from lnx.logicnode.lnx_nodes import * class RotationNode(LnxLogicVariableNodeMixin, LnxLogicTreeNode): """A rotation, created from one of its possible mathematical representations""" bl_idname = 'LNRotationNode' bl_label = 'Rotation' bl_description = 'Create a Rotation object, describing the difference between two orientations (internally represented as a quaternion for efficiency)' #lnx_section = 'rotation' lnx_version = 1 def lnx_init(self, context): self.add_input('LnxVectorSocket', 'Euler Angles / Vector XYZ') self.add_input('LnxFloatSocket', 'Angle / W') self.add_output('LnxRotationSocket', 'Out', is_var=True) def on_property_update(self, context): """called by the EnumProperty, used to update the node socket labels""" if self.property0 == "Quaternion": self.inputs[0].name = "Quaternion XYZ" self.inputs[1].name = "Quaternion W" elif self.property0 == "EulerAngles": self.inputs[0].name = "Euler Angles" self.inputs[1].name = "[unused for Euler input]" elif self.property0 == "AxisAngle": self.inputs[0].name = "Axis" self.inputs[1].name = "Angle" else: raise ValueError('No nodesocket labels for current input mode: check self-consistancy of') def draw_content(self, context, layout): coll = layout.column(align=True) coll.prop(self, 'property0') if self.property0 in ('EulerAngles','AxisAngle'): coll.prop(self, 'property1') if self.property0=='EulerAngles': coll.prop(self, 'property2') property0: HaxeEnumProperty( 'property0', items = [('EulerAngles', 'Euler Angles', 'Euler Angles'), ('AxisAngle', 'Axis/Angle', 'Axis/Angle'), ('Quaternion', 'Quaternion', 'Quaternion')], name='', default='EulerAngles', update=on_property_update) property1: HaxeEnumProperty( 'property1', items=[('Deg', 'Degrees', 'Degrees'), ('Rad', 'Radians', 'Radians')], name='', default='Rad') property2: HaxeEnumProperty( 'property2', items=[('XYZ','XYZ','XYZ'), ('XZY','XZY (legacy Leenkx euler order)','XZY (legacy Leenkx euler order)'), ('YXZ','YXZ','YXZ'), ('YZX','YZX','YZX'), ('ZXY','ZXY','ZXY'), ('ZYX','ZYX','ZYX')], name='', default='XYZ' ) def synchronize_from_master(self, master_node: LnxLogicVariableNodeMixin): self.property0 = master_node.property0 self.property1 = master_node.property1 self.property2 = master_node.property2 for i in range(len(self.inputs)): self.inputs[i].default_value_raw = master_node.inputs[i].get_default_value()