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2025-01-22 16:18:30 +01:00
package kha.graphics2;
import kha.Color;
import kha.FastFloat;
import kha.Font;
import kha.graphics4.PipelineState;
import kha.Image;
import kha.math.FastMatrix3;
class Graphics {
public function begin(clear: Bool = true, clearColor: Color = null): Void {}
public function end(): Void {}
public function flush(): Void {}
// scale-filtering
// draw/fillPolygon
public function clear(color: Color = null): Void {}
public function drawImage(img: Image, x: FastFloat, y: FastFloat): Void {
drawSubImage(img, x, y, 0, 0, img.width, img.height);
* `sx, sy, sw, sh` arguments is the sub-rectangle of the source `img` image
public function drawSubImage(img: Image, x: FastFloat, y: FastFloat, sx: FastFloat, sy: FastFloat, sw: FastFloat, sh: FastFloat): Void {
drawScaledSubImage(img, sx, sy, sw, sh, x, y, sw, sh);
* `dx, dy, dw, dh` arguments is the rectangle to draw into the destination context
public function drawScaledImage(img: Image, dx: FastFloat, dy: FastFloat, dw: FastFloat, dh: FastFloat): Void {
drawScaledSubImage(img, 0, 0, img.width, img.height, dx, dy, dw, dh);
* `sx, sy, sw, sh` arguments is the sub-rectangle of the source `img` image
* `dx, dy, dw, dh` arguments is the rectangle to draw into the destination context
public function drawScaledSubImage(img: Image, sx: FastFloat, sy: FastFloat, sw: FastFloat, sh: FastFloat, dx: FastFloat, dy: FastFloat, dw: FastFloat,
dh: FastFloat): Void {}
public function drawRect(x: Float, y: Float, width: Float, height: Float, strength: Float = 1.0): Void {}
public function fillRect(x: Float, y: Float, width: Float, height: Float): Void {}
* Draw a single line of text with the current `color`, `font` and `fontSize` properties.
* When drawing into rendertargets, you might have to use a different shader than the default one
* - use the default shader when drawing into a transparent section of your rendertarget
* - use a shader with `alphaBlendSource = BlendOne` when drawing into a non-transparent section of your rendertarget
public function drawString(text: String, x: Float, y: Float): Void {}
* Draw a single line of characters with the current `color`, `font` and `fontSize` properties.
* When drawing into rendertargets, you might have to use a different shader than the default one
* - use the default shader when drawing into a transparent section of your rendertarget
* - use a shader with `alphaBlendSource = BlendOne` when drawing into a non-transparent section of your rendertarget
public function drawCharacters(text: Array<Int>, start: Int, length: Int, x: Float, y: Float): Void {}
public function drawLine(x1: Float, y1: Float, x2: Float, y2: Float, strength: Float = 1.0): Void {}
public function drawVideo(video: Video, x: Float, y: Float, width: Float, height: Float): Void {}
public function fillTriangle(x1: Float, y1: Float, x2: Float, y2: Float, x3: Float, y3: Float): Void {}
public var imageScaleQuality(get, set): ImageScaleQuality;
public var mipmapScaleQuality(get, set): ImageScaleQuality;
function get_imageScaleQuality(): ImageScaleQuality {
return ImageScaleQuality.Low;
function set_imageScaleQuality(value: ImageScaleQuality): ImageScaleQuality {
return ImageScaleQuality.High;
function get_mipmapScaleQuality(): ImageScaleQuality {
return ImageScaleQuality.Low;
function set_mipmapScaleQuality(value: ImageScaleQuality): ImageScaleQuality {
return ImageScaleQuality.High;
The color value is used for geometric primitives, images, and text. Remember to set it back to white to draw images unaltered.
public var color(get, set): Color;
function get_color(): Color {
return Color.Black;
function set_color(color: Color): Color {
return Color.Black;
public var font(get, set): Font;
function get_font(): Font {
return null;
function set_font(font: Font): Font {
return null;
public var fontSize(get, set): Int;
function get_fontSize(): Int {
return myFontSize;
function set_fontSize(value: Int): Int {
return myFontSize = value;
public static var fontGlyphs: Array<Int> = [for (i in 32...256) i];
// works on the top of the transformation stack
public var transformation(get, set): FastMatrix3;
inline function get_transformation(): FastMatrix3 {
return transformations[transformationIndex];
inline function set_transformation(transformation: FastMatrix3): FastMatrix3 {
return transformation;
public inline function pushTransformation(trans: FastMatrix3): Void {
if (transformationIndex == transformations.length) {
public function popTransformation(): FastMatrix3 {
if (transformationIndex == -1)
throw "There is no transformation matrix to remove, check your push/popTransformation code";
return transformations[transformationIndex + 1];
public function scale(x: FastFloat, y: FastFloat): Void {
transformation.setFrom(kha.math.FastMatrix3.scale(x, y).multmat(transformation));
public function pushScale(x: FastFloat, y: FastFloat): Void {
final mat = FastMatrix3.scale(x, y).multmat(transformation);
inline function translation(tx: FastFloat, ty: FastFloat): FastMatrix3 {
return FastMatrix3.translation(tx, ty).multmat(transformation);
public function translate(tx: FastFloat, ty: FastFloat): Void {
transformation.setFrom(translation(tx, ty));
public function pushTranslation(tx: FastFloat, ty: FastFloat): Void {
pushTransformation(translation(tx, ty));
inline function rotation(angle: FastFloat, centerx: FastFloat, centery: FastFloat): FastMatrix3 {
return FastMatrix3.translation(centerx, centery)
.multmat(FastMatrix3.translation(-centerx, -centery))
public function rotate(angle: FastFloat, centerx: FastFloat, centery: FastFloat): Void {
transformation.setFrom(rotation(angle, centerx, centery));
public function pushRotation(angle: FastFloat, centerx: FastFloat, centery: FastFloat): Void {
pushTransformation(rotation(angle, centerx, centery));
public var opacity(get, set): Float; // works on the top of the opacity stack
public function pushOpacity(opacity: Float): Void {
public function popOpacity(): Float {
var ret = opacities.pop();
return ret;
function get_opacity(): Float {
return opacities[opacities.length - 1];
function set_opacity(opacity: Float): Float {
return opacities[opacities.length - 1] = opacity;
public function scissor(x: Int, y: Int, width: Int, height: Int): Void {}
public function disableScissor(): Void {}
#if sys_g4
private var pipe: PipelineState;
public var pipeline(get, set): PipelineState;
private function get_pipeline(): PipelineState {
return pipe;
private function set_pipeline(pipeline: PipelineState): PipelineState {
return pipe = pipeline;
var transformations: Array<FastMatrix3>;
var transformationIndex: Int;
var opacities: Array<Float>;
var myFontSize: Int;
public function new() {
transformations = [FastMatrix3.identity()];
transformationIndex = 0;
opacities = [1];
myFontSize = 12;
#if sys_g4
pipe = null;
function setTransformation(transformation: FastMatrix3): Void {}
function setOpacity(opacity: Float): Void {}
function setPipeline(pipeline: PipelineState): Void {}