122 lines
5.1 KiB
122 lines
5.1 KiB
from lnx.logicnode.lnx_nodes import *
from mathutils import Vector
class RotationMathNode(LnxLogicTreeNode):
"""Mathematical operations on rotations."""
bl_idname = 'LNRotationMathNode'
bl_label = 'Rotation Math'
bl_description = 'Mathematical operations that can be performed on rotations, no matter their internal representation'
lnx_section = 'quaternions'
lnx_version = 1
def get_count_in(operation_name):
return {
'Inverse': 1,
'Normalize': 1,
'Compose': 2,
'Amplify': 2,
'FromTo': 2,
#'FromRotationMat': 2,
'Lerp': 3,
'Slerp': 3,
}.get(operation_name, 0)
def ensure_input_socket(self, socket_number, newclass, newname):
while len(self.inputs) < socket_number:
self.inputs.new('LnxFloatSocket', 'BOGUS')
if len(self.inputs) > socket_number:
if len(self.inputs[socket_number].links) == 1:
source_socket = self.inputs[socket_number].links[0].from_socket
source_socket = None
source_socket = None
self.inputs.new(newclass, newname)
self.inputs.move(len(self.inputs)-1, socket_number)
if source_socket is not None:
self.id_data.links.new(source_socket, self.inputs[socket_number])
def ensure_output_socket(self, socket_number, newclass, newname):
sink_sockets = []
while len(self.outputs) < socket_number:
self.outputs.new('LnxFloatSocket', 'BOGUS')
if len(self.outputs) > socket_number:
for link in self.inputs[socket_number].links:
self.inputs.new(newclass, newname)
self.inputs.move(len(self.inputs)-1, socket_number)
for socket in sink_sockets:
self.id_data.links.new(self.inputs[socket_number], socket)
def on_property_update(self, context):
# Checking the selection of another operation
# Rotation as argument 0:
if self.property0 in ('Inverse','Normalize','Amplify'):
self.ensure_input_socket(0, "LnxRotationSocket", "Rotation")
self.ensure_input_socket(1, "LnxFloatSocket", "Amplification factor")
elif self.property0 in ('Slerp','Lerp','Compose'):
self.ensure_input_socket(0, "LnxRotationSocket", "From")
self.ensure_input_socket(1, "LnxRotationSocket", "To")
if self.property0 == 'Compose':
self.inputs[0].name = 'Outer rotation'
self.inputs[1].name = 'Inner rotation'
self.ensure_input_socket(2, "LnxFloatSocket", "Interpolation factor")
elif self.property0 == 'FromTo':
self.ensure_input_socket(0, "LnxVectorSocket", "From")
self.ensure_input_socket(1, "LnxVectorSocket", "To")
# Rotation as argument 1:
if self.property0 in ('Compose','Lerp','Slerp'):
if self.inputs[1].bl_idname != "LnxRotationSocket":
self.replace_input_socket(1, "LnxRotationSocket", "Rotation 2")
if self.property0 == 'Compose':
self.inputs[1].name = "Inner quaternion"
# Float as argument 1:
if self.property0 == 'Amplify':
if self.inputs[1].bl_idname != 'LnxFloatSocket':
self.replace_input_socket(1, "LnxFloatSocket", "Amplification factor")
# Vector as argument 1:
#if self.property0 == 'FromRotationMat':
# # WHAT??
# pass
while len(self.inputs) > self.get_count_in(self.property0):
property0: HaxeEnumProperty(
items = [('Compose', 'Compose (multiply)', 'compose (multiply) two rotations. Note that order of the composition matters.'),
('Amplify', 'Amplify (multiply by float)', 'Amplify or diminish the effect of a rotation'),
#('Normalize', 'Normalize', 'Normalize'),
('Inverse', 'Get Inverse', 'from r, get the rotation r2 so that " r×r2=r2×r= <no rotation>" '),
('Lerp', 'Lerp', 'Linearly interpolation'),
('Slerp', 'Slerp', 'Spherical linear interpolation'),
('FromTo', 'From To', 'From direction To direction'),
#('FromRotationMat', 'From Rotation Mat', 'From Rotation Mat')
name='', default='Compose', update=on_property_update)
#def __init__(self):
# array_nodes[str(id(self))] = self
def lnx_init(self, context):
self.add_input('LnxRotationSocket', 'Outer rotation', default_value=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) )
self.add_input('LnxRotationSocket', 'Inner rotation', default_value=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) )
self.add_output('LnxRotationSocket', 'Result')
def draw_buttons(self, context, layout):
layout.prop(self, 'property0') # Operation