package haxe; import js.Syntax; import js.lib.Error; import haxe.CallStack.StackItem; // @:native("Error") private extern class V8Error { static var prepareStackTrace:(error:Error, structuredStackTrace:Array)->Any; } typedef V8CallSite = { function getFunctionName():String; function getFileName():String; function getLineNumber():Int; function getColumnNumber():Int; } /** Do not use manually. **/ @:dox(hide) @:noCompletion @:allow(haxe.Exception) class NativeStackTrace { static var lastError:Error; // support for source-map-support module @:noCompletion public static var wrapCallSite:V8CallSite->V8CallSite; @:ifFeature('haxe.NativeStackTrace.exceptionStack') static public inline function saveStack(e:Error):Void { lastError = e; } static public function callStack():Any { var e:Null = new Error(''); var stack = tryHaxeStack(e); //Internet Explorer provides call stack only if error was thrown if(Syntax.typeof(stack) == "undefined") { try throw e catch(e:Exception) {} stack = e.stack; } return normalize(stack, 2); } static public function exceptionStack():Any { return normalize(tryHaxeStack(lastError)); } static public function toHaxe(s:Null, skip:Int = 0):Array { if (s == null) { return []; } else if (Syntax.typeof(s) == "string") { // Return the raw lines in browsers that don't support prepareStackTrace var stack:Array = (s:String).split("\n"); if (stack[0] == "Error") stack.shift(); var m = []; for (i in 0...stack.length) { if(skip > i) continue; var line = stack[i]; var matched:Null> = Syntax.code('{0}.match(/^ at ([A-Za-z0-9_. ]+) \\(([^)]+):([0-9]+):([0-9]+)\\)$/)', line); if (matched != null) { var path = matched[1].split("."); if(path[0] == "$hxClasses") { path.shift(); } var meth = path.pop(); var file = matched[2]; var line = Std.parseInt(matched[3]); var column = Std.parseInt(matched[4]); m.push(FilePos(meth == "Anonymous function" ? LocalFunction() : meth == "Global code" ? null : Method(path.join("."), meth), file, line, column)); } else { m.push(Module(StringTools.trim(line))); // A little weird, but better than nothing } } return m; } else if(skip > 0 && Syntax.code('Array.isArray({0})', s)) { return (s:Array).slice(skip); } else { return cast s; } } static function tryHaxeStack(e:Null):Any { if (e == null) { return []; } // var oldValue = V8Error.prepareStackTrace; V8Error.prepareStackTrace = prepareHxStackTrace; var stack = e.stack; V8Error.prepareStackTrace = oldValue; return stack; } static function prepareHxStackTrace(e:Error, callsites:Array):Any { var stack = []; for (site in callsites) { if (wrapCallSite != null) site = wrapCallSite(site); var method = null; var fullName = site.getFunctionName(); if (fullName != null) { var idx = fullName.lastIndexOf("."); if (idx >= 0) { var className = fullName.substring(0, idx); var methodName = fullName.substring(idx + 1); method = Method(className, methodName); } else { method = Method(null, fullName); } } var fileName = site.getFileName(); var fileAddr = fileName == null ? -1 : fileName.indexOf("file:"); if (wrapCallSite != null && fileAddr > 0) fileName = fileName.substring(fileAddr + 6); stack.push(FilePos(method, fileName, site.getLineNumber(), site.getColumnNumber())); } return stack; } static function normalize(stack:Any, skipItems:Int = 0):Any { if(Syntax.code('Array.isArray({0})', stack) && skipItems > 0) { return (stack:Array).slice(skipItems); } else if(Syntax.typeof(stack) == "string") { switch (stack:String).substring(0, 6) { case 'Error:' | 'Error\n': skipItems += 1; case _: } return skipLines(stack, skipItems); } else { //nothing we can do return stack; } } static function skipLines(stack:String, skip:Int, pos:Int = 0):String { return if(skip > 0) { pos = stack.indexOf('\n', pos); return pos < 0 ? '' : skipLines(stack, --skip, pos + 1); } else { return stack.substring(pos); } } }