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2025-01-22 16:18:30 +01:00
from lnx.logicnode.lnx_nodes import *
class DrawPolygonNode(LnxLogicTreeNode):
"""Draws a polygon.
@input Draw: Activate to draw the polygon on this frame. The input must
be (indirectly) called from an `On Render2D` node.
@input Color: The color of the polygon.
@input Filled: Whether the polygon is filled or only the outline is drawn.
@input Strength: The line strength if the polygon is not filled.
@input Origin X/Origin Y: The origin position of the polygon, in pixels
from the top left corner. This position is added to all other
points, so they are defined relative to this position.
@input Xn/Yn: The position of polygon's points, in pixels from `Origin X`/`Origin Y`.
@output Out: Activated after the polygon has been drawn.
@see [`kha.graphics2.GraphicsExtension.drawPolygon()`](http://kha.tech/api/kha/graphics2/GraphicsExtension.html#drawPolygon).
@see [`kha.graphics2.GraphicsExtension.fillPolygon()`](http://kha.tech/api/kha/graphics2/GraphicsExtension.html#fillPolygon).
bl_idname = 'LNDrawPolygonNode'
bl_label = 'Draw Polygon'
lnx_section = 'draw'
lnx_version = 2
min_inputs = 6
num_choices: IntProperty(default=1, min=0)
def __init__(self):
super(DrawPolygonNode, self).__init__()
array_nodes[str(id(self))] = self
def lnx_init(self, context):
self.add_input('LnxNodeSocketAction', 'Draw')
self.add_input('LnxColorSocket', 'Color', default_value=[1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0])
self.add_input('LnxBoolSocket', 'Filled', default_value=False)
self.add_input('LnxFloatSocket', 'Strength', default_value=1.0)
self.add_input('LnxFloatSocket', 'Origin X')
self.add_input('LnxFloatSocket', 'Origin Y')
self.add_output('LnxNodeSocketAction', 'Out')
def add_sockets(self):
self.add_input('LnxFloatSocket', 'X' + str(self.num_choices))
self.add_input('LnxFloatSocket', 'Y' + str(self.num_choices))
self.num_choices += 1
def remove_sockets(self):
if self.num_choices > 1:
self.num_choices -= 1
def draw_buttons(self, context, layout):
row = layout.row(align=True)
op = row.operator('lnx.node_call_func', text='Add Point', icon='PLUS', emboss=True)
op.node_index = str(id(self))
op.callback_name = 'add_sockets'
column = row.column(align=True)
op = column.operator('lnx.node_call_func', text='', icon='X', emboss=True)
op.node_index = str(id(self))
op.callback_name = 'remove_sockets'
if len(self.inputs) == self.min_inputs:
column.enabled = False
def get_replacement_node(self, node_tree: bpy.types.NodeTree):
if self.lnx_version not in (0, 1):
raise LookupError()
return NodeReplacement.Identity(self)