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2025-01-22 16:18:30 +01:00
This module contains the functionality to replace nodes by other nodes
in order to keep files from older Leenkx versions compatible with newer versions.
Nodes can define custom update procedures which describe how the replacement
should look like.
Original author: @niacdoial
import os.path
import time
import traceback
import typing
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple
import bpy.props
import lnx.log as log
import lnx.logicnode.lnx_nodes as lnx_nodes
import lnx.logicnode.lnx_sockets
import lnx.node_utils as node_utils
if lnx.is_reload(__name__):
log = lnx.reload_module(log)
lnx_nodes = lnx.reload_module(lnx_nodes)
lnx.logicnode.lnx_sockets = lnx.reload_module(lnx.logicnode.lnx_sockets)
node_utils = lnx.reload_module(node_utils)
# List of errors that occurred during the replacement
# Format: (error identifier, node.bl_idname (or None), tree name, exception traceback (optional))
replacement_errors: List[Tuple[str, Optional[str], str, Optional[str]]] = []
class NodeReplacement:
Represents a simple replacement rule, this can replace nodes of one type to nodes of a second type.
However, it is fairly limited. For instance, it assumes there are no changes in the type of the inputs or outputs
Second, it also assumes that node properties (especially EnumProperties) keep the same possible values.
- from_node, from_node_version: the type of node to be removed, and its version number
- to_node, to_node_version: the type of node which takes from_node's place, and its version number
- *_socket_mapping: a map which defines how the sockets of the old node shall be connected to the new node
{1: 2} means that anything connected to the socket with index 1 on the original node will be connected to the socket with index 2 on the new node
- property_mapping: the mapping used to transfer the values of the old node's properties to the new node's properties.
{"property0": "property1"} mean that the value of the new node's property1 should be the old node's property0's value.
- input_defaults: a mapping used to give default values to the inputs which aren't overridden otherwise.
- property_defaults: a mapping used to define the value of the new node's properties, when they aren't overridden otherwise.
def __init__(self, from_node: str, from_node_version: int, to_node: str, to_node_version: int,
in_socket_mapping: Dict[int, int], out_socket_mapping: Dict[int, int], property_mapping: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None,
input_defaults: Optional[Dict[int, any]] = None, property_defaults: Optional[Dict[str, any]] = None):
self.from_node = from_node
self.to_node = to_node
self.from_node_version = from_node_version
self.to_node_version = to_node_version
self.in_socket_mapping = in_socket_mapping
self.out_socket_mapping = out_socket_mapping
self.property_mapping = {} if property_mapping is None else property_mapping
self.input_defaults = {} if input_defaults is None else input_defaults
self.property_defaults = {} if property_defaults is None else property_defaults
def Identity(cls, node: 'LnxLogicTreeNode'):
"""Returns a NodeReplacement that does nothing, while operating on a given node.
WARNING: it assumes that all node properties have names that start with "property"
in_socks = {i: i for i in range(len(node.inputs))}
out_socks = {i: i for i in range(len(node.outputs))}
# Find all properties for this node
props = {}
possible_properties = []
for attrname in dir(node):
# We assume that property names start with 'property'
if attrname.startswith('property'):
for attrname in possible_properties:
# Search in type annotations
if attrname not in node.__annotations__:
# Properties must be annotated with '_PropertyDeferred', see
# https://developer.blender.org/rB37e6a1995ac7eeabd5b6a56621ad5a850dae4149
# and https://developer.blender.org/rBc44c611c6d8c6ae071b48efb5fc07168f18cd17e
if not isinstance(node.__annotations__[attrname], bpy.props._PropertyDeferred):
props[attrname] = attrname
return NodeReplacement(
node.bl_idname, node.lnx_version, node.bl_idname, type(node).lnx_version,
in_socket_mapping=in_socks, out_socket_mapping=out_socks,
def chain_with(self, other):
"""Modify the current NodeReplacement by "adding" a second replacement after it"""
if self.to_node != other.from_node or self.to_node_version != other.from_node_version:
raise TypeError('the given NodeReplacement-s could not be chained')
self.to_node = other.to_node
self.to_node_version = other.to_node_version
for i1, i2 in self.in_socket_mapping.items():
i3 = other.in_socket_mapping[i2]
self.in_socket_mapping[i1] = i3
for i1, i2 in self.out_socket_mapping.items():
i3 = other.out_socket_mapping[i2]
self.out_socket_mapping[i1] = i3
for p1, p2 in self.property_mapping.items():
p3 = other.property_mapping[p2]
self.property_mapping[p1] = p3
old_input_defaults = self.input_defaults
self.input_defaults = other.input_defaults.copy()
for i, x in old_input_defaults.items():
self.input_defaults[ other.in_socket_mapping[i] ] = x
old_property_defaults = self.property_defaults
self.property_defaults = other.property_defaults.copy()
for p, x in old_property_defaults.items():
self.property_defaults[ other.property_mapping[p] ] = x
def replace_input_socket(tree: bpy.types.NodeTree, socket_src: bpy.types.NodeSocket, socket_dst: bpy.types.NodeSocket):
if socket_src.is_linked:
for link in socket_src.links:
tree.links.new(link.from_socket, socket_dst)
node_utils.set_socket_default(socket_dst, node_utils.get_socket_default(socket_src))
def replace_output_socket(tree: bpy.types.NodeTree, socket_src: bpy.types.NodeSocket, socket_dst: bpy.types.NodeSocket):
if socket_src.is_linked:
for link in socket_src.links:
tree.links.new(socket_dst, link.to_socket)
node_utils.set_socket_default(socket_dst, node_utils.get_socket_default(socket_src))
def replace(tree: bpy.types.NodeTree, node: 'LnxLogicTreeNode'):
"""Replaces the given node with its replacement."""
# the node can either return a NodeReplacement object (for simple replacements)
# or a brand new node, for more complex stuff.
response = node.get_replacement_node(tree)
if isinstance(response, lnx_nodes.LnxLogicTreeNode):
newnode = response
# some misc. properties
node_utils.copy_basic_node_props(from_node=node, to_node=newnode)
elif isinstance(response, list): # a list of nodes:
for newnode in response:
node_utils.copy_basic_node_props(from_node=node, to_node=newnode)
elif isinstance(response, NodeReplacement):
replacement = response
# if the returned object is a NodeReplacement, check that it corresponds to the node (also, create the new node)
if node.bl_idname != replacement.from_node or node.lnx_version != replacement.from_node_version:
raise LookupError("The provided NodeReplacement doesn't seem to correspond to the node needing replacement")
# Create the replacement node
newnode = tree.nodes.new(response.to_node)
if newnode.lnx_version != replacement.to_node_version:
raise LookupError("The provided NodeReplacement doesn't seem to correspond to the node needing replacement")
# some misc. properties
node_utils.copy_basic_node_props(from_node=node, to_node=newnode)
# now, use the `replacement` to hook up the new node correctly
# start by applying defaults
for prop_name, prop_value in replacement.property_defaults.items():
setattr(newnode, prop_name, prop_value)
for input_id, input_value in replacement.input_defaults.items():
input_socket = newnode.inputs[input_id]
node_utils.set_socket_default(input_socket, input_value)
# map properties
for src_prop_name, dest_prop_name in replacement.property_mapping.items():
setattr(newnode, dest_prop_name, getattr(node, src_prop_name))
# map inputs
for src_socket_id, dest_socket_id in replacement.in_socket_mapping.items():
src_socket = node.inputs[src_socket_id]
dest_socket = newnode.inputs[dest_socket_id]
NodeReplacement.replace_input_socket(tree, src_socket, dest_socket)
# map outputs
for src_socket_id, dest_socket_id in replacement.out_socket_mapping.items():
src_socket = node.outputs[src_socket_id]
dest_socket = newnode.outputs[dest_socket_id]
NodeReplacement.replace_output_socket(tree, src_socket, dest_socket)
def replace_all():
"""Iterate through all logic node trees in the file and check for node updates/replacements to execute."""
global replacement_errors
for tree in bpy.data.node_groups:
if tree.bl_idname == "LnxLogicTreeType" or tree.bl_idname == 'LnxGroupTree':
# Use list() to make a "static" copy. It's possible to iterate over it because nodes which get removed
# from the tree leave python objects in the list
for node in list(tree.nodes):
# Blender nodes (layout)
if not isinstance(node, lnx_nodes.LnxLogicTreeNode):
# That node has been removed from the tree without replace() being called on it somehow
elif node.type == '':
# Node type deleted. That's unusual. Or it has been replaced for a looong time
elif not node.is_registered_node_type():
replacement_errors.append(('unregistered', None, tree.name, None))
# Invalid version number
elif not isinstance(type(node).lnx_version, int):
replacement_errors.append(('bad version', node.bl_idname, tree.name, None))
# Actual replacement
elif node.lnx_version < type(node).lnx_version:
replace(tree, node)
except LookupError as err:
replacement_errors.append(('update failed', node.bl_idname, tree.name, traceback.format_exc()))
except Exception as err:
replacement_errors.append(('misc.', node.bl_idname, tree.name, traceback.format_exc()))
# Node version is newer than supported by the class
elif node.lnx_version > type(node).lnx_version:
replacement_errors.append(('future version', node.bl_idname, tree.name, None))
# If possible, make a popup about the errors and write an error report into the .blend file's folder
if len(replacement_errors) > 0:
basedir = os.path.dirname(bpy.data.filepath)
reportfile = os.path.join(
basedir, 'node_update_failure.{:s}.txt'.format(
with open(reportfile, 'w') as reportf:
for error_type, node_class, tree_name, tb in replacement_errors:
if error_type == 'unregistered':
print(f"A node whose class doesn't exist was found in node tree \"{tree_name}\"", file=reportf)
elif error_type == 'update failed':
print(f"A node of type {node_class} in tree \"{tree_name}\" failed to be updated, "
f"because there is no (longer?) an update routine for this version of the node. Original exception:"
"\n" + tb + "\n", file=reportf)
elif error_type == 'future version':
print(f"A node of type {node_class} in tree \"{tree_name}\" seemingly comes from a future version of leenkx. "
f"Please check whether your version of leenkx is up to date", file=reportf)
elif error_type == 'bad version':
print(f"A node of type {node_class} in tree \"{tree_name}\" doesn't have version information attached to it. "
f"If so, please check that the nodes in the file are compatible with the in-code node classes. "
f"If this nodes comes from an add-on, please check that it is compatible with this version of leenkx.", file=reportf)
elif error_type == 'misc.':
print(f"A node of type {node_class} in tree \"{tree_name}\" failed to be updated, "
f"because the node's update procedure itself failed. Original exception:"
"\n" + tb + "\n", file=reportf)
print(f"Whoops, we don't know what this error type (\"{error_type}\") means. You might want to report a bug here. "
f"All we know is that it comes form a node of class {node_class} in the node tree called \"{tree_name}\".", file=reportf)
log.error(f'There were errors in the node update procedure, a detailed report has been written to {reportfile}')
def node_compat_sdk2108():
"""SDK 21.08 broke compatibility with older nodes as nodes now use
custom sockets even for Blender's default data types and custom
property "constructors". This allows to listen for events for the
live patch system.
In order to update older nodes this routine is used. It creates a
full copy of the nodes and replaces all properties and sockets with
their new equivalents.
for tree in bpy.data.node_groups:
if tree.bl_idname == "LnxLogicTreeType" or tree.bl_idname == 'LnxGroupTree':
for node in list(tree.nodes):
# Don't raise exceptions for invalid unregistered nodes, this
# function didn't cause the registration problem if there is one
if not node.__class__.is_registered_node_type():
if node.type in ('FRAME', 'REROUTE'):
newnode = tree.nodes.new(node.__class__.bl_idname)
node_utils.copy_basic_node_props(from_node=node, to_node=newnode)
# Also copy the node's version number to _not_ prevent actual node
# replacement after this step
newnode.lnx_version = node.lnx_version
# First replace all properties
for prop_name, prop in typing.get_type_hints(node.__class__, {}, {}).items():
if isinstance(prop, bpy.props._PropertyDeferred):
if hasattr(node, prop_name) and hasattr(newnode, prop_name):
setattr(newnode, prop_name, getattr(node, prop_name))
# Replace sockets with new socket types
socket_replacements = {
'NodeSocketBool': 'LnxBoolSocket',
'NodeSocketColor': 'LnxColorSocket',
'NodeSocketFloat': 'LnxFloatSocket',
'NodeSocketInt': 'LnxIntSocket',
'NodeSocketShader': 'LnxDynamicSocket',
'NodeSocketString': 'LnxStringSocket',
'NodeSocketVector': 'LnxVectorSocket'
# Recreate all sockets
for inp in node.inputs:
inp_idname = inp.bl_idname
inp_idname = socket_replacements.get(inp_idname, inp_idname)
newinp = newnode.inputs.new(inp_idname, inp.name, identifier=inp.identifier)
NodeReplacement.replace_input_socket(tree, inp, newinp)
for out in node.outputs:
out_idname = out.bl_idname
out_idname = socket_replacements.get(out_idname, out_idname)
newout = newnode.outputs.new(out_idname, out.name, identifier=out.identifier)
NodeReplacement.replace_output_socket(tree, out, newout)