package kha.js; import kha.Color; import kha.graphics2.Graphics; import kha.graphics2.ImageScaleQuality; import kha.math.FastMatrix3; import js.html.CanvasRenderingContext2D; class CanvasGraphics extends Graphics { var canvas: CanvasRenderingContext2D; var webfont: kha.js.Font; var myColor: Color; var scaleQuality: ImageScaleQuality; var clipping: Bool = false; static var instance: CanvasGraphics; public function new(canvas: CanvasRenderingContext2D) { super(); this.canvas = canvas; instance = this; myColor = Color.fromBytes(0, 0, 0); // webfont = new Font("Arial", new FontStyle(false, false, false), 12); // canvas.globalCompositeOperation = "normal"; } public static function stringWidth(font: kha.Font, text: String): Float { if (instance == null) return 5 * text.length; else { instance.font = font; return instance.canvas.measureText(text).width; } } override public function begin(clear: Bool = true, clearColor: Color = null): Void { if (clear) this.clear(clearColor); } override public function clear(color: Color = null): Void { if (color == null) color = 0x00000000; canvas.strokeStyle = "rgba(" + color.Rb + "," + color.Gb + "," + color.Bb + "," + color.A + ")"; canvas.fillStyle = "rgba(" + color.Rb + "," + color.Gb + "," + color.Bb + "," + color.A + ")"; if (color.A == 0) // if color is transparent, clear the screen. Note: in Canvas, transparent colors will overlay, not overwrite. canvas.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.canvas.width, canvas.canvas.height); else canvas.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.canvas.width, canvas.canvas.height); this.color = myColor; } override public function end(): Void {} /*override public function translate(x: Float, y: Float) { tx = x; ty = y; }*/ override public function drawImage(img: kha.Image, x: Float, y: Float) { canvas.globalAlpha = opacity; canvas.drawImage(cast(img, CanvasImage).image, x, y); canvas.globalAlpha = 1; } override public function drawScaledSubImage(image: kha.Image, sx: Float, sy: Float, sw: Float, sh: Float, dx: Float, dy: Float, dw: Float, dh: Float) { canvas.globalAlpha = opacity; try { if (dw < 0 || dh < 0) {; canvas.translate(dx, dy); var x = 0.0; var y = 0.0; if (dw < 0) { canvas.scale(-1, 1); x = -dw; } if (dh < 0) { canvas.scale(1, -1); y = -dh; } canvas.drawImage(cast(image, CanvasImage).image, sx, sy, sw, sh, x, y, dw, dh); canvas.restore(); } else { canvas.drawImage(cast(image, CanvasImage).image, sx, sy, sw, sh, dx, dy, dw, dh); } } catch (ex:Dynamic) {} canvas.globalAlpha = 1; } override function set_color(color: Color): Color { myColor = color; canvas.strokeStyle = "rgba(" + color.Rb + "," + color.Gb + "," + color.Bb + "," + color.A + ")"; canvas.fillStyle = "rgba(" + color.Rb + "," + color.Gb + "," + color.Bb + "," + color.A + ")"; return color; } override function get_color(): Color { return myColor; } override function get_imageScaleQuality(): ImageScaleQuality { return scaleQuality; } override function set_imageScaleQuality(value: ImageScaleQuality): ImageScaleQuality { if (value == ImageScaleQuality.Low) { untyped canvas.mozImageSmoothingEnabled = false; untyped canvas.webkitImageSmoothingEnabled = false; untyped canvas.msImageSmoothingEnabled = false; canvas.imageSmoothingEnabled = false; } else { untyped canvas.mozImageSmoothingEnabled = true; untyped canvas.webkitImageSmoothingEnabled = true; untyped canvas.msImageSmoothingEnabled = true; canvas.imageSmoothingEnabled = true; } return scaleQuality = value; } override public function drawRect(x: Float, y: Float, width: Float, height: Float, strength: Float = 1.0) { canvas.beginPath(); var oldStrength = canvas.lineWidth; canvas.lineWidth = Math.round(strength); canvas.rect(x, y, width, height); canvas.stroke(); canvas.lineWidth = oldStrength; } override public function fillRect(x: Float, y: Float, width: Float, height: Float) { canvas.globalAlpha = opacity * myColor.A; canvas.fillRect(x, y, width, height); canvas.globalAlpha = opacity; } public function drawArc(cx: Float, cy: Float, radius: Float, sAngle: Float, eAngle: Float, strength: Float = 1.0, ccw: Bool = false) { _drawArc(cx, cy, radius, sAngle, eAngle, strength, ccw); } public function drawCircle(cx: Float, cy: Float, radius: Float, strength: Float = 1.0) { _drawArc(cx, cy, radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI, strength, false); } inline function _drawArc(cx: Float, cy: Float, radius: Float, sAngle: Float, eAngle: Float, strength: Float, ccw: Bool) { canvas.beginPath(); var oldStrength = canvas.lineWidth; canvas.lineWidth = Math.round(strength); canvas.arc(cx, cy, radius, sAngle, eAngle, ccw); canvas.stroke(); canvas.lineWidth = oldStrength; } public function fillArc(cx: Float, cy: Float, radius: Float, sAngle: Float, eAngle: Float, ccw: Bool = false) { canvas.beginPath(); canvas.arc(cx, cy, radius, sAngle, eAngle, ccw); canvas.fill(); } public function fillCircle(cx: Float, cy: Float, radius: Float) { canvas.beginPath(); canvas.arc(cx, cy, radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false); canvas.fill(); } var bakedQuadCache = new kha.Kravur.AlignedQuad(); override public function drawString(text: String, x: Float, y: Float) { // canvas.fillText(text, tx + x, ty + y + webfont.getHeight()); // canvas.drawImage(cast(webfont.getTexture(), Image).image, 0, 0, 50, 50, tx + x, ty + y, 50, 50); var image = webfont.getImage(fontSize, myColor); if (image.width > 0) { // the image created in getImage() is not imediately useable var xpos = x; var ypos = y; for (i in 0...text.length) { var q = webfont.kravur._get(fontSize).getBakedQuad(bakedQuadCache, kha.graphics2.Graphics.fontGlyphs.indexOf(text.charCodeAt(i)), xpos, ypos); if (q != null) { if (q.s1 - q.s0 > 0 && q.t1 - q.t0 > 0 && q.x1 - q.x0 > 0 && q.y1 - q.y0 > 0) canvas.drawImage(image, q.s0 * image.width, q.t0 * image.height, (q.s1 - q.s0) * image.width, (q.t1 - q.t0) * image.height, q.x0, q.y0, q.x1 - q.x0, q.y1 - q.y0); xpos += q.xadvance; } } } } override public function drawCharacters(text: Array, start: Int, length: Int, x: Float, y: Float): Void { var image = webfont.getImage(fontSize, myColor); if (image.width > 0) { // the image created in getImage() is not imediately useable var xpos = x; var ypos = y; for (i in start...start + length) { var q = webfont.kravur._get(fontSize).getBakedQuad(bakedQuadCache, kha.graphics2.Graphics.fontGlyphs.indexOf(text[i]), xpos, ypos); if (q != null) { if (q.s1 - q.s0 > 0 && q.t1 - q.t0 > 0 && q.x1 - q.x0 > 0 && q.y1 - q.y0 > 0) canvas.drawImage(image, q.s0 * image.width, q.t0 * image.height, (q.s1 - q.s0) * image.width, (q.t1 - q.t0) * image.height, q.x0, q.y0, q.x1 - q.x0, q.y1 - q.y0); xpos += q.xadvance; } } } } override function set_font(font: kha.Font): kha.Font { webfont = cast(font, kha.js.Font); // canvas.font = webfont.size + "px " +; return cast webfont; } override function get_font(): kha.Font { return cast webfont; } override public function drawLine(x1: Float, y1: Float, x2: Float, y2: Float, strength: Float = 1.0) { canvas.beginPath(); var oldWith = canvas.lineWidth; canvas.lineWidth = Math.round(strength); canvas.moveTo(x1, y1); canvas.lineTo(x2, y2); canvas.moveTo(0, 0); canvas.stroke(); canvas.lineWidth = oldWith; } override public function fillTriangle(x1: Float, y1: Float, x2: Float, y2: Float, x3: Float, y3: Float) { canvas.beginPath(); canvas.moveTo(x1, y1); canvas.lineTo(x2, y2); canvas.lineTo(x3, y3); canvas.closePath(); canvas.fill(); } override public function scissor(x: Int, y: Int, width: Int, height: Int): Void { if (!clipping) {; clipping = true; } canvas.beginPath(); canvas.rect(x, y, width, height); canvas.clip(); } override public function disableScissor(): Void { if (clipping) { canvas.restore(); clipping = false; } } override public function drawVideo(video: kha.Video, x: Float, y: Float, width: Float, height: Float): Void { canvas.drawImage(cast(video, Video).element, x, y, width, height); } override public function setTransformation(transformation: FastMatrix3): Void { canvas.setTransform(transformation._00, transformation._01, transformation._10, transformation._11, transformation._20, transformation._21); } }