/* * Copyright (C)2005-2019 Haxe Foundation * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ package haxe.macro; #if (macro && !doc_gen) @:coreType abstract Position {} #else /** Represents a position in a file. **/ typedef Position = { /** Reference to the filename. **/ var file:String; /** Position of the first character. **/ var min:Int; /** Position of the last character. **/ var max:Int; } #end enum StringLiteralKind { DoubleQuotes; SingleQuotes; } /** Represents a constant. @see https://haxe.org/manual/expression-constants.html **/ enum Constant { /** Represents an integer literal. **/ CInt(v:String); /** Represents a float literal. **/ CFloat(f:String); /** Represents a string literal. **/ CString(s:String, ?kind:StringLiteralKind); /** Represents an identifier. **/ CIdent(s:String); /** Represents a regular expression literal. Example: `~/haxe/i` - The first argument `haxe` is a string with regular expression pattern. - The second argument `i` is a string with regular expression flags. @see https://haxe.org/manual/std-regex.html **/ CRegexp(r:String, opt:String); } /** A binary operator. @see https://haxe.org/manual/types-numeric-operators.html **/ enum Binop { /** `+` **/ OpAdd; /** `*` **/ OpMult; /** `/` **/ OpDiv; /** `-` **/ OpSub; /** `=` **/ OpAssign; /** `==` **/ OpEq; /** `!=` **/ OpNotEq; /** `>` **/ OpGt; /** `>=` **/ OpGte; /** `<` **/ OpLt; /** `<=` **/ OpLte; /** `&` **/ OpAnd; /** `|` **/ OpOr; /** `^` **/ OpXor; /** `&&` **/ OpBoolAnd; /** `||` **/ OpBoolOr; /** `<<` **/ OpShl; /** `>>` **/ OpShr; /** `>>>` **/ OpUShr; /** `%` **/ OpMod; /** `+=` `-=` `/=` `*=` `<<=` `>>=` `>>>=` `|=` `&=` `^=` `%=` **/ OpAssignOp(op:Binop); /** `...` **/ OpInterval; /** `=>` **/ OpArrow; /** `in` **/ OpIn; } /** A unary operator. @see https://haxe.org/manual/types-numeric-operators.html **/ enum Unop { /** `++` **/ OpIncrement; /** `--` **/ OpDecrement; /** `!` **/ OpNot; /** `-` **/ OpNeg; /** `~` **/ OpNegBits; /** `...` **/ OpSpread; } /** Represents a node in the AST. @see https://haxe.org/manual/macro-reification-expression.html **/ typedef Expr = { /** The expression kind. **/ var expr:ExprDef; /** The position of the expression. **/ var pos:Position; } /** Represents a AST node identical to `Expr`, but it allows constraining the type of accepted expressions. @see https://haxe.org/manual/macro-ExprOf.html **/ typedef ExprOf<T> = Expr; /** Represents a switch case. @see https://haxe.org/manual/expression-switch.html **/ typedef Case = { /** The value expressions of the case. **/ var values:Array<Expr>; /** The optional guard expressions of the case, if available. **/ var ?guard:Expr; /** The expression of the case, if available. **/ var ?expr:Expr; } /** Represents a variable in the AST. @see https://haxe.org/manual/expression-var.html **/ typedef Var = { /** The name of the variable. **/ var name:String; /** The type-hint of the variable, if available. **/ var ?type:ComplexType; /** The expression of the variable, if available. **/ var ?expr:Expr; /** Whether or not the variable can be assigned to. **/ var ?isFinal:Bool; /** Metadata associatied with the variable, if available. **/ var ?meta:Metadata; } /** Represents a catch in the AST. @see https://haxe.org/manual/expression-try-catch.html **/ typedef Catch = { /** The name of the catch variable. **/ var name:String; /** The type of the catch. **/ var ?type:ComplexType; /** The expression of the catch. **/ var expr:Expr; } /** Represents the way something is quoted. **/ enum QuoteStatus { /** No quotes **/ Unquoted; /** Double quotes `"` **/ Quoted; } /** Represents the field of an object declaration. **/ typedef ObjectField = { /** The name of the field. **/ var field:String; /** The field expression. **/ var expr:Expr; /** How the field name is quoted. **/ var ?quotes:QuoteStatus; } /** Represents function kind in the AST **/ enum FunctionKind { /** Anonymous function **/ FAnonymous; /** Named function **/ FNamed(name:String, ?inlined:Bool); /** Arrow function **/ FArrow; } /** Represents the kind of a node in the AST. **/ enum ExprDef { /** A constant. **/ EConst(c:Constant); /** Array access `e1[e2]`. **/ EArray(e1:Expr, e2:Expr); /** Binary operator `e1 op e2`. **/ EBinop(op:Binop, e1:Expr, e2:Expr); /** Field access on `e.field`. **/ EField(e:Expr, field:String); /** Parentheses `(e)`. **/ EParenthesis(e:Expr); /** An object declaration. **/ EObjectDecl(fields:Array<ObjectField>); /** An array declaration `[el]`. **/ EArrayDecl(values:Array<Expr>); /** A call `e(params)`. **/ ECall(e:Expr, params:Array<Expr>); /** A constructor call `new t(params)`. **/ ENew(t:TypePath, params:Array<Expr>); /** An unary operator `op` on `e`: - `e++` (`op = OpIncrement, postFix = true`) - `e--` (`op = OpDecrement, postFix = true`) - `++e` (`op = OpIncrement, postFix = false`) - `--e` (`op = OpDecrement, postFix = false`) - `-e` (`op = OpNeg, postFix = false`) - `!e` (`op = OpNot, postFix = false`) - `~e` (`op = OpNegBits, postFix = false`) **/ EUnop(op:Unop, postFix:Bool, e:Expr); /** Variable declarations. **/ EVars(vars:Array<Var>); /** A function declaration. **/ EFunction(kind:Null<FunctionKind>, f:Function); /** A block of expressions `{exprs}`. **/ EBlock(exprs:Array<Expr>); /** A `for` expression. **/ EFor(it:Expr, expr:Expr); /** An `if (econd) eif` or `if (econd) eif else eelse` expression. **/ EIf(econd:Expr, eif:Expr, eelse:Null<Expr>); /** Represents a `while` expression. When `normalWhile` is `true` it is `while (...)`. When `normalWhile` is `false` it is `do {...} while (...)`. **/ EWhile(econd:Expr, e:Expr, normalWhile:Bool); /** Represents a `switch` expression with related cases and an optional. `default` case if `edef != null`. **/ ESwitch(e:Expr, cases:Array<Case>, edef:Null<Expr>); /** Represents a `try`-expression with related catches. **/ ETry(e:Expr, catches:Array<Catch>); /** A `return` or `return e` expression. **/ EReturn(?e:Expr); /** A `break` expression. **/ EBreak; /** A `continue` expression. **/ EContinue; /** An `untyped e` source code. **/ EUntyped(e:Expr); /** A `throw e` expression. **/ EThrow(e:Expr); /** A `cast e` or `cast (e, m)` expression. **/ ECast(e:Expr, t:Null<ComplexType>); /** Used internally to provide completion. **/ EDisplay(e:Expr, displayKind:DisplayKind); /** Used internally to provide completion. **/ EDisplayNew(t:TypePath); /** A `(econd) ? eif : eelse` expression. **/ ETernary(econd:Expr, eif:Expr, eelse:Expr); /** A `(e:t)` expression. **/ ECheckType(e:Expr, t:ComplexType); /** A `@m e` expression. **/ EMeta(s:MetadataEntry, e:Expr); /** An `expr is Type` expression. **/ EIs(e:Expr, t:ComplexType); } enum DisplayKind { DKCall; DKDot; DKStructure; DKMarked; DKPattern(outermost:Bool); } /** Represents a type syntax in the AST. **/ enum ComplexType { /** Represents the type path. **/ TPath(p:TypePath); /** Represents a function type. @see https://haxe.org/manual/types-function.html **/ TFunction(args:Array<ComplexType>, ret:ComplexType); /** Represents an anonymous structure type. @see https://haxe.org/manual/types-anonymous-structure.html **/ TAnonymous(fields:Array<Field>); /** Represents parentheses around a type, e.g. the `(Int -> Void)` part in `(Int -> Void) -> String`. **/ TParent(t:ComplexType); /** Represents typedef extensions `> Iterable<T>`. The array `p` holds the type paths to the given types. @see https://haxe.org/manual/type-system-extensions.html **/ TExtend(p:Array<TypePath>, fields:Array<Field>); /** Represents an optional type. **/ TOptional(t:ComplexType); /** Represents a type with a name. **/ TNamed(n:String, t:ComplexType); /** Represents an intersection type `T1 & T2 & ... & TN`. **/ TIntersection(tl:Array<ComplexType>); } /** Represents a type path in the AST. **/ typedef TypePath = { /** Represents the package of the type path. **/ var pack:Array<String>; /** The name of the type path. **/ var name:String; /** Optional parameters of the type path. **/ var ?params:Array<TypeParam>; /** Sub is set on module sub-type access: `pack.Module.Type` has `name = "Module"`, `sub = "Type"`, if available. **/ var ?sub:String; } /** Represents a concrete type parameter in the AST. Haxe allows expressions in concrete type parameters, e.g. `new YourType<["hello", "world"]>`. In that case the value is `TPExpr` while in the normal case it's `TPType`. **/ enum TypeParam { TPType(t:ComplexType); TPExpr(e:Expr); } /** Represents a type parameter declaration in the AST. **/ typedef TypeParamDecl = { /** The name of the type parameter. **/ var name:String; /** The optional constraints of the type parameter. **/ var ?constraints:Array<ComplexType>; /** The optional parameters of the type parameter. **/ var ?params:Array<TypeParamDecl>; /** The metadata of the type parameter. **/ var ?meta:Metadata; } /** Represents a function in the AST. **/ typedef Function = { /** A list of function arguments. **/ var args:Array<FunctionArg>; /** The return type-hint of the function, if available. **/ var ?ret:ComplexType; /** The expression of the function body, if available. **/ var ?expr:Expr; /** An optional list of function parameter type declarations. **/ var ?params:Array<TypeParamDecl>; } /** Represents a function argument in the AST. **/ typedef FunctionArg = { /** The name of the function argument. **/ var name:String; /** Whether or not the function argument is optional. **/ var ?opt:Bool; /** The type-hint of the function argument, if available. **/ var ?type:ComplexType; /** The optional value of the function argument, if available. **/ var ?value:Expr; /** The metadata of the function argument. **/ var ?meta:Metadata; } /** Represents a metadata entry in the AST. **/ typedef MetadataEntry = { /** The name of the metadata entry. **/ var name:String; /** The optional parameters of the metadata entry. **/ var ?params:Array<Expr>; /** The position of the metadata entry. **/ var pos:Position; } /** Represents metadata in the AST. **/ typedef Metadata = Array<MetadataEntry>; /** Represents a field in the AST. **/ typedef Field = { /** The name of the field. **/ var name:String; /** The documentation of the field, if available. If the field has no documentation, the value is `null`. **/ var ?doc:String; /** The access modifiers of the field. By default fields have private access. @see https://haxe.org/manual/class-field-access-modifier.html **/ var ?access:Array<Access>; /** The kind of the field. **/ var kind:FieldType; /** The position of the field. **/ var pos:Position; /** The optional metadata of the field. **/ var ?meta:Metadata; } /** Represents an access modifier. @see https://haxe.org/manual/class-field-access-modifier.html **/ enum Access { /** Public access modifier, grants access from anywhere. @see https://haxe.org/manual/class-field-visibility.html **/ APublic; /** Private access modifier, grants access to class and its sub-classes only. @see https://haxe.org/manual/class-field-visibility.html **/ APrivate; /** Static access modifier. **/ AStatic; /** Override access modifier. @see https://haxe.org/manual/class-field-override.html **/ AOverride; /** Dynamic (re-)bindable access modifier. @see https://haxe.org/manual/class-field-dynamic.html **/ ADynamic; /** Inline access modifier. Allows expressions to be directly inserted in place of calls to them. @see https://haxe.org/manual/class-field-inline.html **/ AInline; /** Macro access modifier. Allows expression macro functions. These are normal functions which are executed as soon as they are typed. **/ AMacro; /** Final access modifier. For functions, they can not be overridden. For variables, it means they can be assigned to only once. **/ AFinal; /** Extern access modifier. **/ AExtern; /** Abstract access modifier. **/ AAbstract; /** Overload access modifier. **/ AOverload; } /** Represents the field type in the AST. **/ enum FieldType { /** Represents a variable field type. **/ FVar(t:Null<ComplexType>, ?e:Expr); /** Represents a function field type. **/ FFun(f:Function); /** Represents a property with getter and setter field type. **/ FProp(get:String, set:String, ?t:ComplexType, ?e:Expr); } /** Represents a type definition. **/ typedef TypeDefinition = { /** The package of the type definition. **/ var pack:Array<String>; /** The name of the type definition. **/ var name:String; /** The documentation of the type, if available. If the type has no documentation, the value is `null`. **/ var ?doc:String; /** The position to the type definition. **/ var pos:Position; /** The optional metadata of the type definition. **/ var ?meta:Metadata; /** The parameter type declarations of the type definition. **/ var ?params:Array<TypeParamDecl>; /** Whether or not the type is extern. **/ var ?isExtern:Bool; /** The kind of the type definition. **/ var kind:TypeDefKind; /** The fields of the type definition. **/ var fields:Array<Field>; } /** Represents a type definition kind. **/ enum TypeDefKind { /** Represents an enum kind. **/ TDEnum; /** Represents a structure kind. **/ TDStructure; /** Represents a class kind. **/ TDClass(?superClass:TypePath, ?interfaces:Array<TypePath>, ?isInterface:Bool, ?isFinal:Bool, ?isAbstract:Bool); /** Represents an alias/typedef kind. **/ TDAlias(t:ComplexType); // ignore TypeDefinition.fields /** Represents an abstract kind. **/ TDAbstract(tthis:Null<ComplexType>, ?from:Array<ComplexType>, ?to:Array<ComplexType>); /** Represents a module-level field. **/ TDField(kind:FieldType, ?access:Array<Access>); // ignore TypeDefinition.fields } /** This error can be used to handle or produce compilation errors in macros. **/ class Error extends Exception { /** The position of the error. **/ public var pos:Position; /** Instantiates an error with given message and position. **/ public function new(message:String, pos:Position, ?previous:Exception) { super(message, previous); this.pos = pos; } } /** Represents the import mode. @see https://haxe.org/manual/type-system-import.html **/ enum ImportMode { /** Represents a default import `import c`. **/ INormal; /** Represents the alias import `import c as alias`. **/ IAsName(alias:String); /** Represents the wildcard import `import *`. **/ IAll; } /** Represents the import expression. **/ typedef ImportExpr = { /** The path to the import expression. **/ var path:Array<{pos:Position, name:String}>; /** The mode of the import expression. **/ var mode:ImportMode; }