/* * Copyright (C)2005-2019 Haxe Foundation * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ // This file is generated from mozilla\KeyboardEvent.webidl. Do not edit! package js.html; /** `KeyboardEvent` objects describe a user interaction with the keyboard; each event describes a single interaction between the user and a key (or combination of a key with modifier keys) on the keyboard. Documentation [KeyboardEvent](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent) by [Mozilla Contributors](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent$history), licensed under [CC-BY-SA 2.5](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.5/). @see <https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent> **/ @:native("KeyboardEvent") extern class KeyboardEvent extends UIEvent { static inline var DOM_KEY_LOCATION_STANDARD : Int = 0; static inline var DOM_KEY_LOCATION_LEFT : Int = 1; static inline var DOM_KEY_LOCATION_RIGHT : Int = 2; static inline var DOM_KEY_LOCATION_NUMPAD : Int = 3; static inline var DOM_VK_CANCEL : Int = 3; static inline var DOM_VK_HELP : Int = 6; static inline var DOM_VK_BACK_SPACE : Int = 8; static inline var DOM_VK_TAB : Int = 9; static inline var DOM_VK_CLEAR : Int = 12; static inline var DOM_VK_RETURN : Int = 13; static inline var DOM_VK_SHIFT : Int = 16; static inline var DOM_VK_CONTROL : Int = 17; static inline var DOM_VK_ALT : Int = 18; static inline var DOM_VK_PAUSE : Int = 19; static inline var DOM_VK_CAPS_LOCK : Int = 20; static inline var DOM_VK_KANA : Int = 21; static inline var DOM_VK_HANGUL : Int = 21; static inline var DOM_VK_EISU : Int = 22; static inline var DOM_VK_JUNJA : Int = 23; static inline var DOM_VK_FINAL : Int = 24; static inline var DOM_VK_HANJA : Int = 25; static inline var DOM_VK_KANJI : Int = 25; static inline var DOM_VK_ESCAPE : Int = 27; static inline var DOM_VK_CONVERT : Int = 28; static inline var DOM_VK_NONCONVERT : Int = 29; static inline var DOM_VK_ACCEPT : Int = 30; static inline var DOM_VK_MODECHANGE : Int = 31; static inline var DOM_VK_SPACE : Int = 32; static inline var DOM_VK_PAGE_UP : Int = 33; static inline var DOM_VK_PAGE_DOWN : Int = 34; static inline var DOM_VK_END : Int = 35; static inline var DOM_VK_HOME : Int = 36; static inline var DOM_VK_LEFT : Int = 37; static inline var DOM_VK_UP : Int = 38; static inline var DOM_VK_RIGHT : Int = 39; static inline var DOM_VK_DOWN : Int = 40; static inline var DOM_VK_SELECT : Int = 41; static inline var DOM_VK_PRINT : Int = 42; static inline var DOM_VK_EXECUTE : Int = 43; static inline var DOM_VK_PRINTSCREEN : Int = 44; static inline var DOM_VK_INSERT : Int = 45; static inline var DOM_VK_DELETE : Int = 46; static inline var DOM_VK_0 : Int = 48; static inline var DOM_VK_1 : Int = 49; static inline var DOM_VK_2 : Int = 50; static inline var DOM_VK_3 : Int = 51; static inline var DOM_VK_4 : Int = 52; static inline var DOM_VK_5 : Int = 53; static inline var DOM_VK_6 : Int = 54; static inline var DOM_VK_7 : Int = 55; static inline var DOM_VK_8 : Int = 56; static inline var DOM_VK_9 : Int = 57; static inline var DOM_VK_COLON : Int = 58; static inline var DOM_VK_SEMICOLON : Int = 59; static inline var DOM_VK_LESS_THAN : Int = 60; static inline var DOM_VK_EQUALS : Int = 61; static inline var DOM_VK_GREATER_THAN : Int = 62; static inline var DOM_VK_QUESTION_MARK : Int = 63; static inline var DOM_VK_AT : Int = 64; static inline var DOM_VK_A : Int = 65; static inline var DOM_VK_B : Int = 66; static inline var DOM_VK_C : Int = 67; static inline var DOM_VK_D : Int = 68; static inline var DOM_VK_E : Int = 69; static inline var DOM_VK_F : Int = 70; static inline var DOM_VK_G : Int = 71; static inline var DOM_VK_H : Int = 72; static inline var DOM_VK_I : Int = 73; static inline var DOM_VK_J : Int = 74; static inline var DOM_VK_K : Int = 75; static inline var DOM_VK_L : Int = 76; static inline var DOM_VK_M : Int = 77; static inline var DOM_VK_N : Int = 78; static inline var DOM_VK_O : Int = 79; static inline var DOM_VK_P : Int = 80; static inline var DOM_VK_Q : Int = 81; static inline var DOM_VK_R : Int = 82; static inline var DOM_VK_S : Int = 83; static inline var DOM_VK_T : Int = 84; static inline var DOM_VK_U : Int = 85; static inline var DOM_VK_V : Int = 86; static inline var DOM_VK_W : Int = 87; static inline var DOM_VK_X : Int = 88; static inline var DOM_VK_Y : Int = 89; static inline var DOM_VK_Z : Int = 90; static inline var DOM_VK_WIN : Int = 91; static inline var DOM_VK_CONTEXT_MENU : Int = 93; static inline var DOM_VK_SLEEP : Int = 95; static inline var DOM_VK_NUMPAD0 : Int = 96; static inline var DOM_VK_NUMPAD1 : Int = 97; static inline var DOM_VK_NUMPAD2 : Int = 98; static inline var DOM_VK_NUMPAD3 : Int = 99; static inline var DOM_VK_NUMPAD4 : Int = 100; static inline var DOM_VK_NUMPAD5 : Int = 101; static inline var DOM_VK_NUMPAD6 : Int = 102; static inline var DOM_VK_NUMPAD7 : Int = 103; static inline var DOM_VK_NUMPAD8 : Int = 104; static inline var DOM_VK_NUMPAD9 : Int = 105; static inline var DOM_VK_MULTIPLY : Int = 106; static inline var DOM_VK_ADD : Int = 107; static inline var DOM_VK_SEPARATOR : Int = 108; static inline var DOM_VK_SUBTRACT : Int = 109; static inline var DOM_VK_DECIMAL : Int = 110; static inline var DOM_VK_DIVIDE : Int = 111; static inline var DOM_VK_F1 : Int = 112; static inline var DOM_VK_F2 : Int = 113; static inline var DOM_VK_F3 : Int = 114; static inline var DOM_VK_F4 : Int = 115; static inline var DOM_VK_F5 : Int = 116; static inline var DOM_VK_F6 : Int = 117; static inline var DOM_VK_F7 : Int = 118; static inline var DOM_VK_F8 : Int = 119; static inline var DOM_VK_F9 : Int = 120; static inline var DOM_VK_F10 : Int = 121; static inline var DOM_VK_F11 : Int = 122; static inline var DOM_VK_F12 : Int = 123; static inline var DOM_VK_F13 : Int = 124; static inline var DOM_VK_F14 : Int = 125; static inline var DOM_VK_F15 : Int = 126; static inline var DOM_VK_F16 : Int = 127; static inline var DOM_VK_F17 : Int = 128; static inline var DOM_VK_F18 : Int = 129; static inline var DOM_VK_F19 : Int = 130; static inline var DOM_VK_F20 : Int = 131; static inline var DOM_VK_F21 : Int = 132; static inline var DOM_VK_F22 : Int = 133; static inline var DOM_VK_F23 : Int = 134; static inline var DOM_VK_F24 : Int = 135; static inline var DOM_VK_NUM_LOCK : Int = 144; static inline var DOM_VK_SCROLL_LOCK : Int = 145; static inline var DOM_VK_WIN_OEM_FJ_JISHO : Int = 146; static inline var DOM_VK_WIN_OEM_FJ_MASSHOU : Int = 147; static inline var DOM_VK_WIN_OEM_FJ_TOUROKU : Int = 148; static inline var DOM_VK_WIN_OEM_FJ_LOYA : Int = 149; static inline var DOM_VK_WIN_OEM_FJ_ROYA : Int = 150; static inline var DOM_VK_CIRCUMFLEX : Int = 160; static inline var DOM_VK_EXCLAMATION : Int = 161; static inline var DOM_VK_DOUBLE_QUOTE : Int = 162; static inline var DOM_VK_HASH : Int = 163; static inline var DOM_VK_DOLLAR : Int = 164; static inline var DOM_VK_PERCENT : Int = 165; static inline var DOM_VK_AMPERSAND : Int = 166; static inline var DOM_VK_UNDERSCORE : Int = 167; static inline var DOM_VK_OPEN_PAREN : Int = 168; static inline var DOM_VK_CLOSE_PAREN : Int = 169; static inline var DOM_VK_ASTERISK : Int = 170; static inline var DOM_VK_PLUS : Int = 171; static inline var DOM_VK_PIPE : Int = 172; static inline var DOM_VK_HYPHEN_MINUS : Int = 173; static inline var DOM_VK_OPEN_CURLY_BRACKET : Int = 174; static inline var DOM_VK_CLOSE_CURLY_BRACKET : Int = 175; static inline var DOM_VK_TILDE : Int = 176; static inline var DOM_VK_VOLUME_MUTE : Int = 181; static inline var DOM_VK_VOLUME_DOWN : Int = 182; static inline var DOM_VK_VOLUME_UP : Int = 183; static inline var DOM_VK_COMMA : Int = 188; static inline var DOM_VK_PERIOD : Int = 190; static inline var DOM_VK_SLASH : Int = 191; static inline var DOM_VK_BACK_QUOTE : Int = 192; static inline var DOM_VK_OPEN_BRACKET : Int = 219; static inline var DOM_VK_BACK_SLASH : Int = 220; static inline var DOM_VK_CLOSE_BRACKET : Int = 221; static inline var DOM_VK_QUOTE : Int = 222; static inline var DOM_VK_META : Int = 224; static inline var DOM_VK_ALTGR : Int = 225; static inline var DOM_VK_WIN_ICO_HELP : Int = 227; static inline var DOM_VK_WIN_ICO_00 : Int = 228; static inline var DOM_VK_PROCESSKEY : Int = 229; static inline var DOM_VK_WIN_ICO_CLEAR : Int = 230; static inline var DOM_VK_WIN_OEM_RESET : Int = 233; static inline var DOM_VK_WIN_OEM_JUMP : Int = 234; static inline var DOM_VK_WIN_OEM_PA1 : Int = 235; static inline var DOM_VK_WIN_OEM_PA2 : Int = 236; static inline var DOM_VK_WIN_OEM_PA3 : Int = 237; static inline var DOM_VK_WIN_OEM_WSCTRL : Int = 238; static inline var DOM_VK_WIN_OEM_CUSEL : Int = 239; static inline var DOM_VK_WIN_OEM_ATTN : Int = 240; static inline var DOM_VK_WIN_OEM_FINISH : Int = 241; static inline var DOM_VK_WIN_OEM_COPY : Int = 242; static inline var DOM_VK_WIN_OEM_AUTO : Int = 243; static inline var DOM_VK_WIN_OEM_ENLW : Int = 244; static inline var DOM_VK_WIN_OEM_BACKTAB : Int = 245; static inline var DOM_VK_ATTN : Int = 246; static inline var DOM_VK_CRSEL : Int = 247; static inline var DOM_VK_EXSEL : Int = 248; static inline var DOM_VK_EREOF : Int = 249; static inline var DOM_VK_PLAY : Int = 250; static inline var DOM_VK_ZOOM : Int = 251; static inline var DOM_VK_PA1 : Int = 253; static inline var DOM_VK_WIN_OEM_CLEAR : Int = 254; /** Returns a `Number` representing the Unicode reference number of the key; this attribute is used only by the `keypress` event. For keys whose `char` attribute contains multiple characters, this is the Unicode value of the first character in that attribute. In Firefox 26 this returns codes for printable characters. Warning: This attribute is deprecated; you should use `KeyboardEvent.key` instead, if available. **/ var charCode(default,null) : Int; /** Returns a `Number` representing a system and implementation dependent numerical code identifying the unmodified value of the pressed key. Warning: This attribute is deprecated; you should use `KeyboardEvent.key` instead, if available. **/ var keyCode(default,null) : Int; /** Returns a `Boolean` that is `true` if the Alt ( Option or ⌥ on OS X) key was active when the key event was generated. **/ var altKey(default,null) : Bool; /** Returns a `Boolean` that is `true` if the Ctrl key was active when the key event was generated. **/ var ctrlKey(default,null) : Bool; /** Returns a `Boolean` that is `true` if the Shift key was active when the key event was generated. **/ var shiftKey(default,null) : Bool; /** Returns a `Boolean` that is `true` if the Meta key (on Mac keyboards, the ⌘ Command key; on Windows keyboards, the Windows key (⊞)) was active when the key event was generated. **/ var metaKey(default,null) : Bool; /** Returns a `Number` representing the location of the key on the keyboard or other input device. **/ var location(default,null) : Int; /** Returns a `Boolean` that is `true` if the key is being held down such that it is automatically repeating. **/ var repeat(default,null) : Bool; /** Returns a `Boolean` that is `true` if the event is fired between after `compositionstart` and before `compositionend`. **/ var isComposing(default,null) : Bool; /** Returns a `DOMString` representing the key value of the key represented by the event. **/ var key(default,null) : String; /** Returns a `DOMString` with the code value of the key represented by the event. **/ var code(default,null) : String; /** @throws DOMError */ function new( typeArg : String, ?keyboardEventInitDict : KeyboardEventInit ) : Void; /** Returns a `Boolean` indicating if a modifier key such as Alt, Shift, Ctrl, or Meta, was pressed when the event was created. **/ function getModifierState( key : String ) : Bool; /** Initializes a `KeyboardEvent` object. This is now deprecated. You should instead use the `KeyboardEvent.KeyboardEvent` constructor. @throws DOMError **/ function initKeyboardEvent( typeArg : String, bubblesArg : Bool = false, cancelableArg : Bool = false, ?viewArg : Window, keyArg : String = "", locationArg : Int = 0, ctrlKey : Bool = false, altKey : Bool = false, shiftKey : Bool = false, metaKey : Bool = false ) : Void; /** Initializes a `KeyboardEvent` object. This was implemented only by Firefox, and is no longer supported even there; instead, you should use the `KeyboardEvent.KeyboardEvent` constructor. **/ function initKeyEvent( type : String, canBubble : Bool = false, cancelable : Bool = false, ?view : Window, ctrlKey : Bool = false, altKey : Bool = false, shiftKey : Bool = false, metaKey : Bool = false, keyCode : Int = 0, charCode : Int = 0 ) : Void; }