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2025-01-24 06:58:00 +01:00
#!/usr/bin/env node
* Builds app binaries for Mac, Windows, and Linux.
const cp = require('child_process')
const electronPackager = require('electron-packager')
const fs = require('fs')
const minimist = require('minimist')
const os = require('os')
const path = require('path')
const rimraf = require('rimraf')
const series = require('run-series')
const zip = require('cross-zip')
const config = require('../src/config')
const pkg = require('../package.json')
const BUILD_NAME = config.APP_NAME + '-v' + config.APP_VERSION
const BUILD_PATH = path.join(config.ROOT_PATH, 'build')
const DIST_PATH = path.join(config.ROOT_PATH, 'dist')
const NODE_MODULES_PATH = path.join(config.ROOT_PATH, 'node_modules')
const argv = minimist(process.argv.slice(2), {
boolean: [
default: {
package: 'all',
sign: false
string: [
function build () {
console.log('Installing node_modules...')
cp.execSync('npm ci', { stdio: 'inherit' })
console.log('Nuking dist/ and build/...')
console.log('Build: Transpiling to ES5...')
cp.execSync('npm run build', { NODE_ENV: 'production', stdio: 'inherit' })
console.log('Build: Transpiled to ES5.')
const platform = argv._[0]
if (platform === 'darwin') {
} else if (platform === 'win32') {
} else if (platform === 'linux') {
} else {
buildDarwin(function (err) {
buildWin32(function (err) {
const all = {
// The human-readable copyright line for the app. Maps to the `LegalCopyright` metadata
// property on Windows, and `NSHumanReadableCopyright` on Mac.
appCopyright: config.APP_COPYRIGHT,
// The release version of the application. Maps to the `ProductVersion` metadata
// property on Windows, and `CFBundleShortVersionString` on Mac.
appVersion: pkg.version,
// Package the application's source code into an archive, using Electron's archive
// format. Mitigates issues around long path names on Windows and slightly speeds up
// require().
asar: {
// A glob expression, that unpacks the files with matching names to the
// "app.asar.unpacked" directory.
unpack: 'WebTorrent*'
// The build version of the application. Maps to the FileVersion metadata property on
// Windows, and CFBundleVersion on Mac. Note: Windows requires the build version to
// start with a number. We're using the version of the underlying WebTorrent library.
buildVersion: require('webtorrent/package.json').version,
// The application source directory.
dir: config.ROOT_PATH,
// Pattern which specifies which files to ignore when copying files to create the
// package(s).
ignore: /^\/src|^\/dist|\/(appveyor.yml|\.appveyor.yml|\.github|appdmg|AUTHORS|CONTRIBUTORS|bench|benchmark|benchmark\.js|bin|bower\.json|component\.json|coverage|doc|docs|docs\.mli|dragdrop\.min\.js|example|examples|example\.html|example\.js|externs|ipaddr\.min\.js|Makefile|min|minimist|perf|rusha|simplepeer\.min\.js|simplewebsocket\.min\.js|static\/screenshot\.png|test|tests|test\.js|tests\.js|webtorrent\.min\.js|\.[^/]*|.*\.md|.*\.markdown)$/,
// The application name.
name: config.APP_NAME,
// The base directory where the finished package(s) are created.
// Replace an already existing output directory.
overwrite: true,
// Runs `npm prune --production` which remove the packages specified in
// "devDependencies" before starting to package the app.
prune: true,
// The Electron version that the app is built with (without the leading 'v')
electronVersion: require('electron/package.json').version
const darwin = {
// Build for Mac
platform: 'darwin',
// Build x64 binary only.
arch: 'x64',
// The bundle identifier to use in the application's plist (Mac only).
appBundleId: 'io.webtorrent.webtorrent',
// The application category type, as shown in the Finder via "View" -> "Arrange by
// Application Category" when viewing the Applications directory (Mac only).
appCategoryType: 'public.app-category.utilities',
// The bundle identifier to use in the application helper's plist (Mac only).
helperBundleId: 'io.webtorrent.webtorrent-helper',
// Application icon.
icon: config.APP_ICON + '.icns'
const win32 = {
// Build for Windows.
platform: 'win32',
// Build x64 binary only.
arch: 'x64',
// Object hash of application metadata to embed into the executable (Windows only)
win32metadata: {
// Company that produced the file.
CompanyName: config.APP_NAME,
// Name of the program, displayed to users
FileDescription: config.APP_NAME,
// Original name of the file, not including a path. This information enables an
// application to determine whether a file has been renamed by a user. The format of
// the name depends on the file system for which the file was created.
OriginalFilename: config.APP_NAME + '.exe',
// Name of the product with which the file is distributed.
ProductName: config.APP_NAME,
// Internal name of the file, if one exists, for example, a module name if the file
// is a dynamic-link library. If the file has no internal name, this string should be
// the original filename, without extension. This string is required.
InternalName: config.APP_NAME
// Application icon.
icon: config.APP_ICON + '.ico'
const linux = {
// Build for Linux.
platform: 'linux',
// Build x64, armv7l, and arm64 binaries.
arch: ['x64', 'armv7l', 'arm64']
// Note: Application icon for Linux is specified via the BrowserWindow `icon` option.
function buildDarwin (cb) {
const plist = require('plist')
console.log('Mac: Packaging electron...')
electronPackager(Object.assign({}, all, darwin)).then(function (buildPath) {
console.log('Mac: Packaged electron. ' + buildPath)
const appPath = path.join(buildPath[0], config.APP_NAME + '.app')
const contentsPath = path.join(appPath, 'Contents')
const resourcesPath = path.join(contentsPath, 'Resources')
const infoPlistPath = path.join(contentsPath, 'Info.plist')
const infoPlist = plist.parse(fs.readFileSync(infoPlistPath, 'utf8'))
infoPlist.CFBundleDocumentTypes = [
CFBundleTypeExtensions: ['torrent'],
CFBundleTypeIconFile: path.basename(config.APP_FILE_ICON) + '.icns',
CFBundleTypeName: 'BitTorrent Document',
CFBundleTypeRole: 'Editor',
LSHandlerRank: 'Owner',
LSItemContentTypes: ['org.bittorrent.torrent']
CFBundleTypeName: 'Any',
CFBundleTypeOSTypes: ['****'],
CFBundleTypeRole: 'Editor',
LSHandlerRank: 'Owner',
LSTypeIsPackage: false
infoPlist.CFBundleURLTypes = [
CFBundleTypeRole: 'Editor',
CFBundleURLIconFile: path.basename(config.APP_FILE_ICON) + '.icns',
CFBundleURLName: 'BitTorrent Magnet URL',
CFBundleURLSchemes: ['magnet']
CFBundleTypeRole: 'Editor',
CFBundleURLIconFile: path.basename(config.APP_FILE_ICON) + '.icns',
CFBundleURLName: 'BitTorrent Stream-Magnet URL',
CFBundleURLSchemes: ['stream-magnet']
infoPlist.UTExportedTypeDeclarations = [
UTTypeConformsTo: [
UTTypeDescription: 'BitTorrent Document',
UTTypeIconFile: path.basename(config.APP_FILE_ICON) + '.icns',
UTTypeIdentifier: 'org.bittorrent.torrent',
UTTypeReferenceURL: 'http://www.bittorrent.org/beps/bep_0000.html',
UTTypeTagSpecification: {
'com.apple.ostype': 'TORR',
'public.filename-extension': ['torrent'],
'public.mime-type': 'application/x-bittorrent'
fs.writeFileSync(infoPlistPath, plist.build(infoPlist))
// Copy torrent file icon into app bundle
cp.execSync(`cp ${config.APP_FILE_ICON + '.icns'} ${resourcesPath}`)
if (process.platform === 'darwin') {
if (argv.sign) {
signApp(function (err) {
if (err) return cb(err)
} else {
} else {
function signApp (cb) {
const sign = require('electron-osx-sign')
const { notarize } = require('electron-notarize')
* Sign the app with Apple Developer ID certificates. We sign the app for 2 reasons:
* - So the auto-updater (Squirrrel.Mac) can check that app updates are signed by
* the same author as the current version.
* - So users will not a see a warning about the app coming from an "Unidentified
* Developer" when they open it for the first time (Mac Gatekeeper).
* To sign an Mac app for distribution outside the App Store, the following are
* required:
* - Xcode
* - Xcode Command Line Tools (xcode-select --install)
* - Membership in the Apple Developer Program
const signOpts = {
verbose: true,
app: appPath,
platform: 'darwin',
identity: 'Developer ID Application: Leenkx Team (5MAMC8G3L8)',
hardenedRuntime: true,
entitlements: path.join(config.ROOT_PATH, 'bin', 'darwin-entitlements.plist'),
'entitlements-inherit': path.join(config.ROOT_PATH, 'bin', 'darwin-entitlements.plist'),
'signature-flags': 'library'
const notarizeOpts = {
appBundleId: darwin.appBundleId,
appleId: 'feross@feross.org',
appleIdPassword: '@keychain:AC_PASSWORD'
console.log('Mac: Signing app...')
sign(signOpts, function (err) {
if (err) return cb(err)
console.log('Mac: Signed app.')
console.log('Mac: Notarizing app...')
function () {
console.log('Mac: Notarized app.')
function (err) {
function pack (cb) {
packageZip() // always produce .zip file, used for automatic updates
if (argv.package === 'dmg' || argv.package === 'all') {
function packageZip () {
// Create .zip file (used by the auto-updater)
console.log('Mac: Creating zip...')
const inPath = path.join(buildPath[0], config.APP_NAME + '.app')
const outPath = path.join(DIST_PATH, BUILD_NAME + '-darwin.zip')
zip.zipSync(inPath, outPath)
console.log('Mac: Created zip.')
function packageDmg (cb) {
console.log('Mac: Creating dmg...')
const appDmg = require('appdmg')
const targetPath = path.join(DIST_PATH, BUILD_NAME + '.dmg')
// Create a .dmg (Mac disk image) file, for easy user installation.
const dmgOpts = {
basepath: config.ROOT_PATH,
target: targetPath,
specification: {
title: config.APP_NAME,
icon: config.APP_ICON + '.icns',
background: path.join(config.STATIC_PATH, 'appdmg.png'),
'icon-size': 128,
contents: [
{ x: 122, y: 240, type: 'file', path: appPath },
{ x: 380, y: 240, type: 'link', path: '/Applications' },
// Hide hidden icons out of view, for users who have hidden files shown.
// https://github.com/LinusU/node-appdmg/issues/45#issuecomment-153924954
{ x: 50, y: 500, type: 'position', path: '.background' },
{ x: 100, y: 500, type: 'position', path: '.DS_Store' },
{ x: 150, y: 500, type: 'position', path: '.Trashes' },
{ x: 200, y: 500, type: 'position', path: '.VolumeIcon.icns' }
const dmg = appDmg(dmgOpts)
dmg.once('error', cb)
dmg.on('progress', function (info) {
if (info.type === 'step-begin') console.log(info.title + '...')
dmg.once('finish', function (info) {
console.log('Mac: Created dmg.')
}).catch(function (err) {
function buildWin32 (cb) {
const installer = require('electron-winstaller')
console.log('Windows: Packaging electron...')
* Path to folder with the following files:
* - Windows Authenticode private key and cert (authenticode.p12)
* - Windows Authenticode password file (authenticode.txt)
try {
} catch (err) {
CERT_PATH = path.join(os.homedir(), 'Desktop')
electronPackager(Object.assign({}, all, win32)).then(function (buildPath) {
console.log('Windows: Packaged electron. ' + buildPath)
let signWithParams
if (process.platform === 'win32') {
if (argv.sign) {
const certificateFile = path.join(CERT_PATH, 'authenticode.p12')
const certificatePassword = fs.readFileSync(path.join(CERT_PATH, 'authenticode.txt'), 'utf8')
const timestampServer = 'http://timestamp.comodoca.com'
signWithParams = `/a /f "${certificateFile}" /p "${certificatePassword}" /tr "${timestampServer}" /td sha256`
} else {
} else {
const tasks = []
buildPath.forEach(function (filesPath) {
if (argv.package === 'exe' || argv.package === 'all') {
tasks.push((cb) => packageInstaller(filesPath, cb))
if (argv.package === 'portable' || argv.package === 'all') {
tasks.push((cb) => packagePortable(filesPath, cb))
series(tasks, cb)
function packageInstaller (filesPath, cb) {
console.log('Windows: Creating installer...')
appDirectory: filesPath,
authors: config.APP_TEAM,
description: config.APP_NAME,
exe: config.APP_NAME + '.exe',
iconUrl: config.GITHUB_URL_RAW + '/static/' + config.APP_NAME + '.ico',
loadingGif: path.join(config.STATIC_PATH, 'loading.gif'),
name: config.APP_NAME,
noMsi: true,
outputDirectory: DIST_PATH,
productName: config.APP_NAME,
// TODO: Re-enable Windows 64-bit delta updates when we confirm that they
// work correctly in the presence of the "ia32" .nupkg files. I
// (feross) noticed them listed in the 64-bit RELEASES file and
// manually edited them out for the v0.17 release. Shipping only
// full updates for now will work fine, with no ill-effects.
// remoteReleases: config.GITHUB_URL,
* If you hit a "GitHub API rate limit exceeded" error, set this token!
// remoteToken: process.env.WEBTORRENT_GITHUB_API_TOKEN,
setupExe: config.APP_NAME + 'Setup-v' + config.APP_VERSION + '.exe',
setupIcon: config.APP_ICON + '.ico',
title: config.APP_NAME,
usePackageJson: false,
version: pkg.version
.then(function () {
console.log('Windows: Created installer.')
* Delete extraneous Squirrel files (i.e. *.nupkg delta files for older
* versions of the app)
.filter((name) => name.endsWith('.nupkg') && !name.includes(pkg.version))
.forEach((filename) => {
fs.unlinkSync(path.join(DIST_PATH, filename))
function packagePortable (filesPath, cb) {
console.log('Windows: Creating portable app...')
const portablePath = path.join(filesPath, 'Portable Settings')
fs.mkdirSync(portablePath, { recursive: true })
const downloadsPath = path.join(portablePath, 'Downloads')
fs.mkdirSync(downloadsPath, { recursive: true })
const tempPath = path.join(portablePath, 'Temp')
fs.mkdirSync(tempPath, { recursive: true })
const inPath = path.join(DIST_PATH, path.basename(filesPath))
const outPath = path.join(DIST_PATH, BUILD_NAME + '-win.zip')
zip.zipSync(inPath, outPath)
console.log('Windows: Created portable app.')
}).catch(function (err) {
function buildLinux (cb) {
console.log('Linux: Packaging electron...')
electronPackager(Object.assign({}, all, linux)).then(function (buildPath) {
console.log('Linux: Packaged electron. ' + buildPath)
const tasks = []
buildPath.forEach(function (filesPath) {
const destArch = filesPath.split('-').pop()
if (argv.package === 'deb' || argv.package === 'all') {
tasks.push((cb) => packageDeb(filesPath, destArch, cb))
if (argv.package === 'rpm' || argv.package === 'all') {
tasks.push((cb) => packageRpm(filesPath, destArch, cb))
if (argv.package === 'zip' || argv.package === 'all') {
tasks.push((cb) => packageZip(filesPath, destArch, cb))
series(tasks, cb)
}).catch(function (err) {
function packageDeb (filesPath, destArch, cb) {
// Linux convention for Debian based 'x64' is 'amd64'
if (destArch === 'x64') {
destArch = 'amd64'
// Create .deb file for Debian-based platforms
console.log(`Linux: Creating ${destArch} deb...`)
const installer = require('electron-installer-debian')
const options = {
src: filesPath + '/',
dest: DIST_PATH,
arch: destArch,
bin: 'WebTorrent',
icon: {
'48x48': path.join(config.STATIC_PATH, 'linux/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/webtorrent-desktop.png'),
'256x256': path.join(config.STATIC_PATH, 'linux/share/icons/hicolor/256x256/apps/webtorrent-desktop.png')
categories: ['Network', 'FileTransfer', 'P2P'],
mimeType: ['application/x-bittorrent', 'x-scheme-handler/magnet', 'x-scheme-handler/stream-magnet'],
desktopTemplate: path.join(config.STATIC_PATH, 'linux/webtorrent-desktop.ejs'),
lintianOverrides: [
() => {
console.log(`Linux: Created ${destArch} deb.`)
(err) => cb(err)
function packageRpm (filesPath, destArch, cb) {
// Linux convention for RedHat based 'x64' is 'x86_64'
if (destArch === 'x64') {
destArch = 'x86_64'
// Create .rpm file for RedHat-based platforms
console.log(`Linux: Creating ${destArch} rpm...`)
const installer = require('electron-installer-redhat')
const options = {
src: filesPath + '/',
dest: DIST_PATH,
arch: destArch,
bin: 'WebTorrent',
icon: {
'48x48': path.join(config.STATIC_PATH, 'linux/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/webtorrent-desktop.png'),
'256x256': path.join(config.STATIC_PATH, 'linux/share/icons/hicolor/256x256/apps/webtorrent-desktop.png')
categories: ['Network', 'FileTransfer', 'P2P'],
mimeType: ['application/x-bittorrent', 'x-scheme-handler/magnet', 'x-scheme-handler/stream-magnet'],
desktopTemplate: path.join(config.STATIC_PATH, 'linux/webtorrent-desktop.ejs')
() => {
console.log(`Linux: Created ${destArch} rpm.`)
(err) => cb(err)
function packageZip (filesPath, destArch, cb) {
// Create .zip file for Linux
console.log(`Linux: Creating ${destArch} zip...`)
const inPath = path.join(DIST_PATH, path.basename(filesPath))
const outPath = path.join(DIST_PATH, `${BUILD_NAME}-linux-${destArch}.zip`)
zip.zipSync(inPath, outPath)
console.log(`Linux: Created ${destArch} zip.`)
function printDone (err) {
if (err) console.error(err.message || err)
* Print a large warning when signing is disabled so we are less likely to accidentally
* ship unsigned binaries to users.
function printWarning () {
console.log(fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'warning.txt'), 'utf8'))