2025-01-22 16:18:30 +01:00

234 lines
6.3 KiB

package iron.object;
import kha.graphics4.Graphics;
import kha.graphics4.CubeMap;
import iron.Scene;
import iron.RenderPath;
import iron.math.Mat4;
import iron.math.Vec4;
import iron.math.Quat;
import iron.data.CameraData;
class CameraObject extends Object {
public var data: CameraData;
public var P: Mat4;
#if lnx_taa
public var noJitterP = Mat4.identity();
var frame = 0;
public var V: Mat4;
public var prevV: Mat4 = null;
public var VP: Mat4;
public var frustumPlanes: Array<FrustumPlane> = null;
public var renderTarget: kha.Image = null; // Render camera view to texture
public var renderTargetCube: CubeMap = null;
public var currentFace = 0;
static var temp = new Vec4();
static var q = new Quat();
static var sphereCenter = new Vec4();
static var vcenter = new Vec4();
static var vup = new Vec4();
public function new(data: CameraData) {
this.data = data;
V = Mat4.identity();
VP = Mat4.identity();
if (data.raw.frustum_culling) {
frustumPlanes = [];
for (i in 0...6) frustumPlanes.push(new FrustumPlane());
public function buildProjection(screenAspect: Null<Float> = null) {
if (data.raw.ortho != null) {
P = Mat4.ortho(data.raw.ortho[0], data.raw.ortho[1], data.raw.ortho[2], data.raw.ortho[3], data.raw.near_plane, data.raw.far_plane);
else {
if (screenAspect == null) screenAspect = iron.App.w() / iron.App.h();
var aspect = data.raw.aspect != null ? data.raw.aspect : screenAspect;
P = Mat4.persp(data.raw.fov, aspect, data.raw.near_plane, data.raw.far_plane);
#if lnx_taa
override public function remove() {
// if (renderTarget != null) renderTarget.unload();
// if (renderTargetCube != null) renderTargetCube.unload();
public function renderFrame(g: Graphics) {
#if lnx_taa
#if lnx_taa
function projectionJitter() {
var w = RenderPath.active.currentW;
var h = RenderPath.active.currentH;
var x = 0.0;
var y = 0.0;
if (frame % 2 == 0) {
x = 0.25;
y = 0.25;
else {
x = -0.25;
y = -0.25;
P._20 += x / w;
P._21 += y / h;
public function buildMatrix() {
// Prevent camera matrix scaling
// TODO: discards position affected by scaled camera parent
var sc = transform.world.getScale();
if (sc.x != 1.0 || sc.y != 1.0 || sc.z != 1.0) {
temp.set(1.0 / sc.x, 1.0 / sc.y, 1.0 / sc.z);
VP.multmats(P, V);
if (data.raw.frustum_culling) {
buildViewFrustum(VP, frustumPlanes);
// First time setting up previous V, prevents first frame flicker
if (prevV == null) {
prevV = Mat4.identity();
public static function buildViewFrustum(VP: Mat4, frustumPlanes: Array<FrustumPlane>) {
// Left plane
frustumPlanes[0].setComponents(VP._03 + VP._00, VP._13 + VP._10, VP._23 + VP._20, VP._33 + VP._30);
// Right plane
frustumPlanes[1].setComponents(VP._03 - VP._00, VP._13 - VP._10, VP._23 - VP._20, VP._33 - VP._30);
// Top plane
frustumPlanes[2].setComponents(VP._03 - VP._01, VP._13 - VP._11, VP._23 - VP._21, VP._33 - VP._31);
// Bottom plane
frustumPlanes[3].setComponents(VP._03 + VP._01, VP._13 + VP._11, VP._23 + VP._21, VP._33 + VP._31);
// Near plane
frustumPlanes[4].setComponents(VP._02, VP._12, VP._22, VP._32);
// Far plane
frustumPlanes[5].setComponents(VP._03 - VP._02, VP._13 - VP._12, VP._23 - VP._22, VP._33 - VP._32);
// Normalize planes
for (plane in frustumPlanes) plane.normalize();
public static function sphereInFrustum(frustumPlanes: Array<FrustumPlane>, t: Transform, radiusScale = 1.0, offsetX = 0.0, offsetY = 0.0, offsetZ = 0.0): Bool {
// Use scale when radius is changing
var radius = t.radius * radiusScale;
for (plane in frustumPlanes) {
sphereCenter.set(t.worldx() + offsetX, t.worldy() + offsetY, t.worldz() + offsetZ);
// Outside the frustum
if (plane.distanceToSphere(sphereCenter, radius) + radius * 2 < 0) {
return false;
return true;
public static function setCubeFace(m: Mat4, eye: Vec4, face: Int, flip = false) {
// Set matrix to match cubemap face
var f = flip ? -1.0 : 1.0;
switch (face) {
case 0: // x+
vcenter.addf(1.0 * f, 0.0, 0.0);
vup.set(0.0, -1.0 * f, 0.0);
case 1: // x-
vcenter.addf(-1.0 * f, 0.0, 0.0);
vup.set(0.0, -1.0 * f, 0.0);
case 2: // y+
vcenter.addf(0.0, 1.0 * f, 0.0);
vup.set(0.0, 0.0, 1.0 * f);
case 3: // y-
vcenter.addf(0.0, -1.0 * f, 0.0);
vup.set(0.0, 0.0, -1.0 * f);
case 4: // z+
vcenter.addf(0.0, 0.0, 1.0 * f);
vup.set(0.0, -1.0 * f, 0.0);
case 5: // z-
vcenter.addf(0.0, 0.0, -1.0 * f);
vup.set(0.0, -1.0 * f, 0.0);
m.setLookAt(eye, vcenter, vup);
public inline function right(): Vec4 {
return new Vec4(transform.local._00, transform.local._01, transform.local._02);
public inline function up(): Vec4 {
return new Vec4(transform.local._10, transform.local._11, transform.local._12);
public inline function look(): Vec4 {
return new Vec4(-transform.local._20, -transform.local._21, -transform.local._22);
public inline function rightWorld(): Vec4 {
return new Vec4(transform.world._00, transform.world._01, transform.world._02);
public inline function upWorld(): Vec4 {
return new Vec4(transform.world._10, transform.world._11, transform.world._12);
public inline function lookWorld(): Vec4 {
return new Vec4(-transform.world._20, -transform.world._21, -transform.world._22);
class FrustumPlane {
public var normal = new Vec4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
public var constant = 0.0;
public function new() {}
public function normalize() {
var inverseNormalLength = 1.0 / normal.length();
constant *= inverseNormalLength;
public function distanceToSphere(sphereCenter: Vec4, sphereRadius: Float): Float {
return (normal.dot(sphereCenter) + constant) - sphereRadius;
public inline function setComponents(x: Float, y: Float, z: Float, w: Float) {
normal.set(x, y, z);
constant = w;