.Socket; class Http extends haxe.http.HttpBase { public var noShutdown:Bool; public var cnxTimeout:Float; public var responseHeaders:Map<String, String>; var chunk_size:Null<Int>; var chunk_buf:haxe.io.Bytes; var file:{ param:String, filename:String, io:haxe.io.Input, size:Int, mimeType:String }; public static var PROXY:{host:String, port:Int, auth:{user:String, pass:String}} = null; public function new(url:String) { cnxTimeout = 10; #if php noShutdown = !php.Global.function_exists('stream_socket_shutdown'); #end super(url); } public override function request(?post:Bool) { var output = new haxe.io.BytesOutput(); var old = onError; var err = false; onError = function(e) { responseBytes = output.getBytes(); err = true; // Resetting back onError before calling it allows for a second "retry" request to be sent without onError being wrapped twice onError = old; onError(e); } post = post || postBytes != null || postData != null; customRequest(post, output); if (!err) { success(output.getBytes()); } } @:noCompletion @:deprecated("Use fileTransfer instead") inline public function fileTransfert(argname:String, filename:String, file:haxe.io.Input, size:Int, mimeType = "application/octet-stream") { fileTransfer(argname, filename, file, size, mimeType); } public function fileTransfer(argname:String, filename:String, file:haxe.io.Input, size:Int, mimeType = "application/octet-stream") { this.file = { param: argname, filename: filename, io: file, size: size, mimeType: mimeType }; } public function customRequest(post:Bool, api:haxe.io.Output, ?sock:sys.net.Socket, ?method:String) { this.responseAsString = null; this.responseBytes = null; var url_regexp = ~/^(https?:\/\/)?([a-zA-Z\.0-9_-]+)(:[0-9]+)?(.*)$/; if (!url_regexp.match(url)) { onError("Invalid URL"); return; } var secure = (url_regexp.matched(1) == "https://"); if (sock == null) { if (secure) { #if php sock = new php.net.SslSocket(); #elseif java sock = new java.net.SslSocket(); #elseif python sock = new python.net.SslSocket(); #elseif (!no_ssl && (hxssl || hl || cpp || (neko && !(macro || interp) || eval))) sock = new sys.ssl.Socket(); #elseif (neko || cpp) throw "Https is only supported with -lib hxssl"; #else throw new haxe.exceptions.NotImplementedException("Https support in haxe.Http is not implemented for this target"); #end } else { sock = new Socket(); } sock.setTimeout(cnxTimeout); } var host = url_regexp.matched(2); var portString = url_regexp.matched(3); var request = url_regexp.matched(4); // ensure path begins with a forward slash // this is required by original URL specifications and many servers have issues if it's not supplied // see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1617058/ok-to-skip-slash-before-query-string if (request.charAt(0) != "/") { request = "/" + request; } var port = if (portString == null || portString == "") secure ? 443 : 80 else Std.parseInt(portString.substr(1, portString.length - 1)); var multipart = (file != null); var boundary = null; var uri = null; if (multipart) { post = true; boundary = Std.string(Std.random(1000)) + Std.string(Std.random(1000)) + Std.string(Std.random(1000)) + Std.string(Std.random(1000)); while (boundary.length < 38) boundary = "-" + boundary; var b = new StringBuf(); for (p in params) { b.add("--"); b.add(boundary); b.add("\r\n"); b.add('Content-Disposition: form-data; name="'); b.add(p.name); b.add('"'); b.add("\r\n"); b.add("\r\n"); b.add(p.value); b.add("\r\n"); } b.add("--"); b.add(boundary); b.add("\r\n"); b.add('Content-Disposition: form-data; name="'); b.add(file.param); b.add('"; filename="'); b.add(file.filename); b.add('"'); b.add("\r\n"); b.add("Content-Type: " + file.mimeType + "\r\n" + "\r\n"); uri = b.toString(); } else { for (p in params) { if (uri == null) uri = ""; else uri += "&"; uri += StringTools.urlEncode(p.name) + "=" + StringTools.urlEncode('${p.value}'); } } var b = new BytesOutput(); if (method != null) { b.writeString(method); b.writeString(" "); } else if (post) b.writeString("POST "); else b.writeString("GET "); if (Http.PROXY != null) { b.writeString("http://"); b.writeString(host); if (port != 80) { b.writeString(":"); b.writeString('$port'); } } b.writeString(request); if (!post && uri != null) { if (request.indexOf("?", 0) >= 0) b.writeString("&"); else b.writeString("?"); b.writeString(uri); } b.writeString(" HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: " + host + "\r\n"); if (postData != null) { postBytes = Bytes.ofString(postData); postData = null; } if (postBytes != null) b.writeString("Content-Length: " + postBytes.length + "\r\n"); else if (post && uri != null) { if (multipart || !Lambda.exists(headers, function(h) return h.name == "Content-Type")) { b.writeString("Content-Type: "); if (multipart) { b.writeString("multipart/form-data"); b.writeString("; boundary="); b.writeString(boundary); } else b.writeString("application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); b.writeString("\r\n"); } if (multipart) b.writeString("Content-Length: " + (uri.length + file.size + boundary.length + 6) + "\r\n"); else b.writeString("Content-Length: " + uri.length + "\r\n"); } b.writeString("Connection: close\r\n"); for (h in headers) { b.writeString(h.name); b.writeString(": "); b.writeString(h.value); b.writeString("\r\n"); } b.writeString("\r\n"); if (postBytes != null) b.writeFullBytes(postBytes, 0, postBytes.length); else if (post && uri != null) b.writeString(uri); try { if (Http.PROXY != null) sock.connect(new Host(Http.PROXY.host), Http.PROXY.port); else sock.connect(new Host(host), port); if (multipart) writeBody(b, file.io, file.size, boundary, sock) else writeBody(b, null, 0, null, sock); readHttpResponse(api, sock); sock.close(); } catch (e:Dynamic) { try sock.close() catch (e:Dynamic) {}; onError(Std.string(e)); } } function writeBody(body:Null<BytesOutput>, fileInput:Null<Input>, fileSize:Int, boundary:Null<String>, sock:Socket) { if (body != null) { var bytes = body.getBytes(); sock.output.writeFullBytes(bytes, 0, bytes.length); } if (boundary != null) { var bufsize = 4096; var buf = haxe.io.Bytes.alloc(bufsize); while (fileSize > 0) { var size = if (fileSize > bufsize) bufsize else fileSize; var len = 0; try { len = fileInput.readBytes(buf, 0, size); } catch (e:haxe.io.Eof) break; sock.output.writeFullBytes(buf, 0, len); fileSize -= len; } sock.output.writeString("\r\n"); sock.output.writeString("--"); sock.output.writeString(boundary); sock.output.writeString("--"); } } function readHttpResponse(api:haxe.io.Output, sock:sys.net.Socket) { // READ the HTTP header (until \r\n\r\n) var b = new haxe.io.BytesBuffer(); var k = 4; var s = haxe.io.Bytes.alloc(4); sock.setTimeout(cnxTimeout); while (true) { var p = sock.input.readBytes(s, 0, k); while (p != k) p += sock.input.readBytes(s, p, k - p); b.addBytes(s, 0, k); switch (k) { case 1: var c = s.get(0); if (c == 10) break; if (c == 13) k = 3; else k = 4; case 2: var c = s.get(1); if (c == 10) { if (s.get(0) == 13) break; k = 4; } else if (c == 13) k = 3; else k = 4; case 3: var c = s.get(2); if (c == 10) { if (s.get(1) != 13) k = 4; else if (s.get(0) != 10) k = 2; else break; } else if (c == 13) { if (s.get(1) != 10 || s.get(0) != 13) k = 1; else k = 3; } else k = 4; case 4: var c = s.get(3); if (c == 10) { if (s.get(2) != 13) continue; else if (s.get(1) != 10 || s.get(0) != 13) k = 2; else break; } else if (c == 13) { if (s.get(2) != 10 || s.get(1) != 13) k = 3; else k = 1; } } } #if neko var headers = neko.Lib.stringReference(b.getBytes()).split("\r\n"); #else var headers = b.getBytes().toString().split("\r\n"); #end var response = headers.shift(); var rp = response.split(" "); var status = Std.parseInt(rp[1]); if (status == 0 || status == null) throw "Response status error"; // remove the two lasts \r\n\r\n headers.pop(); headers.pop(); responseHeaders = new haxe.ds.StringMap(); var size = null; var chunked = false; for (hline in headers) { var a = hline.split(": "); var hname = a.shift(); var hval = if (a.length == 1) a[0] else a.join(": "); hval = StringTools.ltrim(StringTools.rtrim(hval)); responseHeaders.set(hname, hval); switch (hname.toLowerCase()) { case "content-length": size = Std.parseInt(hval); case "transfer-encoding": chunked = (hval.toLowerCase() == "chunked"); } } onStatus(status); var chunk_re = ~/^([0-9A-Fa-f]+)[ ]*\r\n/m; chunk_size = null; chunk_buf = null; var bufsize = 1024; var buf = haxe.io.Bytes.alloc(bufsize); if (chunked) { try { while (true) { var len = sock.input.readBytes(buf, 0, bufsize); if (!readChunk(chunk_re, api, buf, len)) break; } } catch (e:haxe.io.Eof) { throw "Transfer aborted"; } } else if (size == null) { if (!noShutdown) sock.shutdown(false, true); try { while (true) { var len = sock.input.readBytes(buf, 0, bufsize); if (len == 0) break; api.writeBytes(buf, 0, len); } } catch (e:haxe.io.Eof) {} } else { api.prepare(size); try { while (size > 0) { var len = sock.input.readBytes(buf, 0, if (size > bufsize) bufsize else size); api.writeBytes(buf, 0, len); size -= len; } } catch (e:haxe.io.Eof) { throw "Transfer aborted"; } } if (chunked && (chunk_size != null || chunk_buf != null)) throw "Invalid chunk"; if (status < 200 || status >= 400) throw "Http Error #" + status; api.close(); } function readChunk(chunk_re:EReg, api:haxe.io.Output, buf:haxe.io.Bytes, len) { if (chunk_size == null) { if (chunk_buf != null) { var b = new haxe.io.BytesBuffer(); b.add(chunk_buf); b.addBytes(buf, 0, len); buf = b.getBytes(); len += chunk_buf.length; chunk_buf = null; } #if neko if (chunk_re.match(neko.Lib.stringReference(buf))) { #else if (chunk_re.match(buf.toString())) { #end var p = chunk_re.matchedPos(); if (p.len <= len) { var cstr = chunk_re.matched(1); chunk_size = Std.parseInt("0x" + cstr); if (chunk_size == 0) { chunk_size = null; chunk_buf = null; return false; } len -= p.len; return readChunk(chunk_re, api, buf.sub(p.len, len), len); } } // prevent buffer accumulation if (len > 10) { onError("Invalid chunk"); return false; } chunk_buf = buf.sub(0, len); return true; } if (chunk_size > len) { chunk_size -= len; api.writeBytes(buf, 0, len); return true; } var end = chunk_size + 2; if (len >= end) { if (chunk_size > 0) api.writeBytes(buf, 0, chunk_size); len -= end; chunk_size = null; if (len == 0) return true; return readChunk(chunk_re, api, buf.sub(end, len), len); } if (chunk_size > 0) api.writeBytes(buf, 0, chunk_size); chunk_size -= len; return true; } /** Makes a synchronous request to `url`. This creates a new Http instance and makes a GET request by calling its `request(false)` method. If `url` is null, the result is unspecified. **/ public static function requestUrl(url:String):String { var h = new Http(url); var r = null; h.onData = function(d) { r = d; } h.onError = function(e) { throw e; } h.request(false); return r; } }