98 lines
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98 lines
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// Kha
import kha.input.KeyCode;
// Zui
import leenkx.ui.Canvas;
// Editor
import lnx2d.Editor;
class Main {
public static var prefs:TPrefs = null;
public static var cwd = ""; // Canvas path
public static var inst:Editor;
public static function main() {
var w = 1600;
var h = 900;
if (kha.Display.primary != null) { // TODO: no Display.primary returned on Linux
if (w > kha.Display.primary.width) w = kha.Display.primary.width;
if (h > kha.Display.primary.height - 30) h = kha.Display.primary.height - 30;
kha.System.start({ title : "Leenkx2D", width : w, height : h, framebuffer : {samplesPerPixel : 2}}, initialized);
static function initialized(window:kha.Window) {
prefs = {
path: "",
scaleFactor: 1.0,
keyMap: {
selectMouseButton: "Left",
grabKey: KeyCode.G,
rotateKey: KeyCode.R,
sizeKey: KeyCode.S,
slowMovement: KeyCode.Shift,
gridInvert: KeyCode.Control,
gridInvertRelative: KeyCode.Alt,
#if kha_krom
var c = Krom.getArgCount();
// ./krom . . canvas_path scale_factor
if (c > 4) prefs.path = Krom.getArg(3);
if (c > 5) prefs.scaleFactor = Std.parseFloat(Krom.getArg(4));
var ar = prefs.path.split("/");
cwd = ar.join("/");
if(cwd != ""){
var path = kha.System.systemId == "Windows" ? StringTools.replace(prefs.path, "/", "\\") : prefs.path;
kha.Assets.loadBlobFromPath(path, function(cblob:kha.Blob) {
inst = new Editor(Canvas.parseCanvasFromBlob(cblob));
else {
prefs.path = Krom.getFilesLocation();
var raw:TCanvas = { name: "untitled", x: 0, y: 0, width: 1280, height: 720, theme: "Default Light", visible: true, elements: [], assets: [] };
inst = new Editor(raw);
#if kha_krom
static function loadDefaultKeyMap() {
Main.prefs.keyMap.grabKey = KeyCode.G;
Main.prefs.keyMap.rotateKey = KeyCode.R;
Main.prefs.keyMap.sizeKey = KeyCode.S;
Main.prefs.keyMap.slowMovement = KeyCode.Shift;
Main.prefs.keyMap.gridInvert = KeyCode.Control;
Main.prefs.keyMap.gridInvertRelative = KeyCode.Alt;
typedef TPrefs = {
var path:String;
var scaleFactor:Float;
var keyMap:TKeyMap;
@:optional var window_vsync:Bool;
typedef TKeyMap = {
var selectMouseButton:String;
var grabKey:Int;
var rotateKey:Int;
var sizeKey:Int;
var slowMovement:Int; // Key which slows down manipulation
var gridInvert:Int; // Toggles the grid setting during element manipulation
var gridInvertRelative:Int; // Make the grid relative to the selected element