/* * Copyright (C)2005-2019 Haxe Foundation * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ package cs.internal; import cs.Lib; import cs.Lib.*; import cs.NativeArray; import cs.StdTypes; import cs.system.Activator; import cs.system.IConvertible; import cs.system.IComparable; import cs.system.reflection.MethodBase; import cs.system.reflection.MethodInfo; import cs.system.reflection.*; import cs.system.Type; import cs.system.Object; /** This class is meant for internal compiler use only. It provides the Haxe runtime compatibility to the host language. **/ @:nativeGen @:native('haxe.lang.Runtime') @:access(String) @:classCode(' public static object getField(haxe.lang.HxObject obj, string field, int fieldHash, bool throwErrors) { if (obj == null && !throwErrors) return null; return obj.__hx_getField(field, (fieldHash == 0) ? haxe.lang.FieldLookup.hash(field) : fieldHash, throwErrors, false, false); } public static double getField_f(haxe.lang.HxObject obj, string field, int fieldHash, bool throwErrors) { if (obj == null && !throwErrors) return 0.0; return obj.__hx_getField_f(field, (fieldHash == 0) ? haxe.lang.FieldLookup.hash(field) : fieldHash, throwErrors, false); } public static object setField(haxe.lang.HxObject obj, string field, int fieldHash, object value) { return obj.__hx_setField(field, (fieldHash == 0) ? haxe.lang.FieldLookup.hash(field) : fieldHash, value, false); } public static double setField_f(haxe.lang.HxObject obj, string field, int fieldHash, double value) { return obj.__hx_setField_f(field, (fieldHash == 0) ? haxe.lang.FieldLookup.hash(field) : fieldHash, value, false); } public static object callField(haxe.lang.HxObject obj, string field, int fieldHash, object[] args) { return obj.__hx_invokeField(field, (fieldHash == 0) ? haxe.lang.FieldLookup.hash(field) : fieldHash, args); } ') @:keep class Runtime { @:readOnly public static var undefined(default, never):Dynamic = new cs.system.Object(); public static function closure(obj:Dynamic, hash:Int, field:String):Dynamic { return new cs.internal.Function.Closure(obj, field, hash); } public static function eq(v1:Dynamic, v2:Dynamic):Bool { if (Object.ReferenceEquals(v1, v2)) return true; if (Object.ReferenceEquals(v1, null) || Object.ReferenceEquals(v2, null)) return false; var v1c = Lib.as(v1, IConvertible); if (v1c != null) { var v2c = Lib.as(v2, IConvertible); if (v2c == null) { return false; } var t1 = v1c.GetTypeCode(), t2 = v2c.GetTypeCode(); if (t1 == t2) return Object._Equals(v1c, v2c); if (t1 == cs.system.TypeCode.String || t2 == cs.system.TypeCode.String) return false; switch [t1, t2] { case [Decimal, _] | [_, Decimal]: return v1c.ToDecimal(null) == v2c.ToDecimal(null); case [Int64, _] | [_, Int64]: return v1c.ToInt64(null) == v2c.ToInt64(null); case [UInt64 | DateTime, _] | [_, UInt64 | DateTime]: return v1c.ToUInt64(null) == v2c.ToUInt64(null); case [Double | Single, _] | [_, Double | Single]: return v1c.ToDouble(null) == v2c.ToDouble(null); case _: return v1c.ToInt32(null) == v2c.ToInt32(null); } } var v1v = Lib.as(v1, cs.system.ValueType); if (v1v != null) { return v1.Equals(v2); #if !erase_generics } else { var v1t = Lib.as(v1, Type); if (v1t != null) { var v2t = Lib.as(v2, Type); if (v2t != null) return typeEq(v1t, v2t); return false; } #end } return false; } public static function refEq(v1:{}, v2:{}):Bool { #if !erase_generics if (Std.isOfType(v1, Type)) return typeEq(Lib.as(v1, Type), Lib.as(v2, Type)); #end return Object.ReferenceEquals(v1, v2); } public static function toDouble(obj:Dynamic):Float { return (obj == null) ? .0 : Std.isOfType(obj, Float) ? cast obj : Lib.as(obj, IConvertible).ToDouble(null); } public static function toInt(obj:Dynamic):Int { return (obj == null) ? 0 : Std.isOfType(obj, Int) ? cast obj : Lib.as(obj, IConvertible).ToInt32(null); } #if erase_generics public static function toLong(obj:Dynamic):Int64 { return (obj == null) ? 0 : Std.isOfType(obj, Int64) ? cast obj : Lib.as(obj, IConvertible).ToInt64(null); } #end public static function isInt(obj:Dynamic):Bool { var cv1 = Lib.as(obj, IConvertible); if (cv1 != null) { switch (cv1.GetTypeCode()) { case Double: var d:Float = cast obj; return d >= cs.system.Int32.MinValue && d <= cs.system.Int32.MaxValue && d == (cast(d, Int)); case UInt32, Int32: return true; default: return false; } } return false; } public static function isUInt(obj:Dynamic):Bool { var cv1 = Lib.as(obj, IConvertible); if (cv1 != null) { switch (cv1.GetTypeCode()) { case Double: var d:Float = cast obj; return d >= cs.system.UInt32.MinValue && d <= cs.system.UInt32.MaxValue && d == (cast(d, UInt)); case UInt32: return true; default: return false; } } return false; } public static function compare(v1:Dynamic, v2:Dynamic):Int { if (Object.ReferenceEquals(v1, v2)) return 0; if (Object.ReferenceEquals(v1, null)) return -1; if (Object.ReferenceEquals(v2, null)) return 1; var cv1 = Lib.as(v1, IConvertible); if (cv1 != null) { var cv2 = Lib.as(v2, IConvertible); if (cv2 == null) { throw new cs.system.ArgumentException("Cannot compare " + getNativeType(v1).ToString() + " and " + getNativeType(v2).ToString()); } switch (cv1.GetTypeCode()) { case cs.system.TypeCode.String: if (cv2.GetTypeCode() != cs.system.TypeCode.String) throw new cs.system.ArgumentException("Cannot compare " + getNativeType(v1).ToString() + " and " + getNativeType(v2).ToString()); var s1 = Lib.as(v1, String); var s2 = Lib.as(v2, String); return String.Compare(s1, s2, cs.system.StringComparison.Ordinal); case cs.system.TypeCode.Double: var d1:Float = cast v1, d2:Float = cv2.ToDouble(null); return (d1 < d2) ? -1 : (d1 > d2) ? 1 : 0; default: var d1d = cv1.ToDouble(null); var d2d = cv2.ToDouble(null); return (d1d < d2d) ? -1 : (d1d > d2d) ? 1 : 0; } } var c1 = Lib.as(v1, IComparable); var c2 = Lib.as(v2, IComparable); if (c1 == null || c2 == null) { throw new cs.system.ArgumentException("Cannot compare " + getNativeType(v1).ToString() + " and " + getNativeType(v2).ToString()); } return c1.CompareTo(c2); } public static function plus(v1:Dynamic, v2:Dynamic):Dynamic { if (Std.isOfType(v1, String) || Std.isOfType(v2, String)) return Std.string(v1) + Std.string(v2); if (v1 == null) { if (v2 == null) return null; v1 = 0; } else if (v2 == null) v2 = 0; var cv1 = Lib.as(v1, IConvertible); if (cv1 != null) { var cv2 = Lib.as(v2, IConvertible); if (cv2 == null) { throw new cs.system.ArgumentException("Cannot dynamically add " + cs.Lib.getNativeType(v1).ToString() + " and " + cs.Lib.getNativeType(v2).ToString()); } return cv1.ToDouble(null) + cv2.ToDouble(null); } throw new cs.system.ArgumentException("Cannot dynamically add " + v1 + " and " + v2); } public static function slowGetField(obj:Dynamic, field:String, throwErrors:Bool):Dynamic { if (obj == null) if (throwErrors) throw new cs.system.NullReferenceException("Cannot access field \'" + field + "\' of null."); else return null; var t = Lib.as(obj, cs.system.Type); var bf = if (t == null) { var s = Lib.as(obj, String); if (s != null) return cs.internal.StringExt.StringRefl.handleGetField(s, field, throwErrors); t = obj.GetType(); new cs.Flags(BindingFlags.Instance) | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy; } else { if (t == Lib.toNativeType(String) && field == "fromCharCode") return new cs.internal.Function.Closure(StringExt, field, 0); obj = null; new cs.Flags(BindingFlags.Static) | BindingFlags.Public; } var f = t.GetField(field, bf); if (f != null) { return unbox(f.GetValue(obj)); } else { var prop = t.GetProperty(field, bf); if (prop == null) { var m = t.GetMember(field, bf); if (m.length == 0 && (field == "__get" || field == "__set")) m = t.GetMember(field == "__get" ? "get_Item" : "set_Item", bf); if (m.Length > 0) { return new cs.internal.Function.Closure(obj != null ? obj : t, field, 0); } else { // COM object handling if (t.IsCOMObject) { try { return t.InvokeMember(field, BindingFlags.GetProperty, null, obj, new cs.NativeArray(0)); } catch (e:cs.system.Exception) { // Closures of COM objects not supported currently } } if (throwErrors) throw "Cannot access field \'" + field + "\'."; else return null; } } return unbox(prop.GetValue(obj, null)); } } public static function slowHasField(obj:Dynamic, field:String):Bool { if (obj == null) return false; var t = Lib.as(obj, cs.system.Type); var bf = if (t == null) { var s = Lib.as(obj, String); if (s != null) return cs.internal.StringExt.StringRefl.handleGetField(s, field, false) != null; t = obj.GetType(); new cs.Flags(BindingFlags.Instance) | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy; } else { if (t == Lib.toNativeType(String)) return field == "fromCharCode"; obj = null; new cs.Flags(BindingFlags.Static) | BindingFlags.Public; } var mi = t.GetMember(field, bf); return mi != null && mi.length > 0; } public static function slowSetField(obj:Dynamic, field:String, value:Dynamic):Dynamic { if (obj == null) throw new cs.system.NullReferenceException("Cannot access field \'" + field + "\' of null."); var t = Lib.as(obj, cs.system.Type); var bf = if (t == null) { t = obj.GetType(); new cs.Flags(BindingFlags.Instance) | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy; } else { obj = null; new cs.Flags(BindingFlags.Static) | BindingFlags.Public; } var f = t.GetField(field, bf); if (f != null) { if (f.FieldType.ToString().StartsWith("haxe.lang.Null")) { value = mkNullable(value, f.FieldType); } if (value != null && Object.ReferenceEquals(Lib.toNativeType(cs.system.Double), Lib.getNativeType(value)) && !Object.ReferenceEquals(t, f.FieldType)) { var ic = Lib.as(value, IConvertible); value = ic.ToType(f.FieldType, null); } f.SetValue(obj, value); return value; } else { var prop = t.GetProperty(field, bf); if (prop == null) { // COM object handling if (t.IsCOMObject) { try { return t.InvokeMember(field, BindingFlags.SetProperty, null, obj, cs.NativeArray.make(value)); } catch (e:cs.system.Exception) { // Closures of COM objects not supported currently } } throw "Field \'" + field + "\' not found for writing from Class " + t; } if (prop.PropertyType.ToString().StartsWith("haxe.lang.Null")) { value = mkNullable(value, prop.PropertyType); } if (Object.ReferenceEquals(Lib.toNativeType(cs.system.Double), Lib.getNativeType(value)) && !Object.ReferenceEquals(t, prop.PropertyType)) { var ic = Lib.as(value, IConvertible); value = ic.ToType(prop.PropertyType, null); } prop.SetValue(obj, value, null); return value; } } public static function callMethod(obj:Dynamic, methods:NativeArray<MethodBase>, methodLength:Int, args:cs.NativeArray<Dynamic>):Dynamic { if (methodLength == 0) throw "No available methods"; var length = args.length; var oargs:NativeArray<Dynamic> = new NativeArray(length); var ts:NativeArray<Type> = new NativeArray(length); var rates:NativeArray<Int> = new NativeArray(methods.Length); for (i in 0...length) { oargs[i] = args[i]; if (args[i] != null) ts[i] = Lib.getNativeType(args[i]); } var last = 0; // first filter by number of parameters and if it is assignable if (methodLength > 1) { for (i in 0...methodLength) { var params = methods[i].GetParameters(); if (params.Length != length) { continue; } else { var fits = true, crate = 0; for (i in 0...params.Length) { var param = params[i].ParameterType; var strParam = param + ""; if (param.IsAssignableFrom(ts[i]) || (ts[i] == null && !param.IsValueType)) { // if it is directly assignable, we'll give it top rate continue; } else if (untyped strParam.StartsWith("haxe.lang.Null") || ((oargs[i] == null || Std.isOfType(oargs[i], IConvertible)) && cast(untyped __typeof__(IConvertible), Type).IsAssignableFrom(param))) { // if it needs conversion, give a penalty. TODO rate penalty crate++; continue; } else if (!param.ContainsGenericParameters) { // generics don't appear as assignable, but may be in the end. no rate there. fits = false; break; } } if (fits) { rates[last] = crate; methods[last++] = methods[i]; } } } methodLength = last; } else if (methodLength == 1 && methods[0].GetParameters().Length != length) { methodLength = 0; } // At this time, we should be left with only one method. // Of course, realistically, we can be left with plenty of methods, if there are lots of variants with IConvertible // But at this time we still aren't rating the best methods // FIXME rate best methods if (methodLength == 0) throw "Invalid calling parameters for method " + methods[0].Name; var best = cs.system.Double.PositiveInfinity; var bestMethod = 0; for (i in 0...methodLength) { if (rates[i] < best) { bestMethod = i; best = rates[i]; } } methods[0] = methods[bestMethod]; var params = methods[0].GetParameters(); for (i in 0...params.Length) { var param = params[i].ParameterType; var strParam = param + "", arg = oargs[i]; if (StringTools.startsWith(strParam, "haxe.lang.Null")) { oargs[i] = mkNullable(arg, param); } else if (cast(untyped __typeof__(IConvertible), Type).IsAssignableFrom(param)) { if (arg == null) { if (param.IsValueType) oargs[i] = Activator.CreateInstance(param); } else if (!cs.Lib.getNativeType(arg).IsAssignableFrom(param)) { oargs[i] = cast(arg, IConvertible).ToType(param, null); } } } if (methods[0].ContainsGenericParameters && Std.isOfType(methods[0], cs.system.reflection.MethodInfo)) { var m:MethodInfo = cast methods[0]; var tgs = m.GetGenericArguments(); for (i in 0...tgs.Length) { tgs[i] = untyped __typeof__(Dynamic); } m = m.MakeGenericMethod(tgs); var retg = try m.Invoke(obj, oargs) catch(e:TargetInvocationException) throw e.InnerException; return cs.internal.Runtime.unbox(retg); } var m = methods[0]; if (obj == null && Std.isOfType(m, cs.system.reflection.ConstructorInfo)) { var ret = try cast(m, cs.system.reflection.ConstructorInfo).Invoke(oargs) catch(e:TargetInvocationException) throw e.InnerException; return unbox(ret); } var ret = try m.Invoke(obj, oargs) catch(e:TargetInvocationException) throw e.InnerException; return unbox(ret); } public static function unbox(dyn:Dynamic):Dynamic { if (dyn != null && untyped (Lib.getNativeType(dyn) + "").StartsWith("haxe.lang.Null")) { return dyn.toDynamic(); } else { return dyn; } } #if !erase_generics @:functionCode(' if (nullableType.ContainsGenericParameters) return haxe.lang.Null<object>.ofDynamic<object>(obj); return nullableType.GetMethod("_ofDynamic").Invoke(null, new object[] { obj }); ') public static function mkNullable(obj:Dynamic, nullableType:Type):Dynamic { return null; } #else public static function mkNullable(obj:Dynamic, nullable:Type):Dynamic { return obj; // do nothing } #end public static function slowCallField(obj:Dynamic, field:String, args:cs.NativeArray<Dynamic>):Dynamic { if (field == "toString" && (args == null || args.length == 0)) { return obj.ToString(); } if (args == null) args = new cs.NativeArray(0); var bf:BindingFlags; var t = Lib.as(obj, cs.system.Type); if (t == null) { var s = Lib.as(obj, String); if (s != null) return cs.internal.StringExt.StringRefl.handleCallField(untyped s, untyped field, args); t = untyped obj.GetType(); bf = new Flags(BindingFlags.Instance) | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy; } else { if (t == Lib.toNativeType(String) && field == 'fromCharCode') return cs.internal.StringExt.fromCharCode(toInt(args[0])); obj = null; bf = new Flags(BindingFlags.Static) | BindingFlags.Public; } var mis:NativeArray<MethodBase> = untyped t.GetMethods(bf); var last = 0; for (i in 0...mis.Length) { var name = mis[i].Name; if (name == field) mis[last++] = mis[i]; } if (last == 0 && (field == "__get" || field == "__set")) { field = field == "__get" ? "get_Item" : "set_Item"; for (i in 0...mis.Length) { var name = mis[i].Name; if (name == field) { mis[last++] = mis[i]; } } } if (last == 0 && t.IsCOMObject) return t.InvokeMember(field, BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, obj, args); if (last == 0) { throw 'Method "$field" not found on type $t'; } return Runtime.callMethod(obj, mis, last, args); } public static function callField(obj:Dynamic, field:String, fieldHash:Int, args:cs.NativeArray<Dynamic>):Dynamic { var hxObj = Lib.as(obj, HxObject); if (hxObj != null) return untyped hxObj.__hx_invokeField(field, (fieldHash == 0) ? FieldLookup.hash(field) : fieldHash, args); return slowCallField(obj, field, args); } public static function getField(obj:Dynamic, field:String, fieldHash:Int, throwErrors:Bool):Dynamic { var hxObj = Lib.as(obj, HxObject); if (hxObj != null) return untyped hxObj.__hx_getField(field, (fieldHash == 0) ? FieldLookup.hash(field) : fieldHash, throwErrors, false, false); return slowGetField(obj, field, throwErrors); } public static function getField_f(obj:Dynamic, field:String, fieldHash:Int, throwErrors:Bool):Float { var hxObj = Lib.as(obj, HxObject); if (hxObj != null) return untyped hxObj.__hx_getField_f(field, (fieldHash == 0) ? FieldLookup.hash(field) : fieldHash, throwErrors, false); return toDouble(slowGetField(obj, field, throwErrors)); } public static function setField(obj:Dynamic, field:String, fieldHash:Int, value:Dynamic):Dynamic { var hxObj = Lib.as(obj, HxObject); if (hxObj != null) return untyped hxObj.__hx_setField(field, (fieldHash == 0) ? FieldLookup.hash(field) : fieldHash, value, false); return slowSetField(obj, field, value); } public static function setField_f(obj:Dynamic, field:String, fieldHash:Int, value:Float):Float { var hxObj = Lib.as(obj, HxObject); if (hxObj != null) return untyped hxObj.__hx_setField_f(field, (fieldHash == 0) ? FieldLookup.hash(field) : fieldHash, value, false); return toDouble(slowSetField(obj, field, value)); } public static function toString(obj:Dynamic):String { if (obj == null) return null; if (Std.isOfType(obj, Bool)) if (obj) return "true"; else return "false"; return untyped obj.ToString(); } #if erase_generics inline #end public static function typeEq(t1:Type, t2:Type):Bool { if (t1 == null || t2 == null) return t1 == t2; #if !erase_generics var t1i = t1.IsInterface, t2i = t2.IsInterface; if (t1i != t2i) { if (t1i) { var g = getGenericAttr(t1); if (g != null) t1 = g.generic; } else { var g = getGenericAttr(t2); if (g != null) t2 = g.generic; } } #end if (t1.GetGenericArguments().Length > 0) t1 = t1.GetGenericTypeDefinition(); if (t2.GetGenericArguments().Length > 0) t2 = t2.GetGenericTypeDefinition(); return Object.ReferenceEquals(t1, t2); } #if !erase_generics public static function getGenericAttr(t:cs.system.Type):cs.internal.HxObject.GenericInterface { for (attr in t.GetCustomAttributes(true)) if (Std.isOfType(attr, cs.internal.HxObject.GenericInterface)) return cast attr; return null; } #end #if !erase_generics @:functionCode(' if (obj is To) return (To) obj; else if (obj == null) return default(To); if (typeof(To) == typeof(double)) return (To)(object) toDouble(obj); else if (typeof(To) == typeof(int)) return (To)(object) toInt(obj); else if (typeof(To) == typeof(float)) return (To)(object)(float)toDouble(obj); else if (typeof(To) == typeof(long)) return (To)(object)(long)toDouble(obj); else return (To) obj; ') public static function genericCast<To>(obj:Dynamic):To { return null; } #end @:functionCode(' return (s1 == null ? "null" : s1) + (s2 == null ? "null" : s2); ') public static function concat(s1:String, s2:String):String { return null; } public static function toBool(dyn:Dynamic):Bool { return if (dyn == null) false else untyped __cs__("(bool){0}", dyn); } // TODO: change from genericCast to getConverter, so we don't need to handle extra boxing associated with it /*@:functionCode(' if (typeof(To).TypeHandle == typeof(double).TypeHandle) return (System.Converter<object,To>) new System.Converter<object,double>(toDouble); else if (typeof(To).TypeHandle == typeof(double).TypeHandle) return (System.Converter<object,To>) new System.Converter<object,double>(toDouble); else return (System.Converter<object, To>) delegate(object obj) { return (To) obj; }; ') public static function getConverter<To>():cs.system.Converter<Dynamic,To> { return null; }*/ } @:nativeGen @:keep @:native("haxe.lang.EmptyObject") enum EmptyObject { EMPTY; }