2025-01-22 16:18:30 +01:00

372 lines
15 KiB

import os
from typing import Optional, TextIO
import bpy
from lnx.exporter import LeenkxExporter
import lnx.log
import lnx.node_utils
import lnx.utils
if lnx.is_reload(__name__):
lnx.exporter = lnx.reload_module(lnx.exporter)
from lnx.exporter import LeenkxExporter
lnx.log = lnx.reload_module(lnx.log)
lnx.node_utils = lnx.reload_module(lnx.node_utils)
lnx.utils = lnx.reload_module(lnx.utils)
parsed_nodes = []
parsed_ids = dict() # Sharing node data
function_nodes = dict()
function_node_outputs = dict()
group_name = ''
def get_logic_trees() -> list['lnx.nodes_logic.LnxLogicTree']:
ar = []
for node_group in bpy.data.node_groups:
if node_group.bl_idname == 'LnxLogicTreeType':
node_group.use_fake_user = True # Keep fake references for now
return ar
# Generating node sources
def build():
trees = get_logic_trees()
if len(trees) > 0:
# Make sure package dir exists
nodes_path = 'Sources/' + lnx.utils.safestr(bpy.data.worlds['Lnx'].lnx_project_package).replace(".", "/") + "/node"
if not os.path.exists(nodes_path):
# Export node scripts
for tree in trees:
def build_node_tree(node_group: 'lnx.nodes_logic.LnxLogicTree'):
global parsed_nodes
global parsed_ids
global function_nodes
global function_node_outputs
global group_name
parsed_nodes = []
parsed_ids = dict()
function_nodes = dict()
function_node_outputs = dict()
root_nodes = get_root_nodes(node_group)
pack_path = lnx.utils.safestr(bpy.data.worlds['Lnx'].lnx_project_package)
path = 'Sources/' + pack_path.replace('.', '/') + '/node/'
group_name = lnx.node_utils.get_export_tree_name(node_group, do_warn=True)
file = path + group_name + '.hx'
if node_group.lnx_cached and os.path.isfile(file):
wrd = bpy.data.worlds['Lnx']
with open(file, 'w', encoding="utf-8") as f:
f.write('package ' + pack_path + '.node;\n\n')
f.write('@:keep class ' + group_name + ' extends leenkx.logicnode.LogicTree {\n\n')
f.write('\tvar functionNodes:Map<String, leenkx.logicnode.FunctionNode>;\n\n')
f.write('\tvar functionOutputNodes:Map<String, leenkx.logicnode.FunctionOutputNode>;\n\n')
f.write('\tpublic function new() {\n')
if wrd.lnx_debug_console:
f.write('\t\tname = "' + group_name + '";\n')
f.write('\t\tthis.functionNodes = new Map();\n')
f.write('\t\tthis.functionOutputNodes = new Map();\n')
if lnx.utils.is_livepatch_enabled():
# Store a reference to this trait instance in Logictree.nodeTrees
f.write('\t\tvar nodeTrees = leenkx.logicnode.LogicTree.nodeTrees;\n')
f.write(f'\t\tif (nodeTrees.exists("{group_name}")) ' + '{\n')
f.write('\t\t} else {\n')
f.write(f'\t\t\tnodeTrees["{group_name}"] = cast [this];\n')
f.write('\t\tnotifyOnRemove(() -> { nodeTrees.remove("' + group_name + '"); });\n')
f.write('\toverride public function add() {\n')
for node in root_nodes:
build_node(node, f)
# Create node functions
for node_name in function_nodes:
node = function_nodes[node_name]
function_name = node.function_name
f.write('\n\tpublic function ' + function_name + '(')
for i in range(0, len(node.outputs) - 1):
if i != 0: f.write(', ')
f.write('arg' + str(i) + ':Dynamic')
f.write(') {\n')
f.write('\t\tvar functionNode = this.functionNodes["' + node_name + '"];\n')
f.write('\t\tfunctionNode.args = [];\n')
for i in range(0, len(node.outputs) - 1):
f.write('\t\tfunctionNode.args.push(arg' + str(i) + ');\n')
if function_node_outputs.get(function_name) != None:
f.write('\t\treturn this.functionOutputNodes["' + function_node_outputs[function_name] + '"].result;\n')
node_group.lnx_cached = True
def build_node_group_tree(node_group: 'lnx.nodes_logic.LnxLogicTree', f: TextIO, group_node_name: str):
"""Builds the given node tree as a node group"""
root_nodes = get_root_nodes(node_group)
group_input_name = ""
group_output_name = ""
tree_name = lnx.node_utils.get_export_tree_name(node_group)
# Get names of group input and out nodes if they exist
for node in node_group.nodes:
if node.bl_idname == 'LNGroupInputsNode':
group_input_name = group_node_name + '_' + tree_name + lnx.node_utils.get_export_node_name(node)
if node.bl_idname == 'LNGroupOutputsNode':
group_output_name = group_node_name + '_' + tree_name + lnx.node_utils.get_export_node_name(node)
for node in root_nodes:
build_node(node, f, group_node_name + '_' + tree_name)
node_group.lnx_cached = True
return group_input_name, group_output_name
def build_node(node: bpy.types.Node, f: TextIO, name_prefix: str = None) -> Optional[str]:
"""Builds the given node and returns its name. f is an opened file object."""
global parsed_nodes
global parsed_ids
use_live_patch = lnx.utils.is_livepatch_enabled()
link_group = False
if node.type == 'REROUTE':
if len(node.inputs) > 0 and len(node.inputs[0].links) > 0:
return build_node(node.inputs[0].links[0].from_node, f)
return None
# Get node name
name = lnx.node_utils.get_export_node_name(node)
if name_prefix is not None:
name = name_prefix + name
# Check and parse group nodes if they exist
if node.bl_idname == 'LNCallGroupNode':
prop = node.group_tree
if prop is not None:
group_input_name, group_output_name = build_node_group_tree(prop, f, name)
link_group = True
# Link tree variable nodes using IDs
if node.lnx_logic_id != '':
parse_id = node.lnx_logic_id
if name_prefix is not None:
parse_id = name_prefix + parse_id
if parse_id in parsed_ids:
return parsed_ids[parse_id]
parsed_ids[parse_id] = name
# Check if node already exists
if name in parsed_nodes:
# Check if node groups were parsed
if not link_group:
return name
return group_output_name
if not link_group:
# Create node
node_type = node.bl_idname[2:] # Discard 'LN' prefix
f.write('\t\tvar ' + name + ' = new leenkx.logicnode.' + node_type + '(this);\n')
# Handle Function Nodes if no node groups exist
if node_type == 'FunctionNode' and name_prefix is None:
f.write('\t\tthis.functionNodes.set("' + name + '", ' + name + ');\n')
function_nodes[name] = node
elif node_type == 'FunctionOutputNode' and name_prefix is None:
f.write('\t\tthis.functionOutputNodes.set("' + name + '", ' + name + ');\n')
# Index function output name by corresponding function name
function_node_outputs[node.function_name] = name
wrd = bpy.data.worlds['Lnx']
# Watch in debug console
if node.lnx_watch and wrd.lnx_debug_console:
f.write('\t\t' + name + '.name = "' + name[1:] + '";\n')
f.write('\t\t' + name + '.watch(true);\n')
elif use_live_patch:
f.write('\t\t' + name + '.name = "' + name[1:] + '";\n')
f.write(f'\t\tthis.nodes["{name[1:]}"] = {name};\n')
# Properties
for prop_py_name, prop_hx_name in lnx.node_utils.get_haxe_property_names(node):
prop = lnx.node_utils.haxe_format_prop_value(node, prop_py_name)
f.write('\t\t' + name + '.' + prop_hx_name + ' = ' + prop + ';\n')
# Avoid unnecessary input/output array resizes
# Create inputs
if link_group:
# Replace Call Node Group Node name with Group Input Node name
name = group_input_name
for idx, inp in enumerate(node.inputs):
# True if the input is connected to a unlinked reroute
# somewhere down the reroute line
unconnected = False
# Is linked -> find the connected node
if inp.is_linked:
n = inp.links[0].from_node
socket = inp.links[0].from_socket
# Follow reroutes first
while n.type == "REROUTE":
if len(n.inputs) == 0 or not n.inputs[0].is_linked:
unconnected = True
socket = n.inputs[0].links[0].from_socket
n = n.inputs[0].links[0].from_node
if not unconnected:
# Ignore warnings if "Any" socket type is used
if inp.bl_idname != 'LnxAnySocket' and socket.bl_idname != 'LnxAnySocket':
if (inp.bl_idname == 'LnxNodeSocketAction' and socket.bl_idname != 'LnxNodeSocketAction') or \
(socket.bl_idname == 'LnxNodeSocketAction' and inp.bl_idname != 'LnxNodeSocketAction'):
lnx.log.warn(f'Sockets do not match in logic node tree "{group_name}": node "{node.name}", socket "{inp.name}"')
inp_name = build_node(n, f, name_prefix)
for i in range(0, len(n.outputs)):
if n.outputs[i] == socket:
inp_from = i
from_type = lnx.node_utils.get_socket_type(socket)
# Not linked -> create node with default values
inp_name = build_default_node(inp)
inp_from = 0
from_type = lnx.node_utils.get_socket_type(inp)
# The input is linked to a reroute, but the reroute is unlinked
if unconnected:
inp_name = build_default_node(inp)
inp_from = 0
from_type = lnx.node_utils.get_socket_type(inp)
# Add input
f.write(f'\t\t{"var __link = " if use_live_patch else ""}leenkx.logicnode.LogicNode.addLink({inp_name}, {name}, {inp_from}, {idx});\n')
if use_live_patch:
to_type = lnx.node_utils.get_socket_type(inp)
f.write(f'\t\t__link.fromType = "{from_type}";\n')
f.write(f'\t\t__link.toType = "{to_type}";\n')
f.write(f'\t\t__link.toValue = {lnx.node_utils.haxe_format_socket_val(inp.get_default_value())};\n')
# Create outputs
if link_group:
# Replace Call Node Group Node name with Group Output Node name
name = group_output_name
for idx, out in enumerate(node.outputs):
# Linked outputs are already handled after iterating over inputs
# above, so only unconnected outputs are handled here
if not out.is_linked:
f.write(f'\t\t{"var __link = " if use_live_patch else ""}leenkx.logicnode.LogicNode.addLink({name}, {build_default_node(out)}, {idx}, 0);\n')
if use_live_patch:
out_type = lnx.node_utils.get_socket_type(out)
f.write(f'\t\t__link.fromType = "{out_type}";\n')
f.write(f'\t\t__link.toType = "{out_type}";\n')
f.write(f'\t\t__link.toValue = {lnx.node_utils.haxe_format_socket_val(out.get_default_value())};\n')
return name
# Expects an output socket
# It first checks all outgoing links for non-reroute nodes and adds them to a list
# Then it recursively checks all the discoverey reroute nodes
# Returns all non reroute nodes which are directly or indirectly connected to this output.
def collect_nodes_from_output(out, f):
outputs = []
reroutes = []
# skipped if there are no links
for l in out.links:
n = l.to_node
if n.type == 'REROUTE':
# collect all rerouts and process them later
# immediatly add the current node
outputs.append(build_node(n, f))
for reroute in reroutes:
for o in reroute.outputs:
outputs = outputs + collect_nodes_from_output(o, f)
return outputs
def get_root_nodes(node_group):
roots = []
for node in node_group.nodes:
if node.bl_idname == 'NodeUndefined':
lnx.log.warn('Undefined logic nodes in ' + node_group.name)
return []
if node.type == 'FRAME':
linked = False
for out in node.outputs:
if out.is_linked:
linked = True
if not linked: # Assume node with no connected outputs as roots
return roots
def build_default_node(inp: bpy.types.NodeSocket):
"""Creates a new node to give a not connected input socket a value"""
is_custom_socket = isinstance(inp, lnx.logicnode.lnx_sockets.LnxCustomSocket)
if is_custom_socket:
# LnxCustomSockets need to implement get_default_value()
default_value = inp.get_default_value()
if hasattr(inp, 'default_value'):
default_value = inp.default_value
default_value = None
default_value = lnx.node_utils.haxe_format_socket_val(default_value, array_outer_brackets=False)
inp_type = lnx.node_utils.get_socket_type(inp)
if inp_type == 'VECTOR':
return f'new leenkx.logicnode.VectorNode(this, {default_value})'
elif inp_type == 'ROTATION': # a rotation is internally represented as a quaternion.
return f'new leenkx.logicnode.RotationNode(this, {default_value})'
elif inp_type in ('RGB', 'RGBA'):
return f'new leenkx.logicnode.ColorNode(this, {default_value})'
elif inp_type == 'VALUE':
return f'new leenkx.logicnode.FloatNode(this, {default_value})'
elif inp_type == 'INT':
return f'new leenkx.logicnode.IntegerNode(this, {default_value})'
elif inp_type == 'BOOLEAN':
return f'new leenkx.logicnode.BooleanNode(this, {default_value})'
elif inp_type == 'STRING':
return f'new leenkx.logicnode.StringNode(this, {default_value})'
elif inp_type == 'NONE':
return 'new leenkx.logicnode.NullNode(this)'
elif inp_type == 'OBJECT':
return f'new leenkx.logicnode.ObjectNode(this, {default_value})'
elif is_custom_socket:
return f'new leenkx.logicnode.DynamicNode(this, {default_value})'
return 'new leenkx.logicnode.NullNode(this)'