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2025-01-22 16:18:30 +01:00
Threads And Stacks
### Conservative, co-operation
Hxcpp uses conservative stop-the-world GC, where the threads need to co-operate.
- Threads must not change GC pointers in the collection phase
- The thread stacks/registers must be scanned for GC pointers
- Threads must not block without letting the GC system know not to wait for them, otherwise GC blocks until end of block
+ call hx::GCEnterBlocking() / gc_enter_blocking() / (cpp.vm.Gc.enterGCFreeZone() from Haxe) before potentially blocking system call (fs, network, etc)
+ call hx::GCExitBlocking() / gc_exit_blocking() / (cpp.vm.Gc.exitGCFreeZone() from Haxe) before making more GC calls
+ Might need to pre-allocate buffers
+ Don't forget the exit blocking on error condition
### Foreign Threads
When you create a thread from haxe, it starts attached. Before a non-haxe created thread can interact with hxcpp, some care must be taken, since GC allocations are done using a GC context per thread, and all threads must respect the stopped world.
- Foreign threads must be attached-detached
- SetTopOfStack(int * inTop,bool inPush)
- *inTop* = pointer to top of stack to attach, or '0' to remove stack
- *inPush* = usually true. recursive attachment/detachment
- Must not change things when the world is stopped
- Must define their stack range for scanning
- If you are attached, you may need to enter/exit gc free zone
- Must release context when done, if no more calls are going to be made
- Make sure local variables are covered in stack
- compiler may reorder, so be careful
- Read documentation because some things, eg audio callbacks, happen on other threads
- You can use other techniques, eg
- create a haxe thread, which blocks waiting for signal
- foreign thread generates request and signals haxe thread
- haxe thread performs job and generates data then signals foreign thread
- foreign picks up data and carries on
### Top of Stack
- To understand how to handle threads, you need a mental picture of the c++ stack
- The stack usually goes "down". That is, if the first stack location is 10000, the next one will be 9999 etc.
- Historical, but consistent. Except for emscripten which goes up - but still use same terminology/picture, just change the less-thans to greater-thans in code.
Say the system starts each program stack at 10000, the stack might look like this, with local variables and arguments pushed on the stack:
9996 startup temp variable
9992 startup temp variable
-- main function --
9988 main return address - order and details of this are ABI specific
9984 char ** argv
9980 int argc
Hxcpp then runs it main code, which starts with the macro HX_TOP_OF_STACK, which expands to something like:
int t0 = 99;
-- main function --
9988 main return address order and details of this are ABI specific
9984 char ** argv
9980 int argc
9976 int t0
-- hx::SetTopOfStack --
records '9976' as top of stack for this thread
Later, many generated functions deep, `__hxcpp_main` generates an allocation call which
triggers a collection
8100 Array<Bullet> bullets
-- alloc Enemy --
-- Call collect --
8050 int bottomOfStackTemp
MarkConservative(&bottomOfStackTemp, 9976) -> scans stack from 8050 -> 9976
MarkConservative(Capture registers)
Enter/exit use similar technique, where the registers are captured and the bottomOfStack is 'locked-in' when the "enter gc free zone" call is made.
8100 Array<Bullet> bullets
-- EnterGCFreeZone --
8088 int bottomOfStackTemp
* any changes here will not affect GC
Now, when another thread does a collection, the gc-free thread can be scanned from 8088 to 9976, regardless of any stuff happening lower dowsn the stack.
### Not Called From Main
Top of stack can be tricky to get right when a gui framework does not really have a "main".
9996 startup temp variable
9992 startup temp variable
-- main function --
-- onReadyCallback --
7976 int t0
SetTopOfStack(&t0,false) -> 7966
Later, the haxeOnFrame callback is trigger, but not "below" `__hxcpp_main`
9800 -- haxeOnFrame ---
// Top of stack will be below bottom of stack.
- Make sure you get in at top of main
+ may scan too much?
- Ratchet up top-of-stack in callbacks, inForce = false
+ gc_set_top_of_stack(void * inTopOfStack,bool inForce);
- Detach main thread after hxcpp_main and reattach each callback
+ android solution because render callbacks happen on different threads
+ gc_set_top_of_stack(&base,true); // attach
+ gc_set_top_of_stack(0,true); // detach
### Debugging.
- in debug mode, hxcpp will check for calls from unattached threads
- hxcpp can log conservative ranges. With a native debugger you can check the address of
your local variables and ensure they are included.
- hxcpp will scan native objects on the stack, but will not follow non-haxe pointers to other objects, so additional GC roots may be required.