2025-01-22 16:18:30 +01:00

2076 lines
63 KiB

package leenkx.logicnode;
import haxe.io.Bytes;
import haxe.io.BytesInput;
import haxe.io.BytesOutput;
import haxe.ds.Vector;
class MathExpressionNode extends LogicNode {
var formula:Formula;
var paramFormula:Vector<Formula>;
public var property0:Bool; // Clamp
public var property1:Int; // Number of params
public var property2(default, set):String; // Formula Expression
function set_property2(s:String):String {
try {
formula = Formula.fromString(s);
paramFormula = new Vector(property1);
// trace("number of params:", property1);
for (i in 0...property1) {
var p:Formula = 0.0;
p.name = String.fromCharCode(97+i);
paramFormula.set(i, p);
if( formula.hasParam(p.name) ) {
// trace("bind to param:", p.name);
formula.bind( paramFormula.get(i) );
catch(msg: String) {
#if lnx_debug
trace("Math Expression Node - " + msg);
return property2 = s;
public function new(tree: LogicTree) {
override function get(from: Int): Dynamic {
var result:Float = 0.0;
// Expression
try {
// set new values to param-subformulas
for (i in 0...property1) {
// paramFormula.get(i).set( (inputs[i].get():Float) );
paramFormula.get(i).left.value = inputs[i].get(); // optimized
result = formula.result;
catch(msg:String) {
#if lnx_debug
trace("Math Expression Node - " + msg);
// Clamp
if (property0) result = result < 0.0 ? 0.0 : (result > 1.0 ? 1.0 : result);
return result;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------ FORMULA -----------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
Formula haxe library to handle mathematical expressions at runtime
Version: 0.4.2
weblink: https://lib.haxe.org/p/formula/
by Sylvio Sell, Rostock 2023
@:forward( value, left, name, result, depth, params, hasParam, hasBinding, resolveAll, unbindAll, toBytes, debug, copy, derivate, simplify, expand, factorize)
abstract Formula(TermNode) from TermNode to TermNode
Creates a new formula from a String, e.g. new("1+2") or new("f: 1+2") where "f" is the name of formula
@param formulaString the String that representing the math expression
inline public function new(formulaString:String) {
this = TermNode.fromString(formulaString);
Copy all from another Formula to this (keeps the own name if it is defined)
Keeps the bindings where this formula is linked into by a parameter.
@param formula the source formula from where the value is copyed
public inline function set(formula:Formula):Formula return this.set(formula);
Link a variable inside of this formula to another formula
@param formula formula that will be linked into
@param paramName (optional) name of the variable to link with (e.g. if formula have no or different name)
public function bind(formula:Formula, ?paramName:String):Formula {
if (paramName != null) {
return this.bind( [paramName => formula] );
else {
if (formula.name == null) ErrorMsg.cantBindUnnamed(this, formula);
return this.bind( [formula.name => formula] );
Link variables inside of this formula to another formulas
@param formulas array of formulas to link to variables
@param paramNames (optional) names of the variables to link with (e.g. if formulas have no or different names)
public function bindArray(formulas:Array<Formula>, ?paramNames:Array<String>):Formula {
var map = new Map<String, Formula>();
if (paramNames != null) {
if (paramNames.length != formulas.length) ErrorMsg.bindArrayWrongLengths(formulas.length, paramNames.length);
for (i in 0...formulas.length) {
map.set(paramNames[i], formulas[i]);
else {
for (formula in formulas) {
if (formula.name == null) ErrorMsg.cantBindUnnamed(this, formula);
map.set(formula.name, formula);
return this.bind(map);
Link variables inside of this formula to another formulas
@param formulaMap map of formulas where the keys have same names as the variables to link with
public inline function bindMap(formulaMap:Map<String, Formula>):Formula {
return this.bind(formulaMap);
// ------------ unbind -------------
Delete all connections of the linked formula
@param formula formula that has to be unlinked
public inline function unbind(formula:Formula):Formula {
return this.unbindTerm( [formula] );
Delete all connections of the linked formulas
@param formulas array of formulas that has to be unlinked
public function unbindArray(formulas:Array<Formula>):Formula {
return this.unbindTerm(formulas);
Delete all connections to linked formulas for a given variable name
@param paramName name of the variable where the connected formula has to unlink from
public inline function unbindParam(paramName:String):Formula {
return this.unbind( [paramName] );
Delete all connections to linked formulas for the given variable names
@param paramNames array of variablenames where the connected formula has to unlink from
public inline function unbindParamArray(paramNames:Array<String>):Formula {
return this.unbind(paramNames);
// -----------------------------------
Creates a new formula from a String, e.g. new("1+2") or new("f: 1+2") where "f" is the name of formula
@param depth (optional) how deep the variable-bindings should be resolved
@param plOut (optional) creates formula for a special language (only "glsl" at now)
inline public function toString(?depth:Null<Int> = null, ?plOut:String = null):String return this.toString(depth, plOut);
Creates a formula from a packet Bytes representation
inline public static function fromBytes(b:Bytes):Formula return TermNode.fromBytes(b);
@:to inline public function toStr():String return this.toString(0);
@:to inline public function toFloat():Float return this.result;
@:from static public function fromString(a:String):Formula return TermNode.fromString(a);
@:from static public function fromFloat(a:Float):Formula return TermNode.newValue(a);
static inline function twoSideOp(op:String, a:Formula, b:Formula ):Formula {
return TermNode.newOperation( op,
(a.name != null ) ? TermNode.newParam(a.name, a) : a,
(b.name != null ) ? TermNode.newParam(b.name, b) : b
@:op(A + B) static public function add (a:Formula, b:Formula):Formula return twoSideOp('+', a, b);
@:op(A - B) static public function subtract(a:Formula, b:Formula):Formula return twoSideOp('-', a, b);
@:op(A * B) static public function multiply(a:Formula, b:Formula):Formula return twoSideOp('*', a, b);
@:op(A / B) static public function divide (a:Formula, b:Formula):Formula return twoSideOp('/', a, b);
@:op(A ^ B) static public function potenz (a:Formula, b:Formula):Formula return twoSideOp('^', a, b);
@:op(A % B) static public function modulo (a:Formula, b:Formula):Formula return twoSideOp('%', a, b);
public static inline function atan2(a:Formula, b:Formula):Formula return twoSideOp('atan2', a, b);
public static inline function log (a:Formula, b:Formula):Formula return twoSideOp('log', a, b);
public static inline function max (a:Formula, b:Formula):Formula return twoSideOp('max', a, b);
public static inline function min (a:Formula, b:Formula):Formula return twoSideOp('min', a, b);
static inline function oneParamOp(op:String, a:Formula):Formula {
return TermNode.newOperation( op,
(a.name != null ) ? TermNode.newParam(a.name, a) : a
public static inline function abs (a:Formula):Formula return oneParamOp('abs', a);
public static inline function ln (a:Formula):Formula return oneParamOp('ln', a);
public static inline function sin (a:Formula):Formula return oneParamOp('sin', a);
public static inline function cos (a:Formula):Formula return oneParamOp('cos', a);
public static inline function tan (a:Formula):Formula return oneParamOp('tan', a);
public static inline function cot (a:Formula):Formula return oneParamOp('cot', a);
public static inline function asin(a:Formula):Formula return oneParamOp('asin', a);
public static inline function acos(a:Formula):Formula return oneParamOp('acos', a);
public static inline function atan(a:Formula):Formula return oneParamOp('atan', a);
* knot of a Tree to do math operations at runtime
* by Sylvio Sell, Rostock 2017
typedef OperationNode = {symbol:String, left:TermNode, right:TermNode, leftOperation:OperationNode, rightOperation:OperationNode, precedence:Int};
class TermNode {
* Properties
var operation:TermNode->Float; // operation function pointer
public var symbol:String; //operator like "+" or parameter name like "x"
public var left:TermNode; // left branch of tree
public var right:TermNode; // right branch of tree
public var value:Float; // leaf of the tree
public var name(get, set):String; // name is stored into a param-TermNode at root of the tree
inline function get_name():String return (isName) ? symbol : null;
public static inline function checkValidName(name:String) if (!nameRegFull.match(name)) ErrorMsg.wrongCharInsideName;
inline function set_name(name:String):String {
if (name == null && isName) {
else {
if (isName) symbol = name else setName(name, copyNode());
return name;
* returns depth of parameter bindings
public inline function depth():Int {
if (isName && left != null) return left._depth();
else return _depth();
public inline function _depth():Int {
var l:Int = 0;
var r:Int = 0;
var d:Int = 0;
if (isParam) {
if (left == null) d = 0;
else if (!left.isName) d = 1;
else if (isName) d = 1;
if (left != null) l = left._depth();
if (right != null) r = right._depth();
return( d + ((l>r) ? l : r));
* Check Type of TermNode
public var isName(get, null):Bool; // true -> root TermNode that holds name
inline function get_isName():Bool return Reflect.compareMethods(operation, opName);
public var isParam(get, null):Bool; // true -> it's a parameter
inline function get_isParam():Bool return Reflect.compareMethods(operation, opParam);
public var isValue(get, null):Bool; // true -> it's a value (no left and right)
inline function get_isValue():Bool return Reflect.compareMethods(operation, opValue);
public var isOperation(get, null):Bool; // true -> it's a operation TermNode
inline function get_isOperation():Bool return !(isName||isParam||isValue);
* Calculates result of all Operations
* throws error if there is unbind param
public var result(get, null):Float; // result of tree calculation
inline function get_result():Float return operation(this);
* Constructors
public function new() {}
public static inline function newName(name:String, ?term:TermNode):TermNode {
var t:TermNode = new TermNode();
t.setName(name, term);
return t;
public static inline function newParam(name:String, ?term:TermNode):TermNode {
var t:TermNode = new TermNode();
t.setParam(name, term);
return t;
public static inline function newValue(f:Float):TermNode {
var t:TermNode = new TermNode();
return t;
public static inline function newOperation(s:String, ?left:TermNode, ?right:TermNode):TermNode {
var t:TermNode = new TermNode();
t.setOperation(s, left, right);
return t;
* atomic methods
public inline function set(term:TermNode):TermNode {
// TODO: new param to keep the existing bindings if there is same parameters
if (isName) {
if (!term.isName) left = term.copy();
else if (term.left != null) left = term.left.copy();
else left = null;
else {
if (!term.isName) copyNodeFrom(term.copy());
else if (term.left != null) copyNodeFrom(term.left.copy());
//else return null; // TODO: check if that can ever been!
return this;
public inline function setName(name:String, ?term:TermNode) {
operation = opName;
symbol = name;
left = term; right = null;
public inline function setParam(name:String, ?term:TermNode) {
operation = opParam;
symbol = name;
left = term; right = null;
public inline function setValue(f:Float):Void {
operation = opValue;
symbol = null;
value = f;
left = null; right = null;
public inline function setOperation(s:String, ?left:TermNode, ?right:TermNode):Void {
operation = MathOp.get(s);
if (operation != null)
symbol = s;
this.left = left;
this.right = right;
else ErrorMsg.noValidOperation(s);
* returns an array of parameter-names
public inline function params():Array<String> {
var ret:Array<String> = new Array();
if (isParam) {
else {
if (left != null ) {
for (i in left.params()) if (ret.indexOf(i) < 0) ret.push(i);
if (right != null) {
for (i in right.params()) if (ret.indexOf(i) < 0) ret.push(i);
return ret;
* check if term has a param
public function hasParam(paramName:String):Bool {
if (isParam && symbol == paramName) return true;
if (left != null )
if (left.hasParam(paramName)) return true;
if (right != null)
if (right.hasParam(paramName)) return true;
return false;
* bind terms to parameters
public inline function bind(params:Map<String, TermNode>):TermNode {
if (isParam) {
if (params.exists(symbol)) left = params.get(symbol);
else {
if (left != null) left.bind(params);
if (right != null) right.bind(params);
return this;
* unbind terms that is bind to parameter-names
public inline function unbind(params:Array<String>):TermNode {
if (isParam) {
if (params.indexOf(symbol) >= 0) left = null;
else {
if (left != null) left.unbind(params);
if (right != null) right.unbind(params);
return this;
* unbind terms
public inline function unbindTerm(params:Array<TermNode>):TermNode {
if (isParam) {
if (left != null) {
if (params.indexOf(left) >= 0) left = null;
else {
if (left != null) left.unbindTerm(params);
if (right != null) right.unbindTerm(params);
return this;
* check if a term is binded to
public function hasBinding(term:TermNode):Bool {
if (isParam && left == term) return true;
if (left != null)
if (left.hasBinding(term)) return true;
if (right != null)
if (right.hasBinding(term)) return true;
return false;
* unbind all terms that is bind to parameter-names
public inline function unbindAll():TermNode {
if (isParam) left = null;
else {
if (left != null) left.unbindAll();
if (right != null) right.unbindAll();
return this;
* returns a new Term where all bindings are resolved down to
* the specified depth
public inline function resolveAll(depth:Int = -1):TermNode {
// TODO: check better way
if (isValue) return TermNode.newValue(value);
else if (isName) return TermNode.newName(symbol, (left!=null) ? left.resolveAll(depth) : null);
else if (isParam) {
if (left == null) return TermNode.newParam(symbol, left);
else if (depth == 0)
return (left.isName) ? left.left : left;
else if (depth > 0)
return (left.isName) ? left.left.copy(depth).resolveAll(depth-1) : left.copy(depth).resolveAll(depth - 1);
return (left.isName) ? left.left.resolveAll(depth - 1) : left.resolveAll(depth - 1);
else return TermNode.newOperation(symbol, (left!=null) ? left.resolveAll(depth) : null, (right!=null) ? right.resolveAll(depth) : null);
* returns a recursive copy by starting with this TermNode
* depth can be used to define how deep it should copy the param-linked formulas
public function copy(depth:Int = -1):TermNode
if (isValue) return TermNode.newValue(value);
else if (isName) return TermNode.newName(symbol, (left!=null) ? left.copy(depth) : null);
else if (isParam) return TermNode.newParam(symbol, (left!=null) ? ((depth == 0) ? left : left.copy(depth-1)) : null);
else return TermNode.newOperation(symbol, (left!=null) ? left.copy(depth) : null, (right!=null) ? right.copy(depth) : null);
* returns a clone of this TermNode only
function copyNode():TermNode
if (isValue) return TermNode.newValue(value);
else if (isName) return TermNode.newName(symbol, left);
else if (isParam) return TermNode.newParam(symbol, left);
else return TermNode.newOperation(symbol, left, right);
* copy all from other TermNode to this
public inline function copyNodeFrom(t:TermNode):Void {
if (t.isValue) setValue(t.value);
else if (t.isName) setName(t.symbol, t.left);
else if (t.isParam) setParam(t.symbol, t.left);
else setOperation(t.symbol, t.left, t.right);
* number of TermNodes inside Tree
public function length(?depth:Null<Int>=null):Int {
if (depth == null) depth = -1;
return switch(symbol) {
case s if (isValue): 1;
case s if (isName): (left == null) ? 0 : left.length(depth);
case s if (isParam): (depth == 0 || left == null) ? 1 : left.length(depth-1);
case s if (constantOpRegFull.match(s)): 1;
case s if (oneParamOpRegFull.match(s)): 1 + left.length(depth);
default: 1 + left.length(depth) + right.length(depth);
* returns true if other term is equal in data and structure
public function isEqual(t:TermNode, ?compareNames=false, ?compareParams=false):Bool
if ( !compareNames && (isName || t.isName) ) {
if (isName && left != null) return left.isEqual(t, compareNames, compareParams);
if (t.isName && t.left != null) return isEqual(t.left, compareNames, compareParams);
return (isName && t.isName);
if ( !compareParams && (isParam || t.isParam) ) {
if (isParam && left != null) return left.isEqual(t, compareNames, compareParams);
if (t.isParam && t.left != null) return isEqual(t.left, compareNames, compareParams);
return (isParam && t.isParam);
var is_equal:Bool = false;
if (isValue && t.isValue)
is_equal = (value==t.value);
else if ( (isName && t.isName) || (isParam && t.isParam) || (isOperation && t.isOperation) )
is_equal = (symbol==t.symbol);
if (left != null) {
if (t.left != null) is_equal = is_equal && left.isEqual(t.left, compareNames, compareParams);
else is_equal = false;
if (right != null) {
if (t.right != null) is_equal = is_equal && right.isEqual(t.right, compareNames, compareParams);
else is_equal = false;
return is_equal;
* static Function Pointers (to stored in this.operation)
static function opName(t:TermNode) :Float if (t.left != null) return t.left.result else { ErrorMsg.emptyFunction(t.symbol); return 0; }
static function opParam(t:TermNode):Float if (t.left!=null) return t.left.result else { ErrorMsg.missingParameter(t.symbol); return 0; }
static function opValue(t:TermNode):Float return t.value;
static var MathOp:Map<String, TermNode->Float> = [
// two side operations
"+" => function(t) return t.left.result + t.right.result,
"-" => function(t) return t.left.result - t.right.result,
"*" => function(t) return t.left.result * t.right.result,
"/" => function(t) return t.left.result / t.right.result,
"^" => function(t) return Math.pow(t.left.result, t.right.result),
"%" => function(t) return t.left.result % t.right.result,
// function without params (constants)
"e" => function(t) return Math.exp(1),
"pi" => function(t) return Math.PI,
// function with one param
"abs" => function(t) return Math.abs(t.left.result),
"ln" => function(t) return Math.log(t.left.result),
"sin" => function(t) return Math.sin(t.left.result),
"cos" => function(t) return Math.cos(t.left.result),
"tan" => function(t) return Math.tan(t.left.result),
"cot" => function(t) return 1/Math.tan(t.left.result),
"asin" => function(t) return Math.asin(t.left.result),
"acos" => function(t) return Math.acos(t.left.result),
"atan" => function(t) return Math.atan(t.left.result),
// function with two params
"atan2"=> function(t) return Math.atan2(t.left.result, t.right.result),
"log" => function(t) return Math.log(t.right.result) / Math.log(t.left.result),
"max" => function(t) return Math.max(t.left.result, t.right.result),
"min" => function(t) return Math.min(t.left.result, t.right.result),
static var twoSideOp_ = "^,/,*,-,+,%"; // <- order here determines the operator precedence
static var constantOp_ = "e,pi"; // functions without parameters like "e() or pi()"
static var oneParamOp_ = "abs,ln,sin,cos,tan,cot,asin,acos,atan"; // functions with one parameter like "sin(2)"
static var twoParamOp_ = "atan2,log,max,min"; // functions with two parameters like "max(a,b)"
static public var twoSideOp :Array<String> = twoSideOp_.split(',');
static public var constantOp:Array<String> = constantOp_.split(',');
static public var oneParamOp:Array<String> = oneParamOp_.split(',');
static public var twoParamOp:Array<String> = twoParamOp_.split(',');
static var precedence:Map<String,Int> = [ for (i in 0...twoSideOp.length) twoSideOp[i] => i ];
* Regular Expressions for parsing
static var clearSpacesReg:EReg = ~/\s+/g;
static var trailingSpacesReg:EReg = ~/^(\s+)/;
static var numberReg:EReg = ~/^([-+]?\d+\.?\d*)/;
static var paramReg:EReg = ~/^([a-z]+)/i;
static var constantOpReg:EReg = new EReg("^(" + constantOp.join("|") + ")\\(\\)" , "i");
static var oneParamOpReg:EReg = new EReg("^(" + oneParamOp.join("|") + ")\\(" , "i");
static var twoParamOpReg:EReg = new EReg("^(" + twoParamOp.join("|") + ")\\(" , "i");
static var twoSideOpReg: EReg = new EReg("^(" + "\\"+ twoSideOp.join("|\\") + ")" , "");
static public var constantOpRegFull:EReg = new EReg("^(" + constantOp.join("|") + ")$" , "i");
static public var oneParamOpRegFull:EReg = new EReg("^(" + oneParamOp.join("|") + ")$" , "i");
static public var twoParamOpRegFull:EReg = new EReg("^(" + twoParamOp.join("|") + ")$" , "i");
static public var twoSideOpRegFull: EReg = new EReg("^(" + "\\"+ twoSideOp.join("|\\") + ")$" , "");
static var nameReg:EReg = ~/^([a-z]+)(\s*[:=]\s*)/i;
static var nameRegFull:EReg = ~/^([a-z]+)$/i;
static var signReg:EReg = ~/^([-+\s]+)/i;
public static inline function trailingSpaces(s:String):Int {
if (trailingSpacesReg.match(s)) return(trailingSpacesReg.matched(1).length);
else return 0;
* Build Tree up from String Math Expression
public static inline function fromString(s:String, ?bindings:Map<String, TermNode>):TermNode {
var errPos:Int = 0;
errPos = trailingSpaces(s); s = s.substr(errPos);
//s = clearSpacesReg.replace(s, ''); // clear all whitespaces
if (nameReg.match(s)) {
var name:String = nameReg.matched(1);
s = s.substr(name.length + nameReg.matched(2).length);
errPos += name.length + nameReg.matched(2).length;
if (~/^\s*$/.match(s)) ErrorMsg.cantParseFromEmptyString(errPos);
return newName(name, parseString(s, errPos, bindings));
if (~/^\s*$/.match(s)) ErrorMsg.cantParseFromEmptyString(errPos);
return parseString(s, errPos, bindings);
static function parseString(s:String, errPos:Int, ?params:Map<String, TermNode>):TermNode {
var t:TermNode = null;
var operations:Array<OperationNode> = new Array();
var e:String = "";
var f:String;
var negate:Bool;
var spaces:Int = 0;
while (s.length != 0) // read in terms from left
negate = false;
spaces = trailingSpaces(s); s = s.substr(spaces); errPos += spaces;
if (numberReg.match(s)) { // float number
e = numberReg.matched(1);
t = newValue(Std.parseFloat(e));
else if (constantOpReg.match(s)) { // like e() or pi()
e = constantOpReg.matched(1);
t = newOperation(e);
e+= "()";
else if (oneParamOpReg.match(s)) { // like sin(...)
f = oneParamOpReg.matched(1); errPos += f.length;
s = "("+oneParamOpReg.matchedRight();
e = getBrackets(s, errPos);
t = newOperation(f, parseString(e.substring(1, e.length - 1), errPos+1, params) );
else if (twoParamOpReg.match(s)) { // like atan2(... , ...)
f = twoParamOpReg.matched(1); errPos += f.length;
s = "("+twoParamOpReg.matchedRight();
e = getBrackets(s, errPos);
var p1:String = e.substring(1, comataPos);
var p2:String = e.substring(comataPos + 1, e.length - 1);
if (comataPos == -1) ErrorMsg.operatorNeedTwoArgs(f, errPos);
t = newOperation(f, parseString(p1, errPos+1, params), parseString(p2, errPos+1 + comataPos, params) );
else if (paramReg.match(s)) { // parameter
e = paramReg.matched(1);
t = newParam(e, (params==null) ? null : params.get(e));
else if (signReg.match(s)) { // start with +-
e = signReg.matched(1);
s = s.substr(e.length); errPos += e.length;
e = ~/[\s+]/g.replace(e, '');
if (e.length % 2 > 0) {
//s = "0-" + s;
if (numberReg.match(s)) { // followed by float number
e = numberReg.matched(1);
t = newValue(-Std.parseFloat(e));
} else { // negative signed
t = newValue(0);
s = "-" + s;
e = "";
negate = true;
} else continue; // positive signed
else if (twoSideOpReg.match(s)) { // start with other two side op
else {
e = getBrackets(s, errPos); // term inside brackets
t = parseString(e.substring(1, e.length - 1), errPos+1, params);
s = s.substr(e.length); errPos += e.length;
if (operations.length > 0) operations[operations.length - 1].right = t;
spaces = trailingSpaces(s); s = s.substr(spaces); errPos += spaces;
if (twoSideOpReg.match(s)) { // two side operation symbol
e = twoSideOpReg.matched(1); errPos += e.length;
s = twoSideOpReg.matchedRight();
spaces = trailingSpaces(s); s = s.substr(spaces); errPos += spaces;
operations.push( { symbol:e, left:t, right:null, leftOperation:null, rightOperation:null, precedence:((negate) ? -1 :precedence.get(e)) } );
if (operations.length > 1) {
operations[operations.length - 2].rightOperation = operations[operations.length - 1];
operations[operations.length - 1].leftOperation = operations[operations.length - 2];
} else if (s.length > 0) {
if (s.indexOf(")") == 0) ErrorMsg.noOpeningBracket(errPos);
if (!(s.indexOf("(") == 0 || numberReg.match(s) || paramReg.match(s) || constantOpReg.match(s) || oneParamOpReg.match(s) || twoParamOpReg.match(s)))
else ErrorMsg.missingOperation(errPos);
if ( operations.length > 0 ) {
if ( operations[operations.length - 1].right == null ) { ErrorMsg.missingRightOperand(errPos - spaces); return t;}
else {
operations.sort(function(a:OperationNode, b:OperationNode):Int
if (a.precedence < b.precedence) return -1;
if (a.precedence > b.precedence) return 1;
return 0;
for (op in operations) {
t = TermNode.newOperation(op.symbol, op.left, op.right);
if (op.leftOperation != null && op.rightOperation != null) {
op.rightOperation.leftOperation = op.leftOperation;
op.leftOperation.rightOperation = op.rightOperation;
if (op.leftOperation != null) op.leftOperation.right = t;
if (op.rightOperation != null) op.rightOperation.left = t;
return t;
else return t;
static var comataPos:Int;
static function getBrackets(s:String, errPos:Int):String {
var pos:Int = 1;
if (s.indexOf("(") == 0) // check that s starts with opening bracket
if (~/^\(\s*\)/.match(s)) ErrorMsg.emptyBrackets(errPos);
var i,j,k:Int;
var openBrackets:Int = 1;
comataPos = -1;
while ( openBrackets > 0 )
i = s.indexOf("(", pos);
j = s.indexOf(")", pos);
// check for commata position
if (openBrackets == 1 && comataPos == -1) {
k = s.indexOf(",", pos);
if (k<j && j>0) comataPos = k;
if ((i>0 && j>0 && i<j)||(i>0 && j<0)) { // found open bracket
openBrackets++; pos = i + 1;
else if ((j>0 && i>0 && j<i)||(j>0 && i<0)) { // found close bracket
openBrackets--; pos = j + 1;
} else { // no close or open found
return s.substring(0, pos);
if (s.indexOf(")") == 0) ErrorMsg.noOpeningBracket(errPos);
else ErrorMsg.wrongChar(errPos);
return "";
* Puts out Math Expression as a String
public function toString(?depth:Null<Int> = null, ?plOut:String = null):String {
var t:TermNode = this;
if (isName) t = left;
var options:Int;
switch (plOut) {
case 'glsl': options = noNeg|forceFloat|forcePow|forceMod|forceLog|forceAtan|forceConst;
default: options = 0;
return (left != null || !isName) ? t._toString(depth, options) : '';
// options
public static inline var noNeg:Int = 1;
public static inline var forceFloat:Int = 2;
public static inline var forcePow:Int = 4;
public static inline var forceMod:Int = 8;
public static inline var forceLog:Int = 16;
public static inline var forceAtan:Int = 32;
public static inline var forceConst:Int = 64;
inline function _toString(depth:Null<Int>, options:Int, ?isFirst:Bool=true):String {
if (depth == null) depth = -1;
return switch(symbol) {
case s if (isValue): floatToString(value, options);
//case s if (isName && isFirst): (left == null) ? symbol : left.toString(depth, false);
case s if (isName): (depth == 0 || left == null) ? symbol : left._toString(depth-1, options, false);
case s if (isParam): (depth == 0 || left == null) ? symbol : left._toString(depth-((left.isName)?0:1), options, false);
case s if (twoSideOpRegFull.match(s)) :
if (symbol == "-" && left.isValue && left.value == 0 && options&noNeg == 0) symbol + right._toString(depth, options, false);
else if (symbol == "^" && options&forcePow > 0) 'pow' + "(" + left._toString(depth, options) + "," + right._toString(depth, options) + ")";
else if (symbol == "%" && options&forceMod > 0) 'mod' + "(" + left._toString(depth, options) + "," + right._toString(depth, options) + ")";
else ((isFirst)?"":"(") + left._toString(depth, options, false) + symbol + right._toString(depth, options, false) + ((isFirst)?'':")");
case s if (twoParamOpRegFull.match(s)):
if (symbol == "log" && options&forceLog > 0) "(log(" + right._toString(depth, options) + ")/log(" + left._toString(depth, options) + "))";
else if (symbol == "atan2" && options&forceAtan > 0) "atan(" + left._toString(depth, options) + "," + right._toString(depth, options) + ")";
else symbol + "(" + left._toString(depth, options) + "," + right._toString(depth, options) + ")";
case s if (constantOpRegFull.match(s)):
if (symbol == "pi" && options & forceConst > 0) Std.string(Math.PI);
else if (symbol == "e" && options&forceConst > 0) Std.string(Math.exp(1));
else symbol + "()";
if (symbol == "ln" && options&forceLog > 0) 'log' + "(" + left._toString(depth, options) + ")";
else symbol + "(" + left._toString(depth, options) + ")";
inline function floatToString(value:Float, ?options:Int = 0):String {
var s:String = Std.string(value);
if (options&forceFloat > 0 && s.indexOf('.') == -1) s += ".0";
return s;
* enrolls terms and subterms for debugging
public function debug() {
var out:String = "";// "(" + depth() + ")";
for (i in 0 ... depth()+1) {
if (i == 0) out += ((name != null) ? name : "?") + " = "; else out += " -> ";
out += toString(i);
* packs a TermNode and all sub-terms into Bytes
public function toBytes():Bytes {
var b = new BytesOutput();
return b.getBytes();
inline function _toBytes(b:BytesOutput) {
// optimize (later to do): needs only 3 bit per TermNode type!
if (isValue) {
else if (isName) {
b.writeByte((left!=null) ? 1:2);
_writeString(symbol, b);
if (left!=null) left._toBytes(b);
else if (isParam) {
b.writeByte((left!=null) ? 3:4);
_writeString(symbol, b);
if (left!=null) left._toBytes(b);
else if (isOperation) {
var i:Int = twoSideOp.concat(constantOp.concat(oneParamOp.concat(twoParamOp))).indexOf(symbol);
if (i > -1) {
if (oneParamOpRegFull.match(symbol)) left._toBytes(b);
else if (twoSideOpRegFull.match(symbol) || twoParamOpRegFull.match(symbol) ) {
else ErrorMsg.intoBytes();
else ErrorMsg.intoBytes();
inline function _writeString(s:String, b:BytesOutput):Void {
b.writeByte((s.length<255) ? s.length: 255);
for (i in 0...((s.length<255) ? s.length: 255)) b.writeByte(symbol.charCodeAt(i));
* unserialize packed Bytes-Term to create a TermNode structure
public static function fromBytes(b:Bytes):TermNode {
return _fromBytes(new BytesInput(b));
static inline function _fromBytes(b:BytesInput):TermNode {
return switch (b.readByte()) {
case 0: TermNode.newValue(b.readFloat());
case 1: TermNode.newName( _readString(b), _fromBytes(b) );
case 2: TermNode.newName( _readString(b) );
case 3: TermNode.newParam( _readString(b), _fromBytes(b) );
case 4: TermNode.newParam( _readString(b) );
case 5:
var op:String = twoSideOp.concat(constantOp.concat(oneParamOp.concat(twoParamOp)))[b.readByte()];
if (oneParamOpRegFull.match(op)) TermNode.newOperation( op, _fromBytes(b) );
else if (twoSideOpRegFull.match(op) || twoParamOpRegFull.match(op) ) TermNode.newOperation( op, _fromBytes(b), _fromBytes(b) );
else TermNode.newOperation( op );
default: ErrorMsg.fromBytes(); null;
static inline function _readString(b:BytesInput):String {
var len:Int = b.readByte();
var s:String = "";
for (i in 0...len) s += String.fromCharCode(b.readByte());
return s;
* *
* various math operations transformation and more. *
* *
* *
* creates a new term that is derivate of a given term
public function derivate(paramName:String):TermNode return TermDerivate.derivate(this, paramName);
* Simplify: trims the length of a math expression
public function simplify():TermNode return TermTransform.simplify(this);
* expands a mathmatical expression recursivly into a polynomial
public function expand():TermNode return TermTransform.expand(this);
* factorizes a mathmatical expression
public function factorize():TermNode return TermTransform.factorize(this);
* symbolic derivation
* by Sylvio Sell, Rostock 2017
class TermDerivate {
static var newOperation:String->?TermNode->?TermNode->TermNode = TermNode.newOperation;
static var newValue:Float->TermNode = TermNode.newValue;
* creates a new term that is derivate of a given term
static public inline function derivate(t:TermNode, p:String):TermNode {
return switch (t.symbol)
case s if (t.isName): TermNode.newName( t.symbol, derivate(t.left, p) );
case s if (t.isValue || TermNode.constantOpRegFull.match(s)): newValue(0);
case s if (t.isParam): (t.symbol == p) ? newValue(1) : newValue(0);
case '+' | '-':
newOperation(t.symbol, derivate(t.left, p), derivate(t.right, p));
case '*':
newOperation('*', derivate(t.left, p), t.right.copy()),
newOperation('*', t.left.copy(), derivate(t.right, p))
case '/':
newOperation('*', derivate(t.left, p), t.right.copy()),
newOperation('*', t.left.copy(), derivate(t.right, p))
newOperation('^', t.right.copy(), newValue(2) )
case '^':
if (t.left.symbol == 'e')
newOperation('*', derivate(t.right, p),
newOperation('^', newOperation('e'), t.left.copy())
newOperation('^', t.left.copy(), t.right.copy()),
newOperation('ln', t.left.copy())
case 'sin':
newOperation('*', derivate(t.left, p),
newOperation('cos', t.left.copy())
case 'cos':
newOperation('*', derivate(t.left, p),
newOperation('-', newValue(0),
newOperation('sin', t.left.copy() )
case 'tan':
newOperation('*', derivate(t.left, p),
newOperation('+', newValue(1),
newOperation('tan', t.left.copy() ),
case 'cot':
newOperation('tan', t.left.copy())
case 'atan':
newOperation('*', derivate(t.left, p),
newOperation('/', newValue(1),
newOperation('+', newValue(1),
newOperation('^', t.left.copy(), newValue(2))
case 'atan2':
newOperation('*', t.right.copy(), derivate(t.left, p)),
newOperation('*', t.left.copy(), derivate(t.right, p))
newOperation('*', t.left.copy(), t.left.copy()),
newOperation('*', t.right.copy(), t.right.copy())
case 'asin':
newOperation('*', derivate(t.left, p),
newOperation('/', newValue(1),
newOperation('-', newValue(1),
newOperation('^', t.left.copy(), newValue(2))
), newOperation('/', newValue(1), newValue(2))
case 'acos':
newOperation('*', derivate(t.left, p),
newOperation('-', newValue(0),
newOperation('/', newValue(1),
newOperation('-', newValue(1),
newOperation('^', t.left.copy(), newValue(2))
), newOperation('/', newValue(1), newValue(2))
case 'log':
newOperation('ln', t.right.copy()),
newOperation('ln', t.left.copy())
case 'ln':
newOperation('*', derivate(t.left, p),
newOperation('/', newValue(1), t.left.copy())
case 'abs':
newOperation('*', derivate(t.left, p),
newOperation('/', t.left.copy(), newOperation('abs', t.left.copy()) )
default: ErrorMsg.notImplementedFor(t.symbol); null;
* extending TermNode with various math operations transformation and more.
* by Sylvio Sell, Rostock 2017
class TermTransform {
static var newOperation:String->?TermNode->?TermNode->TermNode = TermNode.newOperation;
static var newValue:Float->TermNode = TermNode.newValue;
* Simplify: trims the length of a math expression
static public inline function simplify(t:TermNode):TermNode {
var tnew:TermNode = t.copy();
return tnew;
static inline function _simplify(t:TermNode):Void {
var len:Int = -1;
var len_old:Int = 0;
while (len != len_old) {
if (t.isName && t.left != null) {
else {
len_old = len;
len = t.length();
// TODO: removing this calls in subfunctions could be better to understand algorithms-recursions !!!
static function isEqualAfterSimplify(t1:TermNode, t2:TermNode):Bool {
// ----> take care, _simplify changes both TermNodes on call !!!
return t1.isEqual(t2, false, true);
static function simplifyStep(t:TermNode):Void {
if (!t.isOperation) return;
if (t.left != null) {
if (t.left.isValue) {
if (t.right == null) {
// setValue(result); // calculate operation with one value
else if (t.right.isValue) {
t.setValue(t.result); // calculate result of operation with values on both sides
switch(t.symbol) {
case '+':
if (t.left.isValue && t.left.value == 0) t.copyNodeFrom(t.right); // 0+a -> a
else if (t.right.isValue && t.right.value == 0) t.copyNodeFrom(t.left); // a+0 -> a
else if (t.left.symbol == 'ln' && t.right.symbol == 'ln') { // ln(a)+ln(b) -> ln(a*b)
newOperation('*', t.left.left.copy(), t.right.left.copy())
else if (t.left.symbol == '/' && t.right.symbol == '/' && isEqualAfterSimplify(t.left.right, t.right.right)) {
t.setOperation('/', // a/b+c/b -> (a+c)/b
newOperation('+', t.left.left.copy(), t.right.left.copy()),
else if (t.left.symbol == '/' && t.right.symbol == '/') { // a/b+c/d -> (a*d+c*b)/(b*d)
newOperation('*', t.left.left.copy(), t.right.right.copy()),
newOperation('*', t.right.left.copy(), t.left.right.copy())
newOperation('*', t.left.right.copy(), t.right.right.copy())
if(t.symbol == '+') {
case '-':
if (t.right.isValue && t.right.value == 0) t.copyNodeFrom(t.left); // a-0 -> a
else if (t.left.symbol == 'ln' && t.right.symbol == 'ln') { // ln(a)-ln(b) -> ln(a/b)
newOperation('/', t.left.left.copy(), t.right.left.copy())
else if (t.left.symbol == '/' && t.right.symbol == '/' && isEqualAfterSimplify(t.left.right, t.right.right)) {
t.setOperation('/', // a/b-c/b -> (a-c)/b
newOperation('-', t.left.left.copy(), t.right.left.copy()),
else if (t.left.symbol == '/' && t.right.symbol == '/') { //a/b-c/d -> (a*d-c*b)/(b*d)
newOperation('*', t.left.left.copy(), t.right.right.copy()),
newOperation('*', t.right.left.copy(), t.left.right.copy())
newOperation('*', t.left.right.copy(), t.right.right.copy())
if(t.symbol == '-') {
case '*':
if (t.left.isValue) {
if (t.left.value == 1) t.copyNodeFrom(t.right); // 1*a -> a
else if (t.left.value == 0) t.setValue(0); // 0*a -> 0
else if (t.right.isValue) {
if (t.right.value == 1) t.copyNodeFrom(t.left); // a*1 -> a
else if (t.right.value == 0) t.setValue(0); // a*0 -> a
else if (t.left.symbol == '/') { // (a/b)*c -> (a*c)/b
newOperation('*', t.right.copy(), t.left.left.copy()),
else if (t.right.symbol == '/') { // a*(b/c) -> (a*b)/c
newOperation('*', t.left.copy(), t.right.left.copy()),
else {
case '/':
if (isEqualAfterSimplify(t.left, t.right)) { // x/x -> 1
else {
if (t.left.isValue && t.left.value == 0) t.setValue(0); // 0/a -> 0
else if (t.right.symbol == '/') {
newOperation('*', t.right.right.copy(), t.left.copy()),
else if (t.right.isValue && t.right.value == 1) t.copyNodeFrom(t.left); // a/1 -> a
else if (t.left.symbol == '/') { // (1/x)/b -> 1/(x*b)
t.setOperation('/', t.left.left.copy(),
newOperation('*', t.left.right.copy(), t.right.copy())
else if (t.right.symbol == '/') { // b/(1/x) -> b*x
newOperation('*', t.right.right.copy(), t.left.copy()),
else if (t.left.symbol == '-' && t.left.left.isValue && t.left.left.value == 0)
t.setOperation('-', newValue(0),
newOperation('/', t.left.right.copy(), t.right.copy())
else{ // a*b/b -> a
case '^':
if (t.left.isValue) {
if (t.left.value == 1) t.setValue(1); // 1^a -> 1
else if (t.left.value == 0) t.setValue(0); // 0^a -> 0
} else if (t.right.isValue) {
if (t.right.value == 1) t.copyNodeFrom(t.left); // a^1 -> a
else if (t.right.value == 0) t.setValue(1); // a^0 -> 1
else if (t.left.symbol == '^') { // (a^b)^c -> a^(b*c)
t.setOperation('^', t.left.left.copy(),
newOperation('*', t.left.right.copy(), t.right.copy())
case 'ln':
if (t.left.symbol == 'e') t.setValue(1);
case 'log':
if (isEqualAfterSimplify(t.left, t.right)) {
else {
t.setOperation('/', // log(a,b) -> ln(b)/ln(a)
newOperation('ln', t.right.copy()),
newOperation('ln', t.left.copy())
if (t.left != null) simplifyStep(t.left);
if (t.right != null) simplifyStep(t.right);
* put all subterms separated by * into an array
static function traverseMultiplication(t:TermNode, p:Array<TermNode>)
if (t.symbol != "*") {
else {
traverseMultiplication(t.left, p);
traverseMultiplication(t.right, p);
* build tree consisting of multiple * from array
static function traverseMultiplicationBack(t:TermNode, p:Array<TermNode>)
if (p.length > 2) {
t.setOperation('*', newValue(1), p.pop());
traverseMultiplicationBack(t.left, p);
else if (p.length == 2) {
t.setOperation('*', p[0].copy(), p[1].copy());
else {
* put all subterms separated by * into an array
static function traverseAddition(t:TermNode, p:Array<TermNode>, ?negative:Bool=false)
if (t.symbol == "+" && negative == false) {
traverseAddition(t.left, p);
traverseAddition(t.right, p);
else if (t.symbol == "-" && negative == false) {
traverseAddition(t.left, p);
traverseAddition(t.right, p, true);
else if (t.symbol == "+" && negative == true) {
traverseAddition(t.left, p, true);
traverseAddition(t.right, p, true);
else if (t.symbol == "-" && negative == true) {
traverseAddition(t.left, p, true);
traverseAddition(t.right, p);
else if (negative == true && !t.isValue || negative == true && t.isValue && t.value != 0) {
p.push(newOperation('-', newValue(0), t));
else if (!t.isValue || t.isValue && t.value != 0) {
* build tree consisting of multiple - and + from array
static function traverseAdditionBack(t:TermNode, p:Array<TermNode>)
if(p.length > 1) {
if (p[p.length-1].symbol == "-") {
else {
t.setOperation("+", newValue(0), p.pop());
traverseAdditionBack(t.left, p);
else if(p.length == 1){
* reduce a fraction
static function simplifyfraction(t:TermNode)
var numerator:Array<TermNode> = new Array();
traverseMultiplication(t.left, numerator);
var denominator:Array<TermNode> = new Array();
traverseMultiplication(t.right, denominator);
for (n in numerator) {
for (d in denominator) {
if (isEqualAfterSimplify(n, d)) {
if (numerator.length > 1) {
traverseMultiplicationBack(t.left, numerator);
else if (numerator.length == 1) {
t.setOperation('/', numerator.pop(), newValue(1));
else if (numerator.length == 0) {
if (denominator.length > 1) {
traverseMultiplicationBack(t.right, denominator);
else if (denominator.length == 1) {
t.setOperation('/', t.left.copy(), denominator.pop());
else if (denominator.length == 0) {
* expands a mathmatical expression recursivly into a polynomial
static public function expand(t:TermNode):TermNode {
var tnew:TermNode = t.copy();
return tnew;
static function _expand(t:TermNode):Void {
var len:Int = -1;
var len_old:Int = 0;
while(len != len_old) {
if (t.symbol == '*') {
else {
if(t.left != null) {
if(t.right != null) {
len_old = len;
len = t.length();
* expands a mathmatical expression into a polynomial -> use only if top symbol=*
static function expandStep(t:TermNode):Void
var left:TermNode = t.left;
var right:TermNode = t.right;
if (left.symbol == "+" || left.symbol == "-") {
if (right.symbol == "+" || right.symbol == "-") {
if (left.symbol == "+" && right.symbol == "+") { // (a+b)*(c+d)
newOperation('*', left.left.copy(), right.left.copy()),
newOperation('*', left.left.copy(), right.right.copy())
newOperation('*', left.right.copy(), right.left.copy()),
newOperation('*', left.right.copy(), right.right.copy())
else if (left.symbol == "+" && right.symbol == "-") { // (a+b)*(c-d)
newOperation('*', left.left.copy(), right.left.copy()),
newOperation('*', left.left.copy(), right.right.copy())
newOperation('*', left.right.copy(), right.left.copy()),
newOperation('*', left.right.copy(), right.right.copy())
else if (left.symbol == "-" && right.symbol == "+") { // (a-b)*(c+d)
newOperation('*', left.left.copy(), right.left.copy()),
newOperation('*', left.left.copy(), right.right.copy())
newOperation('*', left.right.copy(), right.left.copy()),
newOperation('*', left.right.copy(), right.right.copy())
else if (left.symbol == "-" && right.symbol == "-") { // (a-b)*(c-d)
newOperation('*', left.left.copy(), right.left.copy()),
newOperation('*', left.left.copy(), right.right.copy())
newOperation('*', left.right.copy(), right.left.copy()),
newOperation('*', left.right.copy(), right.right.copy())
if (left.symbol == "+") { // (a+b)*c
newOperation('*', left.left.copy(), right.copy()),
newOperation('*', left.right.copy(), right.copy())
else if (left.symbol == "-") { // (a-b)*c
newOperation('*', left.left.copy(), right.copy()),
newOperation('*', left.right.copy(), right.copy())
else if (right.symbol == "+" || right.symbol == "-") {
if (right.symbol == "+") { // a*(b+c)
newOperation('*', left.copy(), right.left.copy()),
newOperation('*', left.copy(), right.right.copy())
else if (right.symbol == "-") { // a*(b-c)
newOperation('*', left.copy(), right.left.copy()),
newOperation('*', left.copy(), right.right.copy())
* factorize a term: a*c+a*b -> a*(c+b)
static public function factorize(t:TermNode):TermNode {
var tnew:TermNode = t.copy();
return tnew;
static function _factorize(t:TermNode):Void {
var mult_matrix:Array<Array<TermNode>> = new Array();
var add:Array<TermNode> = new Array();
// build matrix - addition in columns - multiplication in rows
traverseAddition(t, add);
var add_length_old:Int = 0;
for(i in add) {
if(i.symbol == "-") {
mult_matrix.push(new Array());
traverseMultiplication(add[mult_matrix.length-1].right, mult_matrix[mult_matrix.length-1]);
else {
mult_matrix.push(new Array());
traverseMultiplication(add[mult_matrix.length-1], mult_matrix[mult_matrix.length-1]);
// find and extract common factors
var part_of_all:Array<TermNode> = new Array();
factorize_extract_common(mult_matrix, part_of_all);
if(part_of_all.length != 0) {
var new_add:Array<TermNode> = new Array();
var helper:TermNode = new TermNode();
for(i in mult_matrix) {
traverseMultiplicationBack(helper, i);
var v:TermNode = new TermNode();
for(i in 0...add.length) {
if(add[i].symbol == '-' && add[i].left.value == 0) {
new_add[i].setOperation('-', newValue(0), new_add[i].copy());
t.setOperation('*', new TermNode(), new TermNode());
traverseMultiplicationBack(t.left, part_of_all);
traverseAdditionBack(t.right, new_add);
// delete common factors of mult_matrix and add them to part_of_all
static function factorize_extract_common(mult_matrix:Array<Array<TermNode>>, part_of_all:Array<TermNode>):Void {
var bool:Bool = false;
var matrix_length_old:Int = -1;
var i:TermNode=new TermNode();
var exponentiation_counter:Int = 0;
while(matrix_length_old != mult_matrix[0].length) {
matrix_length_old = mult_matrix[0].length;
for(p in mult_matrix[0]) {
if(p.symbol == '^') {
else if(p.symbol == '-' && p.left.isValue && p.left.value == 0) {
else {
for(j in 1...mult_matrix.length) {
bool = false;
for(h in mult_matrix[j]) {
if(isEqualAfterSimplify(h, i)) {
bool = true;
else if(h.symbol == '^' && isEqualAfterSimplify(h.left , i)) {
else if(h.symbol == '-' && h.left.isValue && h.left.value == 0 && isEqualAfterSimplify(h.right, i)) {
if(bool == false) {
if(bool == true && exponentiation_counter < mult_matrix.length) {
part_of_all.push(new TermNode());
var helper:TermNode = new TermNode();
delete_last_from_matrix(mult_matrix, helper);
// deletes d from every row in mult_matrix once
static function delete_last_from_matrix(mult_matrix:Array<Array<TermNode>>, d:TermNode):Void {
for(i in mult_matrix) {
if(i.length>1) {
for(j in 1...i.length+1) {
if(isEqualAfterSimplify(i[i.length-j], d)) { // a*x -> a
for(h in 0...j-1) {
else if(i[i.length-j].symbol == '^' && isEqualAfterSimplify(i[i.length-j].left, d)) { // x^n -> x^(n-1)
i[i.length-j].right.set(newOperation('-', i[i.length-j].right.copy(), newValue(1)));
else if(i[i.length-j].symbol == '-' && i[i.length-j].left.isValue && i[i.length-j].left.value == 0 && isEqualAfterSimplify(i[i.length-j].right, d)) {
else if(i[0].symbol == '^' && isEqualAfterSimplify(i[0].left, d)) { // x^n -> x^(n-1)
i[0].right.set(newOperation('-', i[0].right.copy(), newValue(1)));
else {
// compare function for Array.sort()
static function formsort_compare(t1:TermNode, t2:TermNode):Int
if (formsort_priority(t1) > formsort_priority(t2)) {
return -1;
else if (formsort_priority(t1) < formsort_priority(t2)) {
return 1;
if (t1.isValue && t2.isValue) {
if (t1.value >= t2.value) {
else if (t1.isOperation && t2.isOperation) {
if(t1.right != null && t2.right != null) {
return(formsort_compare(t1.right, t2.right));
else {
return(formsort_compare(t1.left, t2.left));
else return 0;
// priority function for formsort_compare()
static function formsort_priority(t:TermNode):Float
return switch(t.symbol)
case s if (t.isParam): t.symbol.charCodeAt(0);
case s if (t.isName): t.symbol.charCodeAt(0);
case s if (t.isValue): 1+0.00001*t.value;
case s if (TermNode.twoSideOpRegFull.match(s)) :
if(t.symbol == '-' && t.left.value == 0) {
else {
case s if (TermNode.oneParamOpRegFull.match(s)): -5 - TermNode.oneParamOp.indexOf(s);
case s if (TermNode.twoParamOpRegFull.match(s)): -5 - TermNode.oneParamOp.length - TermNode.twoParamOp.indexOf(s);
case s if (TermNode.constantOpRegFull.match(s)): -5 - TermNode.oneParamOp.length - TermNode.twoParamOp.length - TermNode.constantOp.indexOf(s);
default: -5 - TermNode.oneParamOp.length - TermNode.twoParamOp.length - TermNode.constantOp.length;
* sort a Tree consisting of products
static function arrangeMultiplication(t:TermNode):Void
var mult:Array<TermNode> = new Array();
traverseMultiplication(t, mult);
traverseMultiplicationBack(t, mult);
* sort a Tree consisting of addition and subtraction
static function arrangeAddition(t:TermNode):Void
var addlength_old:Int = -1;
var add:Array<TermNode> = new Array();
traverseAddition(t, add);
while(add.length != addlength_old) {
addlength_old = add.length;
for(i in 0...add.length-1) {
if(isEqualAfterSimplify(add[i], add[i+1])) {
add[i].setOperation('*', add[i].copy(), newValue(2));
for(j in 1...add.length-i-1) {
add[i+j] = add[i+j+1];
if(add[i].symbol == '*' && add[i+1].symbol == '*' && add[i].right.isValue && add[i+1].right.isValue && isEqualAfterSimplify(add[i].left, add[i+1].left)) {
for(j in 1...add.length-i-1) {
add[i+j] = add[i+j+1];
if(add[i].isValue && add[i+1].isValue) {
for(j in 1...add.length-i-1) {
add[i+j] = add[i+j+1];
if((add[i].symbol == '-' && add[i].left.isValue && add[i].left.value == 0 && isEqualAfterSimplify(add[i].right, add[i+1])) || (add[i+1].symbol == '-' && add[i+1].left.isValue && add[i+1].left.value == 0 && isEqualAfterSimplify(add[i+1].right, add[i]))) {
for(j in 0...add.length-i-2) {
add[i+j] = add[i+j+2];
if(add.length == 0){
if(add[0].symbol == '-' && add[0].left.value == 0) {
for(i in add) {
if(i.symbol == '-' && i.left.value == 0) {
else {
i.setOperation('-', newValue(0), i.copy());
t.setOperation('-', newValue(0), new TermNode());
traverseAdditionBack(t.right, add);
traverseAdditionBack(t, add);
* solving one-dimensional, definite integrals RAM-efficiently using the trapezoidal rule
* by samusake
class Integrate {
static public inline function trapz(f:Formula, int_var:String, lower_bound:Float, higher_bound:Float, int_points:Int):Float {
var x:Formula, int:Float, x_low:Float, dx:Float, helper:Float;
x_low = lower_bound;
x.name = int_var;
int = 0;
dx = (higher_bound - lower_bound) / int_points;
for (i in 0...int_points) {
helper = f.result;
x_low += dx;
int += (helper + f.result) / 2.0 * dx;
* expetions for try/catch errorhandling
* by Sylvio Sell, Rostock 2022
#if (haxe_ver >= "4.1.0")
class FormulaException extends haxe.Exception
public function new(msg:String, pos:Int) {
this.pos = pos;
public var msg(get, never):String;
inline function get_msg() return message;
public var pos:Int;
typedef FormulaException = Dynamic;
* collect all error messages
* by Sylvio Sell, Rostock 2022
class ErrorMsg
static inline function error(msg:String, pos:Int = 0) {
#if (haxe_ver >= "4.1.0")
throw new FormulaException(msg, pos);
throw({msg:msg, pos:pos});
// --------------- Formula ----------------
public static inline function cantBindUnnamed(formula:Formula, bindFormula:Formula)
error('Can\'t bind unnamed formula: \'${bindFormula.toString()}\'. Specify the available parameter: \'${formula.params().join("\' ,\'")}\' or name the formula to one.');
public static inline function bindArrayWrongLengths(nf:Int, np:Int)
error('The array-length of formulas ($nf) have to be the same as paramNames ($np) for bindArray().');
// --------------- TermNode ---------------
public static inline function noValidOperation(s:String)
error('"$s" is no valid operation.');
public static inline function wrongCharInsideName(name:String)
error('Wrong character inside name "$name".');
public static inline function emptyFunction(s:String)
error('Empty function "$s".');
public static inline function missingParameter(s:String)
error('Missing parameter "$s".');
// formula parsing
public static inline function cantParseFromEmptyString(pos:Int)
error("Can't parse Term from empty string.", pos);
public static inline function operatorNeedTwoArgs(op:String, pos:Int)
error('Operation "$op()" needs two arguments separated by comma.', pos);
public static inline function missingLeftOperand(pos:Int)
error("Missing left operand.", pos);
public static inline function noOpeningBracket(pos:Int)
error("No opening bracket.", pos);
public static inline function wrongChar(pos:Int)
error("Wrong char.", pos);
public static inline function missingOperation(pos:Int)
error("Missing operation.", pos);
public static inline function missingRightOperand(pos:Int)
error("Missing right operand.", pos);
public static inline function emptyBrackets(pos:Int)
error("Empty brackets.", pos);
public static inline function wrongBracketNesting(pos:Int)
error("Wrong bracket nesting.", pos);
// by en/decoding to/from Bytes
public static inline function intoBytes()
error("Can't encode into Bytes.");
public static inline function fromBytes()
error("Can't decode from Bytes.");
// --------------- TermDerivate ---------------
public static inline function notImplementedFor(s:String)
error('Derivation of "$s" is not implemented.');