414 lines
16 KiB
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2025-01-22 16:18:30 +01:00
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.writeHaxeProject = void 0;
const fs = require("fs-extra");
const path = require("path");
const XmlWriter_1 = require("./XmlWriter");
function copyAndReplace(from, to, names, values) {
let data = fs.readFileSync(from, { encoding: 'utf8' });
for (let i = 0; i < names.length; ++i) {
data = data.replace(new RegExp(names[i], 'g'), values[i]);
fs.writeFileSync(to, data, { encoding: 'utf8' });
function escapeXml(s) {
return s.replace(/[<>&'"]/g, c => {
switch (c) {
case '<': return '&lt;';
case '>': return '&gt;';
case '&': return '&amp;';
case '\'': return '&apos;';
case '"': return '&quot;';
default: throw 'unreachable code';
function IntelliJ(projectdir, options) {
let indir = path.join(__dirname, '..', 'Data', 'intellij');
let outdir = path.join(projectdir, options.safeName + '-' + options.system + '-intellij');
let sources = '';
for (let i = 0; i < options.sources.length; ++i) {
if (path.isAbsolute(options.sources[i])) {
sources += ' <sourceFolder url="file://' + options.sources[i] + '" isTestSource="false" />\n';
else {
sources += ' <sourceFolder url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/' + path.relative(outdir, path.resolve(options.from, options.sources[i])).replace(/\\/g, '/') + '" isTestSource="false" />\n';
let libraries = '';
for (let i = 0; i < options.libraries.length; ++i) {
if (path.isAbsolute(options.libraries[i].libpath)) {
libraries += ' <content url="file://' + options.libraries[i].libroot + '">\n';
libraries += ' <sourceFolder url="file://' + options.libraries[i].libpath + '" isTestSource="false" />\n';
else {
libraries += ' <content url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/' + path.relative(outdir, path.resolve(options.from, options.libraries[i].libroot)).replace(/\\/g, '/') + '">\n';
libraries += ' <sourceFolder url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/' + path.relative(outdir, path.resolve(options.from, options.libraries[i].libpath)).replace(/\\/g, '/') + '" isTestSource="false" />\n';
libraries += ' </content>\n';
let args = '';
let defines = '';
for (let i = 0; i < options.defines.length; ++i) {
defines += options.defines[i];
if (i < options.defines.length - 1)
defines += ',';
for (let param of options.parameters) {
defines += param + ',';
let target;
switch (options.language) {
case 'hl':
case 'cpp':
target = 'C++';
case 'as':
target = 'Flash';
args = '-swf-version 16.0';
case 'cs':
target = 'C#';
if (fs.existsSync(options.haxeDirectory) && fs.statSync(options.haxeDirectory).isDirectory() && fs.existsSync(path.join(options.haxeDirectory, 'netlib'))) {
args = '-net-std ' + path.relative(outdir, path.join(options.haxeDirectory, 'netlib'));
case 'java':
target = 'Java';
if (fs.existsSync(options.haxeDirectory) && fs.statSync(options.haxeDirectory).isDirectory() && fs.existsSync(path.join(options.haxeDirectory, 'hxjava', 'hxjava-std.jar'))) {
args = '-java-lib ' + path.relative(outdir, path.join(options.haxeDirectory, 'hxjava', 'hxjava-std.jar'));
case 'js':
target = 'JavaScript';
fs.copySync(path.join(indir, 'name.iml'), path.join(outdir, options.name + '.iml'), { overwrite: true });
copyAndReplace(path.join(indir, 'name.iml'), path.join(outdir, options.name + '.iml'), ['{name}', '{sources}', '{libraries}', '{target}', '{system}', '{args}'], [options.safeName, sources, libraries, target, options.system, args]);
fs.copySync(path.join(indir, 'idea', 'compiler.xml'), path.join(outdir, '.idea', 'compiler.xml'), { overwrite: true });
copyAndReplace(path.join(indir, 'idea', 'haxe.xml'), path.join(outdir, '.idea', 'haxe.xml'), ['{defines}'], [defines]);
fs.copySync(path.join(indir, 'idea', 'misc.xml'), path.join(outdir, '.idea', 'misc.xml'), { overwrite: true });
copyAndReplace(path.join(indir, 'idea', 'modules.xml'), path.join(outdir, '.idea', 'modules.xml'), ['{name}'], [options.name]);
fs.copySync(path.join(indir, 'idea', 'vcs.xml'), path.join(outdir, '.idea', 'vcs.xml'), { overwrite: true });
copyAndReplace(path.join(indir, 'idea', 'name'), path.join(outdir, '.idea', '.name'), ['{name}'], [options.name]);
fs.copySync(path.join(indir, 'idea', 'copyright', 'profiles_settings.xml'), path.join(outdir, '.idea', 'copyright', 'profiles_settings.xml'), { overwrite: true });
function hxml(projectdir, options) {
let data = '';
let lines = [];
// returns only unique lines and '' otherwise
function unique(line) {
if (lines.indexOf(line) === -1) {
return line;
return '';
for (let i = 0; i < options.sources.length; ++i) {
if (path.isAbsolute(options.sources[i])) {
data += unique('-cp ' + options.sources[i] + '\n');
else {
data += unique('-cp ' + path.relative(projectdir, path.resolve(options.from, options.sources[i])) + '\n'); // from.resolve('build').relativize(from.resolve(this.sources[i])).toString());
for (let i = 0; i < options.libraries.length; ++i) {
if (path.isAbsolute(options.libraries[i].libpath)) {
data += unique('-cp ' + options.libraries[i].libpath + '\n');
else {
data += unique('-cp ' + path.relative(projectdir, path.resolve(options.from, options.libraries[i].libpath)) + '\n'); // from.resolve('build').relativize(from.resolve(this.sources[i])).toString());
for (let d in options.defines) {
let define = options.defines[d];
data += unique('-D ' + define + '\n');
if (options.language === 'cpp') {
data += unique('-cpp ' + path.normalize(options.to) + '\n');
else if (options.language === 'cs') {
data += unique('-cs ' + path.normalize(options.to) + '\n');
if (fs.existsSync(options.haxeDirectory) && fs.statSync(options.haxeDirectory).isDirectory() && fs.existsSync(path.join(options.haxeDirectory, 'netlib'))) {
data += unique('-net-std ' + path.relative(projectdir, path.join(options.haxeDirectory, 'netlib')) + '\n');
else if (options.language === 'java') {
data += unique('-java ' + path.normalize(options.to) + '\n');
if (fs.existsSync(options.haxeDirectory) && fs.statSync(options.haxeDirectory).isDirectory() && fs.existsSync(path.join(options.haxeDirectory, 'hxjava', 'hxjava-std.jar'))) {
data += unique('-java-lib ' + path.relative(projectdir, path.join(options.haxeDirectory, 'hxjava', 'hxjava-std.jar')) + '\n');
else if (options.language === 'js') {
data += unique('-js ' + path.normalize(options.to) + '\n');
else if (options.language === 'as') {
data += unique('-swf ' + path.normalize(options.to) + '\n');
data += unique('-swf-version ' + options.swfVersion + '\n');
data += unique('-swf-header ' + options.width + ':' + options.height + ':' + options.framerate + ':' + options.stageBackground + '\n');
else if (options.language === 'xml') {
data += unique('-xml ' + path.normalize(options.to) + '\n');
data += unique('--macro include(\'kha\')\n');
else if (options.language === 'hl') {
data += unique('-hl ' + path.normalize(options.to) + '\n');
for (let param of options.parameters) {
data += unique(param + '\n');
if (!options.parameters.some((param) => param.includes('-main '))) {
const entrypoint = options ? options.main ? options.main : 'Main' : 'Main';
data += unique('-main ' + entrypoint + '\n');
fs.outputFileSync(path.join(projectdir, 'project-' + options.system + '.hxml'), data);
function FlashDevelop(projectdir, options) {
let platform;
switch (options.language) {
case 'hl':
case 'cpp':
platform = 'C++';
case 'as':
platform = 'Flash Player';
case 'cs':
platform = 'C#';
case 'java':
platform = 'Java';
case 'js':
platform = 'JavaScript';
options.swfVersion = 'swfVersion' in options ? options.swfVersion : 16.0;
options.stageBackground = 'stageBackground' in options ? options.stageBackground : 'ffffff';
options.framerate = 'framerate' in options ? options.framerate : 30;
let swfVersion = parseFloat(options.swfVersion).toFixed(1).split('.');
let output = {
n: 'output',
e: [
n: 'movie',
outputType: 'Application'
n: 'movie',
input: ''
n: 'movie',
path: path.normalize(options.to)
n: 'movie',
fps: options.framerate
n: 'movie',
width: options.width
n: 'movie',
height: options.height
n: 'movie',
version: swfVersion[0]
n: 'movie',
minorVersion: swfVersion[1]
n: 'movie',
platform: platform
n: 'movie',
background: '#' + options.stageBackground
if (fs.existsSync(options.haxeDirectory) && fs.statSync(options.haxeDirectory).isDirectory()) {
n: 'movie',
preferredSDK: path.relative(projectdir, options.haxeDirectory)
let classpaths = [];
for (let i = 0; i < options.sources.length; ++i) {
classpaths.push(path.relative(projectdir, path.resolve(options.from, options.sources[i])));
for (let i = 0; i < options.libraries.length; ++i) {
classpaths.push(path.relative(projectdir, path.resolve(options.from, options.libraries[i].libpath)));
let otheroptions = [
n: 'option',
showHiddenPaths: 'False'
if (options.language === 'cpp' || options.system === 'krom') {
n: 'option',
testMovie: 'Custom'
n: 'option',
testMovieCommand: 'run_' + options.system + '.bat'
else if (options.language === 'cs' || options.language === 'java') {
n: 'option',
testMovie: 'OpenDocument'
n: 'option',
testMovieCommand: ''
else if (options.language === 'js') {
n: 'option',
testMovie: 'Webserver'
n: 'option',
testMovieCommand: path.join(path.parse(options.to).dir, 'index.html')
else {
n: 'option',
testMovie: 'Default'
let def = '';
for (let d of options.defines) {
def += '-D ' + d + '&#xA;';
if (options.language === 'java' && fs.existsSync(options.haxeDirectory) && fs.statSync(options.haxeDirectory).isDirectory() && fs.existsSync(path.join(options.haxeDirectory, 'hxjava', 'hxjava-std.jar'))) {
def += '-java-lib ' + path.relative(projectdir, path.join(options.haxeDirectory, 'hxjava', 'hxjava-std.jar')) + '&#xA;';
if (options.language === 'cs' && fs.existsSync(options.haxeDirectory) && fs.statSync(options.haxeDirectory).isDirectory() && fs.existsSync(path.join(options.haxeDirectory, 'netlib'))) {
def += '-net-std ' + path.relative(projectdir, path.join(options.haxeDirectory, 'netlib')) + '&#xA;';
def += '-D kha_output=&quot;' + path.resolve(path.join(projectdir, options.to)) + '&quot;&#xA;';
let mainClass = 'Main';
for (let param of options.parameters) {
const mainRe = /-main\s+([^\s]+)/.exec(param);
if (mainRe) {
mainClass = mainRe[1];
else {
def += escapeXml(param) + '&#xA;';
let project = {
n: 'project',
version: '2',
e: [
'Output SWF options',
'Other classes to be compiled into your SWF',
n: 'classpaths',
e: classpaths
.reduce((a, b) => {
if (a.indexOf(b) < 0)
return a;
}, [])
.map((e) => {
return { n: 'class', path: e };
'Build options',
n: 'build',
e: [
n: 'option',
directives: ''
n: 'option',
flashStrict: 'False'
n: 'option',
noInlineOnDebug: 'False'
n: 'option',
mainClass: mainClass
n: 'option',
enabledebug: options.language === 'as' ? 'True' : 'False'
n: 'option',
additional: def
'haxelib libraries',
n: 'haxelib',
e: [
'example: <library name="..." />'
'Class files to compile (other referenced classes will automatically be included)',
n: 'compileTargets',
e: [
n: 'compile',
path: '..\\Sources\\Main.hx'
'Paths to exclude from the Project Explorer tree',
n: 'hiddenPaths',
e: [
'example: <hidden path="..." />'
'Executed before build',
n: 'preBuildCommand'
'Executed after build',
n: 'postBuildCommand',
alwaysRun: 'False'
'Other project options',
n: 'options',
e: otheroptions
'Plugin storage',
n: 'storage'
(0, XmlWriter_1.writeXml)(project, path.join(projectdir, options.safeName + '-' + options.system + '.hxproj'));
function writeHaxeProject(projectdir, projectFiles, options) {
hxml(projectdir, options);
if (projectFiles) {
FlashDevelop(projectdir, options);
IntelliJ(projectdir, options);
exports.writeHaxeProject = writeHaxeProject;
//# sourceMappingURL=HaxeProject.js.map